Finder exclusive special. Comparable to Tangerine now Tangerine no longer has their $64.90 plan
Please note they only have peering in Sydney and Melbourne so if you're in those to cities you should be right.
Finder exclusive special. Comparable to Tangerine now Tangerine no longer has their $64.90 plan
Please note they only have peering in Sydney and Melbourne so if you're in those to cities you should be right.
According to WP, you’d need to pay $1.98 a month extra for a static IP which disables CGNAT
EDIT: Apologies, $5.50/month according to their CIS
I'm fine with jumping a hoop to unlock CGNAT, but I'm not okay with paying for an IP address on an internet connection.
Isn't that common? Paying for a static IP?
I'm fine with not knowing what a CGNAT is, but I'm not ok knowing that no one else is as dumb as I am. Fine I'll ask- what is CGNAT?
@Mr Frodo: Carrier-grade NAT is when the RSP doesn't provide the household an IP address, instead it pools several houses together under a single IP and does routing for traffic. It means that unless the service or software you are using supports CG-NAT, you aren't able to have a direct connection.
It's like if the household didn't get their own personal phone number and the operator had to route all calls.
@Mr Frodo: Carrier Grade NAT or CG-NAT for short can give you a strict NAT while gaming and break remote access to Plex, select security camera systems, servers, home automation, networked printers and more. If you can access everything or don't do any of these things you don't need to do anything and CG-NAT stays on. If you can't access things remotely or get a strict NAT while gaming get your ISP to disable CG-NAT or ask for a Static IP address.
Telstra, Optus, TPG and iiNet don't use CG-NAT on nbn. Pretty much every other ISP does — Aussie BB, Superloop, Exetel, Leaptel and Launtel to name a few. Most ISPs allow you to disable CG-NAT for $0. With some ISPs you have to pay an extra $5 to $10 per month for a Static IP address.
Say you get CG-NAT disabled with Superloop at your current home and you move home you need to ask Superloop to disable CG-NAT again.
@Twix: Just doubling up on this, Superloop disabled my CG-NAT pretty quickly when I asked them via chat
Anyone know if I can use this with stock TPG modem - VR1600?
yes should be fine
Telstra Gen 2 modem?
Also fine
Can I schedule an order to be connected after 3 months?
Don't know for this provider, but every other one is 14-30 days notice.
Damn I just connected with them last week… I wonder if they'll match this price
how was your experience with speed, customer service etc?
Apparently the new property I've moved into had a 90mbps speed cap when I applied for the 100mbps. They conveniently decided hold off commencing the connection and not tell me, which is why I haven't started the service yet despite it being a week. So customer servicewise not as good as it can be, but the lady I spoke to was lovely.
Same, signed up last week. Let me know if you manage to get a speed bump or anything
They are $85 after 6 mths vs $79.9 for flip. Might be helpful if people get sick of churning every 6 mth.
They will email you ask for a copy of your ID
Nice. So you've got about 12-24 months before it's on the dark web after it is inevitably leaked.
I used tangerine for ONE DAY (service was very very bad) and was a headache to cancel. 2 years later (now) apparently they had a big data leak. I’d rather just pay for Telstra than risk unknown ISPs with my ID and info
The data from the Tangarine leak is already being used for phishing attempts.
I’m sure Optus customers had the same sentiment once upon a time
You're delusional if you think telstra is immune.
@Dsiee: It’s not the Telstra is immune it’s that Telstra now has Australian call centres. The headache it was to cancel tangerine despite their “no hassle cancellations” is more what I was referring too. Also I don’t trust tangerine in general after my experience
I'd been with tangerine before, since it doesn't require ID check, then every info of me is fake except address, so that data leak won't affect me much.
Tangerine is 30% owned by CBA.
Telstra is a joke.
Your NBN service is provided using the multiple backhaul providers including Optus, Vocus and AAPT networks.
thanks, but no thanks.
Its 100mbps for $65 a month….
superloop/exetel is $69/month for the first 6 months.
from above comment shows that Flip Connect doesn't have superior support, SL/EX's support is pretty basic too, virtually no difference in terms of support.
but SL/EX have their own backhaul,
5 days of speed-boost per month giving you next tier speed (250mbps), super handy when COD updates….
you can get dedicated ipv4 address for free with request on their website
factor econnex cashback via sb/cr (i know they are a bit doggy, but it's there and doesn't hurt too much when it doesn't track), it's a much better deal.
How to get dedicated ipv4 on SL? Thought that was only exetel
@evasive: you open a chat window on their website and say you have security cameras and you need to take of CGnat they put you onto a sticky ip which is effectively a static as long as you don't change your router.
this is ozbargain, not whirlpool. We care for the cheapest, not the greatest.
@Kustard King: I hope you don't own a mobile phone or computer worth over $100, eat a meal over $5, because you care for the cheapest, not the greatest.
it's not like you spending $100+ for a service that's slightly better, it's only $4 more expensive (without econnex cashback) for a service with dedicate ipv4 and decent-ish backhaul
@OMGJL: $5 meal? that's expensive
unless of course you are talking about eating out, but who generalises meal costs with going out? not any self respecting ozbargainer
although considering some of the RRP "deals" lately im starting to wonder if they still exist
@OMGJL: I’ve always had the cheapest NBN. It’s always been fine for my needs of occasional streaming and web browsing. Don’t assume everyone needs the greatest.
@Kustard King: Dude, firstly it's you who assumed all OzBargainer wanted the cheapest.
Secondly I was providing a superior alternative for only 4 dollars more a month.
Lastly it will work out cheaper factoring in the "doggy" econnex cashback, other OzBargainer claimed no tracking with this company, though it has always worked for me in the past.
yeah i love both, their speed boost feature is awesome too
some things you need to be aware of
free static IPs, you can set it up directly in the control panel
you must get 30 days noticed before canceling connection via email, if you don't bother you'll be charged an extra month after switching
$10 / month for static ip
i alternate between the two and this is up to date knowledge as of 5 months ago
look like i need to make another switch soon :)
Is it possible to keep switching between providers to enjoy promotional 6 month discounted prices?
I think just be careful as some providers do keep doing credit checks each time you sign up.
Been doing it for years myself, so definitely yes. You can also jump between the same 2 or 3 providers depending on their 'new customer' timeout period and get another 6 month discount.
Thanks mate, any tips on how to find the timeout period of different providers
More and CommBank are still $80 for 250/20?
When did 20Mbps upload become the norm? Sad.
Since like 2019. 100/40 is still around.
i know, this breaks my heart
Tangerine 50mbps $60/m for 6 months if you only need 50mbps instead of 100mbps
I signed into this deal a couple of months ago. I've been really impressed by their service so far. I think they offshore tech support but they've been really good. I changed routers and couldn't get my new router to connect and they helped with settings. I said I'd try the new settings and contact them again if I was still having issues. I got a call a couple of days later asking how I went with my setup. Never had that with any other provider. Speed has.been consistently around the 100mbps I paid for so absolutely no complaints so far.
What are people doing with 100mbs. I’ve got Exetel and I can boost it temporarily, but I don’t notice a difference for streaming. It is faster for downloading big files. But that’s about it
Correct, 100mbps does all streaming no issues, however higher speeds allow you to stream from say like the USA as it can burst the streaming. Also downloading files are faster. That is about it. Upload speed is what most people want as it helps with icloud backups etc… but if download dont matter the best value is 100/40mbps
boost is great
higher speed is useful if you have multiple heavy users but if all you need is 50mb and the occasional boost then why spend on something you aren't going to use
ping for ffxiv elemental servers is pretty terrible at 200-300 with fair amounts of packet loss. Cancellation process is also slow, they say they'll call you with a rep to finalise the cancellation but I have yet to receive a call after 2 business days despite promising the call will come on the same day.
After cancelling within their 14 day cancellation period they still charged me. I made sure to confirm that the cancellation was within the period when on the phone with the rep.
Just block the transactions.
I signed up to Flip today and they sent me a modem username and password (I have my own modem) - where the hell do I enter these details?
PPOE settings IMHO
Sharing my terrible customer experience.
Schedule my connection for Friday 5th and disconnection from my prev ISP for Saturday 6th.
Called Flip support on Saturday morning to confirm my order is progressing, technical support confirmed and to wait.Prev ISP disconnected from midday Saturday.
Sunday without internet, no support services.
Monday night call Flip again.
TS now report my premise can only reach 85Mbps vs my 100Mbps speed plan and CS has put a hold on my order waiting for my approval to proceed with connection. CS is closed atm call back tomorrow.
Tuesday morning, called TS again, with my approval have requested CS remove hold. May take 1-2 business days.
When I asked at what point would they have contacted me, answered “not sure”.
sounds like a company not worth going to then, thanks for the feedback
Thanks for sharing. Am living this right now. Exact same scenario. Called them up and they blankly said "sorry your maximum attainable is 75 so we haven't activated your service". I'm sitting here with no connection like a schmuck. They had the hide to recommend I drop to 50 and quoted me the same $65 lol.
Now I'm assured my activation is with the technical team and it'll be 1-2 business days. Gonna be a fun wet weekend with no internet FML.