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[VIC] Free: Naomi Osaka Nike T-Shirt (Nike Members Only, App Required) @ Nike Emporium, Melbourne

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Like Naomi, we believe in living for today - celebrating the small wins along the road to our greatest achievements

To celebrate this moment, we're gifting valued Nike Members in Melbourne a complimentary limited edition Naomi Osaka Тee

Only have large size available

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  • +7

    Should add Melbourne only…

    • +1

      should add "large size only"

      they know the target audience, I'll give them that

    • +7

      Not sure why she's so revered around here…anyone daring to say anything not positive or make a joke like you did gets downvoted to oblivion (watch this comment LOL).

      • +7

        I for one agree with you. She's obnoxious and entitled. Cut from the same cloth as Serena.

        • +6

          I don't know enough about her to agree with that or not, but I notice every single time "Naomi Osaka" is mentioned there's a Reddit-esque brigading of any comments that aren't supportive, or make a joke. Hell 8 people in under 2 hours downvoted my comment above for even noticing this phenomenon…why?!

          • +3

            @Ham Dragon: There are plenty of athletes that people find objectionable. Why is that surprising?

            • +4

              @Barry off EastEnders: No, I meant I cannot fathom why criticism or jokes about Osaka in particular elicits such a strong response from more than a handful of users…tennis fanatics or whiteknights?

          • +14

            @Ham Dragon: Because calling someone a "drama queen" isn't a joke, it's an insult?

            Not least when the person doing the insulting keeps banging on about her race for some reason (I don't like tennis, is that actually relevant to anything?).

            • +1

              @callum9999: Why are you offended because an anonymous person expresses a negative opinion about a celebrity who doesn't even know you exist?

              • +3

                @Ham Dragon: Why are you unwilling to read my post instead of relying on assumptions of what I think? (Hint: you're not as good at working that out as you may think you are…)

                • @callum9999: It's still not clear what the issue is with someone else using an "insult" towards a third party, in this case a sporting celebrity…and why that matters to you or anyone else who appears affronted by it.

                  • +3

                    @Ham Dragon: Why does this whole topic matter to you? You are okay with people showing their opinions against her, but not people expressing that they disagree with those comments by downvoting?

                    Its not clear why you have an issue with people expressing that they disagree with the comments.

                    Apparently more people support her than not here. Accept it.

                    • @Gehirn: I never said it wasn't ok, just that the reaction to any criticism or negativity towards her seems disproportionate, and it's not exclusive to this post. Again, I don't have an issue, I was trying to understand why someone making negative comments and/or jokes elicits such vitriol and sandbagging. I get people have opinions both way, it's just that this seems much more vitriolic, it's almost IvP.

                      • +2

                        @Ham Dragon: To me vitriol is going onto a post about a free match or free shirt of hers and making unprompted comments about her being a drama queen, woke, questioning her authenticity as Japanese, saying she changed her name, and other remarks about her mental health, marriage, etc.

                        There's really not much you need to understand besides more people think those comments are unwarranted.

                  • +4

                    @Ham Dragon: It's incredibly simple. You said it was "a joke", I said it wasn't. - which you apparently now accept? THAT IS IT.

                    Why on earth are you struggling to understand such a simple interaction?

                    • @callum9999: No, I said "jokes", referring to the previous thread as well, wherein sarcastic/tongue-in-cheek remarks were getting hammered - like this one, which isn't even about the player. This wasn't the "gotcha" you thought it was.

                      • @Ham Dragon: The post I replied to clearly said "or make a joke like you did".

                        If by that you meant "or make a joke like a different person did on a different thread", maybe learn to communicate a bit better?

              • @Ham Dragon: Cuz you're an (profanity) and I don't want more assholes to think they're welcome here.

                • -2

                  @Willyslicks: Cope harder. Maybe you could try posting more deals - 4 in 7+ years is pretty sad for someone trying to front like they're a more valuable member of the site.

              • +1

                @Ham Dragon: By the same token why do you care if he/she defends someone for his/her reason?

                • +3

                  @CptnObvious: I don't care, and as I've repeated several times now I noticed this odd pro-Osaka phenomenon and was trying to understand - if possible, which seems unlikely given the histrionics I'm getting from you & others - why such there's such strong response to criticism or jokes about the player. I don't even watch tennis, it's a niche sport compared to cricket & NRL here, yet I've never seen anything like the response to a couple of posts relating to a specific tennis player, who isn't even Australian…

                  • @Ham Dragon: I for one don't care for osaka or tokyo. It's just fun poking at the hypocrites like you.

                    • +1

                      @CptnObvious: Oh right, all a laugh, just a windup, not being serious, le epic le troll etc etc…a response that is in equal measures convenient and cowardly.

                      • @Ham Dragon: You sound like the type who needs to get the last word in. Is that right?

                  • +2

                    @Ham Dragon: Is clearly inquiring and trying to make sense of a phenomenon - ie. how does this particular tennis player illicit such an disproportionate response when criticised.

                    Commenters eg. CptnObvious are unironically displaying it by giving programmed responses to statments or questions not being made, putting words in his mouth and jumping to conclusions. #mindvirus

                    • @Barry off EastEnders: Well Barry by the same token, how does this particular tennis player warrant this much negativity from people like you? You reckon someone openly expressing her anxiety should be cast in the same shadow as diva Serena?

                      Barry, stop drinking the haterade and stop listening to Joe Rogan.

                      • +2

                        @CptnObvious: That's not "negativity" or "hatred", its an obvious observation in the contrast of the elegance and humility of most other ladies tennis players. She can openly talk about her experiences with anxiety.

                        What's wrong with Joe Rogan?

                        • @Barry off EastEnders: Explain this contrast of elegance and humility more - I think she's a young lady who perfectly exhibits these qualities.

                          Joe Rogan was horrible on NewsRadio.

                          • +1

                            @CptnObvious: Accusing journalists of having no regard for the mental-wellbeing of athletes. Something that "rings true" whenever she watches or partakes in one.

                            That kind of gaslighting behaviour isn't exactly elegant or benefiting her mental health or that of anybody that looks up to her is it?

                            You can just be honest and say something to the effect of - hey, I'm not that great at this press conference thing/I need time to process such a question etc..

                            • @Barry off EastEnders: Sounds much like the same accusations you are throwing over at her corner Barry. Something that 'rings true' whenever you watch or partakes in a thread about Osaka.

                              • +1

                                @CptnObvious: Uhh.. What are you talking about mate?

                                I'm writing this as I have the telly on with Osaka stinking it up against Garcia and about to bow out in the first round.

            • @callum9999: I agree that the vitriol towards her is unchristian. Personally, I have found some of her behaviour a bit distasteful (including seeming to be strategically playing under the flag of Japan) but there’s no crime for which to impugn her. You don’t watch the tennis for their refined personalities. People should give her a break and focus their anger on real problems.

              At the same time, I wonder if you’d jump into a thread about Djokovic or Medvedev and white knight for them too?

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: So the controversy is that she plays/played for Japan?

                It's "white knighting" to point out that an insult is an insult, not a joke? Jesus Christ - what is with you two…

                • +1

                  @callum9999: Nah that’s not anything most people care about. It’s more about her behaviour and her grace (or lack thereof) to the fans. It’s the same reason for which people hate Djokovic and to a lesser extent Medvedev, but loved Feder and to a lesser extent Nadal. If you want to know the specific details you can do your own research.

                  It’s “white knighting” to insert your opinion into a discussion that you know nothing about. You’re complaining about how people talk about her but you don’t even know why they hold the opinions which they do.

                  • +2

                    @[Deactivated]: I don't think it's fruitful to keep talking to someone who believes "drama queen" isn't an insulting term.

                  • +3


                    Personally, I have found some of her behaviour a bit distasteful (including seeming to be strategically playing under the flag of Japan)

                    She grew up in Japan and speaks Japanese. Her coaching and management team are all Japanese.

                    She is extremely shy and introverted, and some people just can't seem to accept or acknowledge that, and claim that it is 'woke' or 'snowflake' behaviour.

                    It’s “white knighting” to insert your opinion into a discussion that you know nothing about.

                    How ironic…

                    • +6


                      She grew up in Japan

                      She moved to USA at the ripe old age of 3.

                    • +3

                      @brotherfranciz: Your first paragraph is entirely false.
                      She grew up in the USA. Her Japanese is not fluent. She lived in America with her management and coach at the time of choosing to represent Japan.

                      How ironic…

                      Are you really going to ‘how ironic’ me after making stuff up?

                    • +3

                      @brotherfranciz: "Her coaching and management team are all Japanese."

                      Coach Florian Zitzelsberger, pretty traditional Japanese name.

              • -2

                @[Deactivated]: You know what is very christian? Priests sexually abusing children.

        • What a ridiculous comment.

        • I suspect she "plays for Japan" for commercial purposes only - she is as American as apple pie. Nishikori was the highest paid Japanese athlete, perhaps in her they saw enormous marketing potential quite early.

          • +8

            @Barry off EastEnders: Quick Google search proves this right

            "Born in Japan to a Haitian-American father and a Japanese mother, Osaka has lived and trained in the United States since age three"

            • -3

              @RSmith: So obvious but never thought of it, you're spot on!

            • +8

              @RSmith: 'Born in Osaka. The sisters were given their mother's family name as that was the practice when just one spouse held native citizenship.'


              • -6

                @Gehirn: Article 790 of the Civil Code of Japan provides that a legitimate child assumes the surname of his/her father and mother and an illegitimate child assumes the surname of his/her mother.


                  • -3

                    @Gehirn: Usually, the lady takes husband's surname… Wonder why her mother didn't do it?

                    • +6

                      @RSmith: Because she was a Japanese person living in Japan. It is not required she change her last name. It is common for a couple with a foreigner to keep their names.

                      Keep grasping at straws.

                      • -2

                        @Gehirn: And you can keep defending a person who plays bullying/mental health issues card to get out of her commitments and keeps milking gullible people.

                        • +2

                          @RSmith: I pointed out you lied. That is different to defending someone. I have made no comments on her as a person, only your mistruths about her last name.

                          • @Gehirn: Lied? Seriously? I just pointed out the reason why she has her last name as her mother's maiden name.

                            • @RSmith: She has her mothers maiden name because that is her birth name.

                              • -3

                                @Gehirn: Cool.

                                • @RSmith: Match Point: Gehirn

                                  • @Ulysses31: I think it's game, set and match Gehirn. Just make sure he/she does the press conference;)

        • I though the Japanese population is declining, so they’d welcome all the babies they can get.

          • +4

            @smartazz104: She doesn't live in Japan though.

            • -1

              @RSmith: You've clearly got an unreasonable hate for her.

              Many Japanese women don't take their husbands surname, and many people growing up in countries not of their birth still take on that nationality as their primary one.

              • +3

                @Xianese: Could you please define 'hate'?

              • +3

                @Xianese: I don't hate her. I just think that it will be better if she stopped playing the mental health/bullying card when no one has been bullying or harassing her.

                • @RSmith: You've said she changed her last name to capitalise on being Japanese despite it being her name since birth, questioned why her mother didnt take her fathers name, that her being an unmarried mother would cause controversy for her, called her a drama queen, among whatever else you have said.

                  You don't think that hearing that on repeat would contribute to mental health issues?

                  • +1


                    You don't think that hearing that on repeat would contribute to mental health issues?

                    People started to bring it up after her repeated tantrums.

                    People have been criticising Djokovic ever since he started playing, if he didn't have the mental fortitude, he would have quit the game long time ago. Same goes for her, either toughen up or move on.

                    BTW, it was her decision to become a single mother and that too with a dead beat rapper. She betrayed the trust of a lot of people.

                    • @RSmith: Sure she deserves having the legitmacy of her last name questioned, etc for having a 'tantrum'.

                      So you're not bullying her but calling her partner a "dead beat rapper" based on what exactly? Who is she betraying by being an unmarried mother?

                • @RSmith: It's kind of wild you have an alt account in @Barry frm EastEnders

                  • @Xianese: Wow… I can see that tin foil hat doing its job perfectly.

                    • @RSmith: It's a little uncomfortable TBH and not great for summer.

                      • @Xianese: Summer? Hasn't the summer been cancelled this year?

            • +5

              @RSmith: And Doesn't Speak the language that well.

              None the less to be fair there have been plenty who have competed under the the Aussie Flag who have been naturalised and don't even have a birth parent from Australia.

              Its just when we see this happen in East Asian countries it seems odd and out of place, Just like seeing white people speaking asian languages fluently its a real head F-chuck.

              But make no mistake its in her commercial interests to be representing Japan and taking on a Japanese persona rather than representing the United States or dare I say Haiti.

              • +1


                And Doesn't Speak the language that well.

                That's one of the reason people didn't want her to light the Olympic cauldron.

                • +1

                  @RSmith: Yep not her fault she was selected , but it is her fault not reading the room and declining the invitation. There were probably much stronger candidates eligible for that honour with a much stronger olympic pedigree, And this nothing to do with her skin colour or how "Japanese" she looks. for better or worse it is perceived as a cynical and token attempt to make the Japanese look "inclusive" and "accepting" of hafus and darker skin citizens when in reality the Japanese society will never fully accepting of these people , the only exception is when they are high achieving public figures like Naomi O, then "She's one of theirs".

                  Its also ok to call her out on her duplicity when it comes to activism, Wearing a Muzzle at the US open for BLM, yet not calling out Nissin for Casual racism White washing her skin tone in the Cup Noodle Anime Advertisement.

                  anyway as for her tennis she got bounced in the first Round at the AO so she has a way to go to get back up the rankings. but to be fair she is a new mother. But her Protected rankings and wild cards will soon run out if she doesn't pick up some form

              • @H3R34TH4C0MM3NTS: Not unlike Mary Pierce, being a Quebecoise who lived most of her life in Canada, but represented France, presumably to be a big fish in a small pond, rather than just another American player (or playing for a less relevant country like Canada).

                No reason to hate on Osaka, but yeah, she's a Yank far more than she's Japanese. Which is all quite irrelevant anyway. I suspect the tedious debate going on in this post indicates how toxic pubic discourse has become. Typically there are a few steps leading to such a discourse: 1) there is legitimate criticism of the person (in this case, shirks press conferences, when it's part of the job), 2) the 'woke' defends said person, and 3) the person then becomes an indiscriminate target for those who are tired of the woke.

                Personally I think Osaka is a decent person and a deserving champion, but doesn't have the personality to be a celebrity, hence can't stomach press conferences, signs up for a charity game and cancels a day out (for reasons that were known beforehand).

                • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Well said.

                  Regarding her tennis, she will find it very difficult to win grand slams. She had the opportunity to win more titles, but she blew it. Now there are better players on the women's side like Swiatek, Sabalenka, Rybakina etc. Also, a few new comers are starting to find their feet like Andreeva, Noskova etc.

      • +9

        Jokes are supposed to be funny. This is just hate.

        • +19

          I mean, can you blame her for being introverted and media aversed? Just a post about a free t-shirt and we have a whole bunch of toxic commenters spewing vitriol about her race and nationality.

          • +6

            @mojojojopkh: You aren't allowed to be anything but perfect if you are famous /s. Keep a low profile and respect your elders, ozb is watching.

          • @mojojojopkh: Pretty sure that any vitriol expressed is expressly based on her character. Any link to race or nationality is your construct there @mojojojopkh. "Toxic"..🙄

          • -1

            @mojojojopkh: Are you referring to her actual race and ethnicity, or the one's she pretends to be ?

        • +1

          How is it “hate”?

      • +5

        What did she do? I thought she was pretty chill. There was that thing about an anime style version of her having white skin and when lots of people cried racist she was 'ok fair enough I just thought that's how that kind of stuff is drawn generally though'. Rather than joining in.

          • +6

            @RSmith: Ah ok I see. To me that seems like people being people instead of having a persona for the camera to me. I've seen people cry irl at not much. Didn't seem too soapboxy. I'll stay on team 'she's cool by me'. Thanks for the link.

            • @gakko: Not only that, she unilaterally decided not to do press conferences at French open. This wasn't received very well and I think she withdrew from the tournament after first round.

              • +1

                @RSmith: Interesting: on the one hand, you dislike her and want her to keep her mouth shut, but on the other hand, you want her to talk at press conferences…

                Make up your mind mate.

                • +1


                  on the one hand, you dislike her and want her to keep her mouth shut, but on the other hand, you want her to talk at press conferences…

                  Now you are the one who is making up things… She can speak as much as she likes.

          • +1

            @RSmith: Wow, so the reporter asked why she's not fond of the media while using it as a means of self promotion and gets lambasted as a 'bully' by her manager.

            Seems her handlers are also her abusers.

    • +4

      This applies to all tennis players though, I think it's a pre requisite to play the sport

  • +1

    Good deal, but with the deal title, you need to add [VIC] at the start, clarify that the offer is only at the Emporium Melbourne store and that a Nike Membership is required.

  • Sounds like she's being held hostage or something from that title.

  • +8

    Is this deal going to get pulled out at the last minute like the charity match as well? Lol

  • +6

    I can see why they are giving it for free…

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