Hey everyone, just curious on how often you travel overseas (excluding quarantine years of course) for vacationing purposes.
I think I've gotten the itch to travel more, I hadn't travelled for holidays in over a decade til last year when I went to Japan and it was a great experience. Im thinking of making a 1-2 week overseas trip a more regular thing. But I struggle with my natural tight arsery to not spend too much money, I mean I can factor it in financially (especially with deals here) but I'm still a cheapo at heart.
Also any tips if I do decide to commit to a travelling schedule? Im guessing I'll need one of those frequent flyer credit cards to minimise the cost.
20 years ago. Though it wasn't really a holiday, was living with extended family for a while. Kinda wish I didn't move back tbh. I'd have a good British accent by now.