This was posted 1 year 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Imou Cell PT Solar Powered Security Camera $127.59 Delivered @ Imou Direct NA via Amazon AU

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Bit of a niche deal today and maybe only interests those already running an Imou camera security system and cannot get power to required location (5/12/240v etc)

At home I am running a hacked together frankensteined security system of eufy, imou and mirabella Genio. Been happy with the performance so thought I’d give the solar imou gear a go for my workshop’s blind spots.

Reached out to the Amazon store rep and asked for a deal and got offered this price with a bit of back and forth.

Steps: $20 coupon

2. At payment, add code CCFXM6JQ

It should calculate at $127.59 - screenshot

The $20 stack was not intentional by the store rep afaik so may disappear without notice. Code should still apply.

I should also mention the marketing of Imou is misleading, when they mention 7 days free cloud it’s actually a trial. Cloud storage requires subscription and is crazy expensive for more than 1 cam imo. I will be using sd card which of course you can access remotely via the Imou app via 2.4ghz wifi network.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Imou Direct NA
Imou Direct NA

closed Comments

  • +1

    You can buy a 3 megapixel solar PTZ wifi camera with all the same features for way less that $127 on Amazon, you can currently get a Tmezon model for $84.90.

    • +9

      You mean you can buy the same generic rebadged cameras with terrible motion sensing and bad image sensors compared to an actual established security camera brand like Dahua (Imou)?

      Perhaps it's just me who prefers to pay more for quality. Nothing like getting a motion notification from the cheap cameras posted in the Amazon thread where it's recorded a few seconds too late.

    • +1

      As per my op:

      Bit of a niche deal today and maybe only interests those already running an Imou camera security system

      I’m not interested in adding another brand to my system. For me the draw is live view all my Imou feeds at once (at work and home) from Imou app.

      If you don’t think it’s a bargain you can feel free to neg the deal, but I did start the post by outlining it’s a niche bargain.

  • -2

    My point was there are cameras with similar features for less money, fyi there’s no mention in the post of Imou being a Dahua model or on the Amazon page.

    Also you need to be aware that some of the functionality of these type of cameras is only activated when you sign up to a paid cloud storage subscription service

    • +4

      fyi there’s no mention in the post of Imou being a Dahua model or on the Amazon page.

      If you solely rely on product listings when purchasing products I wouldn't be surprised if you get conned into buying generic rebrands.

      Here's the media release from Dahua

      • Hey thanks for this, have been trying to track down dahua on aliexpress and found it to be very confusing..

      • One question: amid the scaremongering about buying Dahua from Aliexpress there was someone saying that we won't be able to update the firmware if we buy from there (or more accurately that we would only be able to flash Chinese firmware - although I am not sure why that might matter if the streams are still accessible in NVRs like Frigate).. any experience with that?

        • I've not purchased Dahua branded cameras from AliExpress before. If the models are the same I can't see a reason why global firmware can't run on a Chinese firmware camera. Doesn't make a difference for NVR streams anyway.

  • If you are not running any system and want an outdoor system, would this be of interest?

    • I prefer wired solutions but this is good if you don’t have a PowerPoint or a low voltage circuit to otherwise tap off

      If you just need 1 cam and no interest in expanding later , you could go the one @sof mentioned but I have no experience with that particular model personally.

      I like eufy too but the app lacks the ability to view all eufy feeds at once live which imo is puzzling from such a big brand … and is a basic feature (imo)

    • +1

      Reolink works great, nab some when they are on special

  • Would I be better off buying a few of these or a HIKVISION x4 kit for ~$900…?

    I haven't installed cameras for quite a few years and a bit behind on market knowledge tech and specs

    Thanks for posting OP
    edit I'm capable with any networking and cable infrastructure required

    • +1

      If you’re diy-ing it yeah in most cases nvr is the superior solution

      • Thank you

    • only problem with this option is that you are limited to just 4 cameras … even if you wanted to expand in the future…
      so it depends on your usage ..

  • What's home assistant integration like?

    • +1

      if this is Dahua rebrand you should be able to use Scrypted and the Amcrest plugin to view live stream not sure if you will be able to control it. I ordered one to check.

  • How much recording can it save with 256gb memory?

    • 20 hours roughly
      Bit of a vague question there so I have a vague response.

      200mb per minute
      256000/200 = 1280
      1280min/60 minutes = 21.3h

      Correct me if im wrong. Bit of a guess

      • +1

        Your calculation method is correct but the starting value is wrong. It's more like 40MB per minute, so about 100 hours.

  • Nothing like having a half Wall-E for your camera.

  • Deal including both code and coupon appears to be active again.

    • +1

      Not intentional but I assume they programmed the code expiration wrong lol I’ve removed expiry for now

  • Does this provide a constant live view Wi-Fi stream? Wanting to integrate to Home Assistant.

    • would drain the battery pretty quick, id recommend something wired

  • Op, could you pls give a small review (pros and cons) once you've received yours? I can't seem to find any reviews to read

    • +1

      yes, hopefully mine arrive tomorrow and i will set it up at my workshop front door

    • looks the goods so far - will try and put it through its paces, ive put it somewhere with relatively high traffic, will be interesting to see how it runs down the battery.
      for peace of mind i think id rather one that was wired (but in my scenario at my workshop its too hard / i cbf running an extra 12v circuit out that way/ i dont have 240 access)

      • +3

        * easy to install

        • great for when you monitor a big and wide area (you can login and pan smoothly)

        • i usually wear apple smart watch and the imou app throws preview screencap of detection event (this is not technically a pro of this camera, rather imou app and apple functionality).

        *solar panel seems to adequately charge the camera despite being set on continuous recording, and serving up about 5-6 alerts an hour.

        * to save power the default mode is on medium detection distance (up to 7m) - and medium sense - which works fine if you have it mounted at maybe 3m. I have it mounted at 5m to cover a wider area (thinking it was a 69,420 iq move) - but actually even if i change it to the high detection distance of 10m, it can really only effectively detect something 3m away (think about how triangles work wrt hyptoenuse being the longest side)

        *i felt the mount was a bit too platicky for comfort, i had mounted it at 3m originally to act as a side door doorbell/monitoring device - but thought it could easily be tampered with (it has a quick release button) or just smashed by a hand, foot, or weapon. So i moved it to 5..and kind of stuffed the max detection distance (as per above)

        in summary - wired is always better - but in the scenario where you dont have an exisiting 5/12v etc circuit or similar or a power point, this is a pretty good solution if you need an option that can tilt/rotate (actually pretty handy!)

        • I appreciate the reply, thanks. How is it in regards to false detections? Eg sunlight, shadows, trees, etc?

          • +1

            @OzBoganYeah: I’ve fine tuned it by specifying alert for person only - which helped eliminate about 90%. Maybe 1 in 10 alerts false alert when car drives by (the camera has vision of front of our driveway)

            The other thing about battery powered cameras like this is there’s still a delay between sensor trip and trigger record. Sometimes the thumbnail shows a person correctly, but the video records after they have just left the fov the walkway part of the scene is only about 10% of the entire photo the way I have it set up)

  • So I was looking at a solar camera to fix up at a house that's been built (more so, it's been half built and stalled due to a dodgy builder).
    Any recommendations or would this be the perfect solution?
    FYI I will set up internet to monitor at the neighbour's. Only thing is, I don't like subscription models, also considering Reolink at the moment.

    • +1

      Depends where you can position the camera.

      1. Will want to make sure neighbours router can be reached from where you position the camera.

      2. If you position it high up, it will affect distance it can detect. Best distance detection is <7m ideally. Otherwise it might not detect right/ give more false alrertd.

      3. The panning function might be good for your use since once someone detected you can follow around as needed

      4. Need to position it in an area where it can’t be accessed easily to avoid people tampering with it or knocking it down. And panel needs obviously good access to sun to charge.

      5. No sub required as it can record to sd card - but does have a 7 day trial premium sub access - which I found to give alerts faster, and access seemed faster than using card

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