This was posted 16 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired 2 x Hoyts Super Saver Tickets delivered for $8.00 - Code PAR991008 (Expired)


UPDATE — WishList has pulled the promo code and this deal is now officially expired.

With FREE DELIVERY on for the 2nd December ( and voucher code PAR991008 for $10 off (, a pair of Hoyts Super Saver movie tickets will work out to be $8.00 delivered FOR TODAY ONLY! I don't know of anywhere else you can get Hoyts movie tickets for $4 each!

I know people are hating right now but a bargain is a bargain after all! Perhaps they've changed the item from one ticket to 2 tickets to make sure that the last fiasco wasn't repeated… Either way, it works for me!

NB. Hoyts Super Saver tickets are for one adult admission from Monday to Thursday inclusive. Big kudos to scotty for finding the free delivery offer and to qwerty for the original coupon code!

Related Stores

Wishlist Australia
Wishlist Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    cool good deal

  • the voucher code doesn't seem to work for me??

  • Voucher Code does not seem to be working for me. It accepts the code but enters the following 0 discount:
    Free Gift - Dollar Discount (gift) 1 $0.00 $0.00

    • See Shab below!

      • Actually, if you follow it through to payment it is reduced. Just ordered 2 for the $8. Great find. Thanks!

  • Good one

  • You can verify the discounted total price when you get to the payment stage (i.e. before you have entered your payment details). Great deal - thanks!

  • As above - shab's comments - you have to go through the payment process before the $10 discount goes through, it will only ask for $8 as payment.

    Nice find fellas :)

    Edit Here's the payment breakdown you get via email:

    Product Name: Hoyts Super Saver - Monday to Thursday - 2 Tickets
    Item Price (GST inc.): $18.00
    Discount Price (GST inc.): $8.00

    Purchase Subtotal: $16.36
    Less Discount: $9.09
    Plus GST Component: $0.73

    Total Payable Amount: $8.00
    Credit Card Amount: $8.00

  • This is a seriously great deal. And this is what this website is all about. Thanks for all sharing information to get this deal happening. The discount code works great and Free Shipping today means you can land 2 Hoyts Adult tickets (Mon-Thurs) for $4 per ticket delivered. Thumbs Up.

  • sorry to spoil the party, but this time they included the T&C for the voucher and it clearly states:

    "Please note that this offer is not valid during our free shipping promotions"…

    • They'll have to fix their checkout then and refund the money. My receipt says $8 - if they try and charge shipping there will be trouble! :)

  • Yeah hope they don't screw us again!

  • I'm not even going to bother, they'll just cancel your orders people. I wouldn't vote positive until its confirmed you can get it, but look at the T&C, you're all just wasting your time again.

  • Hmmm - will be interesting to see what happens. I have have an invoice which is for $8.00 for 2 tix.
    I think it's wortha punt myself. Will let you know if I get a cancellation…

  • lets hope so … great deal

  • :( no hoyts in qld

  • it is a great deal but I would not worry due to all implications.

  • They really should honour it this time, my CC has already been charged $8 and I have an email invoice… I also think its worth a punt.

  • Just got mine. Great deal.

    I don't see why they wont honour it???

    • when I say got mine I only mean put the order through, I haven't physically recieved tickets, just to clarify.

  • Thanks for this!

  • Still working now (11:20am). They're not gonna be happy … :)

  • Also consider this - if this company seriously wants to damage its image and repeat customer business by cancelling orders to save "a few bucks" on movie tickets, well it might not be around very long…

    • Damn straight. If WishList don't honour this offer, an offer we've already paid for, I WILL permanently boycott them.

  • .

  • I've just added my order to the collective GreedyCompanyCashDrain fund now too.

    The company is not really interested in how we bargain hunters perceive their image. They're more interested in the majority of the population's idea of what they're like, and unfortunately these people are not very intarweb-savvy. In other words, they'd happily cancel our orders and save "quite a lof of bucks" on movie tickets, as long as it doesn't get into newspaper where the majority of the population gets their news from.

    On the other hand, since they've already deducted our credit card bills, it denotes an acceptance of our offer to purchase those two tickets at $8. We might have a case if they cancel the order and we sue.

    • My problem with this is, I thought it's illegal to cancel after a receipt is issued.

      If they'd issued payment orders, and delayed issuing receipts till after they scrutinised the orders, they could quite legally and happily cancel the payment orders .

      I know other web businesses which have this practice and consumer affairs are perfectly happy with it.

      The difference is, Wishlist are issuing receipts immediately …

      I gotta run now, but that's my 2 cents.

    • Lol, sue for $8. You must be dreaming.

      • I see two options here:

        A. GreedyCompanyCashDrain fund engages class action to honour our $8 tickets ;-)

        B. Everybody sends a quick email to the paper in their state and see if we can add a little pressure.

        • That's mighty judgemental. :P

          I don't know if anyone assumes it's a drain on the company. I just assume it was some good, cheap advertising :) eg that Raboplus deal where most of us probably netted quite a few customers for them (they paid us an amount for successful referrals and paid the referees too - last Christmas)

          Mynetfone - Whirlpool deal is another example :) $0 a month minimum if you know they have a deal offered to Whirpool members (otherwise you pay $5 a month minimum for less).

          I just assume someone found one of the rare and wonderful discounts that are available on the internet and posted it on Scotty's awesome site :)

          I'm sure that, if Wishlist failed to honour the receipts this time, people could just write to Consumer Affairs, asking them if they could write a letter to Wishlist about their business practices, supplying a copy of the receipt etc which wasn't honoured and explaining this probably affected a lot of people.

          But hopefully they will honour the receipts this time and then amend their systems so they issue purchase orders instead of receipts … ;) … just in time for Christmas :)

          As I understand it, if it's in the terms and conditions, Wishlist have the right to refuse before issuing receipts. But once they issue the receipts, that is acceptance. Especially since they have received payment of one form or another.

          Out of curiosity, why are a number of people talking about Wishlist failing to honour their receipts?

  • Great deal.
    I'm sure they still won't lose money from this.

    • koonit, how can you be sure? If they lose $10 from this order per person, 100 of us would equal $1,000. Do you have $1,000 to give away?

    • At the least it could be some good, inexpensive advertising.

      Especially if they chat with a news reporter about it all. Learning experiences, that they've done the right thing etc. That people can still get more good products from them, delivered direct and avoid shopping crowds and sale stampedes …

  • No Hoyts in NT, but will make a good Christmas present booster for my sister in SA.

  • sweeet going to be coming on thursday! anyone know any good movies to go watch?? been so long since i've been

    • Bond…James Bond…

      • 2nd that - good action flick :)

        • Really?? heard from frenz that itz not that good… this dude isnt good at playing bond… apparently.

          • @silvaray: It's a bit like the new Batman series. They are reinventing the story and character. It's not a Roger Moore or Sean Connery style James Bond. It's a whole new story with call backs to the original series.

            No Q. Less emphasis on gadgets. Different style of dialogue, differences in characters …

            Treat it maybe as "not" a James Bond movie :P

            • @SomeGuyOnOzB: It's mostly a whole lot of action, action and action. Hint of a storyline, but very little of what makes Bond. If you didn't know you went to watch a Bond movie, you might take it as a typical spy action flick.

              I particularly missed Q.

  • great find ! … ordered…

  • I say they won't honor this one…just like what they did last time.
    I shall see to that.

    Wondering how do they refund if you pay via Cheque, BPay etc?

  • Well, they removed PAR991008 as a promo.

    We'll see their dishonor action soon. Very soon…

  • Expired;-(

  • I just got my ticks about 15 minutes ago. Let's see what happens.

  • really doubt whether they'll honor this one

  • That was great fun. Isn't it amazaing how quickly the deal got pulled. Within three hours of the deal hitting this web site the promo got pulled. I think the company just sh!t itself. Wonder how many tix got processed. Would love to know the figure.

  • +1

    Argh! It's you guys that kept on bringing me trouble :)

    Wishlist just contacted me on email saying it's an "unauthorised publication of promotion codes". Not sure whether they'll still honour the purchase…

    • +1

      hahaha thats the same stunt they pulled with the last promotion of theirs.

      I stand by my opinion of them.

      To the OP, thanks for trying.

      • Most welcome, I just hope I get my own tickets…
        You're welcome to give the deal a '+' vote for the effort!

    • +1

      I didn't get the promotion code from here… my wife bought some milk and stuff…
      and ummmmm, I just happened to stumble into this joint!

    • Did they have it on the promotion, that it couldn't be republished? :P

      It's weird, they have the systems to produce unique codes … I wonder why they don't use unique codes, tied to user accounts instead? :P

      Hmm … they could just make the credit inside people's user accounts …

      Based on what I've read, I suspect they have a problem that they are trying to run promotions a little too cheaply; and giving everyone the same code. Now they face the choice of really bad publicity (and maybe breaking the law) to save some dollars they probably should have spent when running the original promotion …

      • I can just imagine someone at WishList thinking

        "I told the promotions manager there could be problems if we give everyone the same code … "

        Hopefully they'll honour the deal without us having to do anything.

        Repeatedly running bad will campaigns is usually a regrettable thing to do to one's business and brand … :S

    • Sorry Scotty!

  • On my account is says the movie tickets have been dispatched so perhaps its on it way?

    • Yeah, my account says "dispatched" as well.. I really hope they honour the deal, since I bought 4 tickets ($6.5 / ticket is not too bad…)

  • +1

    maybe there's a reason why the site's called wishlist?

    • lol :)

    • lol :) :) :)

      +1 vote for your comment, too :) :) :)

    • hahaha good one!

  • Seriously - don't we have recourse for action if Wishlist withdraws the order?

    It's totally free advertising for them, and false advertising for us.

    • They're already getting some recourse. People are posting negative comments about them every time a new promotion appears. Due to the vagueness, it will put off casual shoppers to start off with.

      If they don't honour their receipts then, you could probably write to consumer affairs in your state. Consumer affairs would probably be interested to hear about this business's failure to honour receipts on previous occasions as well.

      It might be possible to contact media (reporters, radio etc) about what is going on, especially if you can show them your receipt etc and if you will vouch for what happened etc.

      It is also possible to post information on the web to let other users know about your experience of dealing with them too.

      But this is all speculation. For all we know at this stage, they could honour their receipts on this deal so far, improve their standing and reputation, then also improve and tighten all their business practices from here on, making everybody happier. :)

      • Everybody had receipts from the $0 movie tickets deal a few days back. They were all cancelled, nothing has happend and nothing will. Lets all just get over it because we all know we used the promotion code even when teh T&C said it wasn't valid.

        Case closed.

        • A second 'mistake' by Wishlist in the same manner AND on the same item within 7 days of each other smacks of either ignorance and complacency. Such apparently poor business practice or ethics should quite rightly be pursued.

  • +1

    I still have faith they will deliver on this deal. Depending on how many people signed on for it, it would seem to me to be a real pain in the backside to start refunding something like $8 into multiple bank accounts. For the sake of what, a few hundred bucks??, you get problems, potentially bad publicity and complications involved with different forms of funds transfers.

    Case opened ;)

    • 2nd that :)

      If they honour it now, next time they have a deal or advert on OzBargain … well, sure, they'll have people unhappy about a few days agos events, but then they'll also have people happy about the outcome from this time … :)

      I can see the news story now … ;) … "What does a business do when they've accidentally accepted payment for cheap movie tickets? In the case of, they make good on their receipts" or something. :)

      • A good news story. I like the sound of that.

        Should make the front page of the Herald Sun for sure.

  • just say you all bought rev health plus fiber milk and got the code off the website for the $10 off.

  • +1

    Just got this:


    Thank you for your interest in We have received your order but it has been cancelled as it did not meet one or more of the terms and conditions of the Healthplus+ Fibre promotion. These terms and conditions were clearly communicated to eligible participants of this promotion and were also made available on For your reference the terms and conditions of this promotion were:

    Every Eligible Entrant who has made a valid entry into the promotion is entitled to receive a $10 Wishlist discount voucher, in the form of a promotional code. ;
    In order to claim the $10 Wishlist discount, Eligible Entrants must sign up to the Wishlist website and enter the promotional code as prompted. All promotional codes must be entered by 11.59pm AEDST on 30/11/08.
    Only one promotional code may be used per redemption and promotional codes may only be used once.
    Each promotional code must be claimed within two weeks of issue, and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
    Please note that this offer is not valid during our free shipping promotions
    Offer open to Healthplus Fibre wishes entrants only
    Wishlist reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of claims and to disqualify any redemption they deem ineligible.
    If you paid for any part of your order with a credit card please rest assured that this amount has been refunded in full and this amount will appear on your next or subsequent statement.



  • +1

    the guys from dell are behind this :D

  • They sent me an email saying it is not honoured.


    Thank you for your interest in We have received your order but it has been cancelled as it did not meet one or more of the terms and conditions of the Healthplus+ Fibre promotion. These terms and conditions were clearly communicated to eligible participants of this promotion and were also made available on For your reference the terms and conditions of this promotion were:

    Every Eligible Entrant who has made a valid entry into the promotion is entitled to receive a $10 Wishlist discount voucher, in the form of a promotional code. ;
    In order to claim the $10 Wishlist discount, Eligible Entrants must sign up to the Wishlist website and enter the promotional code as prompted. All promotional codes must be entered by 11.59pm AEDST on 30/11/08.
    Only one promotional code may be used per redemption and promotional codes may only be used once.
    Each promotional code must be claimed within two weeks of issue, and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
    Please note that this offer is not valid during our free shipping promotions
    Offer open to Healthplus Fibre wishes entrants only
    Wishlist reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of claims and to disqualify any redemption they deem ineligible.
    If you paid for any part of your order with a credit card please rest assured that this amount has been refunded in full and this amount will appear on your next or subsequent statement.



  • I was also denied by Karyn :(

    They really need to fix their checkout procedure to avoid these situations.

    • Karyn rejected my order too :(
      Clearly they stuffed up — even though $8 for two movie tickets was an awesome deal.
      Damn I hate the emotional damage caused by these mistakes sniffle

  • +1

    I got the same email…
    I vote they change their website's name to

  • If I get time to implement a poll feature for the forums, I guess one of the first few polls will be

    "Dell vs. CotD vs. WishList"


    • Please do, it'll end up being like NewsPoll, nosh!t.

  • I think Karyn works for WishList and Dell as well.

    Thank you for your reply. This promotion was open only to all new
    subscribers of our wishMail newsletter. After they subscribed to the
    newsletter, they were then sent an email outlining the details of the
    offer ,the promotional code, and the terms & conditions. The email that
    was sent at the time included the following paragraph:

    "We like to take good care of our new friends, so enjoy a $10 saving on
    your next purchase. Simply enter the code NewSubscriber
    during the checkout process to redeem your offer. This offer is one per
    person and cannot be used in conjunction with any other

    Dozens of eligible members took advantage of this promotion and received
    their orders accordingly. Your order was not fulfilled as it did not
    comply with one or more of the following conditions:

    1. You were not subscribed to the wishMail newsletter prior to taking
      part in this promotion
    2. The promotional code was used in conjunction with our Free Delivery
    3. You attempted to redeem this offer more than once

    In accordance with your request we have deleted your account and all
    personal information.

    Kind regards,


  • Dammit scotty… Don't make us chooose!

  • I'm pretty sure Dell and WishList have a "OzBargain vs OzBargain" poll on their intranet.

  • They're definitely on my ban list now grrr

  • Very annoying… It's a great feeling when they blame their customer when it's their own stupid checkout system that is at fault.

  • Write your mail to MX.
    We shouldn't tolerate such actions anymore.


    PO Box 14745 Melbourne
    VIC 8001
    General inquiries
    03 9292 1800
    Fax: 03 9292 1787
    SMS: 1994 4000

    Hanna Mills, Reporter
    03 9292 1805 [email protected]


    Phone: (02) 9288 3000
    Fax: (02) 9288 2801
    SMS: 1999 4488 Postal Address:
    2 Holt Street
    Surry Hills NSW 2010

    Matt Sun, Reporter
    02 9288 2534 [email protected]


    7 3666 6717
    Fax 07 3666 8686
    SMS 1992 0200
    Postal Address:
    GPO Box 130
    Brisbane QLD 4001

    Debra Bela, Reporter
    (07) 3666 6802 [email protected]

    Write your email NOW.
    Let's end WISHLIST.COM.AU for once and all.

    • Will do it, could you send me a copy of your mail without personal information.

  • Hi Scotty and OzPete,

    can you revoke our +ves? :)

    I thought the offer was a good offer; didn't realize there was a problem with it … so I skipped going through terms and conditions. I paid using an e-voucher which they didn't recharge or replace …

    so now I have to chase them for my money and …

    I face shopping with them after the free shipping is gone … :S

  • Shame on WISHLIST, Will never visit again.

  • Rejected too! I wont buy from them again

  • Worth a shot but very disappointing. Do not like the chances of Wishlist getting any more of my business…

  • they charged my credit card already, anyone else?

  • Yep, they've billed me.

    Hopefully the refund will appear tomorrow, otherwise their e-mail says we'll see it on our next bill … but :(

  • Was tempted to go with this, but after the last fiasco, it didn't seem worth it.

    Best thing we can do is give them bad publicity.

  • +1

    As the final decision maker of our company's purchases… Wishlist will no longer be having any of my personal purchases nor our company's purchases. ((We have been doing multiple medium quantity purchases))

    We have had enough of their arrogance & ignorance.

    Its small things like these that makes you think twice on dealing bigger things with them.

    Absolutely appalling

  • Hi,

    Thanks again for entering the Healthplus+ Fibre Wishes Promotion.

    Please note that there has been a programming issue and the code that you have received offering a discount at has been temporarily suspended.

    Please rest assured that we are working on a solution and will be back in touch shortly with an alternative code.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Please call 1800 639 604 if you have any questions or concerns.

  • They canceled my purchase but charged my credit card. What should we do with it?

  • I just checked online banking and wishlist have not refunded my money despite the email saying otherwise. This is absolutely terrible, wishlist are counting on people not knowing that they are playing with their money until they get their monthly credit card statement.

  • +1

    Wishlist didn't get back to me about my e-vouchers, even though it's on the receipts that they issued.

    So I lodged a general enquiry with Consumer Affairs Victoria, and left my number so they could call me. Other people might want to do the same with the Consumer Affairs group in their states.

    A few days later they contacted me.

    First off, Consumer Affairs recognize this could be a result of human error. There was a mix up, in that the promo code was only meant to be used by people who had registered.

    However, Consumer Affairs said, Wishlist could have checked the promo code against a list of people who had registered, before taking payment and issuing receipts. Consumer Affairs also said, as this hasn't been the first time that this has happened with Wishlist, this could be followed up under an application of bait advertising.

    They said that in this case, they would look to Wishlist to promptly refund everyone affected. They also said, if I'm not refunded promptly, I could take the matter further.

    They then asked for the name of the business (as I'd only made a general enquiry).

    Wishlist probably wants to look into their own procedures, so this does not occur again.
    Promo code eligibilty should be verified before payment is processed, in order to avoid being "red flagged" (I think that's what the person from Consumer Affairs mentioned) and in order to avoid cases being lodged against them under a form of bait advertising.

    I'm going to e-mail Wishlist again, asking for the refund and advising them of what Consumer Affairs Victoria told me.

    Other people might like to make general enquiries too, for your state. So far it's just been a phone call for me. :)

    • Good stuff foundit - give em hell.

      • :)

        Just following procedure. It's not personal … they just owe me money and I don't like to stuff around.

        It only takes a few minutes too :)

        • looked up Consumer Affairs for my state
        • found a general enquiries page
        • described the situation and left contact details

        • they called me up today, we discussed what happened, they advised me what they hope will happen but also advised me that I can take this further if the refunds aren't prompt

        Everyone affected can do this too, and hopefully if Consumer Affairs can get to you, all up it's only a few minutes.

        It also would mean there are a number of enquiries lodged against Wishlist instead of just one …

        Kind regards all

        I might try an alternative route first, before contacting them again. Maybe the survey group who let me swap for a voucher can refund me my bonus points …

  • Note: Consumer Affairs advised that I could expect a prompt refund, within 14 days, which means I don't have to wait till my next statement comes in.

    I logged into my credit card again. No refund yet.

  • always used to be a regular customer at wishlist.

    no more now !!

  • Any update on the refund?

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