Bit of a niche deal today and maybe only interests those already running an Imou camera security system and cannot get power to required location (5/12/240v etc)
At home I am running a hacked together frankensteined security system of eufy, imou and mirabella Genio. Been happy with the performance so thought I’d give the solar imou gear a go for my workshop’s blind spots.
Reached out to the Amazon store rep and asked for a deal and got offered this price with a bit of back and forth.
Steps: $20 coupon
2. At payment, add code CCFXM6JQ
It should calculate at $127.59 - screenshot
The $20 stack was not intentional by the store rep afaik so may disappear without notice. Code should still apply.
You can buy a 3 megapixel solar PTZ wifi camera with all the same features for way less that $127 on Amazon, you can currently get a Tmezon model for $84.90.