Going to Turkey - What Should I Buy AND Do?

EDIT for all the worriers and psychiatrists, I'm not going to Turkey specifically to buy a Netflix gift card.
I also assume that if I do buy a gift card and even take time to activate it while I'm there, that it won't take up more than 30 minutes in total, so I may be able to squeeze in time for some of the good tourist suggestions, thanks for those.

Original post:
There's a post from last year but it looks like there has been a lot of changes to Netflix, PSN etc. so worth starting a current thread
Also I want to check what I should do while there, e.g. is it important to activate anything while in the country, receive text messages or turn on location for a few days?

old thread, probably out of date and doesn't cover as much of the steps to follow when in the country itself:

I'll be going this July and I don't know what I should buy or do
I currently have
PS5 subscription in Australia most basic level - forgotten what it's called - but due to expire in May
- would like to go to top level if possible from Turkey
Netflix, able to cancel anytime so would like to get this activated in Turkey instead.
Disney + in Australia due to expire in September, happy to cancel and start a new subscription early
Youtube music from Maharashtra, willing to keep it!

I have regular credit cards and i just got myself a Wise card
I'll be there for a few days.

When in Turkey should I be buying

  • eSIM card?
  • Physical Sim cards? for future, for everyone?!
  • gift cards, vouchers or other Turkish card based payment methods?

Can I do any of it in advance?


  • +8

    Visit Cappadocia, have an early morning hot air balloon ride; breath taking.

    • But bring ear plugs in morning call to prayer wakes sensitive sleepers!

      • +1

        Good tip but I really enjoy the prayer call when I've been to Islamic places Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey etc

    • Thanks, yes I've been before but won't have enough time for a visit this time around.

  • +23

    Imagine looking back when you're old and thinking, I wasted my time while travelling the world trying to buy a cheap Netflix gift card that I could have bought any time from home for a few cents more.

    • +3

      I thought this post was going to be a joke about using a VPN, but it seems like op is actually going to go, how sad.

      • Just in case it's not clear, I'm not travelling 20h+ specifically for a Netflix discount, but thought I might take advantage while there.

    • +1

      No mention of the people, the food, the history, the culture, or the sights, he just wants a cheap PS5 and Netflix subscription. Surely it has to be a joke, no-one is that sad of a person…

      • You do realise this website is called Ozbargain and I won't be taking my son's PS5 with me, right?

    • Thanks for the feedback, I assumed that buying a gift card and/or SIM in a shop wouldn't take up the entirety of the trip, am I wrong?
      If I save a few hundred per year on Netflix, PS and Disney - as per discussions elsewhere on Ozbargain - when I'm old I can use the savings to go back and see all the things I missed when I was in a week-long queue at an Istanbul newsagents in 2024.

  • +7

    Going bald? Buy hair

  • +6

    While you're there can you please activate my Netflix subscription?

    • THis is the type of topic I want more of, do you need to activate while in the country?
      (note for all the worriers - I won't be skipping the Blue Mosque to do so)

  • +2

    LMAO buying giftcards what the f is wrong with you?

    • +1

      is there something wrong with buying a payment card while there?

  • Definitely visit Turkey but not for the digital bargains, go for the experience and the food and people.

    • +2

      Thanks, agreed. But I've assumed that i can enjoy the visit as a tourist experiencing the food, sights, people, and still buy a gift card when i pass a shop.

  • +1 if you were deal tagged "PS5"

  • +1

    New teeth. Good place for All-on-4

  • +2

    Forget all that stuff in your list, instead do:
    -Spice Bazaar (buy as much Turkish delight and tea you can carry)
    -Grand Bazzar
    -Blue Mosque
    -Hagia Sophia (must do)
    -Basilica Cistern
    -Go to the asian side
    -Galata Tower
    -Eat revolting fish sandwiches
    -Drink lots of Apple tea and Turkish coffees
    -eat random stuff in restaurants.

    Istabul is an amazing experience

    • +1

      Agree with everything on this list, except the fish sandwiches. You won't regret giving those a miss.

      • lol. Definitel. There are so many amazing meals to try and eating a fish sandwich is not one of them.

    • Oh and stay in as close as possible to the centre for accommodation. The early morning awakening is special. Maybe it happens further out too but its nice to be close in to encourage exploring.

      • yes, that is exactly my memory from last time there, I do enjoy the calls to prayer

    • +1

      Thanks, I agree with the list, I've been before and did all except the Fish sandwiches

  • fake watches

    • thanks for the suggestion, will skip the watches

  • I did 3 weeks in turkey 25 years ago.
    Absolutely loved it.

    Visit Ephesus. Absolutely awesome ruins there.

    • Thanks, yes I've been before for around 3 weeks too, covered most of the country except the eastern half, Ephesus was one of the highlights of my previous trip

      • Excellent.

  • +2

    The must-buys from Turkey are receding hairline corrective surgery and a full set of porcelain dental veneers.

    • Too many scary stories for that kind of thing, but I may consider a Brazilian butt lift for the Mrs

  • You're going to Turkey and all of your questions are based around streaming subscriptions?
    My advice, cancel them all and go outside. Outside is far more enjoyable than being glued to a screen

    • I didn't realise that Ozbargain was a travel website and/or personal advice column, but thanks to you and all the others for your many accusations of sadness and proposals for alternative life choices.
      I've been to Turkey before and enjoyed it very much, that's why I'm going again, when I'm there I might pass a newsagent, and I'll maybe buy a card to get cheaper streaming when I'm home, as discussed by many others elsewhere on this website where people discuss bargains.

  • +1

    Feed the cute community cats in Istanbul

    • thanks, will look out for them

  • Ferry cruise of Bosphorus. I love the dirt cheap glasses of tea and pots of yogurt too.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, i did that once before on a previous trip, will do again.

  • Life insurance

  • In addition to the other places mentioned here like Ephesus, Cappadoccia, Istanbul etc, I'd recommend Pamukkale too. Its a surreal view. Ah don't forget the Gallipolli and the war museum there.

    To buy: Turkish delights, Baklava, Turkish lamp if you can fit it in, leather jackets if you're good at bargaining

    To eat: All the Doner Kebabs you can find, Simmits, Pomegranate+Orange juice mix

    • Thanks, good list, I skipped Pamukkale last time because it seemed too crowded with British tour groups
      All that food is on my list
      Leather jackets - I considered this last time but when I was in a shop the guy in front of me suffered a switcheroo while I was in the shop, they'd spent ages fitting him and trying things on and at the last minute put a dummy in the bag, it was outrageous and easily spotted by the customer, huge argument and very interesting to watch!

  • +1

    Hey Mate, I spent a few weeks in Turkey in 22 and went back in 23.

    Definitely go to Cappadocia, stay for a few days in case the weather isn't good enough for hot air balloon and stay in a cave hotel. Absolutely amazing experience.

    Bodrum is a nice sea side town that gets very busy in July, check it out.

    Istanbul, so much to see and do, Basilica Cistern, The Mosques, The Palace and Museums are all must visits. Hope you like cats and dogs, they are everywhere!

    Hyperinflation has hit as of a couple of years ago, so be prepared. What people say things cost years ago is not the same anymore.

    Learn a little Turkish before you go they will love you for it and it will give you a better experience.

  • Merged from I'm in Turkey, What Should I Buy and Do before I Leave to Save $ in Australia?

    Hi, I asked a similar question a few months ago but it was moved to the Travel forum (not by me) and I got more than a few responses that seemed to think I was travelling to Turkey specifically to save money on Netflix, so to be clear I'm wondering what I can do while I'm here on holiday, if it's not too much hassle.

    I'm in Turkey as part of a European trip and if I pass a shop i intend buying some Netflix gift cards etc,
    What are the cards to get and do I need to do anything before I leave to enable their use?

    e.g. Do I buy a cheap Turkish SIM card to help with the admin?
    Can I get Netflix, DIsney, Playstation Network, anything else cheaper here, but still use it in Australia?

    The previous post

    • -1

      Netflix gift cards I understand are need for initial sign up, where do I get them and what do I need?

    • +9

      Turkish delight

      • +15

        It's just called Delight here

        • then ask them for Turkish Delight.

        • Might get afternoon delight if you ask after 12pm

        • And what do you call Turkeys?

      • Definitely this. The stuff they sell here in Australia does not even compare.

    • +1

      hair plugs and veneers

      • +5

        how much cheaper is it? Don't want it but could be handy in case of unexpected Hollywood career, or divorce

    • +7

      Ice cream from annoying ice cream vendor :)

    • +2

      Chicken Turkey

    • +1


    • +1


    • +1

      I'm in Turkey, What Should I Buy


      • +2

        OP did that in Lebanon

    • Have you been to Constantinople?

      • +1

        a long time ago

        • It's still there…

          Have you been to Byzantium ?

          • @jv: Constantine, maybe.

            For most of us it's Istanbul!

    • Youtube subscription

    • -4

      Thanks for all the useless responses so far!
      Anyone got an actual bargain suggestion - and steps to do while I'm here - to save money?

      • +3

        Anyone got an actual bargain suggestion

        a bath?

      • +1

        Thanks for all the useless responses so far!

        You're welcome

      • Anyone got an actual bargain suggestion - and steps to do while I'm here - to save money?

        Buy a better attitude.

    • Get a Turkish credit card valid for as long as you can… (although you are just visiting and probably can't)
      Get a Turkish prepaid number that you can continue to recharge online.

      I wonder if this https://tekce.com/blog/buying-guide/opening-a-bank-account-i… is still valid.

      • I won't have time to open a bank account, but I could buy a prepaid card of some sort, will look into it
        prepaid SIM I will buy and activate

        • I think you will potentially be able to access services and pay in TRY, but can't guarantee, obviously.

          I found Vodafone 6month prepaid for 1315 (AUD 60). If you manage to subscribe to streaming services you can benefit, and potentially share with other users (you might have to use VPN depending on the service).

          You could probably do some research first and decide if it is worth trying.

    • Load a suitcase full of Rolex Submariner copies to bring back.
      Apparently the best copies come from Turkey 🤫

    • Watch Midnight Express. Then strike a few ideas off "what to buy in Turkey"

    • kbab

    • +2

      moved to the Travel forum

      Does anyone actually check what forum category posts are put into?

    • Leather goods.

    • Stolen ancient artifacts

    • Headphones?

    • +1

      Rugs, if you can get at good price, bring them and sell here.

      • The problem is the moment he's back here, he'll be closing down constantly.

  • When I last visited Turkey, they had good prices for knock off brand name clothing..
    But I expect you could get cheaper direct from China now. Although the knock off Turkish cotton just feels better than the Chinese equivalent.

    I don't think there's really much that is so discounted. They have good prices for things like whiteware and appliances, but the warranty and freight make it not worthwhile.
    Marble tile prices are much better there… but again the freight, although if you're just going to re-tile your vanity splashback and have a spare 32kg checked luggage and a whole roll of bubble wrap you could roll the dice..

  • +1

    Buy a genuine fake watch.

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