iPad 10 is down to $647 at Officework.
just got during Xmas for $749
JB and other folks are pricing at $649
or $644 if you got Costco membership - https://www.costco.com.au/Computers/iPads-Tablets/iPads/iPad…
iPad 10 is down to $647 at Officework.
just got during Xmas for $749
JB and other folks are pricing at $649
or $644 if you got Costco membership - https://www.costco.com.au/Computers/iPads-Tablets/iPads/iPad…
Someone commented in the 9th gen deal that it’s possible sometimes. YMMV
Is there a much of a difference between 9 and 10th gen and is the 10th gen worth an extra $200 compared to the 9th gen?
It's a bunch of small differences, I don't think there's any one killer upgrade.
Better and bigger screen, lil bit faster, USB C instead of lightning is nice. I think it's worth it if you can afford it.
as @Merlict pointed out, many improvements, but the trigger for me was the new better but cheaper Apple Pencil, and the iPad 9th was released back in Sep 2021.
@lookingforTV: very true… I was thinking about not having to look for the cap and the charging adapter.
Also comparable with all the new USB-C iPad
Comparing the screens I think it's enought to justify it, the battery life is also pretty fantastic.
Thanks @NotReallyaMoneySaver, been long time b/t the 99 and 100th post…. everyone is getting too good at this :-)
Don't think OW will because Costco needs a paid membership
I’ve had OW price beat Costco several times, as have many others here.
OW price matched CostCo for my iPhone 15 Pro Max. So they should.
my local OW price beat costco on this deal.
Ooh that’s a good deal! Still on the fence if I want this or the iPad mini
We bought the iPad Pro because, at purchase time, we couldn’t get a full screen mini. I do like the bigger screens on the Pro. If you have the carry room I would pick this one and get a screen cover that converts to a stand.
As a consumption device the mini is perfect.
I was in the same boat so bought from the apple store as you get 14 days change of mind exchange/returns.
Paid ~$604 for this yesterday. Apple store knocked 10% off as a sort of price match, and $70 woolies credit from Apple GC's
I’ve got the m2 12.9 pro and the mini, mini is very handy with its size and weight. The screen is nice on the big one but the weight and size make it more reserved to desk/bed use. Mini can go anywhere.
Is this the one where the usb-c port is only usb2 speed?
The biggest issue is that 64gb is a bit on the small side. 128gb plus is ideal
The worst part is the jump from 64gb to 256gb and nothing in between - that's a $250 diff.
You wonder about how many future iOS updates you can realistically get given the size of each update once you start using the device.
I think they'll support the iPad 10 platform for a few years however, but 64gb will become restrictive.
64gb is e-waste
When the min spec for a PC is 32gb ram, and honestly its heading quickly to 64gb, apple is now really pushing its brand and loyalty goodwill with this low level of storage.
No real competition to make them change.
Where's this min spec for a PC?
Not sure why you're comparing RAM vs storage or a PC vs an iPad but ok..
because RAM is more expensive than ROM(storage) and 128gb storage should be min
@cjerome: Nah, its still a nonsense argument.
Compare storage with storage and ram with ram.
That said, yes 128 should be the minimum. Especially on anything without an expansion option.
@SuiCid3: yes and no. I see your views and you are both right but just think about it a bit
they both store information on a chip, but differently that why RAM is > expensive (the chip has more components, the integrated circuits more complex)
but just look at how much does memory card (Storage) cost 256gb for $20
what I'm trying to explain is ROM is quite cheap and it would cost $10(maybe less) extra to make 128 gb default on the ipad but for whatever reason they don't do it
The min spec for pc ram is absolutely not 32gb and is not even remotely heading towards 64gb.
8 heading towards 16 then maybe.
Many iPads are simply media consumption devices. In these cases 64gb is likely fine. I had a 256gb model iPad Air and would have been fine with a 64gb model.
As always, work out what you actually need before purchase.
I just bought this two days ago (the 64gb model) and I kinda disagree, I was able to download all the streaming and art apps I wanted and had 30gb to spare.
It really isn't a problem unless you're going to be saving movies locally but even then you'll have more than enough for a long haul flight.
Does this have the ability to connect a hard drive for transferring data? If so then you only need to load up what you need on the immediate future. Also cloud functionality has allowed people to upload and download fairly readily.
Yes you can, I was able to connect up to my external SSD pretty easily and move some data over.
With any Apple device I would recommend getting the iCloud plan which is like $1.50 per month, it just makes life way easier with transferring pictures/videos over.
@StaticzAvenger: Thanks. I knew Apple was doing that but I wasn’t sure if these devices had it.
My beastie is 256 Gb but I’m only using 100 Gb. Most of it is crap I don’t use and haven’t got around to deleting. With great memory comes great clutter.
It’s been consistently around $650 for months now…I got mine before Christmas for this price.
The two that voted me down want to tell me why 🤡
Are there next gen iPad to be released in March?
A 12.9 iPad Air at a more reasonable price may be the go for me.
My only quibble is it is a pretty big beast to be lugging around. Probably worth a couple of months wait to see what is released but this won’t come cheap either.
@try2bhelpful: Being an Air with LCD instead of a Pro with OLED there is no technical reason it should cost dramatically more than the 10.9 if they decide to make it a more mainstream device. The only extra cost is a bigger screen which may even be cheaper and a bigger battery again not a big expense for Apple.
Fantastic media consumption device at home not to lug around.
@Grok: It will, certainly, be cheaper than the Pro. Fingers crossed you are right with the pricing. Certainly worth waiting as new generation devices should, hopefully, reduce older generation prices even further.
I have the 11” Pro and this is the sweet spot device for me. My media consumption devices at home are the 55” or 65” LG tellies :) I double screen with the 11” then it goes out the door with me.
OW saying "This product cannot currently be purchased online, but here is something similar!"
They are different beasts doing different things. I don’t want to lug around a 13.3” laptop with a keyboard when I’m travelling during the day. I have a laptop and it comes out if I’m doing serious stuff otherwise I use the iPad. Right now I’m lying in bed typing this. I use my iPad on the tram to read the news and play games.
Detachable better kbd makes it Chromebook touch tablet with cheaper USI pen. iPad is not better than Galaxy S23 Ultra with S-pen, DEX desktop windows experience & superior camera (10x OIS Zoom, 8K 30fps video).
My $720 Acer Nitro5 i5-11300H works over >2x 4K screens + 40cm builtin, with up to 32GB RAM, 2x M.2 + 2TB SSD.
S23 Ultra is higher category "beast" with extra functionality & built in S-pen with BT remote controls. Much cheaper solution & I work in IT.
I work in IT
Which area?
@ihfree: Data Analytics, BI, DQ, Ethics/ESG/Governance management, iRPA & holistic data philosophy ;)
@ihfree: We should step up & be creative, not like iConsumers, as AI will replace all lazy minds ;)
I try to be multi-skilled rather than specialised & know nothing around me.
I help many with iOS & I'm frustrated with how primitive (not easier) is their UI. When I teach people I try to teach how to fish, not to give 1 fi$ & then many times - for profit like Apple :(
My vision is to understand the System (Universe, pragmatically) & help it grow, not Exploit it like Western individualism.
This discussion is not for my show off, but to share the holistic model for cheap easy Social Harmony, not Individualistic Lose- Lose (divide & Conquer) competition
Bonŝancon :)
Are we meant to be impressed you worked in IT? How cute. I worked in IT for over well over 30 years. And your timeframe?
All you can do is quote specs. The device is only useful if it delivers to the owners needs and that means the whole ecosystem needs to be taken into account. Me, I’m not touting any device as “superior”. I suggest people understand how they intend to use the device and look for something that best meets their needs. Look for something that has an OS upgrade path and access to plenty of content. That comes with good integrated security.
This might be the best device for you but you can’t say that is true for others.
@ihfree: No. I try to utilise most features of any device. I convinced 100s to switch from iPhone to Galax Note for productivity & help them to learn more for their own benefit. Every time people praise my photos as better than their iPhone, as it's not just point & click. The composition & lighting & later use is important. I record in 16:9 as that's (for now) the most compatible with the TV/monitors. When I noticed that I forgot to rotate scanned old photo for my 50th anniversary, I quickly rotated the Dell monitor (Apple doesn't have such practical feature on my non-reflective monitors/TV, all).
@ihfree: Thanks for being visionary - seeing beyond System Justification - iPay big$s so iPhones must be good, even though they were providing 1/2 functionality until they started to copy Samsung (size matters with Note, AMOLED…; & Samsung copied their profit strategy by cutting features)
I use smartphones since 2001 with micro SD all the time (until forced by S23 Ultra to replace it with Samsung T7 2TB via USB-C). I predicted that the micro SD will be the standard & refused to waste time with anything that doesn't have Business Continuity Plan - backup/upscale, so refused the Apple fashion gadgets.
I use micro-SD with adapter for any other device, eg. Sony prosumer video cam to directly show on larger 17cm mobile or upload to the cloud/NAS.
I developed the precursor to ChatGPT, Eliza (to show how easy is to fool people into thinking they are talking to humans) for Slavic/any language 39y ago.
After losing the battle with IBM OS/2 to inferior Windows (visuals over advanced OO functionality) I decided to not waste time with niche tools & Apple was 1 of those that didn't scale up to other products. I refused free Mac PC from the agency utilising wife's translations for desktop publishing & was replicating complex Mac version of Adobe PageMaker/QuarkXPress via Word for Cyrillic fonts - huh @#:P
@try2bhelpful: Security like hypocrite Apple that convinces others to stick to Apple closed system where profit matters more than the 2019 warning that AirDrop was not secure & China utilised it to catch the corrupt spies comms. At the same time Apple never sticks to 1 supplier - hypocrites :(
How "well over 30y" is 43y? But years/quantity is not enough.
It's not enough to do your best, but to understand what's best - my colleague Ed Deming (father of Japan's Total Quality Control). I'm Holistic Data Philosopher with focus on social/Systems Thinking - Why, not just How.
Now, this is not about show-off, but to wake up the sleeping minds. Applied knowledge is not useful if it's not shared, like unethical Apple that prevents progress for profits.
Bonŝancon :)
@taki: You are the one who thinks that saying you work in IT will impress anyone. Frankly mate it doesn’t. If your argument isn’t coherent, and relevant, then trying to pretend you know better won’t help.
If I may say the way you express yourself doesn’t improve your credibility. My suggestion is drop the list of specs and the pseudo science and get down to what is being delivered to the customer. I know Apple security isn’t perfect but they do tend to be responsive to issues.
I have a few Apple products but my home laptop is a Lenovo. Sorry I can’t give you chapter and verse on the specs. I buy what best suits my needs and urge other people to determine what they need and research what product delivers this. No spec sheet, no pseudo philosophy just determine requirements and do a cost/benefit analysis of the available products.
@Hardlyworkin: replace the blank screen with colorful or donate the Commodore 64 to kids. Adults should solve real-life problems, not virtual.
I feel like Bruce Lee. I debate with 10ish people & you cannot catch me (with hands) - I feel like water & accommodate to any shape :)
Yeah, good point. Even better, you could build a desktop and that would have much more storage, ram, and a bigger screen.
And be totally useless for how most people use their iPads. I had a friend who felt the same as you guys until I pointed out the iPad is a consumable device not a production one. It is used to read news items, watch movies, play games, read books, etc. if you want to do a spreadsheet get a computer, however, that isn’t what most people are doing nowadays. They want a device they can carry with them and pull out to use in downtimes.
yeah, l use my ipad for entertainment, emails and banking, creating power points, documents etc do on a PC …the difference between content consumption vs content creation and which tools does each best.
LOl just get a gaming desktop with the best specs powered by a portable diesel generator, it’s way faster than an iPad! You will get so much more done on your tram ride.
Edited a word*
@NoisyMiner: A mainframe with water cooling. I’m sure everyone else on the tram won’t mind cramming up into one end and will help you get it on and off. :)
@NoisyMiner: Why do you want to be "productive" on your tram ride? Work from home & communicate with people when traveling (you are out but locked in, like in the Apple walled system).
Acer Nitro5 AN515 as ~$700 with excellent upgradability (don't care for games, that's for addictive billionaires) & can use couple of 4K screens for fraction of iPad$$ & many times more productive. I'm impatient to test the $200 Lenovo Duet5 34cm with similar/better functionality.
I actually prefer my iPad to read news and watch YouTube video than my desktop. I even type faster on the iPad.
In fact, I prefer my iPad for watching most TV entertainment outside of blockbuster movies which unfortunately are becoming few and far between due to woke pandering.
Organically over time I have come to use my TV only for special occasions🤷♂️
S23 Ultra is both - Production device with excellent built-in S-pen & BT remote controls, DEX large screen connectivity via USB-HDMI or USB hub with screens, kbd/mouse/drives…for Windows UI experience,
superior camera: 10x OIS Zoom, 8K 30fps video, 200MP or 50MP quad pixel binding, multi-camera video
Dynamic AMOLED 2X 120Hz HDR10+ Always-on display
faster processor & more RAM
& hopefully soon - AI features from S24 Ultra AI.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_FQctnmMO4 DEX demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JruNjE962Fk&t=544s adv camera features
@taki: Doesn't it also cost at least 3x the price of the entry level iPad?
A visionary typically does more than rattle off a spec sheet.
@ihfree: It's expensive but preordered (for the 8K + faster mem) & paid $1.6k instead of ~ $2.4k (educ store) with 512GB, 2y Care+($200) & bonus Smart cover, earBuds2, 45w charger.
You need phone & that's my pro mobile tool (I don't waste money on show off gadgets/cars) with irreplaceable BT controller S-pen (since Galaxy Note 1 ;)
I have >300 apps & carry no cards/ids other than backup $50. I can pay even without tap with Samsung magnetic swipe feature.
It records 8K 30fps video for travel without my prosumer videocam (for convenience, sacrificing pro zooming/optics) but extra AI/multi cam recording & BT remote via S-pen.
With 2TB Samsung T7 I have local backup & only need monitor cable to connect via 3x monitor 12in1 hub + other devices/charger (45W).
Excellent Samsung smart cover with mini info window…
At home I prefer ≥2x 4K monitors, Logi kbds G110 + MX keys up for standing, MX Master 3S with MagSpeed scroll + MX anywhere for left hand/anti RSI. My desktop with i5-6600 Asus H170 Pro Gaming (not gamer, but advanced features + M.2 after <9y not turning off).
Time to rest guys. Enjoy your iGear. I will enjoy my life with the $aved time of being iLocked down ;)
Bonŝancon :)
Why must Apple haters be so insufferable? Can't you just be content with your own purchasing decisions? Why are you so desperate for Apple user's approval?
Can also get them for $649 from Big W. Can get rewards points for these ones though!
You can get Flybuys from Officeworks as well
What's the Ozbargain option for a keyboard for these?
I'm looking for any brand of tablet that will be 90% used for browsing Ozbargain and watching movies when travelling. The 10% would be for light typing/ emailing. Anything I should buy over this at same price point or cheaper?
I don't understand this pricing. I paid this much for the ipad air 2020 in 2021 which seems to have better specs even now
The iPad line up is too confusing. I love my 6th gen mini (except jelly scroll), and this seems like it's bigger version, and has a landscape front camera, but why on earth doesn't it support the 2nd gen pencil.?? Ok, they want us to buy the Air instead, but it doesn't have the landscape front camera. I'll wait to upgrade my bigger iPads (5th gen and an ancient 3rd gen) until they make more sense.
This is the Apple logic, spend a little more for a little better, a little more and it’s a Pro. Having a middle will sell the most, more confusing it is, maybe a more informative choice.
I want to get the air, instead of the pro because for me, I feel like most of the "advantage" of the m2 over the M1 will be driving the 120hz.so if you're only driving 60hz I would argue very similar real world. Maybe I'm wrong don't know enough about it.
I got this iPad two days ago for a similar price at JB and I'm more than happy for what it does! I think if you're only going to be doing light gaming and mainly use it as a media device 64GB is more than enough.
I would highly recommend one of these cases, it has changed my ideas on how iPads are used and can understand why people take these to bed with them now lol.
Do you watch ASMR videos to help you get to sleep?!
I watch Dankpods ASMR to fall asleep sometimes, yes.
I don't game on iPad, but curious which games you play?
Mainly rhythm games, I play a lot of Project Sekai.
Would it be possible to price match with Costco to get 5% price beat to $611.80? Also congrats on your 100th post. It's a real good one.