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Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America $21.65 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Great for those who want to relive the horror of the 45TH Presidency.


‘This is the book Trump fears most.’ – Axios

Few journalists have covered Donald Trump more extensively than Maggie Haberman. And few better understand the polarizing 45th president or his motivations. In this astonishing, illuminating book, Haberman reveals all about Trump the man, the president and the phenomenon.

Interviews with hundreds of sources and with Trump himself portray a complicated and often contradictory figure. Capable of kindness but relying on casual cruelty as it suits his purposes. Pugnacious. Insecure. Lonely. Vindictive. Menacing. Smarter than his critics contend and colder and more calculating than his allies believe. A man who embedded himself in popular culture for decades, laying the groundwork to galvanize support for a successful run for high office.

Chronicling Trump’s entire career, from his rise in New York City to his tortured post-presidency and potential comeback, Confidence Man is a magnificent, disturbing reckoning of the president who pushed American democracy to the brink.

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closed Comments

    • +3

      Except she actually got 3 million more votes than Trump. Which shows you have skewed the system is in the GOPs favour.

      • -6

        Bahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. ExCePt ShE aCkHcHUaLLy Got… 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
        Literally the dumbest thing I have read today. Thanks for the lols. Don't mind me I'll continue basking in the smell of the tears 😂

        • +11

          What I’m saying is actually true. And she didn’t refuse to accept the result, drag it through the courts, and incite a mob to attack the Capitol.

          Just keep digging yourself a hole mate. The American people booted out Trump before he showed such a total disregard for democracy. Before he was being dragged through the courts.

          I think the only tears are when Trump lost last time.

          • -2

            @try2bhelpful: Dragged through the courts for what? The same thing Biden was done for today? You have to admit, for a guy with such a big target on his back it must even make haters think something is a little off here. Well, I guess you’ll just have to live with him for another 4 years.

            • +6

              @zubzub: What has Biden done today? Have you seen the litany of things Trump has been charged with? The false equivalence won’t wash. Especially the most serious charges around the incitement to attack the Capitol. Trump’s attempt to get election officials to “find” votes. His followers are threatening election officials and judicial people.
              Trump won’t get elected with just his MAGA people. Let’s see if middle America has standards on what POTUS should be. They know what he is like now.

              • +1

                @try2bhelpful: If Biden is being bad doesn't make Trump any greater. The fact is both parties should try and get better candidates. The court is independent, that you can deduce from charges against Joe binden. Anything like that Will never happen under trump. His supporters will block the courts also

                • +2

                  @onegpt: I do wish the Democrats went with someone other than Biden however, if it comes to the crunch he is the better candidate.

                  The trouble is the GOP are going more and more rightwing. The question is really what the more centrist voters think. Do they really care about freedom, democracy and rights? Are they paying attention to what is happening in GOP lead states?

                  Trump’s supporters are, already, threatening the judicial staff prosecuting Trump.

          • -6

            @try2bhelpful: I love it when the leftist ozbargainers living in their world of delusion manufactured by msm make them believe they are a significant majority only to find out in the comments section you aren't.

            And as usual you prove case in point the left have zero skills when it comes to discussion - like seriously the best comeback you have is we don't make tears, you make tears. Pmfl.

    • +2

      Just on that, I am still amazed she didn't show her face on election night to concede when she'd clearly lost.
      Absolute joke for someone touted as amazingly qualified to no show was extraordinary.

      • +2

        If you don't like her for not conceding you must really hate trump.

  • Not a bad deal but won’t buy this until the price goes down to $10. I have several Trump books at bargain basement prices and hope to add a few more to the collection in coming years.

  • -3

    The wokeist liberal left is at it again. Give them power for abortions, gender dysphorias and more protest power and they'll have gay aliens spilling over the border to blame Trump for the current mess that they're in.

    • +1

      This is exactly the sort of nonsense I thought I'd find here. Well done.

    • they'll have gay aliens spilling over the border

      Lol, this is Australia, we send the gay aliens to our concentration camp on Nauru.

  • Horror of the 45th presidency? Jeeez how far left do you lean, have you not seen what dopey Joe has done in the last 3 years? Go invest in some tissue boxes lad, you're going to need them when Trump returns in a landslide

    • Just like the red wave that didn’t appear in the mid terms? Trump has 90 odd court cases against him at the moment. He is beginning to lose these cases. The Supreme Court just threw out his presidential immunity defence. I’m willing to buy popcorn and watch how this unfolds. The American people can’t say they haven’t been warned.

      • +1

        Do you ever think of the reasoning “the left” try so hard to keep 1 man out of politics?

        We really live in a time where intelligence is being silenced as to not offend the stupid.

        • This 1 man is being held accountable for his crimes. Isn’t that what a democracy should be about? Nobody is above the law? Frankly if he was intelligent he would’ve accepted the democratic process and set himself up for the next election. Instead he is condemning himself by his own words. Trump certainly does like stupid followers.

          • +1

            @try2bhelpful: Yet so much corruption from the Biden camp but you’re ok with it being covered up or rarely reported?

            Open your eyes.

            • -1

              @Danstar: Give me chapter and verse on Biden’s corruption. Then we talk about Trump’s.

              • +1

                @try2bhelpful: If you are totally unaware of any of the Biden’s family corruption you just proved my point. Thank you.

    • +2

      The book isn't about left, it isn't about Joe. It isn't sbout right. It's about Trump. Hopefully you can differentiate. Most voters can't so can't really blame you

  • +7

    When Trump became the 45th they all said they were scared he would start ww3 … Yet here we are, 3 wars under Biden. But yeah keep listening to these liberal shills.

    • +6

      The wars aren’t under Biden. In fact he hasn’t actually invaded anyone.

      However, I guarantee you that Trump would send troops into Gaza.

      • +1

        You cannot be that naive. Clearly wars by proxy.

        • Wars by proxy? Honestly? As opposed to the ones where Bushes and co actually sent troops in and invaded other countries.

          And if China invaded us would you want non interventionist Trump to be in charge? That the US shouldn’t get involved in supporting us? That the excuse would be they don’t get involved. Me, I would hope they actually commit some troops on the ground to help us. Maybe a couple of war ships.

          • @try2bhelpful: China is in no position to start wars, economically they're f'ed. One missile to the 3 rivers dam would finish the country.

            • +2

              @BoltThrower: Funny how we keep getting fed the line of how big a threat they are to us. Frankly I wouldn’t write off China just yet. I would wait five years and see where they are.

              However, you want to answer my question. If we were invaded would you want the US to be non interventionist or would you expect them to come to our aid?

              • @try2bhelpful: Ground invasion? Yeah. Even with their pathetic rifles with their tumbling bullets which keyhole targets we'd need help. That won't happen though. Apart from the incentive, it's a long boat-ride and their navy isn't up to scratch.

                • @BoltThrower: So you would expect America to come to our aid. To intervene in a war that doesn’t actually directly affect them. So us but no one else, huh?

                  With the Ukraine Russia has a history of invasion? The trouble is this might be a domino effect into other countries. The sort of support being offered here is much less than we would expect if Australia was invaded.

                  You can denigrate the Chinese military capability all you like but there are a lot of military people taking them very seriously indeed. I suspect, if they got serious about invading us, we would be completely cactus in a few months; if not for intervention by the US.

                  • @try2bhelpful: "So you would expect America to come to our aid"
                    Where did I imply that? I said we'd need help if China invaded. I don't expect USA to help. Australia is not a NATO member. Needing help and expectations of help are two different things.

                    "With the Ukraine Russia has a history of invasion? The trouble is this might be a domino effect into other countries. The sort of support being offered here is much less than we would expect if Australia was invaded."
                    Engrish, non-sequitur, non-cogent.

                    "You can denigrate the Chinese military capability all you like but there are a lot of military people taking them very seriously indeed. I suspect, if they got serious about invading us, we would be completely cactus in a few months; if not for intervention by the US."
                    Thanks, already did. Weak navy, they can't transport enough of their troops. They should stick to biological attacks and let countries destroy their own economies again. Again, 1 missile would destroy the country's hydroelectric power. If China were stupid enough to attack Australia, USA would help. China is an economical threat to USA. Nullifying that threat by proxy would be irresistible, and would be the end of BRICS+

                    • @BoltThrower: So do you think Trump would put forward the order to intervene if we were invaded or would he stay out of “foreign wars”? Sometimes assisting countries is the greater good, it is how you build alliances and how you create a barrier for allies.

                      You didn’t actually refute my second point. I don’t think you understand how English works. Stop just throwing around terms.

                      You are not a military expert, no matter what you may think. I think I will stick with experts who have a greater understanding of what we might be dealing with. The “all over by Christmas” mob have been caught out in the past, many times, by underestimating the opposition.

                      • @try2bhelpful: There was no second point, Just nonsensical word-salad.
                        "The Ukraine"? Just Ukraine, no "The". Russia has a history of invading Ukraine…This may CAUSE a domino-effect into other countries? You think Russia is going to invade Poland after Ukraine? I don't think you have any idea what the war is about. I don't think you followed the 2014 election and I think you're unaware of the Nuland-Pyatt phone-call, the Odessa fires or the civilian shelling of Donetsk and Luhansk - (The pro-Russian separatists who protested the alleged stolen election) over the past 8-9 years. I don't think you're aware of Ukraine damming the river feeding Crimea which killed off their agriculture and whose people WANTED Russia to "annex" them. (This was documented by Vice over a decade ago)
                        You're going to jump to conclusions and assume because I don't like one side that I love the other. Both kill or imprison political opponents. I haven't heard of Russia having a second army to kill conscripted deserters who refuse to kill their own country-men which happened under Poroshenko.
                        "You are not a military expert", "I think I will stick with experts who have a greater understanding of what we might be dealing with"
                        Sorry (not sorry) that you didn't find your echo-chamber here in a bargain website. Good luck with your CCP fan-club.

        • Clearly wars by proxy.

          As if the wars haven't been building for decades….

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Sure. But as if they aren’t being financially backed by a certain country.

              • @[Deactivated]: Ukraine are still around because of their military might and a a shark must have hit Nord Stream. US/NATO powers don’t mind Ukraine goes back to the mother country. My bad.

                • @zubzub: I don't think I'd compare helping a country defend itself when it's otherwise probably not geared enough to do stuff.
                  The obvious exception in modern days is Israel in the modern day.

    • +1

      Few understand this.

    • You think that trump could have stopped Gaza war? He could have stopped putin? Keep dreaming.

      • +1

        To be fair, if Trump won 2020, the Ukranian war will long be over, with Zelensky's head on a spike already, and NATO (minus the US) prepping for WW3 with Russia.

        • +1

          There wouldn’t be a war, as the offer for Ukraine to join NATO wouldn’t be on the table.

          • @Loki556: True, NATO would have been dismantled by Trump already.

  • +4

    Trump 2024

  • +8

    Can we please not mimic US political discourse in Ozbargain of all places?

  • +3

    Trump for President !!! 2024!!

    • +3

      The Trump2020 didn’t age well did it?

      • +4

        Trump2020 still sounded much better than the reality of Biden 2020

      • It did until 3-4am the following day.

  • +3

    So good to see so many people here no fall for the gross incompetent bullshit he spouses. You pretty much need a mental disease to believe it though..

  • +1

    Are we talking about six finger Trump?

    The man who knows he can't win without the religious conservatives.

    Instead of actually going to church he puts an AI pic of himself there on his Truth media site.

    Yet he didn't release AI gave him 6 fingers and put him in the pew backwards.

    Why not actually go to church? Is it because he wouldn't be able to resist groping the choirgirls or is it because he would spontaneously combust!!!

    He is a fake and the religious conservatives who follow him are blind to the fact he hasn't a religious bone in his body

    • -2

      Don't be a bigot.

  • +1

    Make Australia Great Again

  • +4

    What the hell is this crap? Not the book, the comments.

    • +1

      You're new to the internet, aren't you.

      • Not at all, but you don't expect this nonsense on here.

  • -4

    Not a deal, been cheaper.

    Also (profanity) Trump

  • +1

    Wow there is a lot of discussion on Trump; an ebook $0.00 would be a stellar deal in this !

  • +1

    Author Maggie Haberman is obviously an unhinged TDS sufferer and a fraud.

    She won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on the investigations into Donald Trump’s, and his advisers’, connections to Russia.

    Which was a proven hoax and there was no evidence of trump's collision with Russia.

    Just another journalist hack piggybacking to make herself relevant.

  • -2

    Im actually hoping he gets in, just so i can see how much of a mess he makes… kinda like putting your hand into boiling water just to see what will happen i guess, but i can be 5 if i want.

    • +2

      Im actually hoping he gets in, just so i can see how much of a mess he makes… kinda like putting your hand into boiling water

      Ever heard of the frog in boiling water? You sir, are that frog.

    • +2

      As much as he made last time. Zero.

    • What has biden done?

  • I'm still seeing bog paper cheaper, so it's a no deal, from me.

  • +2

    Rent free. While the true menace continues to hold office and get a free pass while he slips deeper into dementia. Tells you everything you need to know.

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