This was posted 1 year 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Refurb] Breville The Dual Boiler BES920 Coffee Machine $934.15 ($912.17 eBay Plus) Delivered @ Breville eBay


I'm looking to replace my DB with a new one. I've had it for 4 years now and it's suffering a slow and (probably) painful death.

So Breville seem to be selling "certified" refurbished DBs with warranty.

This is not a great price, but it's the best I could find right now.. I know it will likely be cheaper during the next sale.

Like-new product re-manufactured to Breville's highest standards and backed by a twelve month warranty

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Why pay that price for a refurb when you can get a new one around that price mark from deals posted here?

    • +1

      Only because it's the cheapest price I could find right now.. Sales are probably a few weeks away?

      • +2

        Hi op, what is causing your bdb to be dying?

        And i assume it was the model with the old orings?

        • Yeah… They're mostly fully serviceable and repairable.

          4 years is probably within warranty/guarantee period.

          If you're in melb, I can steer you to a few service techs.

          • @diddy50: I'm in Syd. I really appreciate this guidance.

            The steamer valve needs replacing. The group head is unevenly distributing hot water (missing soma places when I pull the puck out).

            and now it's leaking out the base on the left too.

            I know the steamer replacement was going to be $380 to fix so I figure the total would be almost the cost of a new one on special?

            • +2

              @the-rabs: Have you had a go at cracking it open? The steamer and leaking could be serviced with new O rings costing a few bucks

              Group head issue sounds like the inner shower screen needs cleaning out.

              These are probably issues that would take minimal effort to resolve. They’re great machines and mine is 10+ years old and only needed a solenoid and o rings replaced once.

              • @Reticent: Yeah I have tried. I couldn't figure out how to pull the steam valve out (how to remove the handle to free up the valve.) I have the O rings ready..

                Not can I figure out where this leak is coming from…

                I sincerely appreciate the comments though. All great suggestions.

                I think if I could get a place to fix it all for me for less than the cost of a new one, I'd definitely give that a go.

                • +6

                  @the-rabs: Give this tutorial a shot:

                  It was only uploaded a couple of weeks ago, but it’s definitely one of the easier videos to follow.

                  • +1


                    It was only uploaded a couple of weeks ago

                    But yeah, useful video.

                  • @Reticent: Great videos, so much detail. One day when I have spare time or when my BDB starts playing up these will be my goto videos. Thank you for the link.

              • @Reticent: Also is it normal for the area where you pour water into to fill the water at the top of the machine to have slight whitish colour

                The place where you open the lid to fill water

                • @ATTS: That would most likely be limescale. Some Barkeepers Friend scrubbed well into it sorted it for me.

                  • @Reticent: Thanks!

                    I was scared some internal milk leaking

            • @the-rabs: There's a "descaling" procedure in the manual on page 24, have you tried it? This is in addition to the cleaning tablets.

              Water carries calcium and other minerals in it, which can deposit inside the machine and clog it up. Symptoms will include a whitish colour on parts (there's that calcium!) and clogging up things like the shower screen and valves.

              It could be the thing just needs a good descale and will be right as rain.

          • @diddy50: I mean, I'd love to pay a reasonable price for a full service and repair..

            • +3

              @the-rabs: Have you tried Bravo repairs in St Peter’s they should be able to fix it. No Affiliate here, I had my BDB serviced by the owners brother that works there.

              • @Stuj: I have them ready to call first thing. Thank you!!

              • @Stuj: How much did bravo repairs in st peters charge?

                • +1

                  @ATTS: I had the brother do a side service because i bought it off his eBay store, i had the boiler replaced due to a cockroach infestation… my bad but now im free of those thanks to some gel. It ended up costing 120 but that was a super deal. I think you can book in for standard service on a 12 month basis, and pay that, or if a specific problem pay 70 and they give a fault report and path forward. When i was there on a Saturday morning, it was packed and there were many breville owners coming and going with their machines without any angst so i think they are quite reputable and honest… although i could be proven wrong by others.

                  • @Stuj: Thanks

                    I heard somone say the yearly service was free or something

      • From memory April and August were the ones for this part of the year, then later

  • +4

    I don't think this is a good price. New has been around $900 on sale.

  • +3

    Yeah, nah. Need new at this price, ideally new version with slayer mod now standard.

    • Slayer mod? Let me google that…

    • Can you please provide any source of that? I tried to look up the Breville current specs sheet but nothing about slayer feature in new models.

      • They are not saying there IS a new version, just that they would like a new version with a particular popular aftermarket modification built in as standard. You can google the slayer mod for this machine there should be videos and tutorials on youtube.

        • ^^ this, since it's a popular, simple, reversible mod, you'd hope Breville are thinking about it in the next iteration…

  • +6

    Why don't you just repair your current machine?

    These are repairable, you'll have a perfectly working machine again for far less than shelling out for a new one.

    Don't waste your money

  • +2

    Thank you OP for posting. : )
    however the price is not cheap for a refurbished unit

    Still a good enough excuse for anyone desperate to buy an espresso machine right now, otherwise hopeful for a cheaper price

  • +3

    4 years and on deaths door? Doesn't sound right. Mine is 10yrs old and still good as new. Had it serviced last year for some leaks and the usual parts replaced didn't cost much at all.

  • +1

    Breville refurb quality is very poor if you compare to let say Dyson. Just wait a bit if you are not in a hurry for JB, BingLee TGG or DJ as they goes under $1k when is on sale

  • Buy if you are desperate.

  • -2

    Welcome to

    • +2

      If you need the machine now, and given new machines are around $1500, this is a very worthy post.

      99% of listings on Oz bargain are simply the "best price right now", and not historical lows.

  • -4

    My Rancilio silivia just turned 14 years old. Been serviced a handful of times and still works like a dream. Recently rebuilt the steam wand for a grand total of $25 - an easy diy job. I replaced the group head seal a couple of years ago for a similar price/effort.

    The fact you see so many broken bdbs on marketplace should surely make everyone run for the hills? I dont get it. Well i do get it because they are cheap and have an in built pid/"features"/DB (well not so cheap anymore). A good coffee machine should be built like a tank and easily servicable. These are the opposite. A disposable appliance.

    • +2

      Yeah I was super keen on bdb but I have seen the same pattern. At the very least the bdb requires a service every 12 months?

      Would be keen to hear from others that have first hand experience.

      • -1

        haven’t serviced mine in 5 years except for the water filter once , makes my morning coffee, LCD says clean me , but ignore that, i give it a bit of a purge to clean the screen after i make my coffee.

    • +2

      My BDB was built in 2012 and has only had one “service”. Still going strong.

      I think the reason why there’s so many on marketplace is because of the sheer popularity of them in Aus due to price we get them at.

    • +3

      I think it's more to do with how people treat or regard them than anything about the machine. All coffee machines need servicing. The BDB is easy to work on and most common problems are cheap and easy to fix. The electronics particularly seem reliable, despite their hot and occasionally very humid environment.
      I think the number of broken ones on marketplace reflects their popularity and also that a significant proportion of their owners regard them as an appliance that requires no maintenance, has a limited lifespan, and one throws out when anything goes wrong.

    • silvia doesnt make espresso and froth milk at the same time , the breville does.

    • +1

      Thanks for your thoughts! Once again the "I don't agree" squad have found the downvote button.

  • +2

    $1227 - The Good Guys Commercial if you have access (for access:

  • +2

    I <3 my dual boiler

  • +5

    Note there was an update to these machines in circa mid 2022. The o-ring fittings to tubes and sensors on the boilers, which were a common source of leaks and failures, were replaced with compression fittings. IMHO a new version with this updated design would be worth the price of paying new, unless you know these refurbs are the new design.…

  • I bought a Barista Express in 2018 and shortly after was told of the issues people have with them, usually within two years of purchase.

    I haven’t had a single issue that’s needed any repair or servicing, just moving to an area with hard water which was fixed with a water filter. I think I got lucky with my machine aha

  • +1

    With just one year warranty too risky with these refurbs.

  • Can you still buy the black model new? BES920BKS

  • +1

    This deal is still going by the way. Now under code APR17.

    I checked on this cause the steamer side of my BES920 has carked it and the machine needs replacing, but I’m waiting on a sale to nab it new for $900

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