This was posted 1 year 1 month 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 100GB myQNAPcloud Storage (Lifetime), QNAP ID & Hybrid Backup Sync Required @ QNAP



Apply for the campaign, back up your NAS data using Hybrid Backup Sync, and you will get an additional 100 GB free storage space (for life) on myQNAPcloud Storage.

Limited time offer until March 31, 2024

Keep a secondary backup to secure your precious data
myQNAPcloud storage is QNAP-hosted cloud storage designed as a perfect backup destination for QNAP NAS users. Every QNAP Account is entitled to 16 GB free storage as standard, and you will receive an additional 100 GB storage space.

Terms and conditions

  1. Each QNAP ID can only be applied once.

  2. myQNAPcloud Storage will only accept applications from a maximum of 100 QNAP ID users each day. If your application is not accepted, an error message will appear on the screen. Please note that you will have to apply the next day or later.

  3. Once the region is selected and submitted, it cannot be changed to another region. You must make sure that your selection here is the same as your myQNAPcloud Storage region.

  4. If registration fails, please contact QNAP Marketing ([email protected]) and attach supporting documents.

Credit to My Dealz

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closed Comments

  • Can anyone find their privacy policy?

  • Any deals for a cheap QNAP to take advantage of this deal?

    • +2

      I've been watching this space for the past 2 months, and there aren't any deals atm, they all finished in Dec or mid Jan, so we might be waiting a while till the next ones.
      These were the deals I saw before they expired:
      * TS-462-2g was $460 on eBay
      * TS-464-8g was $690 on eBay
      * TS-233 is still slightly discounted
      * A few sporadic discounts on other models.

      If it's of interest, Terramaster still has the F4-223 for $489, which has good hardware but TOS is behind QTS:

      I'm researching a heap of DIY options in the mean time in case further discounts/sales don't pop up sometime in the near future.

  • What is a QNAP?
    I would just want to back up photos or random crap on there

  • +3

    Hmm my qnap mas has been off ever since the Qlocker ransomware happened and it has never been turned on since. Is it safe again to use it?

    • +5

      Only really going to happen if your QNAP is exposed to the outside world.

    • +3

      The Massive Qlocker ransomware attack uses 7zip to encrypt QNAP devices occured back in 2021 / 2022. Theoretically the holes have been plugged, but …

    • I've read about the Qlocker and Deadbolt. my QNAP NAS' having been running since 2010 without issue. What does one have to do to get infected?

      • Have it exposed on the internet.

        Mine only had MyQNAPCloud on it and it got done so very bad back door in it somewhere at the time.

        • Mine are exposed to the internet. One is even in the DMZ to use as a torrent server. But I don't MyQNAPCloud.

          • @raybies: DMZ? Demilitarised Zone?

            • +1

              @dangerdanger: Yep - it just means there's no protection through the router's NAT or other means.

              The rest of the network is protected (Militarised/Monitored/Protected whatever). No incoming ports unless specifically manually set in the router or through uPnP.

              When you place something in the routers DMZ it is explicitly unprotected from the outside. All ports open and accessible

              I would personally never do that (rather manually open ports) unless I needed to specifically test something but each to his own.

              • @Ramrunner: My DMZ is positioned ahead of the OPNsense firewall and DHCP server, with the internet router preceding it. Thus, the configuration is internet router > NAS for the DMZ, while for most others, it follows the pattern of internet router > firewall > VLAN > Device.

                I utilize Syncthing to retrieve necessary data from the DMZ NAS beyond the firewall.

    • They basically forced everyone to upgrade the firmware (it was actually auto applied) to fix this issue.

  • +2

    Hmmm … I don't see the application form … What did I miss?

    Form shown up after turned off the AD Blocker

    • Not form popping up for me ever.

  • +1

    I don't have NAS,
    did you guys try it with rclone?

    • +2

      try rclone to play big media files. Doesn't work for me. Even if playback is okay, fast forward or clicking on the timeline causes it to freeze up for half a minute each time.

  • -2

    I only see the 16 GB free offer.

    • Maybe because of:

      myQNAPcloud Storage will only accept applications from a maximum of 100 QNAP ID users each day. If your application is not accepted, an error message will appear on the screen. Please note that you will have to apply the next day or later.

      • -1

        If your application is not accepted

        I haven't/can't apply…

        I don't see the form.

        • -1

          A. If you have already activated your myQNAPcloud Storage

          1. Sign in to your QNAP Account. The application form will be shown at the bottom of this page.

          B. If you have not activated your myQNAPcloud Storage

          1. Go to and create your space on it.

          2. Take note of the regions you chose

          3. Now start the process from A-1 as above

        • I didn't see any 'form'; it was just a drop down to select your region and tick you accept their terms and submit. It was at the bottom of the page.

  • +2

    No NAS, but …" Every QNAP Account is entitled to 16 GB free storage as standard, and you will receive an additional 100 GB storage space" - is there a charge for this 16GB? Can it be used to back-up a mobile?

  • I'm getting one to save my p videos, I mean my pet's videos. Cloud storage's privacy protection is a joke.

    • Pets also deserve privacy :p

      • Yeah ain't no leakers gonna snatch my kitty pix

  • It says "Back up your NAS data" to get 100GB, how can we do that? Thanks.

  • -3

    Works for Synology ?

    • +7

      Is your synology nas made by qnap? 🤣

  • +4

    Never register this before but getting "This QID has already been registered for this campaign."

    • +1

      Same here, never registered. I'm not sure if this error means that the 100 daily allocation has been exhausted:

      "myQNAPcloud Storage will only accept applications from a maximum of 100 QNAP ID users each day. If your application is not accepted, an error message will appear on the screen. Please note that you will have to apply the next day or later."

    • ..and same for me. Maybe it's the 100 daily allocation thing, although if so the error message is pretty misleading. FWIW a few people are seeing the same error here:…

      • Update - it now says "This campaign has already received applications from a daily limit of 100 QNAP ID users. Please apply again the next day or later."

        • +1

          Tried again this morning and the first time it came up with the "QID has already been registered for this campaign" error message. Then on second attempt at 10:59 it said it had hit the max 100 applications and "New applications will be accepted daily at 00:00 (UTC+0).” Then at 11:00 it said "You've successfully submit the form. QNAP automatically adds 100 GB storage to your spaces after you backing up your NAS data." So yay. The storage still says 16GB, so I've kicked off my small backup again just in case and will see what happens - will give it 24 hours. update - it's there now. Took maybe ten mins. So in my case the steps I took were:
          1. Create a backup job in HB3 to backup up about 60MB - basically just backing up my Home Assistant container config
          2. Wait until 11am (Melb/Syd time) and register for the upgrade
          3. Run the backup again


    • Same here, I was wondering if my NAS was too old, as under the Hybrid Storage I cant see Qnap cloud as a storage space.

  • +3

    QNAP NAS security is very safe, so you can trust them with your free cloud storage..wink..wink.

    • +2

      Good thing there are tools like Borg, Restic and rclone to encrypt your files before uploading to any cloud storage now

      • didn't know that, good to know!

      • +2

        Also duplicati which can backup to pretty much every cloud storage, and encrypts at same time. Very stable for me

      • So VeraCrypt out of fashion?
        I stopped encrypting after losing keys…. the only place I haven't looked for my 2 missing BTC.

        • Don't stop locking your doors after you lose your keys once 😂

          • @FFx0: All good if you have a pitbull guarding it ;)

      • Any opinion on Cryptomator?

        • Since it has a GUI, it will probably be easier to use

  • +3

    Nothing is ever free! Except the best things

    • Tell that to the birds and bees.

  • +1

    Went thru the process but it states that I only have 16GB of free storage? If you have already applied and registered how can you re-apply the next day?

    • Same, just showed 16gb. Own a qnap.

  • 100gb is nothing I need about 6tb

  • +1

    FYI you need a QNAP NAS system to get the 100GB free storage. If you don't have a NAS the most you get for free is 16GB.

    • Got a qnap. Just showed 16gb. Not even worth while to use

  • I've got a few TB's of Photos/Videos. Currently for iPhone's, I have a mix of 2 TB via Turkey and upload some with OG Pixel - which is a tiring process + Google no longer lets you upload HEIC format.

    So I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what's the best setup to move a few TB's of data over from Google Photos and iCloud over to another storage solution.

    • I completed this task by making it entirely local using SyncThing.
      Next step: Purchase a NAS, use Google Takeout to retrieve files, transfer files to the NAS, and set up a Syncthing container.
      Finally, install applications on appropriate clients.

        1. When you say 'local using SyncThing' = do you mean from iPhone to OG Pixel? or from your devices to your NAS?
        2. "Installing applications on appropriate client" = installing SyncThing on my devices such as iPhone?

        3. I couldn't find Syncthing on iPhone, but I believe an alternate is Mobius. But the transfer speeds are really bad.

        4. In your setup, are you able to only sync locally or is there a way to do a remote sync as well with your NAS.
        5. What application do you use to view your media instead of Google Photos on Pixel or Photos on iPhone?
        • +1

          I have Synology and QNAP NAS units. They run SyncThing either natively or in a docker container.
          I sync the required files among the 3 NAS units, which is a superior redundancy method compared to RAID, especially in case of failures.
          The NAS units can sync with cloud services via native apps, such as QNAP Hybrid Cloud Sync.
          If you are behind a firewall (e.g., OpnSense) and you open ports, you can sync with any other SyncThing globally.
          My Android phones sync with my NAS units using SyncThing.
          My PCs and Macs sync with the NAS units using SyncThing.
          I use Samsung Gallery on my phones.

          Seem iOS is the only platform syncthing isn't availble on, so yeah Mobius. But it looks the same…

  • With the limit on the number of people trying to claim this, I wouldnt expect this to be redeemable for a good little while.

  • 116GB = ~20 4k movies emmm how is the download/streaming speed?

  • +5

    I don't get it - it's only 100GB, I mean you could buy a 128GB thumb drive for only $20.

    (And I have three Qnaps in the house and I still can't see the point).

    • +3

      OzB mate, people like free **** even if they have no practical reason for it.
      And QNAP are doing it bcos everyone hates MyQNAPCloud and the marketing dep knows people hate moving data.

      Now since you have 3 QNAPs how does one uninstall MyQNAPCloud?

      • I don't think you can. I think I did set it up once but I removed my details at some point so it's not logged in.

  • +1

    100/day is way too less as it will be ozbd daily :-))

  • +4

    Just for reference, I was able to claim my 100gb at 11am on the dot AEDST. It seems like the QNAP servers use GMT as their local time so we should be able to get something during our day if you are quick

    EDIT: Having said that, my QNAP allowance still only shows 16Gb though.

    • same here.

    • same here, tried earlier today didnt work but just now it got submitted.
      Same with allowance being showed as well still 16GB

    • And same here. Says application goes through but storage still says 16gb both on portal and on qnap nas.

    • Same. 16Gb only after accepting it and setting up a backup job.

    • -1

      QNAP allowance still only shows 16Gb though.

      You need to perform a backup to activate it… Read the instructions.

      • I did genius. It bombed out after 16Gb.

        • I did genius

          It's says to use Hybrid Backup Sync, not Genius.

    • My 100GB finally came through (appears as 116GB now in myQNAPcloud) a day after I managed to do the successful claim via the form

  • I have done everything i think except using HBS app on my QNAP Nas to back up files. As every time i run the app on my QNAP, i dont see an option to backup to MyQnapCloud.

    • Have you installed Hybrid backup sync? From there you setup your space and choose the MyQnapcloudstorage andf login.

      • do you mean install the software onto my pc or install the App onto my Qnap NAS. I installed on both but was trying to use the app on my QNAP Nas as i figured thats how its meant to be used in order to get the extra bonus?

        • On qnap yes. Maybe as you said your qnap is to old.

    • You might have to update your app. I couldnt see it either until I updated it.

      • maybe the qnap i am using is too old and so has a older version of HBS, my version on the NAS is v1.3. I do have newer QNAPs , i havent set them up yet but i guess i could

        • Haha possibly. The version of the Hybrid Backup Sync on mine is 23.1.1116

          • @Piranha2004: same version here, NAS was bought new about an year ago, still 16GB.. lets wait and see.
            Btw how much of your 16GB filled? mine just have less than 1MB used by creating a dummy backup job so far, i wonder if they allocate the 100GB on demand?

            • +1

              @WhatsTheBigDeal: I tried to backup 40Gb of data and it failed at 16gb. Hasnt been applied yet.

              • @Piranha2004: oh ok i misread your last comment. I thought you were able to see 100GB once you updated the app.

        • HBS 3 installed on my nas is V23.1.1116

          • @hazzad: i have a Qnat TS439 Pro II. It is old, I have older :), but i have a few new ones i havent set up yet so that might be the reason why it isnt working. Shame. Once I have registered (within the 100 per day) do I need to do the transfer the same day as i registered the form? Or once registered, Do i have till March to perform the transfer?

  • How can I claim this 100GB without a QNAP NAS please?

    • Dont believe you can. Its for qnap customers.

    • without a QNAP NAS please

      No way.
      Even people WITH QNAP devices can't. :)

      • Got a qnap. Got 16gb. I transferred one file. See if it kicks in and give me 100gb. Said on forum it can take a while to get the 100gb. Have my doubts though.

        • FWIW Mine appeared after less than 10 mins after I ran the backup using HB3

        • My 100GB came through (appears as 116GB now in myQNAPcloud) about a day after I managed to do the successful claim via the form

          • @Remorhaz: Yep mine has also come through now. Must be a delay of about a day or so.

            • @Piranha2004: Still nothing. Verified backup. See next week otherwise put in a ticket.

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