• long running

Free To Stream: All South Park Episodes @ South Park Studios



Noticed today that all episodes of South Park on it's official website are no longer geoblocked and are free to stream in Australia, which is like opening the floodgates to a tsunami of crude humor and social commentary but without the hefty price tag clingin' to your wallet like a koala to a eucalyptus tree.


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South Park Studios
South Park Studios


  • +79

    this is so keeeeeeeewl

  • +44

    Screw you guys, I’m going home!

  • +32

    Finally ! For years we saw nothing but that Russel Crowe pop up taunting us saying coming soon.

    • +13

      They should have him say "Cancel your Turkish Netflix and watch this instead"

      • +4

        Thanks to Netflix we don’t even have a choice in the matter anymore :)

        • They haven't cancelled mine, probably because I haven't been watching anything.

          • +2

            @BoltThrower: did u actually click into anything to try and watch?

            for me when i saw the thread i was like oh..i can still log in
            then when i tried to load up an ep of new avatar it said account has been closed

            • @Jimothy Wongingtons: I downloaded something a couple of days ago but checking today I can't log in. No email. Can't reset password.
              edit: I finally managed to log in and it prompts me to restart my membership.
              oh well gomovies it is.

  • +31

    See Netflix, we actually don’t need you anymore.

    • Piratebay I don't need you any more

      • Haven't for years, it's sucked for ages

      • You need Find Nemo ;)

      • Has been a honeypot for many years, 1337x on the other hand..

    • +26

      It also means you don't need to pay for Paramount+ to watch them, arguably the worst of all mainstreaming services in Australia.

      • It includes the exclusive "movies" made for Paramount+?

      • +5

        It's no wonder when their chief content officer couldn't even download the 10Play app without help


        • HA HA

        • +2

          The funny bit was that they were trying to use that to argue why they needed special regulations to assist them (because of how unfair things must be for them). And it didn't click how incompetent that made them look.

        • Not sure why she needed an engineer to assist - sounds more like level one helpdesk/IT support to me. Did the TV need a redesign?

      • Paramount+ HQ: they terk our jerbs!

        • Alright, back to the pile everybody!

  • +1

    Does this include the movies/specials? Edit: just checked, and it doesn't (except for the Pandemic/Vaccination specials). Weak dude.

    • +5

      Wtf is with the down votes?

      • I got downvoted for asking for help once. This is the way.

  • +1

    Apparently this should only work in the United States. Perhaps the geo-blocker is down? Enjoy it while you can!

    • +1

      Indeed, something has changed recently, no doubt they'll see a increase in traffic

      • +3

        The only thing I can think is there's a new video game coming out next month.

        • +6

          Phase 1. Make South Park Free
          Phase 2.
          Phase 3. Profit!

    • +5

      They took er jooobs!

    • I never even realised that there was a geoblock, it's been like this since at least December if my memory serves right

    • I can't watch it - do we still need a VPN even though Geoblock is removed?

      • +1

        No VPN required, could be your adblocker?

    • Interestingly I noticed I'm able to watch some old Dateline NBC episodes. Did something change there too or were they always available in Australia?

  • +4

    The Super Best Friends episode is still unavailable

    • +4

      'Good times with Weapons' is a hood classic.
      Lets fighting love!

      • +3

        Protect my balls

    • What about 200?

  • +1

    hella sweet

  • +5


  • +31

    South park has got to be the only animated show that has actually stayed funny during its entire run

    • +45

      What do you mean? I find all 7 seasons of the Simpsons to be peak comedy.

      • +3

        They should have laid the Simpsons to rest with some dignity instead of beating a dead horse for 35 seasons

        • +1

          Watching current episodes where Marge sounds like Grandma Bouvier because the voice actor is so old is painful to listen to. They should of replaced the voice actor.

        • +7

          The movie is where it officially ended for me.

          The only reason they're making new shows to hang onto the title of longest running series.

        • +4

          Don't you even know dignity when you see it?

        • +3

          Stop! It’s already dead!

        • They lost their star writers like conan who made the best intertwined jokes

    • +3


      • I'm finding the new ones kind of weak. And I'm a pretty big fan

  • +2

    enjoy it with integrity weed

    • +6

      you need more Tegridy

    • +3

      Drugs are bad, m'kay?
      Now who took a dookie in the urinal?

  • +8

    Would have paid up to three-fiddy for all episodes!

    • +1

      I saw a personalised plate today. It was 3feete

      • +1

        Must have been that damned loch need monster!

        • Could've been a chimp with two asses

  • Wow this could be the reason I cancel Paramount+, although this will be a bit of a pain to use on my LG webOS TV

  • +1

    Thanks OP, this has come at the perfect time.

    Haven't watched South Park since the early seasons.

  • +1


  • +1

    This is great, but I wonder what the business case is behind making them free is 🤔! Interesting…

  • Awwww yeeee

  • I get "Sorry, this video is not available".

    • +2

      turn off ad blocker then reload

      • +1

        That certainly did the trick. Thanks!

  • +1

    best material to learn English?

    • +12

      If you are learning Australian English, try Summer Heights High.

      • Thanks mate

      • Puck you miss. We used to quote Jonah all the time in high school and we even had an art teacher just like Mr G.

        • As a teacher with the last name starting with G back in 2005, I got asked "Can we call you Mr.G?" Constantly!

          • @lunartemis: I hope you wore a yellow shirt with a yellow tie and did the quotes.

  • +24

    Oh my god they killed Paramount+!

    • +7

      You b*stards!

    • +4

      tey terk their(Paramount+) jerb !

  • Oh this is neat! Wonder what changed 😅 fantastic outcome for all , the world needs more Southpark

  • +1

    Thanks for the info - YOU ARE ROCKSTARS!!

  • +3

    We're headin' out Californee way. Lookin' for some internet.

  • Somehow I managed to not see any South Park. I think it’s time to dig in.

    • +1

      Oh you’ve missed out, some superbly crafted satire.

      • Oh man, I still haven’t got round to this like a year later.

  • +5

    Thanks buddy!

    • +8

      I’m not your buddy, guy.

      • +6

        Not your guy, friend.

  • Sweeeeeeeeeeet

  • can we have 2000 upvotes on this

  • Noticed a few episodes unavailable on first season - do you know why or how to watch them?

  • +3

    This is great, now I can afford more Weight Gain 4000

    • +5


  • +2

    Screw you guyz, I'm going home (to watch this)!!

  • +1
  • sweeeet! Will watch this with some Jelly Roll Midnight Waffle House Cred!

  • +4

    That Japanese Toilet episode is so godamn good. The music when he is using the bidet is now set up on my bluetooth speaker in the bathroom.

    • +11

      How do I reeech these kiiddzzz?

  • thanks OP, wasn't working for me til I turned off my Ad Blocker
    much rather stream than deal with torrent sites

  • I member in like year 8 being shown stansdad.com and shitting my pants

    20 odd years later and I can't even be bothered keeping up. Last one I saw was like Cartman was with Heidi or whatever and they did the serialized episodes. Saw the first couple covid eps too I think.

    Worth jumping back in or stick to watching a few of the classics once or twice a year?

    • +1

      Incredibly that website still exists in almost its original form.

    • Holy shit i forgot about this!! This was the first time i'd actually found a site to watch a TV Show using a website, before this i rented episodes on iTunes. Can't believe it's still up

  • +1

    They took our jerbs!

  • Paramount+: respect my authoriteh!

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