This was posted 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tasmania Devils AFL Club Founding Membership $10 @ Tasmania Football Club


Tasmania is getting an AFL team and are offering founding membership prices as low as $10.

For reference GWS Giants founding price was $50.

“Most importantly, as a Founding Member your name will be represented in our training and administration home forever, we are not exactly sure how we will do it yet, but we can guarantee you your name will be there forever.”

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Tasmania Football Club
Tasmania Football Club

closed Comments

  • +9

    Where did you get this from?
    “ All foundation memberships allow access to all games involving Tasmania, home and away, along with live streaming of all previous games.”
    There are no games involving this team yet, couldn’t see a promise of entry to future games once part of the broader competition

      • +5

        I also don't see it? where does it say that

      • +4

        I can't see it. Maybe they removed it?

      • +8

        I don't see anything about access to games or streaming. I have no problem with people buying this to be part of something historic for Australian football, but you basically get a sticker, your name on
        wall somewhere (once it's built) and added to an email distribution list.

    • +10

      No way is $10 granting you a season pass to all games. I think it missed a few words around "priority access to tickets for all games…."

      • +3

        How about Kayo subscription?

        • +10

          I don't believe so but I am signing up for the off chance of this perk happening

    • +2

      Sorry I'm not sure where I copied that from. Edited now

    • +7

      “…with live streaming of all previous games.”

      Proof Tassie really is years behind if they live stream previous games

    • +2

      Yeah surely they needed to get this clause out of the copy as fast as possible, because that wording reads "Season tickets forever, for a OTP of $10". I guarantee you a manager or lawyer saw that, and had a panic attack while desperately trying to log into the CMS.

    • It could refer to the Coates League Under 18 competition which Tasmania Devils currently participates in?

    • Collingwood Legends membership MCG Home (Level 2) = $1140 this year.

      • -3

        $1140 this year.

        Try buying one…

        • I know where you can get one for $10.

          • -3

            @The General: Where you can get one for $1140 ?

        • +3

          Give 6 weeks, reckon some availability will open up if they keep playing like first 1, sorry 2, rounds

        • +1

          Is that because Collingwood supporters prefer stealing one?

          • -2

            @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Can't steal them. They use dental records.

            • @jv: Not true - most Pies supporters don't have teeth!

              (lol - kidding - don't send bikies)

              • -1


                most Pies supporters don't have teeth!

                That's because the club has them, for the dental records.

  • +9

    Was the logo on the jumper drawn by a 5 year old?

    • +47

      No, a Tasmanian

      • 5 year old Tasmanian then?

        • +3

          Do people actually like the yellow Tasmania with the T in Arial font on it?

          • +1

            @S2: Many are criticising the fact it's a 'map of tassy', which I wasn't aware was in Australia a common reference to a ladies vaginal area.

          • @S2: Won’t be their main guernsey

          • +4

            @S2: It's basically the traditional Tassie jumper for state of origin games. I like that it's connecting to that sense of history?

            • @Doonish: Yeh, a nod to pioneers, BUT…….old hat won't cut it really.

              SEN radiohead said it will only be used for 1 or 2 "heritage" games every year (thankfully).

          • @S2: People seem to; I don't. I think they would have done better by stylising the edges of the Tassie border (just a few straight lines, like), instead of tracing the actual contours of the map. But I am also not a designer so…

    • +5

      Worse…. "We are the team" is truly horrible. "This is the bread". "There is the water". Who came up with this sh*t slogan?

      • +8

        Should have been "we are family"

        • We are a close family.

    • +1

      That's a pretty talented 5 year old

    • +1

      Maybe a Tasmanian 5yo typed it into CHATGPT

  • +46

    Would be such a meme if everyone signs up and they suddenly have the highest membership in the league.

    • +9

      exactly why I just signed up.

      • +6

        I'll do the same. Just need to decide whether I pay $10 for one sticker or $15 for all three!

      • As a Collingwood member I couldn't think of anything more intelligent to do than sign up to a second club membership

        • +2

          Essendon member here who is also a GWS member for cheap Kayo plus decent chance of buying a grand final ticket this year.

    • +4

      Agreed - and no room for future 'real' members at future games.
      NSFW - gratuitous Amanda Palmer video clip -

    • +2

      They just hit 100k founding members -

      • +2

        $1m takings in one day… Not too shabby

    • I'll sign up but someone has to pay the $10 for me

  • +8

    At least 75K sold so far, so expect tiny, tiny fonts. :)

    • +2

      I was order #621**

      • +1

        Not sure if related but "Member ID numbers are randomised." (

        • That was my shopify order number, which I assume is accurate?

          Edit: NVM saw they posted 75K

          • +1

            @shap08: You can add multiple to a cart. So one order number can contain 1+ memberships

    • +1

      @gav Probably just a book of names sitting in the corner… obligation met!

    • +2

      Keep them coming. It may end paying for a new stadium.

      • There's a loooooong way to go, even it bankrupts the state - although, the Libs are trying plenty hard to do just that!

  • +9

    Does this come with Kayo ?

    • +17

      You can watch all the Tassie games for 2024.

    • Hopefully it will come with a free membership the following year when they don't win any games

  • Why not?

  • +1

    $10 for a sticker is not a deal

    • +11

      A sticker and my name on the wall is though

      • -8

        It doesn’t say member names would go on a wall…

        • +1

          Yes it does.

          • -1

            @bargain ben: Link me.

          • @bargain ben: No one said wall bud…"your name will be represented in our training and administration home".

            • @tunzafun001: I wonder if they mean the letter A represents everyone's name that starts with A, the letter B… etc

      • @Fergy1987 my name is Hugh Janus …. on the wall ….

  • +2

    Carn the devils!!!!!!!!!!!

  • +7

    Devils and Demons. A match from hell!!

    • +2

      Bah gawd, he's been broken in haff

    • Go the D's…..wait..hang on a sec

  • -1

    $10 for a sticker with a club launching in 4 years time?
    GWS at least gave you a cap and were launching within 2 years of offering membership.

    • At 5 x the price.

      • A sticker retails for what, $2? A club hat goes for $35/$40.

  • +2

    they've just crossed 83,000 in 18 hours. Impressive regardless of price.

      • +2

        It's a perfectly sane amount of stickers

    • +6

      83000 people name on the wall.. how big is this wall? or how small is the lettering? also is it going to be written in alphabetical order? I have got so many question lol

      • It'll be a single block of 26 letters, like a qwerty keyboard.

      • +14

        "scan this QR code to see your name on our virtual wall"

      • +2

        They will just save all the names to a thumb drive and blu tack it to the wall

  • +9

    The stadium is waste of money.

    Inb4 clueless mainlanders disagree.

    • +4

      agreed. this always comes to mind:

    • -2

      It's not though, a Tasmanian.

    • Please elaborate

      • +14

        Do you think $715m that'll easily blow out to a billion dollars predominately funded by the taxpayer is best spent on a stadium? In an area where there will be insufficient car parking spaces, no public transport and in an area where there's significant traffic gridlocking due to poor roads and management?

        What about the failing health care system that's the worst in the country? Where you'll get every available ambulance ramped for hours resulting in patients dying, every ED filled to the brim with no room to put anyone during the day or overnight, category 1 waitlists exceeding 12 months and countless other issues.

        I get my own category 2-3 procedures done in Melbourne within 3 weeks so I don't have to wait 2 years in the Tassie system as a private patient with health insurance. No one up there can believe it's this bad down here.

        There hasn't even been a new private hospital in 30 years. Good luck going to a private hospital ED. The few that exist are in Hobart only and they're all starting to be only open for limited hours.

        Not to mention the housing and education crisis.

        The state government have less money than some of the councils in the big cities on the mainland. The money could simply be better spent elsewhere.

        • -5

          My entertainment is more important than your social issues.

          • +1

            @Skramit: Spoken like a true mainlander. Fortunately when Labor win next week they'll put more money in the important areas.

            • -2

              @Clear: Thank bigger picture, longer term. All the tourism from mainlanders coming to watch footy games and spend $$$$ in your state will be a huge boon for the state economy over a few decades. Charge me $9 for a pie at half time and i'll pay it.

              If you dont build the big things, the state will stay stuck in 1981.

              • +4

                @Skramit: You see that's the thing. Tourism is at an all time high and continues to grow. We don't need a stadium to boost tourism as far cheaper alternatives are already doing that. Anyone who thinks we're stuck decades behind are misinformed or trolling.

                The stadium in its current location and form is wrong. The way the government handled it was also wrong. Fortunately the incompetent government will be replaced soon and it'll all be handled significantly better.

                • +1

                  @Clear: I’m not bringing my family to tassie til there’s footy on in a decent arena. Went to Launnie once to see the hawks and it was a dismal stadium in the rain.

                • @Clear: Indeed. A far better use of some of the stadium money would be to pension off the selfish, unproductive logging workers. Then the main reason people come to Tassie will be prederved, and a lot cheaper than this white elephant.

        • I think you're overblowing the traffic impact, it's not like AFL is on 24/7.

          Long term this just has to be good for Tassie, it's an investment, it will pay off.

          • +3

            @TEER3X: The traffic impact isn't overblown one bit. You have to remember that construction is estimated to take 4 years (assuming no blowouts) and that'll be 4 years of the traffic being stuffed further than it already is. Then once it's complete it will be absolute chaos in and outside the city during games.

            Tassie doesn't exactly have a good track record of construction going to plan. The midland highway upgrade that has 153km of road being upgraded is a 10 year project and there's still several km of single lane highway that's been 40km/h for years.

            Fix all the other more important issues first before spending a billion dollars on a poorly planned stadium. Do it properly the first time.

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