• expired

Nike Metcon 9 (White Blue Colourway Only) $135 Delivered @ THE ICONIC


Limited sizes left, at time of writing, 7.5, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 13 still available in the white and blue Colourway (CW).
Price updates at check out.

The rest of the metcon range is 25%, but the price was still a bit soso as they are all still at $200 starting price.

I am personally unironically waiting for a better price on the eshay red CW.

Edit: It seems clear I might need to specify these shoes are for crossift/gym crowd. This is not really a street shoe.

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closed Comments

  • I found metcon to be of poor quality. It's 3d printed sole is brittle and the fabric at the top tears off the the lace level.
    My friend wore it for 6 months and with no sports or exercise involvement whatsoever.

    • +6

      Strange choice of shoe for someone not using for exercise. They're specifically made for Crossfit style workouts

      • Are they made for Crossfit now? I bought metcons years ago for weightlifting.

    • +1

      he bought metcons for..not sports related use? That's precisely what metcons are for though otherwise for the money there is a crazy amount of choice for street shoe. Eg could even go like freshfoam 1080's - good support, nice design, can be used for workouts still etc

      edit beaten by 19 seconds lol

    • +1

      Poor choice for street shoe. These are not comfortable for walking or made for it, with stability focus not cushioning. Buy a shoe for the wrong purpose, you reap what you sow.

  • +5

    shoe looks stupid

    • -3

      You're that spaghetti arms dude who wears Jordan 1s in the gym aren't you? Either that or you don't go at all.

  • +4

    What a weird looking design - not a fan.

    • +3

      it has specific elements for cross fit eg that big rubber bit up the side is for rope climbing. Function over form for this one

      • fair enough - didn't realise they were a niche shoe. Just a weird design choice to cover up your famous swoosh with a big block.

  • +2

    Eh disagree with most people here. These are lifting/workout shoes

    I have Metcon 8s, I do F45 and the shoes are excellent. Very stable platform that helps with heavier lifts, comfortable enough that I never notice my feet during sessions.
    Their stability makes them uncomfortable if you are running at all, and they are definitely not daily shoes - the structure is too hard to be comfortable, and I'm not surprised they wear out quickly when wearing them as a daily shoe.

    I've worn them for just about 2 years now (just going a short walk to and from gym) and they are still in excellent shape.

    • i guess its in a funny little niche where you get the more casual exercisers, who just use whatever shoe available, then the more serious lifters that are probably using romaleos or going for hype/influencer fits with d-maks or something.

      im still making do with either barefoot or chucks. most of my stuff is more towards lifting rather than cross fit style workout though .

    • Agree. I've had a pair used exclusively for the gym and still in great shape after 18 months. Great shoe for its purpose.

    • +1

      Same, still rocking a pair of black Metcon 2s (!) which I only use for the gym, defo not a daily shoe.

  • showing as 180 now.

    • u need to add it to cart, then go to the cart and it will auto update.

  • Not bad price, probably would still stick with Nanos which seem to be reduced at the moment too.

    • Yeah I missed the nano x3s in size 10 at 99 spewing

  • HEYICONIC20 gets it down to $115 in my cart

  • +1

    I used to like Metcons. had 4, 5, and 6.

    now i am wearing Romaleos 4 for my gym/squat sessions

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