McDonald’s finally launches ‘adult’ menu item in Australia
Macca's is launching Adult Happy Meal in Australia on 14 February. Would you buy it?
McDonald’s finally launches ‘adult’ menu item in Australia
Macca's is launching Adult Happy Meal in Australia on 14 February. Would you buy it?
please accept this medal
Cool story bro. 👍
So how do you eat it? Like get your mum to buy it for you?
Thanks for letting us know
I don’t eat McDonald’s but if I did I wouldn’t buy a perma-child meal.
And are they baddies or buddies? The “article” mentions both multiple times.
So the kids meals don't come with plastic crap anymore but the adult ones will?
So much for their stance on plastic waste…
I don’t read
i don't read
Ahh doing the lords, I mean the fossil fuel industries work. Keep up the good work champ, I'm sure the Saudis would love to have you over for a cuppa.
"doing the lords, I mean the fossil fuel industries work. Keep up the good work champ"
Try saying that after you've had to live without the obvious benefits of fossil fuels, which you would never try ….
World Presently in An Era of Unusually Low Weather Disasters
This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather events have become politicized in debates over climate change, some find this hard to believe. Fortunately, government and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) analyses allow such claims to be adjudicated based on science, and not politics.…
We KNOW from climate history that a few degrees of warming is beneficial to all life, as is more CO2.
The entire CAGW story is built on the lie that climate change is bad … it isn’t.
New Scientist: The Great Greening, Our New Lush Earth. Thank You CO2…
It's not only the Guardian engaging in climate misinformation & propaganda champ …
Met Office Cannot Provide Evidence For “More Intense Storms” Claim
London, 13 February – The UK Met Office has been accused of seriously misleading the public about climate-driven storms in the UK.
On 22nd January, the day after Storm Isha, a senior meteorologist from the Met Office stated on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast that “when we see these storms they are more intense and that’s down to climate change”.
However, after being challenged through a FOI request to provide evidence for the claim that storms have become more intense, the Met Office was forced to admit they have no such evidence.
In its response, the Met Office also referred to its own UK Storm activity report which clearly states that “there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969.”
We call on the Met Office to publish a full retraction of what is evidently a false and misleading claim.
Met Office:
Recent trends and future projections of UK storm activity: “This report found that there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969, measured as the number of days more than 20 weather stations recorded gust speeds above 40, 50 or 60 knots.”
Met Office:
State of the UK Climate 2022 (page 47): “Storm Eunice [in 2022] was the most severe storm to affect England and Wales since February 2014, but even so, these storms of the 1980s and 1990s were very much more severe.”…
@Gekov: It would be bad enough if it was a typical alarmist nut job-
People should get fired over this.
It's not only the Guardian engaging in climate misinformation & propaganda champ …
Science magazine: "Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course"
YEP, you guessed it …
That AMOC tipping point scam resurfaces …
Not mentioned is that an INCREASE in the AMOC strength has continued up until the latest study in 2018. So in the real world, there’s no indication of any collapse in the AMOC. There’s no “tipping point” in sight, it’s actually slightly strengthening … go figure.
It’s the resurrection of another “tipping point” scare. And of course, despite the title, rather than being “physics-based” this study is actually “model-based”.
Lol really drew the crazy out with this one
@ratman: YEP, you know science (not "the science") is in trouble when objective scientific facts are labelled as "crazy"
e.g. Mythical AMOC "tipping point" scaremongering based on FAILED MODELS is considered "factual" but factual material debunking it is labelled as "crazy"
@ratman: Here's a sample of the CRAZY TOTAL BS SCAREMONGERING churned out by the Guardian …
World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns…
10 years since The Guardian said
"the freshwater boom is over, our rivers are starting to run dry"
"David Cameron right to link floods with global warming"…
Guardian's catastrophism leads circulation to plummet
Apparently, crazy non-factual opinion just doesn’t sell all that well.…
China "The Renewables Leader"?
Do Your Homework, Guardian!…
The Guardian, Temperatures, Misinformation…
The Coronation & The Guardian, Temperatures, Misinformation
Of course, the Guardian's climate-change article is big on politics while being misleading when it comes to the actual science.…
@ratman: Guardian Readers Are The Most Gullible On The Planet, New Data Shows
Latest poppycock from the Guardian … The next pandemic may come not from bats or birds but from matter in melting ice,
In fact the actual study does not support the Guardian’s latest silly scare story anyway.…
@ratman: Love this reader letter on wattsupwiththat …
You can’t possibly expect a writer for the Guardian to do some research before writing an article. That takes time and effort and also some talent to create a readable article.
If someone could do all that, he/she/it wouldn’t be writing for the Guardian.
@ratman: It's been awhile since I've come across the inane and unhinged ramblings of Gekov. It's a real trip.
I’m just here for the bargains.
Just imagine all the “adult toys” that Maccas will include in the “adult happy meal”
You can never have too many McCockrings.
That would make you Grimace.
"Amanda Nakad, director of marketing for McDonald’s Australia, said"..
I wonder if there could have possibly been anyone more qualified at McD's to launch adult toys in adult happy meals. 🤔 🧐 😏
Macca's Adult Happy Meal has that plastic taste.
That ain't yummy.
I can see it being more expensive than a Big Mac/10 Nug meal just because it has a nostalgic toy.
From CNBC:
The large Cactus Plant Flea Market box cost $12.89 before tax at my closest McDonald’s location in New York City. That’s $2.60 more than the $10.29 I’d pay for the large Big Mac meal, which contains the exact same amount of food.
$20 AUD for a Big Mac meal in NYC is outrageous.
All food prices are outrageous in NYC.
It's OzBargain, depends on the price
Nice advertorial 🤮
I don't get it, this is just a kids happy meal. What's adult about it? What's in the kids version now?
The “article” says these ones have a Big Mac or nuggets. Not sure what’s in a kids one.
Adult Happy
I know right
I have bought many happy meals before in my many years and I’m still not.. happy???
This more false advertising than ‘the never ending story’ smh
Make the toy a re-release of the OG Batman forever x maccas glass mugs and you have a sale from me.
I will also settle for the burger-droid transformer that I vaguely remember from the early 90s
I think I’ve got one of those Batman glasses at my parents place, they might have donated it by now though.
This is almost as bad as when my parents threw out my OG complete set of Pokémon cards including the holo charizard…
We've still got one at our house and it's a very well made glass, I've always liked how the details are embossed instead of printed
They go hard, I'd love to see what they can do with modern toy mechanisms
No, I don't play with toys. Unless it's cheaper than a regular big mac meal then I would consider it.
Macca's Adult Happy Meal - Would You Buy It?
Depends on the price, I don't really want the 'toy' but if the deal is cheaper sure. But I have a feeling its not going to be like that.
Probably going to be really overpriced and seems gimmicky. Also, some overseas maccas have beer, so won't be a proper adult meal without it.
valentine's dinner sorted
For one…
Valentines smoko at best
Tell us the price, son!
$16 for the medium sized meal and $16.80 for the large meal at my local McDonald’s.
Yikes. That's a no from me.
at that price that's not a Happy Meal for me …
geez - I remember being offended when the price of rump steak went up to $1/kg !
I would potentially buy it for my kids, but not for me. I don’t need a toy 😅
I'd buy it for the toy.
A kids happy meal comes with the same toy.
I'd be embarrassed to walk out and have people seeing me carrying a box that looks like that.
Just gimme the incorrect order of rubbish food in a bag so I dont know you gave me the wrong stuff until I get home.
Last time I craved McDonald's a Happy Meal was cheaper than a small meal with the same items.So yes, if the price is right.
In the girls bag there would be a chardonnay glass and some duck lips, fake LV bag from Bali, huge, oversized Prada sunglasses, back of neck and lower back tattoos or an iPhone 11 case with some obscure reference to "LiFe LoVe LiVe" and a pre-broken screen protector
For the guys, it would be Dodge RAM 2500 or Mustang key chain, A box of darts and a Dare Ice coffee, a Ryobi battery charger, 4x4 recovery boards and spot light kit, an Everlast bum bag, a pair of wrap around, burnt orange polarised "Sports" sunglasses or a "Red Ensign" shoulder tattoo.
I'd buy the kids happy meal more often if they had any toy that would be worth the premium price, like the collectable pokemon cards, which I ended up donating and buying a Bulbasaur on ebay, but usually I just buy the glass cups they sell with a medium meal, so McDonalds actually had adult happy meals but was not marketed that way
The only good thing about happy meals is that they are cheaper than buying the same food in a normal meal. If they're charging more for the happy meal than the meal would normally cost it's a sad meal.
is the adult toy a …. you know …. adult toy?
If you’re brave enough…
Depends on how you plan to use the toy included.
I still buy kids happy meals as a 30 year old. They're great value for a quick snack/fill me up. Not a health choice but I eat it in moderation.
It is encouraging to see from the vote counts that so many OzBargainers understand that just because something is cheap doesn't necessarily mean its a bargain.
This is Maccas, it’s not even cheap.
only if it comes with pokemon cards :)
McDonald's isn't food suitable for grown adults — if they changed their menu, I might consider it.
Maccas is too expensive.
I guess if I was in a desert and had six or seven days with no food, I would probably accept the McDonald’s. our courts Could consider as a form of punishment, sentencing people to eat McDonald’s for a week
I bring them to ACCC and ACCC rejected my case.
Been buying Happy Meals for decades but never happy, misleading..
Seems like this product is aimed at Australian Reddit users, but McDonald's hasn't realized none of them are gainfully employed & won't be able to afford it.
On the contrary, neetbux is more than sufficient
Only if it makes me happy at the end
Adult toy? Does it vibrate?
$16.50 for a medium
$16.35 on the Gold Coast
What's the toys? There were some pretty good ones in the 90s. If they bring back the right ones, it could could definitely be a big success. Nostalgia always sells.
Edit: hold on, is it that "frost" one? I thought the article mentioned 90s toys, but it looks like it comes with some ugly figurines that are definitely not the 90s toys from my childhood. Who even is kerwin frost? What is this?
It's the nugget buddies remade, they were a toy in the 90s i vaugely remember having a few lol
i still have some of the transformers ones from the 90s, like the hamburger, drink etc. I would be keen on a re-release of these as I've lost some of them.
I literally just went to McDonald’s and bought two. I’ll be buying this every day till it ends no joke
som solid journalistic advertorial work there
I don't eat Maccas, not that I'm opposed to eating there, I just somehow never do.
In theory, if some place with good fast food made a happy meal with some collectable I was interested in, I would buy it. McNugget baddies aint it though.
Only if they re-released the transformer toys!
lol how about just give out plastic toys in normal happy meals again, all these shitty cardboard boardgames, my kids never take them and just leave it. My childhood happy meal toys were so much better.
I was about to comment it’s not available through the app, but I opened to check and there it is.
I’ll order it tomorrow for sure.
I'm the type of person that will willingly stare down someone whilst ordering a kids cheeseburger meal only meant for 12 and under.
Not my fault i don't want to pay double for 25% more food.
Heck yes. I've been whinging for years about how crap the new toys are to my kids. Those toys look great.
given I've seen the main attraction of kids Happy Meals being the included toy - does the adult Happy Meal come with an adult toy ?
or maybe it's just handed to you by a potential Toy Boy … ?
Anytime I've bought something from McDonalds, it's been an… Unhappy Meal
I don't buy McDonalds.