BRITA Maxtra + Filters 8 Pack on special till 18/02/2024 In store for $51.99.
Also available online $61.99 Delivered…
BRITA Maxtra + Filters 8 Pack on special till 18/02/2024 In store for $51.99.
Also available online $61.99 Delivered…
ozb is back?
I’ve had trouble getting on as well.
I actually think the Kirkland brand ones they sell are better. They are made in Germany too whereas the Brita filters now made in China
They sell Kirkland branded filters that fit the Brita??
Yep, made in Germany as said above so they're probably made by Brita
That also fit the Maxtra+?
I searched on Google and it says BRITA manufacturing plants are in China, Germany and UK , so am assuming asian contries and Oceania gets made in China and US, and European contries gets made in Germany
Lmao I still haven't changed my filter for like 4 years. Probs should.
Just keep pressing the start button to get it back to 100%, and you’re good
87% good
but my jar indicator battery died so i m using it with out a filter
I usually order from Amazon UK via Amazon AU. They are manufactured either in UK or Germany.
Recently I bought 12 pack for $23.69 on Ebay.
What brand was it?
No Brand. Generic.
I assumed things were cheaper instore. But recently bought ipods and they were $1 cheaper online delivered. Possible they could've lowered the price after I bought them but wasn't worth driving 1 hour to get a price refund.
Who the f**k buys iPods these days? lol
Just got some. I always read comments that the Kmart filters fit the Brita jugs but that wasn't the case for me. The kmart filters didn't fit the Brita Aluna XL and I had to refund.