In my opinion, Costco came to Australia with regular bargains at the beginning on many items. Now it's mostly the cheap petrol. Is there something I'm missing ozbargainers?
List out your regular bargain items or whether you cancelled your membership.
In 2024, What Is Still "Cheap" at Costco?

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Food most foods there are so good recommend the soft street taco kit so good!!!
Good for catering a wake.
U have clearly not had there street soft taco kit. I finished it in 2 days 4 meals for one person. I have never wasted the food and it’s always served me well, people that haven’t been to Costco don’t know.
I dunno, I bought this and while it was OK its far below what you would buy at a shop or make yourself.
After all the heart attacks you get from buying in bulk, you better hope you get a discount on coffins.
XXL coffin lol
Coffin Fuel
So cheap cremations?
Everything is electric now
@nobro25: Imagine trying to get petrol to run them. Although it might be some sort of synth oil by then.
@try2bhelpful: Not the point. Petrol cars will not be used for transit but more of a collection. It'll be equivalent to collecting Australian Pennies.
A servo near us is currently cheaper than Costco and is most of the time.
Metro in Padstow, cheaper than Costco Casula (nearest one) for E10 and 91, About 3c more for 98 and diesel. Consistently the best prices out of all servos in our area.
Costco doesn’t sell electricity
I rate the frozen meals, like the Prawn Wonton Ramen Soup Noodles @ $3.08, cheap lunch for brown baggers.
These are disgusting and it's not 'ramen'
Ramen is mediocre at best at the restaurants, this isn't much worse.
My brother, you haven't had good Ramen.
I'd recommend going to a specialised restaurant preferably run by legitimate Japanese expats to get a good idea what you're missing out on. I actually agree with you that bog standard "Raman" options at a "Japanese" restaurant actually owned and run by Koreans or Chinese people can be horrificSource: I travel to Japan quite a bit for snowboarding and consider myself a Raman fiend. I usually spend a week or so just in Tokyo at the start of end of the trips to just eat, usually Raman every day.
Random addition: there's an amazing Raman restaurant in Queenstown (NZ) run by a Japanese guy that source most of his product from Japan, about as good as you'll get outside the country
@slipstreamexpress: Why do you spell ramen like that? I tried finding something on Google but it was just coming up with Raman Spectroscopy
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Shyun Ramen bar in Carnegie is excellent.
Ippudo in QV actually does a great Ramen also.
@patso: Why the personal attack?
Someone asked my opinion and I gave it. I've tried various Ramens in I'd estimate over 50 restaurants in Melbourne, I was quite surprised both times by Ippudo being a non-specialised place that I had a great bowl in both times I went. Perhaps I was lucky with a particular chef or perhaps you were unlucky in your experience.
I've been to a number of what are considered the "best" Ramen restaurants in Japan over the years so I feel I have a decent baseline to form my opinions from. One again, your mileage may vary though.
Feeling the need to randomly attack the credibility of a Stanger online whilst adding nothing of value yourself says far more about you than it does of me though good sir.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
@slipstreamexpress: Why do you feel attacked? Must be GEN ALHPA.
It's similar to someone saying they are a burgar fiend and then recommending Maccas or vegan Grill'd. Hilarious, hence clown. Nothing to cry over good sir.
@patso: I also enjoy my whisky, and would recommend Johhny Black or monkey shoulder as a great option at the price point even though mostly drink 12-15 yr old single malts from Japan or Islay.
Once again your mileage may vary on what you enjoy. I was asked for my opinion, despite Ippudo not being a bespoke option I still enjoyed my ramen there, I'd hardly equate it to Macca's but that's your prerogative.
You seems to have a lot of pent up frustration and anger at who knows what, I hope that gets resolved for you one day.
@slipstreamexpress: Solid reply. Much more productive than your original 'I'm offended' spiel. Run along now child and never forget who you are sir. Your are destined for greatness
They are pretty nice actually (for instant) and I've eaten a lot of ramen in my time. I probably ate ramen a few times a week for years while living in Tokyo.
The clueless are downvoting you
The amount of salt in these is appalling.
You spelt appealing wrong
That's a Paddlin'
You spelled appealing wrong.
Great minds think alike
309mg per 100g, most appealing
They're giving you more than average for the same low price. Costco delivers again.
Fat is hard to get rid of. Salt you just drink more water.
What do you rate them? It's redundant saying you rate them, but not writing the score
That's not what redundant means, and a positive review means more than an arbitrary number out of five or ten
Your display name + pic, gave me a hearty chuckle this Wednesday morning.
@ThadtheChad: Very kind of you to say mate. Hope you enjoy the long weekend celebrating the mighty Roman Empire's ruthless persecution of our undisputed lord and saviour (who is also his own dad and a ghost) and somehow getting away with blaming it on the Jews, even though the holiday continues to be known by the name of the West Germanic goddess of the dawn, Eostre. Many happy returns on this celebration of a highly successful state-sanctioned execution.
They're not that good…. portion wise tiny, taste wise mediocre.
not really cheap, just convenient, buying in bulk and not going shopping as much. Some of the food items taste better than supermarket stuff. Only other things are american brands eg carharrt and random special items. Godiva chocolate is meant to "top tier" and can get a sampler there for around $30.
Buying in bulk often means consuming faster so can be a false economy. It's a big reason why Colesworth have so many buy two or 3 discounts.
The problem I have is buying large quantities that often go stale or off. I would have been better off buying a smaller batch at Colesworth.
Maximise your freezer and take out as needed.
Fuel, peanut buffer, organic frozen blueberries, 'Swiss' cheese slices, teriyaki sauce, baking soda, green tea bags.
The list of items I regularly buy at Costco is becoming shorter every year. The store used to have bargains but now not so much. I'm now in and out within 10 minutes, only grabbing the items I really want.
Same feeling I have!! Thanks, will try some of these others though
In and out in 10 minutes? Please tell what time and what day of the week!
Would also like to know, every time I go it’s an absolute zoo.
+mince, chook, and that $10 jam from France.
How often should one buff their peanuts, anyway?
Depends on age, but regularly
I don't go there for bargains any more. I literally buy things that you couldn't get anywhere else….
The swiss-style cheese Jarlsberg is from Norway but the stuff at Costco is made in Ireland.
From Jarlsberg's Q&A page: "The cheese culture is produced in Norway, and is then used in cheese production in Norway, the USA and Ireland" Source:
We usually only go there to get the food trays when we’re hosting a birthday party or similar.
The queues for the checkout and amount of people always there is insane and seems like all manners have been thrown out the window when they step foot inside the way they steer their trolleys.
Seems certain customers trolley skills match their driving abilities
I shop at Costco Adelaide on Monday nights. Short checkout lines. Weekends are insane and completely untenable. Full carpark, massive lineups.
Casula is good most weekdays at night too
So true. It's feral on the weekends. I mainly go during weekdays now to avoid the crowds
Pork beef asparagus
Bulk vegetables
Hot dogs pizza slices
The problem is they sell quality groceries. Which aren’t always cheapCold dogs
The $15 cold pizza
Meat. Beef mince is half the price of Colesworth, rump usually $6/kg cheaper for far superior thickness and trim, plus they have cuts Colesworth doesn't. Their thick lamb chops are fantastic too. They also do massive boneless pork leg roasts for $6/kg. Chicken is about the same as the supermarkets.
My local butcher is cheaper and the quality is better.
And you probably don’t have to buy a pre packed 1.5 tonne of meat?
That's a pearl-clutching hysterical way of saying "several kilos" but OK
Where. And how much $/kg of mince? Somehow I doubt your local independent butcher can beat Costco's economy of scale.
Agreed. Whenever I walk into the 'local butchers' I rarely find them cheaper
I'm sure your butcher is great but I'm pretty into my meat and one thing I've learned is that being an independent butcher does not automatically mean better quality which a lot of people assume. It's small business and there's no shortage of dodgy operators out there. Sometimes you're actually better off going to a retailer like Colesworth where processes are standardized and there are controls in place, especially if you're not that well experienced in buying meat and don't know what to look for.
You could be right but my butcher shop has been open since the 70's.
Not exactly fly-by-nighters.
Yep the meat is very good, particularly the lamb packs. And for those saying their butcher is cheaper, you might want to submit a deal. I haven't seen a butcher come close to Costco in price ever.
Meat is definitely far cheaper especially for the nicer "cuts".
We get the 6-7Kg eye-fillet/New york wagyu steak and then prep them at home. Fraction of the cost of the local butchers. Same thing with lamb frenched cutlets, salmon fillets, yakiniku pork or chicken thigh fillets. Substantially better quality than colesworth (definitely better than Aldi which sucks when it comes to meat), and arguably most of the local butchers in our area.
We have a large chest freezer where we freezer bag portions and we're sorted for a while.
Aside from that a lot of US based items (e.g. Dawn dishwashing liquid), flash frozen/dehydrated crisp veggies (I don't remember what they're called), nappies, veggies, electronics, lurpak butter etc.
We get the 6-7Kg eye-fillet/New york wagyu steak and then prep them at home
That's why butchers charge more, they prep the near for you
If you buy the trays, rather than in bulk, Costco will prep the meat for you.
@42: They do tend to be. We used to buy our meat from South Melbourne market now we buy it from Costco. They are, certainly, cheaper than Supermarket meat prices.
Tbh, since it saves about $150 for about 30 mins of prep work, we definitely love saving that much. None of our local butchers offer the option to buy a slab of rib-eye(scotch fillet)/new york, so we like the option.
The pre-cut portion in trays is a bit more expensive, the savings are there, but not as much.
Muffins. Oh the things I would do for those muffins…
Not "with" the muffins but "for" the muffins.
I definitely feel like I need to clarify that…Oof, pretty much anything from the bakery aisle is a win for me. Ain't cheap though
American Muffin
Their dogs sh!t all over Ikea and bunnings, top value.
Ikea dogs are snack size now lol
IKEA dogs have never been good lol
Well I hope they pick up their dogs shit