While this deal may be of interest to some, I thought it would be best to reshare that Origin Energy customers are still eligible to access JB Hi-Fi Business and The Good Guys Commercial
Credit to previous OP for the original finding
$200 credit each for referrer and referee.
$50 credit each for referrer and referee.
nice, but whats worth buying. any too good to pass deals? everything seems normal priced i just checked
It normally costs my time to post, but I’ve decided to make it free today for jv
That's a lot of aggression in those comments there jv. What's the go?
@Chmmr: Classic jv
@Chmmr: I think a lot of people just downvote jv without reading. he's my best friend and he's always right, it's always hard for people to swallow the truth
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good to know, how much can you save to shop in The Good Guys Commercial & JB Hi-Fi Business?
Is there a wiki with different ways to access good guys commercial?
Thanks, eligible for nothing as usual. Only thing I've ever been eligible for is Covid.
Got any older relatives with a seniors card? They can enroll in the Senior Shopper program, so maybe you can ask them to purchase for you? Might get a bit awkward though, if you ever have to make a warranty claim.
Good Guys appear to have the best price on Breville dual boiler, around $1200 at present. I'm waiting for sub $1000 again.
It isn't appearing for me (NSW, electricity and internet, waiting for gas to change too).
I do get the movies and fuel offers.
Is there a step I'm missing?
Same for me
You don't even need the app, can access it from origin website.
Not that the prices in JB seem that great anyway for what i was looking for.
not sure if I'm happy that WA users cant participate or not :-P
I forgot I had a Union Shopper registration for a long while. And just signed up to the TGGC website through that.
Also WA customer
had no idea what union shopper was. interesting concept.
Also 30% off full priced items over $150 @ The Iconic.
What’s the exclusions? That’s a good deal if it applies to sale items and rmw products
On selected brands, sorry. Bit vague.
@1r4n14n is it possible for you to PM me two code for iconic please, it will be a great help.
Prices are average, and doesn't even show sale items. Sometimes cheaper to buy directly
Also available via ART website/app.
Yes was going to say it's worth noting not all these portals aren't created equal. I have access to a JB Solutions through my work, through ART Super and even yes Origin and all are different prices. I think you need to log in to all of them to ensure you pick the lowest one. ART seems to win so far. GL!
I recently signed up for gas with htem. When i click on rewards i get a message telling me that "Sorry, it looks like your account isn’t eligible for Origin rewards"
If you desperately want access to TCCG, sign up for a free REST Super account (you don’t need to put any money there). In the Rest Rewards you can sign up for TGGC.
I’ve bought a few things via TGGC. It provides another avenue when searching for the best price. Jest be aware invoice for purchases are not in your name, so not tax deductible (if that’s a consideration).
Thanks Yes I did that through another super provider and have TGGC access but they don’t have jbhifi hence wanted to explore this option
I don't recommend Origin at all. Just won $200 in compensation from them through the NSW Ombudsman. Failed to connect me and nearly had my gas shut off.
What is the point of having a 'commercial' portal that is available to literally everybody? I've had access because I had a government domain email address, which is legacy for somewhere I haven't worked in donkeys. Still don't use it since the 'deals' on there are pretty much universally craptacular.
Because in it's commercial use, companies buy from there for convenience. it's not intended for your retail slobs looking for the best deal.
No, companies have an entirely different portal, or a human agent. You typically pay under net30 terms or similar, not random credit cards. When I'm procuring for work I use a direct commercial sales agent for JB, Microsoft has a business portal, etc. This style of 'commercial' was originally pushed as part of a corporate benefits package for individuals - only it loses its 'benefit' when everybody can access it and the prices are exactly the same.
the point is, energy prices are up so origins got you covered with potential non savings, ain't that the sweatiest thing ever?
I've never found anything I was interested in at a price that great. I found general sale prices better.
Prices seem same on commercial and general websites for the JBHifi-GGuyz conglomerate
wow i thought the jb commercial/business portal was closed for some reason… back in the day i kind of remember the prices on jb's portal being very average compared to tggc