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Diablo IV is coming March 28. Hail Lilith.
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Diablo IV is coming March 28. Hail Lilith.
hahah yesss i knew it, it was the right idea to hold off buying. Well done Angus!
Fantastic, great move.
Oh awesome. That's a price I'm willing to pay!
Great, now i just need them to bring WoW to gamepass :)
yeah because losing out of $15 usd a month makes so mich (profanity) sense for them
Subscription based games wont come
Depends on how many users have both a active WoW subscription and Gamepass. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see WoW on gamepass at some point.
yes because you think WoW is dead for the past decade
I hope i get to come back here and make you look like a dick in a few months time :)
Wouldn't be the first Gamepass game to ask a subscription fee or two.
you realise WoW requires a sub to PLAY the game and not just gain bonuses? why are people so intent on comparing apples and oranges
@Freestyle: Final Fantasy XIV on GamePass requires a sub to PLAY the game on top of your Gamepass subscription, which is also require to PLAY the game on xbox. The subscription for FF XIV is about $19 a month, depending on whatever the exchange rate is at the time. Plus extra money for retainers and such.
@AustriaBargain: why are you lying? You think I cant look up this stuff? Playing FF14 on an Xbox requires both Gamepass Core and a Game sub, FF14 just has a longer free trial period than WoW. WoW's trial period is only till level 20
So yes FF14 does not exist in gamepass, lying about it wont make it come true
@Freestyle: It exists in gamepass and is available with either Gamepass Core or Gamepass Ultimate. And you need to pay for a subscription on top of it. You need gamepass to access the full version of the game.
@AustriaBargain: i dont understand why you are telling me this, the guy above was talking about WoW's sub being baked into Gamepass, thats never going to happen and thats not whats happened to any other game so far as you've yourself stated
@Freestyle: Because WoW will probably do what FF did. The base game will be included but the subscription fee won't.
@AustriaBargain: Base game of wow is upto level 20 which takes barely 2 hours to do, you cant play wow without a subscription
@AustriaBargain: You know you're arguing semantics here. GamePass Core is what used to be Xbox Live (ie. the bit that enables online multiplayer for non-F2P games).
The online multiplayer feature is what you need, not that FF14 base is available free via GamePass (the bit that includes games as part of your subscription.)
So in this instance, GamePass Ultimate tier is irrelevant here. It's: you need a GamePass sub of some sort to be able to play it, in addition to the game specific subscription.
@BillyG687: Well it's not irrelevant because you need it to access the game in the first place. Not to play it, just to have the game you need gamepass.
bringing a few extra million gamepass subscribers absolutely makes sense. whether they do it or not is another question but something like that could be a huge win for them to both boost gamepass and sustain Wow as the numbers dwindle.
they said their WoW numbers are still strong so no
it might be dying for internet folk for past 20 years but thats not how it works
The campaign is pretty good, not worth the retail price but definitely worth a playthrough at this price.
not worth the retail price
If itâs not worthy of the retail price, itâs certainly not worthy of my time. I value my time more than the dollars.
I really donât get the concept of wasting time playing average games.
First play through of the campaign is super fun imo. It is just a very expensive game.
@Aureus: I have to agree with PainToad. I bought it on launch, finished the campaign (which was average at best), and then the game locks you into an endless loop with no decent drops and a power scaling system which imo sucks.
I realise there have been significant changes since the end of season 1 with regards to drops and I think they might have fixed the broken elemental resistances but the game just feels boring to play, even when you get to lv ~20 nightmare dungeons (which to be fair they may have even phased out, I haven't been following).
@Aureus: Iâve you have fun and itâs bringing you joy than thatâs great.
I just donât understand people who are like âyeah game X wasnât good⌠I put 100 hours into itâ. Like really? 100 hours of your life on something that wasnât good? Playing games is meant to be a fun hobby, not a chore.
@PainToad: It's possible to enjoy playing games that aren't good. Millions of people play recent Assassin's Creed games just fine. Even more play retro or basic indies.
@Hybroid: Good == having fun imo.
Again, some people talk like playing their backlog is a chore/job. If you're not having fun, don't do it. No ones paying you to play games.
But if you're having fun, enjoy.
yeah but you like to waste time hate watching content and now commenting on every Diablo deal as of this game personally offended you
@PainToad: Freestyle is right tho. The difference being your opinions are predominantly stupidly far on one side or the other and come across as nothing but a bitter old man. From reading your comments it doesn't even seem like you've played Diablo IV
I paid full retail for this đ˘ and only played for maybe 20hrs.
This is my first purchase in years. This is why I bootleg
My Game Pass subscription expires early next month - anyone know what the cheapest way to resubscribe is these days?
I'm guessing a quick trip to Istanbul?
I can get my dwindling hairline sorted while i'm over there too!
I need to know the same, checked a few countries, seems like Ukrain's subscription is cheapest at 190â´/m + bank transaction fee.
You buy Xbox Live Gold codes from wherever is cheapest (I did Nigeria), redeem them, then convert to game pass ultimate by buying a single month the regular way (or the $1 trial if available to you). Still working when I did 2 years of it a month ago.
Your game pass needs to be inactive before you try or the live Gold codes will redeem for the reduced conversion ratio.
Also the upper limit for live Gold is 36 months so don't buy more than that.
And remember it is no longer 1month for 1month when you upgrade to Ultimate, it is lower so you will lose time on conversion. For each 3 months Gold you will get 2 month Ultimate in return.
That's right yeah. As long as you get cheap codes it's still a lot cheaper than any alternative I've seen.
@nigel deborah: I've tried googling and finding but can't figure it out. Where do I buy the cheap codes from? I've tried flying to Turkey etc. but no idea if i'm looking at the xbox store or G2A etc. help!
@TheBean: From one of the code resellers. Then you activate using VPN (occasionally it won't work, just keep trying different VPN providers). Once all on your account, buy a month of real game pass (normal region no vpn necessary).
For example:âŚ
Not vouching for that website or product, just for illustration purposes.
@TheBean: Closer to 8 months for $60ish. The price for Gold codes seems to fluctuate a lot. About half the price of just buying it properly.
There might be cheaper alternatives buying ultimate directly in another region, but I'm pretty sure it'll seriously complicate use of your Microsoft account if you do that
Isn't the ratio also now reduced even for inactive signups? ie… no longer 1:1
Sometimes after it expires they let you rejoin for $1
Get free Xbox Live codes from Bing Rewards and convert them that way.
you mean points? how do you get free codes?
Through points, then buy those codes with those points.
Still free, though.
I wonder if the expansions will release on gamepass as well or if you will still need to purchase them.
I would imagine it's unlikely. At least of the games I have played on game pass it is rare for any expansions to be included
Yeah I had to buy the Age of empires 2 expansions and thatâs Microsoftâs own game.
it's not that bad
Diablo 4 post campaign is the gift that keeps on giving for the content creators out there … no matter what they do they ensite a constant stream of negativity that the internet/content creators feed on to get their clicks and views and all that, not saying some of the dumb crap they've done is great but since i personally won't go beyond the campaign it won't affect me but the negative discourse out there causes people to forget there is a very good campaign to this game and it's not a dumb down 5 hour thing just to get you to the monetization part of the game.
I haven't watched any YT vids about it since quitting at the end of season 1 but the campaign is decidedly average.
the combat is average, the story is average, the monetisation is crap.
IMO ActiBlizz have forgotten what made d2 so great, which was the fact that it wasn't a live service game. Part of what made it so fun was that it was actually possible create some OP builds that were kinda silly in a reasonable timeframe, then once you were done with it, you could finish and wait till you felt like coming back to try another build.
To me d4 just feels like a mouse-clicking simulator where there is no end.
@DeToxin: well D2 is at the top of my favourite PC games of all time list and i actually bought that when it came out at full price :) .. i'm a purely single/story driven type player so none of the online mmo/live service monetisation stuff works on me, played through the demo of D4 and i liked it so i knew i'd enjoy the campaign and will never go any further after campaign is done (even did that with immortal lol) also being a cheap ass i thought you know maybe one day they'll bring it to Game pass and i'm ok to wait for it until then… :)
but you got enough free time to bitch about it as if the game personally offends you
If you disconnect your xbox profile from, do you really have to wait 1 year to link different xbox profile? (as in not able to play for 1 year with xbox?)
Hail Lilith!
By the way, here is the best trailer of all time for any type of media:
The trailer was the best part of the game, had me hyped AF.
RIP Blizzard
Knew I was right not to buy this during the sale the other week! :)
With the money you save, you can use that $65USD to buy the Vitreous Scourge mount
Phew glad I sold all my diablos for xbox
Meh. Waiting for Path of Exile 2.
I have to complete my masters in mathematics to play that game. The gem system in the first one was too complex.
Try Last Epoch in the meantime, it's really quite fantastic, and it's caused PoE to change some of their mechanics as a result
Ooh yeah I might give it a try!
Meh, I just fight the rats that are nesting in my laundry.
Microsoft: Diablo IV will not be coming to game pass
Also Microsoft: Diablo IV coming to game pass
Got a source on that one champ?
Microsoft never stated that Diable wasn't coming to Game Pass.
they didn't straight out say it would never happen if you want to nit pick, but they were very adament that it wasn't coming any time soon back around launch… plenty of articles around with direct quotes… which are now conveniently harder to find with todays news, but I did find it on game informer and other places if you care that much
Not nitpicking, Microsoft didn't say it at all.
Blizzard said they have no plans to release Diablo 4 on Game Pass.
Microsoft bought Blizzard after that statement, making anything Blizzard said irrelevant.
I was never Blizzard fan so was not sure.
Just googled it and the rlease date was June 2023.
If comes on March 2024 it is 9 month from release.
I guess it is valid to say that not any time soon, considering there are bunch of gamepass games included on launch day.
So basically you were just talking shit.
Great game, except for uber Lilith
Great game for the first journey, about 20 to 30 hours? Then everything start falling apart, the dungeon design, the loots, the skill tree just lost all the fun very fast, I think Blizzard is really on the edge of the cliff. Now, seems they are desperate to get more players.
Yes, and the uber Lilith, that sudden death mechanism is just so lazy and immature in design, there is no excuse for such sin.
Sounds like the next game will involve a demon named Blizzard, that resurrects an army of irritating game mechanics that you can't kill, only avoid a little better each time without ever getting good loot. Metadiablo, coming in 2025.
Nah, I enjoyed it
For those deciding if trying it once on GP, I recently bought it on disc and here is my feedback;
I am playing solo, yet to join up with any mates who play, previous playthroughs of 3 and 2 have been more enjoyable when teamed with 1 or more mates (my experience).
Played about 6 hours, mainly on a necromancer build (lv32) and barbarian (lv20).
Have put zero dollars into buying content, outside of the $50 I payed for the disc used.
I have enjoyed it so far, even playing solo and have mainly just been doing side quests / killing everything that moves to trawl through drops and loot.
Personally feel that they have done a return to the 2 art style, away from 3s cartoonish look but retained a lot of what 3 brought with loot aspects and mechanics around scrapping/enhancing etc.
Since starting the Necro build I have enjoyed it a bit more than the barbarian build felt solo, necro being able to summon 7 skeleton and 1 golem minions means I have tried to build a skill tree allowing me to be a range magic user and almost replicate playing on a team of close combat team mates with me medic/enhancing them. YMMV on what you like, this has been fun for me!
Overall I would say once it's on Gp, give it a go and if you enjoy it then great! If you don't, delete it and try something else.
Once DLC comes in I will consider if additional $ is justified or not.
Also planning on trying the other class builds, particularly when a mate starts playing soon.
how did you buy it "used", the code can only be redeemed once
'I recently bought it on disc'
In short, free is a good price.
Bought D4 on sale during S2. Played for about 80 hours and in done. That hit my satisfaction for $1 per hour of gaming entertainment.
Game is average at best. I enjoyed 'relatively' the campaign and seasonal pass objectives but then i realised i was just unlocking skins that dont make much of an impact with the high level top down view. You only see your char at the char select screen and some dungeon oading screens.
When the latest season started i realised how there is zero incentive to bother levelling a new char again when the world and quests are so lame.
Id prob go back more regularly if Seasonal content just came out on their 'Eternal' realm so i didnt have to level up again. More fun on a new toon when you can access your shared bank with access to all the gear and uniques (epics) that are account bound and shareable.
Gamepass isn't free…
Iâm personally going to try Last Epoch when it releases in approx. a week. I donât know if itâs me or the game, but I just lose interest in Diablo IV shortly after the first capstone dungeon, first pre-season and now season 1 and 3. Barbarianâs are pretty nuts atm though, with the buffed charge and leggos. Game is worth a play if you have game pass, keep away from the cash shop though, some disgusting money grabbing going on there such as ~$40 pack for class coloured town portals and $25 transmogs.
F2P on steam when?
started playing blizzard games back in the sc, d1 days all the way along with WOW, and preordered D3 when it was released. Geeze that LAAAGG was such a horrible experience. I swear not to pay for any future blizzard games, but hey I have the game pass lol!
Now we pray Microsoft game pass comes to playstation and I can play it on ma PS5
They said today that itâs only going to be on Xbox, Sony would be blocking it so it will never come most likely so donât hold your breath
What did they say today is only going to be on xbox? Diablo? game pass?
They did confirm 4 games from xbox are going multi platform so you never know.
Maybe it will come no sale for playstation or go to playstation plus, could happen too
They stated they now know Game Pass is only going to be on Xbox, meaning they probably spoke to Nintendo and Sony and both pushed back which isnât a shock, they donât want people to unsubscribe from their services to join Game Pass for things like COD/Diablo and other Xbox titles. If they allowed Game Pass on their system you could expect all Xbox titles but they blocked it seemingly.
But all of console makers will end up porting everywhere, even the Sony CEO was speaking about multiplatform releases and being more aggressive with them, games like Marathon, fair games and concord will launch everywhere.
lol hahaha all the shit games congregating on Game Pass
Could be worse, it could be Foamstars đ¤Ž
Difference is with Foamstars you'll be smart enough to turn it off and not waste your time before grinding to end game for nothing
Oh yer thats awesome.