Do You Watch Sky News? If so why? If not why not?
Do You Watch Sky News?
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"Sky News (whose bread and butter is "crazy non-factual opinion")"
Sooooo …. in that case, you should easily be able to provide examples of this supposed Sky News "crazy non-factual opinion" from what you claim is the vast array available.
Lets' see some examples then …. waiting …
@Gekov: All ya have to do is look at some of Murdoch Media’s “stars” and the words defamation and racial vilification. Start with Andrew Bolt. It won’t take long to find the evidence.
@try2bhelpful: "It won’t take long to find the evidence."
I need guidance coz I don't see any "crazy non-factual opinion" when I look thru any Murdoch site.
Just one example of "crazy non-factual opinion" that you're aware of will do for starters …
@Gekov: You would if you actually bothered to look. Clearly, you know how to use Google - you're just super-selective and insulated regarding what you search for.
And don't worry, this isn't a 10+ year old example of utter rubbish), like what you've been posting throughout this thread.
Enjoy the read! if you in fact even bother to do so
@Gekov: Even you can Google “Andrew Bolt” and “defamation and racial vilification”. There are, at least, three cases he lost.
Then again maybe you can’t actually comprehend something unless it is bat shit crazy.
So I will let other people Google and they can make up their own minds. There is no way I can change yours. You are too far down the rabbit hole.
Whilst they are at it they can Google Sky News and fact checking. They will find the bits that negate your “arguments” on climate change.
@KangaDrew: Just one example of Sky News "crazy non-factual opinion"
FROM THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD, with possibly a link, would be nice, instead of asking me to wade thru mostly irrelevant links, baby.… waiting, but not holding my breath …
FROM THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD, with possibly a link, would be nice
I just provided you with two links 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
@KangaDrew: "I just provided you with two links"
But can't think of one from the top of your head eh?
Can't be too many there …
@KangaDrew: OK,
if that's too hard,
how about providing a link and then summarising what you see as the "crazy non-factual opinion" there?
@try2bhelpful: "So I will let other people Google and they can make up their own mind"
You can't think of a single "crazy non-factual opinion" from the top of your head then?Can't be too many of those then.
@try2bhelpful: "They will find the bits that negate your “arguments” on climate change"
Try negating this then …
To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an ICE AGE while at the same time
*** CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today— 4400 ppm.
According to greenhouse theory, Earth should have been exceedingly hot.
Instead, global temperatures were no warmer than today. ***Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming.…
Worse one is just old recycled shit also newscorp owned rubbish
Did someone mention "shit"??
Here's a sample, of so many suchlike, of Guardian's climate catastrophising SHIT ……
Another leftie source, censoring INCONVENIENT FACTS ….
The Conversation cleansing skeptical thoughts.
Read the banned comments here…if it was printed on paper it wouldn't even be worthy of wiping the ass
Did someone mention "SHIT"?
Apex misinformation purveyor the Guardian laments the arrival of free speech on X (Twitter) exposing their hitherto unchallenged climate change misinformation
sorry I can't hear you over the noise of the tin foil russling
" russling"????
Did you go to school?
You need a valium. Then you need to read some actual science.
Did someone mention science?
Truth and Science: A Nobel Laureate’s Advice to Students
… one of the worst sources of dangerous scientific misinformation the public has been fed is from the IPCC.
He has called the IPCC’s misinformation “a dangerous corruption of science” and “
a massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.” Dr. Clauser asserts climate change is “not a crisis.”Meanwhile, mainstream news continues to tell us the IPCC has nailed the science and that they should be trusted.
We should take it on FAITH that carbon dioxide has caused an existential climate change crisis, that CO2 is responsible for an unnatural and abnormal warming period, that all extreme weather events are increasing due to CO2, that CO2 is causing sea level rises that will drown us and that the ocean reefs are dying. It further asks us to believe that the transition to a carbon dioxide-free economy will be affordable, feasible and quick — even in impoverished nations.
These myths are presented as truth by the non-scientific techno-cons.…
@Gekov: So if some rogue climatologist with wacky religious views took issue with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics we should listen to that guy and ignore every other theoretical physicist? There are reasons scientists specialise.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "if some rogue climatologist with wacky religious views took issue with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics"
No mistaking which side of the #climatechange fraud … er … debate you're on!Exposing #climatechange fraud ain't easy when so much money is at stake!
Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data
96% of NOAA temperature stations located in URBAN HEAT ISLANDS.…
@Gekov: Get some reliable sources of information and stop shouting hysterically. Fortunately your theories are so OTT have no credibility so you won’t lead too many astray.
@try2bhelpful: HMMM …
so what is a true believer in climate catastrophe like you enthusiastically embracing a consumer oriented site like this, trying to save a few shekels, while you believe "the planet is going to hell in a handbasket"?You should be out in the streets, blocking traffic, engaging in other assorted crazy activities, and shrieking
**** "WE'RE ALL DOOMED" ****@Gekov: Funnily enough I don’t buy everything that is posted on this site. However, it helps me to make thoughtful choices about the consumer goods I do want. People post stuff and you look at the reliability of the sources and the value for money. You then look at other reliable sources of information.
It is best to avoid clouding your judgement by giving credence to nonsensical information from poor sources. I’ll stick with information from acknowledged specialists who have the education and the knowledge.
@try2bhelpful: "People post stuff and you look at the reliability of the sources and the value for money"
so your virtue signalling plays second fiddle to "value for money" shopping, while "THE PL:ANET BURNS"??????
@try2bhelpful: By the way …
Have you switched to a "planet saving" insect diet yet?
Come on, listen to your UN master's decrees, and demonstrate the courage of your convictions … switch now!
Let us know how you new diet is going once you start …
@try2bhelpful: "I’m not being extremist."
how can you not be extremist when, noted climate scientist Greta says we have less the 10 years left to a climatechange mass extinction event???
No mistaking which side of the #climatechange fraud … er … debate you're on!
Sorry mate, debate's over. Human activity is altering the climate.
A Nobel Laureate’s Advice to Students
Yeah, there will always be a few nutjobs, usually from non climate fields, who think they know better than the experts. Many of them have strong affiliations with the fossil fuel industry or (like this one) some sort of religious agenda.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "debate's over. Human activity is altering the climate"
FYI, still debatable as to the extent of human influence.
Historical climate has had wide swings, so any change today is well within historical norms.
Want cooler climate?
”throughout Europe, years 1560+ were cooler & stormier, late wine harvests, much stronger winds, Storm activity up 85%, severe storms rose400%”Edward Bryant, in the book, “Natural Hazards”, gives us a rundown of some of the biggest storms:-
Four storms along the Dutch and German coasts in the 13thC killed at least 100,000 each. The worst is estimated to have killed 300,000.
North Sea storms in 1099, 1421 and 1446 also killed 100,000 each in England and the Netherlands.
By far the worst storm was the All Saints Day flood of 1570, when 400,000 people were killed throughout Western Europe.
The Great Storm of 1703 sank virtually all ships in the English Channel, with the loss of 8000 to 10000 lives.
Other storms with similar death tolls occurred in 1634, 1671, 1682, 1686, 1694 and 1717.
Much of the coastline of northern Europe owes its origin to this period of storms. For instance, storms reduced the size of the island of Heligoland from 60km to 1km.
The Great Drowning Disaster of 1362 eroded 15km landward of the Danish coast, destroying over 60 parishes.
The Lucia storm of 1287 carved out the Zuider Zee.…
@us3rnam3tak3n: "I'd settle for CO2 levels back to around 280ppm"
As during the the Little Ice Age!
Careful what you wish for.By the way, what's so magical about 280ppm?
I'd rather have a greener planet with CO2 at 1000ppm or more.
New Scientist: The Great Greening, Our New Lush Earth.
Thank You CO2…
@Gekov: Here's a challenge for you: find something relevant and fresh as far as your (and I use this word very tongue-in-cheek) "evidence" is concerned. Outside of your absurd and nonsensical rants in this thread, all of your links are from a decade ago - or more.
How about you find some 2023 articles that back up every single one of those decades old links you've posted and seem to love so much? And while you're at it, make sure they are from reputable sources that can be fact checked.
We'll wait………
@KangaDrew: "make sure they are from reputable sources that can be fact checked."
New Scientist is not reputable?
WTF are you smoking?
By the way, what's so magical about 280ppm?
180-220ppm correlates to glacial periods. 260-280 has produced relatively stable temperate climate. 400+ can lead to runaway greenhouse and violent weather patterns.…
@us3rnam3tak3n: HMMM …
Sooooo … how do you explain the Mediæval & Roman Warm Periods, warmer or as warm as the present, with CO2 at 280ppm or less?
Climate was hotter in Roman, Mediæval times than now.
A large team of scientists making a comprehensive study of data from tree rings say that in fact global temperatures have been on a falling trend for the past 2,000 years and they have often been noticeably higher than they are today - despite the absence of any significant amounts of human-released carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back then.
"We found that previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low," says Professor-Doktor Jan Esper of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, one of the scientists leading the study. "Such findings are also significant with regard to climate policy."…
@us3rnam3tak3n: Way Back When It Was REALLY HOT!
1884 627, 879, 993, 1000, 1022, 1132, 1303, 1753, 1793
February 28, 1885
Gaillard's Medical Journal.
JAMA. 1885; IV (9):245. doi:10.1001/jama.1885.02390840021009Gaillard's Medical Journal.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "400+ can lead to runaway greenhouse and violent weather patterns"
You just made that up didn't you?
AT 400+ppm, here is the weather …
World Presently In An Era Of Unusually Low Weather Disasters
This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather events have become politicized in debates over climate change, some find this hard to believe. Fortunately, government and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) analyses allow such claims to be adjudicated based on science, and not politics.…FYI: CO2 IS NOT THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL KNOB!
You can dig up obscure, dubious and dated sources that attempt to refute the evidence (a medical journal from 1888 claiming knowledge of weather in 637 - really??) but current world events and the vast majority of experts in the field disagree with you. And what is it with crackpots love affair with the capslock key anyway?
@us3rnam3tak3n: "a medical journal from 1888 claiming knowledge of weather in 637 - really?? "
YEP, really & truly.
You've heard of history books???
I bet warmunists like you would love to go back in time and censor such INCONVENIENT FACTS as you guys have been desperately trying to erase the the Mediæval Warm Period.
“We have to get rid of the Mediæval Warm Period”
Confided to geophysicist David Deming by the IPCC, 1995
[Many believe that man to be Jonathan Overpeck, which Prof. Deming didn’t deny in an email response, who would later also serve as an IPCC lead author.]@us3rnam3tak3n: "a medical journal from 1888 claiming knowledge of weather in 637 - really??"
Really & truly!
El Nino of 1878 — when miners would 'knock off' at 44.4ºC! Monster heat in 1878, 1879, 1883 — far hotter than modern times…
New York Herald Sep 4 1921 “DEATH FOR MILLIONS IN 1921 RECORD HEATWAVE” “Immense areas, usually fertile, dried up in Europe,Asia,famine stalks helpless people,, crops damaged” FORGOTTEM EXTREME HEAT *
@us3rnam3tak3n: AVERT YOUR EYES … this will be painful for warmunists …
To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an ICE AGE while at the same time
*** CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today— 4400 ppm.
According to greenhouse theory, Earth should have been exceedingly hot.
Instead, global temperatures were no warmer than today. ***Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming. YOUR EYES … this will be painful for warmunists …
Your allcaps and made up words don't add credibility.
Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming.
Agreed, although CO2 is the most concerning factor at the moment.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "CO2 is the most concerning factor at the moment."
In a period of atmospheric CO2 STARVATION?
@Gekov: Anyway, good luck down that rabbit hole. I'll be here in the real world if you ever want to visit.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "180-220ppm correlates to glacial periods"
You do know that, at 150ppm CO2 plants die off, and so does humanity, don't you?.
Quoting award winning Princeton University physicist Dr. Will Happer:
“Many people don’t realize that over geological time, we’re really in
***** a CO2 famine now. *****”…
@us3rnam3tak3n: You trust NOAA temperature data?
Really & truly?
Maybe not so much after this video …
@us3rnam3tak3n: "some rogue climatologist with wacky religious views"
Plenty of that from whacko leftie warmunists, baby!
Looking for a a good laugh and some cheap entertainment?
Then this handy site listing a huge cornucopia of
Don't hold your breath waiting for a leftie warmunist prediction to finally come to pass … hell will freeze over first!
@Gekov: Obviously, when forecasting, the error bars become larger at greater timescales. The attention-grabbing extremes are frequently published by journalists rather than the more realistic (though nonetheless unsettling) predictions. I wish I shared your optimism but we can't all be boiling frogs.
Global warming was once a prediction. Now the records are in the books. "Global warming was once a prediction"
Your faith in DUD PREDICTIONS (based on failed climate models, highly adjusted temperature data, & uncorrected Urban Heat Island effects) not one of which has come to pass, is truly awe-inspiring.
Unequivocal Proof That Warmunists Are Lying – And That They Know They’re Lying.
The warmists have been lying since the very beginning, circa 1970. Up to the end of 2020, they have made 48 scary failed climate predictions that have fully expired – at 50:50 odds, the probability of that happening is 1 in ~281 trillion – no rational person or group could be this wrong, this obtuse, for this long – they know they are lying – they’ve known all along. Their objectives are not environmental, that is their false front – their objectives are extreme-left political and financial control – the Great Reset.……
48 scary failed climate predictions that have fully expired – at 50:50 odds, the probability of that happening is 1 in ~281 trillion
It's easy to cherry-pick and aggregate poor predictions. The general consensus this century is that human induced CO2 increases are likely to heat the global atmosphere 1.5-2 degrees in the first half of this century. This has pretty much already come to pass. We were just touching on +1.5 in 2023. It's not linear, obviously, but the trend is clearly upwards.
@us3rnam3tak3n: " We were just touching on +1.5 in 2023"
Still waiting for this imaginary "climate crisis".
Can you see it?By the way …
What makes you think it's "human-induced"?Soooo … all natural cooling and warming climate cycles which have been giving us effects such as the Roman & Mediæval Warm Periods and the Little Ice Age have suddenly disappeared?
@us3rnam3tak3n: "It's easy to cherry-pick and aggregate poor predictions"
You've found a good prediction?
Please share your discovery …
@us3rnam3tak3n: " Now the records are in the books"
You see only the TAMPERED RECORDS ….
How NOAA controls how we see temperature data
You see only the TAMPERED RECORDS ….
I get it - you don't trust the official sources. But the fact is raw data in many fields needs to be adjusted to reliably compare datasets.
@us3rnam3tak3n: "But the fact is raw data in many fields needs to be adjusted to reliably compare datasets"
By the way, what makes you so trusting of these adjustments?
Do you understand them?FLASHBACK 2016:
300 Scientists Rebel At NOAA DATA TAMPERING to Erase The Hiatus!
"NOAA's Efforts to alter historical temperature data deserve serious scrutiny"…Remember the shocking heat of 1998? — UAH satellite data still does, but ALL THE OTHER TEMPERATURE SETS HAVE ERASED IT.…
Geoff Sherrington
January 22, 2022 at 9:33 am
Some of us have done our own studies, collecting more information on sites than BoM seem to know about. Like, I have spent time with Dr Bill Johnston spending hours searching through historic paper records held at airports and BoM offices Slow, patient work, but revealing again original, unadjusted data when you get lucky.
Peter, in the majority of cases where these rediscovered facts are blended into existing data, the result is that overall, there has been less warming than the BoM claim. Not by a little bit, but by a lot. FWIW, my overall impression is that about 0.4ºC of Australian warming 1910 to 2020 is the maximum claimable by using hard science, not the 0.8-1 ºC that BoM estimate.
Now 0.4 ºC for a Century is not an existential threat. But it is the maximum we can find using hard science that can be replicated. Houston, we have a problem, Geoff S…The Shocking Climate Graph @climateofgavin Doesn’t Want You To See
They’ve artificially cooled the past prior to 1960 (about the time Mauna Loa CO2 measurements started) and artificially warmed 1960 to the present.The result? A steeper warming trend (adding 0.24°C) than what actually exists in the unadjusted data.
It is proof of man-made climate change – created by adjusting the temperature data to fit a premise – that man-made CO2 released into the atmosphere is driving temperature.…By the way, what makes you so trusting of these adjustments?
Do you understand them?It's pretty obvious that neither of us are climatologists. If I had to guess, I'd say you're a geologist.
@us3rnam3tak3n: Climate so-called "scientist"
"We have to get rid of the the Mediæval Warm Period"*** FEAR GLOBAL COOLING NOT WARMING ***
Massive Flooding In Europe During The Little Ice Age…
@us3rnam3tak3n: Here, let NOAA demonstrate how to create a FAKE #globalwarming ® trend.
Temperature Data Tampering Simply Explained
" just old recycled shit"
You have examples you can quote from the top of your head then?
Why would any sane person keep old recycled shit in any part of their head - let alone the top?
sooooooo … nothing springs to mind then …….???methinks you're just making random accusations of "shit" without any evidence.
if you are curious you can Google repeats old stories
I just remember seeing them publish stuff that was years old
Sky News is free to watch on recent model Samsung TVs through Samsung TV Plus.
it is also always suggested in youtube (for me) before other slightly more credible new sources like 7 news. The default page of Edge shows MSN is always presenting articles from sky news australia to millions of Aussie's home pages everyday. They have nailed it on effective advertising and really excelled at putting themselves out there and lots of people just fall for it. Sadly such news of anger and hate generate much more engagement as well than just boring news.
I'm not a 65 yo boomer yelling at clouds, so therefore no I do not watch Sky News.
I rarely watch news these days sky has the right bias.
Sbs and abc a left bias.
The others are tabloid instant ratings or fluff stories.
You just cant get unbias reporting these days i want both sides of the story.
Though to be honest as i rarely watch news these days the quality may have changed?
Do you think perhaps that they are complicit in telling you what to think about rather than what to think?
Nope I avoid it… I'm not the target demographic and don't get Outraged easily enough… I also consider myself to have a modicum of critical thinking capacity so it just doesn't hit the mark for me…
I filter all my news through ground news now… it’s really just an aggregator of all the news sites covering a particular story. It then gives you where on the left/center/right scale each source sits with a run down on each source’s factuality record and ownership information.
I really like how it also uses AI to give a summary of what parts the left are focusing on as opposed to which parts the right are.
If you haven’t tried it out I would highly recommend"I filter all my news through ground news now"
"If you haven’t tried it out I would highly recommend… sooooooo why no link to this site?
Given the amount of garbage coming from you in this thread, one can only assume your fingers aren't broken. And Google search still appears to be functioning - as usual.
HMMMM … still no link.
… too hard?
@Gekov: Considering the mantra of you and your ilk is usually "Do your own research!" I'm gonna say "Do your own Googling!"
@KangaDrew: @gekov is probably sitting at home on weekends wondering why they're no longer invited to parties with their mates anymore, but in good news, that closed Facebook group full of smart, critical thinking intellectuals who see through the bs us normies can't understand really gets them.
@Randolph Duke: Bubble world. It isn’t real unless his far right online buddies deem it so. We can’t reach him, we just need to stop him infecting others. Fortunately he is doing a good enough job of that on his own. He is just ranting and shouting. If he was more believable it would be a bigger problem.
@KangaDrew: "Do your own Googling!"
nothing you can think of from the top of your head.
So few and far between that you need to Google!
Sorry - I didn't wanna seem like i was shilling something and get banned. is the site.
I only watch Sky when they get called out by Media Watch, which is like every other week.
"I only watch Sky when they get called out by Media Watch" …
I only read the Guardian when they get called out by INCONVENIENT FACTS … which is like every other week.
Ooh got me ;)
only for the lols - and I suppose it's worth keeping up with what the conservative snowflakes are upset about lately
For the group of tough and strong, concrete for breakfast crowd…they sure get angry easily over nonsensical things
Turn the key and set them off like clockwork soldiers.
Sky news australia or sky news uk? Very different companies.
I try to avoid all legacy media (Sky is probably the least bad)
I rarely watch the News. If I do, it's ABC or SBS. Seven has absolutely gone to shit. If I'm gonna watch commercial… I guess Nine maybe Ten? But not Sky, and not Seven.
But you'll miss out on Natalie Barr's daily rant about Albo and Labor (while shaking her fist at the clouds, of course) if you skip 7!
add on their defense of their war criminal buddies, and their seemingly daily updates on the Higgins v Lehrman case, with no updates at all, just hoping to paint Higgins as a sl*t who wanted it (and it works, my family says this stuff constantly)
Sky News is just tabloid trash designed to enrage and hype up people of an average level of intelligence
all published news has an editorial bias. I wouldn't consider Skynews news. it's puts dailymail and daily telegraph to shame in terms of the intellectual garbage it spits out, and that's saying something
How is this a poll.
Mind you it does illustrate the proportion of Ozbargain which may have a little bit more neanderthal in them than others.
No. Why not? It is like the weather. I just go outside and look up. Sky.!!
Sometimes I'll turn it on for a laugh, it's always the same shit ranting about transgenders, immigrants, abortions, blah blah. Your brain needs to be completely fried if you enjoy watching it unironically
I used to watch Sky news Aus before it changed owners. When it was owned by the original owners I used to think it was great.
Then one day one of the hosts went from being this happy go lucky person seeing the good in both sides of politics (which in my opinion is how you should do politics) to ultra conservative. I'm sitting there going huh???? 2 weeks ago you agreed with the matter now all of a sudden you are 1000% against it? The reasoning they gave was something that had more holes then Swiss cheese.
My guess was the new owners where like "you aren't allowed to like non conservative ideas so if you like your job you need to do a 180 like right now or it's the door for you."Unless it changed since I last had it but I will happy watch Sky news UK.
The irony of you writing this, while aggressively supporting Sky News (whose bread and butter is "crazy non-factual opinion") is mind-boggling to say the least. But gven your hard-line 'Murdoch = life' stance, it's not surprising. Even cult members don't realise they're in a cult, so it's quite easy for the mindless masses to get caught up in Murdoch's propaganda machine due to limitations in critical thinking.