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Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America $21.65 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Great for those who want to relive the horror of the 45TH Presidency.


‘This is the book Trump fears most.’ – Axios

Few journalists have covered Donald Trump more extensively than Maggie Haberman. And few better understand the polarizing 45th president or his motivations. In this astonishing, illuminating book, Haberman reveals all about Trump the man, the president and the phenomenon.

Interviews with hundreds of sources and with Trump himself portray a complicated and often contradictory figure. Capable of kindness but relying on casual cruelty as it suits his purposes. Pugnacious. Insecure. Lonely. Vindictive. Menacing. Smarter than his critics contend and colder and more calculating than his allies believe. A man who embedded himself in popular culture for decades, laying the groundwork to galvanize support for a successful run for high office.

Chronicling Trump’s entire career, from his rise in New York City to his tortured post-presidency and potential comeback, Confidence Man is a magnificent, disturbing reckoning of the president who pushed American democracy to the brink.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +26

    Make America Great Again!!!!!

    • +15

      Can I grab this book by the p***y?

      • +6

        You don’t have to ask, it’ll just let you

        • +3

          Only if you are famous enough.

      • +2

        Only if you're near a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman.

      • Rich men drop books on desks and they just open up wide, the contents there for the taking. It's uncanny.

  • +34

    Make Australia Great Again!

    • +10

      Get free education, proper NBN, respect neighbours (not warmongers), justice for all…
      Not that difficult if the money/billions are not wasted on bullying & interfering that creates global inflation/instability

      • +3

        Stricter penalties for crime

      • -2

        No such thing as Free, but I do agree strongly the cost of education is ridiculous.

    • +6

      We could do with some border closing…

    • Oh, who are the 7 people who negged you?

  • +4

    I came here to say 'not a bargain' but this is 38% off. That's legit.

    Let the games begin.

    • If you are fast enough ;)

  • +3

    Make America Great Again 🇺🇸 🙏

    • +3


    • No amount of praying is going to make that happen.
      God has forsaken the "golden child, who broke nearly every single commandment".

    • It was never great, that's just fairy land BS

  • +5


  • +23

    I would bet good money that he's probably going to be the 47th as well… Hopefully no new wars again!

    • +7

      You been in a coma the last few years?

      • +30

        Sometimes Biden acts like it.

        • +13

          That’s offensive to coma patients

      • +1

        Boy are you in for a shock!

    • +47

      pretty sure Trump was the only US Pres in last few decades to not go around starting/aiding/manipulating wars. contrary to the madman he was made out to be in the media.

        • +38

          You don’t even know why you don’t like him.

          • +3

            @tmcn85: He promised a wall that Mexico would pay for. He promised better healthcare. He promised tax cuts. He only delivered the tax cuts to the rich, that the poor and middle class are paying for. Who knew being a President would be so hard?

        • +25

          Sexist, self serving liar isn't good enough for you? He is a disaster regardless that particular view which I won't go further into.

          LOL. Your response to a comment about Trump being the only US President in the last several decades to avoid war is “he’s sexist and a liar” 😂

          • +10

            @aja12: Must've confused culture wars with actual war.

          • @aja12: Only president thst tried to steal the election get impeached twice and charged with 91 crimes. Only president to be found liable for sexual assault, defamation, and huge bank fraud .

        • +1

          username checks out

        • If lying is a crime then the whole US Congress would already be behind bars. Don't kid yourself, mate

        • People vote for who they want over for dinner, and the money printer to go BRRRRR. God-forbid Americans get someone who pats themselves on the back for the Abraham accords and bringing jobs back to the US.

      • +17

        His administration continued to escalate various military engagements & conflicts already underway, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria & Yemen. Trump ordered targeted airstrikes against Syrian government forces & assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, which heightened tensions in the Middle East.
        He introduced sanctions on our neighbour…
        This is National Culture based on the 1st & 2nd amendment - Free speech of the guns :(

        • +11

          What you said is too complex for the brain dead Trump imbeciles.

          • +1


            What you said is too complex

            You think that brain fart is 'complex'?

            Man the world must be a crazy place in your head…

            • +2

              @1st-Amendment: "1st-Amendment". Lol. Seems like in your head, you're living in the US, stoopid.

        • +1

          Supporting ongoing missions that commenced prior to his administration isn't starting a new conflict though.

        • +2

          continued to escalate various military engagements & conflicts already underway, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria & Yemen.

          That’s actually not true. He was scaling down these engagements, with a strategy for eventual withdrawal of US troops from these conflicts.

      • +2

        It was just the Art of the Deal thatdictated that he throw the Kurds to to Turkish wolves so that the USA interests could export the oil from that part of Syria the USA had secured from ISIS ;-)

        • +3

          Rewarding Putin for a third land war in Europe is pure vatnik Idiocy.

        • +2

          Maybe that would be true if Trump had even read The Art of the Deal.

          It was ghostwritten by a bloke who

          a) admitted he knew nothing about deal making, (not that Trump was ever reported as being any good at it either, by anyone who was ever in the room when he made one). He just wrote some crap that sounded good.


          b) deeply regretted creating the illusion that Trump was clever enough to write a book, read a book, or make cunning deals.

        • It was his predecessors ambition to pit an offshoot of a terrorist organisation against Turks and to deny oil to Syria so they stay poor.

      • +3

        Also parties with Jeffrey Epstein, wishes Ghislaine well in her legal defense, rapes women……

      • -1

        No, he did the opposite. Cosying up to his biggest idol. The man he worships and thinks is a genius. We all know who that is.

    • Well, they were saying that last election too. Even pulled in stadiums of people during his campaign. Biden hid away but some how still won. Not anti-Trump, but I wouldn't be putting my money on it, high risk of losing it all.

  • +39

    Apart from the culture and race war issues.

    Trumps only big legislation he pushed was tax reform for the rich.

    It is utterly wild that low income earners that got screwed by that law want him back in office because they cant afford anything.

    Pure insanity , anyways looking forward to America be the example of bad conservative trickle down economics.

    • +17

      Because the south and country bumpkins are "Fark the Libs"
      That's literally it.

      • +3

        Giving the rich tax breaks will keep the woke away.

      • -4

        Yep, that's the exact attitude from "this libs" that got Trump elected in the first place. The "we are so smart and know better than everyone else" attitude…

      • +16

        He also screws over people who do work for him by refusing to pay the agreed amount. He has been associated with four bankrupted companies but made sure his money was safe. The thing is New York commercial real estate is dropping so it will be interesting to see how much money he is left with. Probably why he is milking his gullible followers at the moment. Ya do wonder why a billionaire would need a couple of bucks from Billy Bob, wouldn’t ya?

        • +2

          Businessman in Capitalism means the one who exploits & underpays those who do the job for him

      • +7

        If you're going to have the trump family balls slapping your chin, you may as well move to America so we don't have to hear you fanboying on an AUSTRALIAN bargain site.

      • +4

        A man of the people?

        Lol, that was genuinely funny.

        Even though you were serious.

    • That's in the land of Hollywood (fiction), Propaganda Democracy & Freedom of utilising the 2nd Amendment :( the free speech of the gun )
      We (the majority) are also controlled by Murdoch media. What happened to our hero who introduced free education?

      • +4

        Ahh Murdoch. The mob who push the unAustralian line when their patriarch ditched his Australian citizenship to make money in America. The hypocrisy is astounding.

        • +2

          Goes back even further. His father actively undermined General Monash, arguably one of Australia's foremost military heroes, to the Australian PM at the time of Western Front battles in WWI because he was Jewish.

  • +3

    The world needs The Donald more than ever. Thank God his reelection is the end of this year.

    • +6

      A man that can disable magnets using nothing but water is man who can do anything.

      • +3

        It was beautiful statement. A very perfect statement 🤗

      • How well would the electronics controlling electromagnets deal with water?
        We can't expect regular magnets to catapult aircraft from 0 - 165mph in 2 seconds.

    • +4

      Made your entire cringe personality about trump.
      Unparalleled levels of cringe.

  • +1

    Con man is short for Confidence Man

    • No, its short for confidence trickster. Look ot up.

  • +8

    Works out to be $3.56 per 100 sheets.

    • +5

      What's the GSM and fibre orientation? I'm not wiping until I know if I'm getting feather duster or cat tongue, and a punch-through risk rating.

  • +2

    Is there a chapter about Stormy Daniels?

  • Covfkoff

  • +2

    Brace for orange wave again.

    • +1

      Was it the last “orange tsunami” where every (or almost every?) trump backed republican lost?

  • +3

    Confidence Man

    Was hoping for a new album.

  • +2

    Do we get the Truth about his real relationship with Epstein?

    • Oh, tell me more.

  • +1

    Love how everytime there is a remotely "right wing" deal posted there is a triggered lefty who posts a reactionary deal to some trash 🤣

    • -1

      I recommend looking up what "reactionary" means.

      • +1

        The meaning of "reactionary" has changed over time. Due to current popular usage in politics it now refers to a strong traditionalist conservative political perspective of a person opposed to social, political, and economic change.

        "Reactive" is a better word to use in place of "reactionary" now.

  • +3

    Disappointing to see trolls infiltrate this wonderful bargain website.

    • +3

      The rightwingers? It sure is.

      • +8

        everyone. forums right here are waiting for people to join them with an opportunity to share wisdom from the entire spectrum. We are looking for bargains. More and more of this politics crap to wade through in comments, visit on visit. It's getting beyond ridiculous now.

  • +2

    Another legendary troll post to get people going. Well done king.

    • +2

      Except the republicans just scuppered the border bill they negotiated and trump failed to do anything about it last time.

      • +3

        Did you actually read what was in the bill? It was bogus, simply cooked up to try and exchange for more money for Ukraine.

      • +1

        Ah yes, the $118 billion "border" bill in which $20 billion goes to the border. You obviously didn't read the bill let alone past the headlines. It's not a border bill. It's a foreign aid bill with some border stuff tacked on as an afterthought. And the border provisions are awful.

    • +2

      Just the state of the Mexican border tells a story. Remember the many years when the media said he's a racist pig for wanting to close the border/build a wall?
      Under Biden, we are now staring at an absolute shit show where the entire world flies to Mexico and just crosses over now. The New York mayor is begging tax-paying residents to take refugees into their homes because they can't handle the numbers. California is crumbling along with the other leftist states (can't even keep track of all the businesses leaving the state).

      While some media about Trump was true, there was a lot about him and his policies we were all lied to about.

      It’s amazing that people continue to be blind to these simple facts

  • +3

    This is too much money to spend because they didnt make anything great again.

  • +5

    This is from an Amazon review : ". I have to be honest, I dislike Trump with a passion and suspected this book would feed my dislike. It was an absolute feast!!" Pretty much sum up about this book: it's only for people who already have bias against Trump.

    I love reading books but a book about a candidate who is running for the presidency gets discounted right now? Come one, it has a hidden political agenda n I woul not read it if it were free

    Maybe I will read bout Trump biography 50 later from now. It will be a good read.

    • Biden can do the Roomba!

  • +3

    How is this a bargain?

    • -2

      Pulling out of syria gave russia a warm water seaport in the Mediterranean, the reward for sending assad mercenaries to murder his own citizens.

      • +2

        So what? You claim Assad killed Syrian citizens so we should encourage the overthrow of their Government? Obama drone-striked US citizens so we should overthrow the US Government too?

        • +1

          Obama never rewarded a nuclear threat starting expansionary land wars in europe unlike Trump who also ended the nuclear non proliferation treaty with russia that had been in place since 1987

  • +1

    This post reminds me of the smell of salty tears from that night Hilary got pwnd

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