Do You Watch Sky News?

Do You Watch Sky News? If so why? If not why not?

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Sky News Australia


  • -1

    You people would have an aneurysm if you watched Fox News (available on Foxtel along with leftist MSNBC and CNN), OANN or NewsMax (the latter two are apparently only available on American cable networks). Trump and Trump family members make appearances semi-regularly on Fox.

    • +1

      OAN and Newsmax are even harder right than Fox are these days. It's a Ben Shapiro wankfest over there.

  • +1

    I'll occasionally look at a Sky article but only incognito as I don't want my algorithm to feed me a steady diet of disinformation and "journalism" lacking even the pretense of integrity.

  • +1

    Don't care for them, they have an agenda like the rest, but at least Sky News is self funded. Force the ABC to rely on advertising and subscriptions. But we all know they'd be out of business within 60 days as their extreme left bias is completely out of touch with mainstream Australia and only creates content nobody wants to watch or listen to. Garbage like the Drum and Q&A are vomit worthy. And don't get me started on the unfunniest cringeworthy show on television "mad as hell". They should all be standing in the Centrelink queue where they belong.

    • +1

      You sound like a nuffy when you say:
      - the ABC is extreme left
      - it’s out of touch with the general population
      - Mad as Hell isn’t funny

    • +1

      completely out of touch with mainstream Australia

      ie. "I wanna be a racist and a bigot with no repercussions like I could be back in the 80s"

      • ie. "I wanna be a racist and a bigot with no repercussions like I could be back in the 80s"

        Did someone say STRAW MAN????

    • +2

      ABCs board is stacked with LNP cronies these days believe it or not.

  • +2

    No matter what channel you watch it's all propaganda, right?

  • +1

    I don't have Foxtel so don't really watch Sky news, apart from a few videos on Youtube now and again. Sure, they're biased but then outlets like the ABC, Guardian etc are also biased but towards the opposite end of the scale. I guess Sky news is Murdoch's mouthpiece but if you don't like that, then don't watch it. Rightly or wrongly, Murdoch has an opinion - just like everyone else. There's plenty of news outfits that are crazy rich and have a left-wing bias. When I read something about someone bitching about Murdoch's 'influence', I always think when did you stop thinking for yourself?

    • +4

      The ABC is not biased. The LNP kept referring them for bias and it was dismissed over and over again. People seem to think the truth skews left. That is an interesting concept.

      • -2

        "The ABC is not biased."

        ABC = Australian Bolshevik Collective


        The fact that ALL THE PRESENTERS,
        90% of guests & the audience
        are rabid leftie warmunists is merely coincidence

        Former ABC chairman Maurice Newman:
        There isn’t any doubt that the ABC leans to the left.
        I think it is absurd that we should go through a charade of pretending that it is balanced.

        NEVER trust anything the ABC(Australian Bolshevik Collective) says about global warming…
        Climate models, data & how ABC “verifies” reports

    • +4

      The difference to me though is the ABC and the Guardian particularly (in comparison to 7,9, and 10, or Sky) have stories that are incredibly well researched. Sky News just throws shit to see what sticks.

      • -2

        The Guardian does publish some good stuff but when it comes to things like economics, politics and history, it's garbage. The ABC does have some good content but also a lot of nonsense and they virtue signal and are biased.

        As with any media, whatever the source, watch, digest, think and draw your own conclusions but just think for yourself basically.

        • +1

          Actually the ABC and the Guardian do proper research for the articles. They tend to cite sources and aren’t beholden and hamstrung by commercial interests.

          Using expressions like “virtue signalling” just reduce your credibility. It aligns you with people like Barnaby Joyce and Bob Katter. You can put together a better argument by dropping them.

          I do agree that people need to look at the motivation behind a posting. What is the slant for the report. How much of it is clickbait sensationalism and who is being protected.

          It is going to be really interesting to see how the allegations against Alan Jones play out. Those rumours have been around for years. If even I’ve heard of them you wonder how much investigation his employers did?

      • -2

        "the ABC and the Guardian particularly (in comparison to 7,9, and 10, or Sky) have stories that are incredibly well researched"

        Like this story?

        NEVER trust anything the ABC(Australian Bolshevik Collective) says about global warming…


        • +1

          Get a reliable site. The best part is you are so extreme no one is taking you seriously. You are continually reloading to shoot yourself in both feet.

          • -1

            @try2bhelpful: "Get a reliable site"


            Happy to accept cherrypicked data if it fits the leftie agenda and comes from a far left site!

            • @Gekov: The more people look at your sites, and what else these “authors” have written, the more people understand how whacko you are. This is the best bit, you are digging your own grave on your credibility. Keep going mate. We love it.

  • +6

    I try to watch a bit of everything. But every time I come across Sky News its just miserable and depressing to watch. Everyone is just so angry on it. Just like their viewers.

  • +1

    I prefer getting news from Russel Brand, Jimmy Dore, Rogan and sometimes the Aussie Cossak

  • Rita Panahi is the most unattractive woman I have ever seen

    • +2

      Couldn't agree more! 🤮🤮🤮

    • +4

      You think that's bad try being a woman and having to look at the dudes on there.

      • -3

        "You think that's bad try being a woman and having to look at the dudes on there."

        Conservatives are better looking
        Conservatives are more attractive than liberals, study finds…

        Conservatives did not predict permanent drought just before massive rainfalls and flooding.
        Conservatives did not predict less snow and warmer winters just before massive snowfalls and bitterly cold winters.
        Only LeftieWarunist whackos did!

    • You mean you'd prefer Peta Credlin?

  • +7

    I don’t watch it because it is blatant, undisguised right wing propaganda.

    I mean, most news sources in this country are pretty right wing. But they at least maintain some vague air of impartiality and show a few opposing commentators, a second side to the story, even if it’s usually a highly curated sound bite.

    Sky news doesn’t even do that. They come in swinging at the left, interview a few conservatives (only), spit on an effigy of Albo, and call it a day.

    • -7

      You're downright clueless if you think most news in Aus is right wing, how far left do you need to be to think 7, 9 and 10 are right wing.

      • +4

        How far rightwing do you have to be to not realise they are.

        • -5

          Literally the dumbest comment I've read in a while, you do know that makes no sense whatsoever right.

          What an oxymoron of a name.

          • +3

            @Willy Beamish: Actually if you think it is dumb then it only adds to my credibility.

            A lot of people think that Channel 7 is very rightwing and the other two might be closer to middle rightwing.

          • +1

            @Willy Beamish: 'I know you are - but what am I ?' - Bart Simpson

          • +2

            @Willy Beamish: Channel 7/Seven West Media are absolutely right leaning. Not necessarily hard right, but definitely centre-right at the very least.

            And you're downright clueless if you think they aren't.

    • "blatant, undisguised right wing propaganda"

      OK then, how about some examples of this "blatant, undisguised right wing propaganda" FROM THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD.

      Don't ask me to Google …

      …. waiting, but not holdimg my breath ….

      • I don’t need the top of my head or Google. Front page of sky news today right now shows: 2 articles about opposition leader Dutton’s activities today but none about the actual incumbent government - except of course, for Duttons aforementioned calls to sack them. There’s also an article saying Labor premiers have been “savaged”.

        If I scroll to their “prime time videos”, 3 are about Albo - all negative - claiming “backlash”, “put on blast”, “fractured quite dramatically”, “broken promise.” Very strong language. “The prime ministers lies” found in one article, with absolutely no contrasting opinion shown, nor economic breakdown. As well there is a statement from Peta Credlin, a liberal staffer of 16 years, in support of Tony Abbott, an ex-liberal PM.

        Not once is there any left-wing balance to the stories. There are no expert opinions - indeed, they have published a statement from Dutton that LNP are better economic managers - with no cited evidence, nor expert opinion from any economist. It’s just… there. Published like fact. Even though it is very difficult to find source material that backs this claim, most of which in academic sources put them as the weaker economic manager.

        If you don’t call this propaganda, well… you are sipping the bong water.

  • -1

    I love getting zooted and trolling RWNJs in the Sky AU Youtube comments; But I've never engaged with their 'content' unironically. Absolutely joyless bunch of losers running that channel.

  • Get adverts for it sometimes when watching Kayo, some of the trash they try to pass as news is embarrassing.

  • +2

    Not news. Boomer hive mind

  • Yes, a bullwok to the insanity of the group think at the ABC & Guardian.

    • +1

      A what?

      • -1

        Apparently a cooking device that farm animals use.

  • +1

    Does anyone not learn from that Simpsons episode where Homer grabs the gummy bear from the baby sitter? Don't hug the TV. DONT!

  • Sounds like free market research and an attempt to make this chitty show relevant. I am guessing you work for them to even raise it up as a topic. Ozbargain allow this as a topic?

  • +2

    No, they're always so angry and weirdly obsessed with their topics. Even when they're pretending they're not angry you can tell they are.

  • Now this is a SkyNews article I love to watch…

    Peta Credlin looks like she’s swallowed curdled milk.

    Sorry about the pre ad.

  • +1

    I sometimes watch Youtube Skynews just to check out the comments so see the views of the "other side". Their channel are one of a few that leaves this opened. Not sure why the others just block the comments section? Why not let all kind of people voice their opinions?

  • During the day its pretty good balanced news, so if I want to see news I'll certainly watch it. After 5pm they make an announcement that they are switching to opinion based programming - yes, they announce it! - and it is just more click bait opinions (or used to be) like you see on the internet. I haven't watched in the evening for a very very long time.

    Just like in parliament where there is a governing party representing the majority and opposition attempting to keep them honest, we're lucky to have competing news services.

    The worst situation is what folk get in communist countries with all alternative news services banned. Don't aim for that.

  • can someone tell me which channel do ppl usually watch? cuz i always watch 9 news and get used to watching it so rarely watch other news

    • -2

      Turn off the TV

  • While I agree with quite a bit of what they peddle (and disagree with a fair bit too), I must point out that it's one of the most unbalanced news channels on TV.

    Then again, I feel that balanced reporting is a thing of the past.

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