This was posted 12 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 Cheeseburgers Happy Hour 12pm-1pm (McDonalds)


The deal is BACK!!

Its $1 Cheeseburger Happy Hour!
Make sure you grab yours between 12pm - 1pm.

4 burgers per transaction.

FB Link:…

Note: You need to be logged into Facebook to see the FB link.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    4 burgers per transaction

    Is there are maximum number of transactions per customer ?

    • +9

      No, you can order 4, then line back up and order 4 more.

      • +1

        Yes….. you could.

        But better things to eat for $8 surely?

        edit: This is where you respond with "And dont call me Surely".

        • +3

          "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley!"

        • i have previously bought three transactions worth, without lining up again.
          but it depends on who is serving you. Some managers say only one transaction per day, some dont give a sh!t and let you buy more.

    • +11

      You do realise not all of Australia is on EDST?

    • +4

      Come on, Brisbane is only 12.48pm now.
      Plus Perth people still got 1 hour and 15 minutes before they can get this offer. LOL

        • +27

          You know that 12pm-1pm comes around again tomorrow right?

        • +5

          You're such a pessimist. Because it was never stated how many days this promo would last for so you assume it was only for today!? I was thinking this would last for 20 years at least :D

  • Just today? Tomorrow?? Next week??

  • +8

    Damn, the 'per transaction' clause stops me from getting 10 Cheeseburgers for $5 (AMEX promo)!

    • add some sides to the order

      • +1

        How much is an extra patty? 90 cents? So you could get 4 x double cheeseburgers for $7.60 and you have $2.40 left to get extra cheese slices etc. Or you could just get 4 cheeseburgers and 6 fries / any other combo with the loose change menu. Oh the possibilities. If only I had an AMEX card haha.

        • Seriously I want to know how much extra pattys cost now, for future reference, does anyone know?

        • +1

          i'm not 100% certain, however it should be 90c for patty.

        • I always get a 90c discount when I get a burger without the patty.

        • i buy sausage patties and they are 90c. i have them with pancakes and icecream together with maple syrup ontop - yumm

    • +3

      I'm not bothered about the AMEX thing, but this does make it difficult to reattempt my 10 cheeseburgers in 1 sitting challenge I took on last time they ran this promo.

      queue flash back fade…
      We were in the drive through line-up when I said to my wife how I could easy do 10 of those bad boys. She insisted, no way!
      Of course my inner Barney Stinson took over and I was all like "challenge accepted!!"

      I guess it was one of those rare occasions the woman was right ;) (oops there he goes again)

      • +9

        Go in like Barney Stinson.
        Come out like Barney Gumble.

      • How far did you go?

      • You couldn't do 10? What kind of man are you?

        • +3

          Says "fab" man…

      • Weak effort, I can easily down 6 whoppers in one shot with room for another 10 and i'm not even fat!

        • +5

          Of course you're not! You're just big boned!!

        • you might not be fat but you probably have fat around your organs. some people have really high metabolisms and can eat heaps and stay skinny but your organs getty fatty instead of your tummy

      • But it was limited to 4 per transaction last time as well from memory?

        • Maybe it was… Maybe they didn't care?
          @ronnknee, I think it was 7.
          Seriously, those knocking me not getting through 10, try it!!

        • I couldn't get through 4. :(

  • +1

    The FB link doesn't work.

  • is it today only?

    • Nope, not just today. It was posted on Wednesday and has been active since then.

  • According to Facebook it appears ongoing.

  • +2
  • insert meme jpeg here so you're telling me people actually pay for cheese burgers after shake n win came out.

    • did know they had one for Maccas, i thought only HJ?
      what's the app called, just maccas?

      • +1

        who needa maccas when you have free hungry jacks

  • -1

    Official Link doesn't work?

    Links to images don't actually mean anything…

    • -2

      I think the FB link from Official McD will do

      • I'm getting an error :/

        • I got rejected at McDonalds Jolimont

        • +4

          ^^ why cruel world!? that's where I was about to go to!

        • why?

        • +1

          Oh! The humanity! :-(

    • -1

      A link to the image shows you the deal… You don't need to print it or anything.

      Here's the link to Facebook which shows the linked picture:…

      • A link to an image could be a link to a past promotion that has expired

        images are useless without dates

        • So my link above to the McDonald's Facebook image and a date isn't good enough either???

          Sorry, I didn't realise the link was only visible to Facebook users.

  • +7

    and if you get the "meat" patty taken out it is 10cents for the bun, cheese, pickle sauce, etc.

    • +3

      yeah, removing the patty will discount you 90 cents.

      • +2


    • the picture says $1 cheeseburger cannot be altered…

      • +13

        the last time they had this deal I asked for $1 cheeseburger without patty and got it for 10cents.

        with my cheeseburger deal (without meat) for $3.05.

        2 cheese+chip burgers w/drink for $3.15.

        • +13

          you, sir or madam, are royalty among ozbargainers

        • I always dump my fries on my burgers so a cheese and chip burger sound flipping excellent.

    • Do you get another discount if you ask for no pickles?

      • +11

        Maybe if you just took the bun, they'd pay you.

  • +1

    I'm a bit upset, because I'm going to put on so much weight while this deal is on! :P

  • -2

    .> i have coupon for constant 1$ cheese burgers, sundaes and apple pies >.> all time round

    • +5

      Good for you! You must feel special.

    • +4

      pics or it aint real

    • +5

      Do you want to scan it and post it up for us all to use?
      Or would you just like to brag about it?

    • +1

      You're saying that you don't think that the Official McDonalds facebook page isn't legit?


      • -2

        All I get from the Facebook link is:

        This content is currently unavailable
        The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

        And when I look at the McDonalds Facebook page itself, there isn't anything on there either.

        • I see it a couple of posts down here.

          Here is the image but I'm not sure if that link will work for everyone.

        • Caitlin Edwards-Brooks Maccas hindley street no one dollar cheeseburgers . wtf mcdonalds.

          That's the only text I can see about $1 cheeesburgers.

        • FB link in description updated.

        • +4

          Still not working here.

          And still doesn't change at least two stores in WA have no idea bout this.

        • It looks like you need to log into FB to see the page.

        • +4

          I see the problem… The link is only visible to people with Facebook (and possible like the McDonald's page). I tried seeing my link on a PC with no Facebook account and it's not visible.

          This is what we're seeing:
          PNG (838KB) -
          JPG (345KB) -

        • Thanks for clarifying.
          I'll retract the neg.

        • I am logged in and I liked the McDonalds page. Still see nothing!

        • +2

          Well I don't know what's wrong with yours, but I can see it just fine.
          Evidence enough?

          Edit: see below, they may be displaying it based on location.

        • +2

          me too! I went to Maylands, WA maccas and got rejected too. They'd never heard of it.

        • I have just scrolled down, I can see the same as your image where the girl comments on burning the milk (to the right), but definitely not (on my page anyway), is there a post for $1 cheeseburger as I can see in your image.

        • +6

          Then they must be using location-based post settings - the indicator is 'custom', unlike their other posts (which are 'public'). That image was more to illustrate that the deal is in fact legitimate, even if it isn't available everywhere. If you can't see it on Facebook, it won't apply to you.

          Bolded so other people see, not to be snarky :-)

        • +2

          You need to look harder, it's definitely there…

        • +2

          and because I got downvoted with evidence, here is the direct link to the image which they posted which you can see without having a facebook login -…

    • +11

      Just because this deal isn't available in your area, it doesn't deserve a neg.
      I work at McDonalds (Victoria), and it is indeed legitimate.

      Edit: wait, wait, wait. I'm a rep now?
      I work at McDonalds, as in I'm a lowly kitchen worker… I'm not here to represent anyone or anything, but myself.
      I was just providing a bit more detail, from my perspective, to help clear things up. I am, in no way, representing anything, and I'm not sure management would appreciate the insinuation that I am.

      • A "rep" on OzBargain is anyone that works for the store (the helptext for the tick box is "Check this box if you work for the store, or have an interest in promoting the store (marketing contractor, website builder etc)."). Since you work there, you're classified as a rep on here.

        • +17

          I know what a rep is, thanks… but I disagree that it's anyone that works there. I am not posting as an employee of McDonalds, I am posting as an OzBargainer who happens to possess information specific to McDonalds employees. I am not a representative of McDonalds.

          …at OzBargain we encourage merchants, service providers or store owners to post their specials on OzBargain

          I am none of these things; I don't speak for McDonalds, I don't speak for my store, and hence I do not represent anything. I do not represent anything but myself and my opinions. Tagging me as a rep would link my ideas and expressions that I've posted here, to McDonalds - unjustifiably so. Unlike an actual store representative, my affiliation with McDonalds, within the context of this website, means absolutely nothing.

          So I would like to request that the rep tags are removed.

        • -4

          Here's a pretty simple solution - don't comment on deals from your employer if you don't want to be associated with them.

        • +6

          Here's another simple solution: the rep tags could just be removed.

          And why should I avoid deals from McDonalds? I'm perfectly free to comment on anything I wish… and if it beneficial to the community that I help to clarify something, then I will post it. It's simple really: I'm not representing McDonalds, so I'm not a store rep; I would not call clarifying details on a promotion 'representing'.

        • +1

          As far as the rules are concerned, any employee must check the REP checkbox, whether they are an official representative or not.


        • +2

          click the report button at the top of the page and request it be removed by the mods.

        • Just because this deal isn't available in your area, it doesn't deserve a neg.
          I work at McDonalds (Victoria)

          your first point you make is using your employment to confirm the deal is real though…

        • +2

          I was just providing a bit more detail, from my perspective, to help clear things up. I am, in no way, representing anything, and I'm not sure management would appreciate the insinuation that I am.

          Regardless, the point is moot, now.

        • +1

          This is hilarious! :) From now on, I'll be sure to message you about any and all maccas related information Mr Rep!

        • +1

          And I very much look forward to that ;-)

  • I dunno if pickle club app has ever been mentioned here, but for a few stores in victoria, there are daily cheapy deals at selected maccas.

  • I can confirm my store are doing them, started on the 24th

  • +5

    and with ING card and paywave this is 95c ;)

  • Saw this at the local Maccas foodcourt on their signage. Seems to be legit.

    • Yep just saw this at local Maccas in QLD. It probably isn't available in WA for the same reason most Dominos vouchers aren't - they don't feel they have to.

  • +7

    Yeah, saw the ad on TV. First thing that sprang to mind was to buy 4 of them, throw away the buns for 3, and stack the rest together: 4-stack cheeseburger, just the way God intended.

    • -3

      why dont you Just Buy 1 for $1.00 then add 3 Extra Patty. Are they not 90c ea.? That $1.00 + $2.70 = $3.70. Just a suggestion.. Not Sure Myself.

      • +9

        Then you don't get four slices of cheese though.

    • +5

      "throw away the buns"

      Thats such a waste! I guess we 1st world ppl are so used to spoiling ourselves that we forget how fortunate we are & should really appreciate what we have.

      Other ppl in 3rd world are lucky enough just to have a slice of bread or clean water…

      Just putting things in perspective.

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