This was posted 1 year 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC, Uber One] Free Kia EV9 Electric Car Rides (up to $100) to/from within 5km of Melbourne Park for Australian Open @ Uber


Just announced -

To help more Australians discover the comfort, quiet and convenience of Comfort Electric, we’re also partnering with Kia Australia to launch complimentary Kia Electric rides to and from the Australian Open Tennis from Sunday January 14 until the tournament decider a fortnight later.

Uber One members will have the chance to unlock complimentary rides (capped at $100 AUD) in Kia’s newly launched EV9 vehicles alongside their critically acclaimed EV6 vehicles.

Uber One members will only see a Kia Electric trip in their app if they are travelling to or from within five kilometres of the stadium and if there is a vehicle available at that time. Riders will not be charged for the trip (up to $100 AUD) but the driver partners will receive one hundred percent of the fare with Kia covering the cost of the ride.

Uber One Deals

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (213)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (224)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

Related Stores

Kia Australia
Kia Australia

closed Comments

  • Welcome back dealbot

    • Where did he come from?

      • +6

        the bot factory

      • Where did he go?

    • The avatar suits you well JV.

  • +13

    There’ll be like 3 cars available so gg everyone

    • +7

      To be honest I'm one of the 30 drivers. I'll be there anyway. I'll get an EV6.

  • +1

    Ah, Makes sense why I keep seeing the KIA EV9 with AO KIA Major partner marked cars around the city. They all drive into Australia Open.

    • +19

      So, you would rather pay for petrol, parking and drive in a V8 (assuming you own one, if not add rental costs too) than ride in a modern comfortable EV for free? Time to return your OZB badge.

      • -5


      • -3

        its soooo much better for the environment to build new cars rather than drive existing ones

        • +5

          Yeah the batteries are made from magic dust that doesn't involve digging up / contribute more waste to the environment.

          • +2

            @hippo2s: I'm genuinely curious - do you believe you're actually making a valid argument, or is this just some kind of dog whistle?

            I've never met a single EV proponent who made the argument you're apparently arguing against.

        • +2

          Australia is already doing a fine job of utilising all cars as long as economically viable to do so. We have one of the oldest vehicle fleets in the OECD.

          Regardless it's irrelevant because firstly, KIA are not building new vehicles just for this purpose (they are existing vehicles owned by Uber drivers) and secondly, OP never said anything about the environment. EV9 is nice, comfortable car which is very cost effective for Uber use, completely independently from any environmental pros or cons.

          • +3

            @nigel deborah: I don't think those EV9s are owned by Uber drivers. I am sure the fleet is being provided to him on the count that they volunteer. I tried finding out how to become a driver but can't see any posts online. They are way too new and plus they have livery on them marking AO KIA and some patterns on the side.

            • @Inyokuchi: Right you are, yeah. I misread the description. Makes sense since EV9 is not a common uber vehicle at al (I was thinking EV6).

              Still, point stands, they weren't built/imported just for this purpose, will all be sold as demos or something after.

    • Is there a ban on V8 or something in Melbourne?

        • +12

          and it would still be better than living in QLD.

            • +2

              @lookingforadeal7: And why is that? Can you point to a time in Australia's history where there wasn't a very significant immigrant population?

              There are valid arguments to reduce certain types of immigration due to the strain they put on the housing supply, but making sure you 'think you're in Australia' is not one of them.

              • +2

                @nigel deborah: Just a general comment, people have been saying it for a decade now and it becomes more and more true. Check back in another decade. Please also take a look at France and Italy. Wouldn't visit either country now you could get the same views from a 3rd world country or right in our own backyards due to the housing crisis ATM. Let's ignore the growing tent cities in our community and please let in more migrants though amen.

            • +4

              @lookingforadeal7: I assume that's because you see too many homeless people, not because you see too many non white people who are hardworking and skilled, who pay full taxes and don't rort Centrelink and Medicare.

              • @rvsure: Mainly talking about the footage of Sydney and Melbourne CBD on New Years. Have you seen the litter problem in Sydney? Scenes straight out of India.

                The immigrants you're talking of usually come from a different background.

                • @lookingforadeal7: I half agree with @lookingforadeal7. I do notice a lot of South asians that have seem to overwhelm the place. I am sure they are hardworking, but some are abusing centrelink by producing as many kids as possible.

                  • @Inyokuchi: It's not really that demographic at least not from what I've seen but I'm sure we all saw that video of the immigration officer taking bribes so Vietnamese gangs could enter and produce drugs. People think immigration officers just have those peoples best interests at heart but it's all profits to them, even if it means a burden on Australian economy as a whole.

                • +2


                  Scenes straight out of India

                  This kind of thinking is borderline racism.
                  I don't know anything about Melbourne CBD on New year's as I was in Sydney, but I knew about a news where people trashed Bronte beach on Christmas day and trust me that's not Indians. The Indians I know rarely go to beach on hot days.


                  • @rvsure: It's not borderline racism it's the truth, I could take a snapshot of littered Sydney streets and the metro and then the same snapshots from India and the only reason you'd be able to tell the difference is the architecture. Take away the architecture it's literally the same image.

                    • +1

                      @lookingforadeal7: Stop talking shit, I live in Sydney. Tell me which suburb to go, I’ll do a live video call with you and if not it’s littered like India, you owe $1000.
                      And if it is, I’ll pay $1k. Deal?

                      • -2

                        @zoombie: Don't need to your own residents are speaking about it and anyone who's visited from Queensland over the Christmas holidays has complained about the smell.


                        Sydney’s streets are filthy, and our residents are rightly calling for help in what is now a rat and maggot infested public health disaster,” she said.

              … Another article on the same issue from over a year ago so it's a persistent issue.

                        I highly recommend visiting a rural town and tell me your body is not thanking you for leaving Shitney for the day. I was asked to go back there for work recently and I was instantly reminded of the smell. It's definitely both an immigration and council issue there.

                        • +2

                          @lookingforadeal7: Are you serious? Did you even read those articles? I want to see what Qld street looks like when there are labour shortage and some striking from the garbo thus resulting in some areas not being picked up.
                          Your insinuation from previous messages are that it is the immigrants who are causing all these problems. When it's been pointed out that it was not the Indian who was at Bronte beach, you now point to some garbage not being collect due to a strike from the garbo.
                          To show you how dirty those immigrants here, here are some walking tours from Harris Park aka little India in Sydney (google this to verify it)

                          I dont even know why I waste my time with ignorant people.

                • +2

                  @lookingforadeal7: Also, I was at the Opera house for NYE fireworks, there were thousands of Indians the whole day and the place was not trashed, the toilets were clean. It's problem with specific people than a specific race.

                  • @rvsure: I want someone to tell me what the worst suburbs in Melbourne are then tell me the demographic of those suburbs without sounding racist. Political correctness is funny because you can't be politically correct AND correct at the same time.

                    • @lookingforadeal7: I am fairly new to Melbourne, so don't know much about the suburbs and demographics. All I know is people consider west as trash and east as gold. I saw this kind of division in every major city. I live in West and have been happy with my decision. However, I can't change anyone's opinions, each to their own.

                      • @rvsure: I grew up in Logan Qld and lived in Point Cook in Melbourne where two streets over there had apparently been about a dozen stabbings. Probably the same people I had to chase from cutting catalytic converters on cars or running out of bottleos with whatever they wanted. It's no shock that high diverse areas = higher crime rates. Logan is actually going through a process of gentrification, most likely Victorian's who knew nothing of the area and sold into it by agents here with the promise of it being a great suburb in the heart of Brisbane and Gold Coast. I have to say things have gotten a lot better in certain parts of Logan and now a lot of those issues have moved out to Toowoomba/ Ipswich as people are priced out of Logan (never thought id say that). I won't even get into my experiences on trains or in the CBD in Melbourne but definitely did not feel like I was living in Australia when I lived there, you would have thought Indians and Africans banded together to take over the place. Just an observation and one that will prove more and more true overtime.

        • +7

          Real life will never be as scary as five minutes inside your mind.

          Racism, homophobia and whatever other intolerances you're brewing in there aside, what a vivid imagination you have…

          • -5

            @callum9999: I prefer the quote "truth is stranger than fiction". Although to insinuate that anything I've commented so far is racist is ironically racist in itself. Also are we not allowed to criticize groups of people without it being labelled racist? Or is it only racist because of your own implication that they are lesser than me and therefore by criticising them I'm actually bullying them?

            • @lookingforadeal7: I'm sure you do. Though you give the distinct impression of someone who struggles with understanding both "truth" and "fiction".

              My insinuation is nothing of the sort. What exactly do you think the word "racism" means?

              You are indeed.

              Nothing I've said could possibly imply that I think Indians, Africans or Vietnamese people are lesser than you (you set an incredibly low bar for me to think anyone at all is "lesser" than you…) - are you high? Or are you so ignorant that you think racism is only possible towards lower classes? Funnily enough, racism is based on race - not status. Who would have thought…

              • @callum9999: What specifically has been said that's racist?

                • @lookingforadeal7: I've learnt my lesson after wasting far too much time "debating" people on here - writing out responses to their questions that are just ignored and moved on from. I've answered every question you had - concede or rebut my responses and then I'll answer new ones.

                  • @callum9999: I have though and you proved my point, you assuming I think those groups are lesser then me is really just your own thoughts as I never said such a thing ;) no need to rebut when you prove my point. I'm just trying to prove the next one.

                    • +3

                      @lookingforadeal7: The scary part is you seem genuine… The sentence "what specifically has been said that's racist" is not remotely a response to anything I said, let alone "proves" anything.

                      As I suspected, I would have a more fruitful conversation with the wall.

                      • @callum9999: I think it's moreso your reading comprehension, I don't doubt you struggle to have meaningful conversations. Maybe if it's so common it's a you problem, ever thought of that?

                        • @lookingforadeal7: I have indeed thought of that, and it cannot be ruled out in the other conversations. In this case however, I think even a barely literate primary school student will be able to recognise that "What specifically has been said that's racist?" isn't a valid answer to "What exactly do you think the word "racism" means?" or "are you so ignorant that you think racism is only possible towards lower classes?".

                          No amount of "reading comprehension" could possibly extract an answer to those questions from that. Perhaps your argument is that I should be able to fill in the gaps and figure out what you believe myself - I don't know if guessing what you think the other person means is your normal style of debate, but it's not mine. The people who do it to me on this website are invariably incorrect, I therefore don't presume that I would be correct in guessing yours.

                          Are you still maintaining that answered the questions? If so - bye.

            • +1


              Also are we not allowed to criticize groups of people without it being labelled racist?

              It's not racist if you use an article that says immigrants are dumping all the rubbish on the street, turning our beautiful pristine Australia into a slum.

              The person who wrote the article might be racist if they couldn't prove what they were saying using a scientifically sound method, that it was all immigrants doing all the littering, but not you. You would just be stupid for not being able to tell the difference between a well-written article and an article from MacroBusiness.

              However, if you use articles that describe a problem that has NOTHING to do with immigrants and everything to do with labour shortage/strikes, blame it on immigrants, specifically those from non-western countries (because we all know white European immigrants are not immigrants they're just Aussies who grew up abroad}, and then ramble about how "diversity equals more crime", then you are very much a racist, and I don't even know why you would bother to question the accusation considering how little you give a damn.

              What, did you think that rubbish wouldn't pile and stink up in white neighbourhoods if it weren't collected by the garbageman?
              Every time I hear someone who uses the word "truth" unironically, I know I'm about to be drowning in a sea of ignorance.

        • +1

          You must have a huge chip on your shoulder

          Must suck to be you.

    • (profanity) that, I have a twin turbo V6 and training in to avoid the traffic as I work near there

  • Free KIA car? Will they home deliver?
    Can I get it in red so it gets here quicker?

    • +2

      Dont know the rules. But im the one of 30 drivers.

  • +12

    Note to self… don't buy demo EV9 from Melbourne Kia… probably had a million asses in it.

    • might work for some…

    • +3

      i mean most people tend to wear pants these days

  • +2

    Can I use this to get between Point A and Point B if they're within 5km of Melbourne Park? For example, Docklands to NGV?

  • Airport to Fed Square?

  • +1

    Did this a few years ago, they were promoting a Seltos back then. Going to use it again this year. Another benefit is that it's a brand new car.

  • +5

    I thought I would check the EV9 out as it was a 7 seater, but 123k for the midrange model was an absolute killer. Even the base model was too much to get the benefits of EV salary sacrificing.

    • Agree. They've priced it at the point where only people who really want to buy it will get it. People on the fence probably won't touch it. Max profit, min sales tactic for their electric cars is still their strategy.

      The Volvo ex90 and the polestar 3 are arguably more "luxurious", for the same cost and come with a badge (ish). Haven't sat in one yet but I'm certain is better than the Kia.

  • Is it ine time use only?

  • +1

    Probably should be mentioned uber one is $10 a month?

  • Not seeing the option anywhere

    • I think it'll only show when there is availability, but I've checked several times (even though I'm on the train currently so don't need the ride) and haven't seen it. I have very little hope that I'll find one for the way home

      • Might be working now, no prices are showing up for anything so probably all free

        Will confirm after tennis

  • Comfort electric but it's $55 ($65 prediscount). Don't see where it says that it'll be a Kia and that it would be free

  • Lol bait got me. Joined uber one and there’s nothing

  • Anyone actually manage to get this?

    • Nope. Unobtainable.

  • Showing up now, they've finally fixed it. Still subject to availability, but should be plenty available in that radius.

    • Im finishing up at rod laver and i dont see any

  • Leaving the park now and nothing.

  • I got into one yesterday from southern cross station to the arena! Thanks, OP!

    p.S. Edit. The car is brand new, has only 50 km when I got in.

  • +1

    Where do you see it in uber? I've put melb park as the destination but just the usual rides pop up. No special ev kia ones

    • Click on the account tab

      • Still NFI and have checked multiple times over multiple days. All I get are the usual prices. Are there just no cars available or am I missing something?

  • It did just pop up on my screen when testing. I interpreted the deal to be that you can go anywhere as long as the pick up or drop off point is within 5km of Melbourne Park, mainly based on the $100 cap. But both the pickup and drop off need to be within 5 km of Melbourne Park. So you could go from Prahran to South Melbourne and it'd be free, but unlikely you'll get a lift from either of those spots

    • Lol so the total trip distance has to be less than 5km. What a scam

      • I guess technically it could be up to 10km if you went from one size of the 5km limit to the other side. However, the way it was worded made me think that I could get home for free as long as there was a car available and I was leaving from Melbourne Park

  • I rode in an EV6 to the tennis last night and an EV9 back home - both for free. Cars were very comfortable and both drivers seemed quite chuffed to get to drive them for the AO - some very good promotion for KN cars!

    • Were you within the 5km radius of Melb Park?

  • Is it $100 per trip or just overall the 2 weeks?

  • Can anyone confirm if you just select Uber green, or if there is a specific Kia option to select?

    • It was a specific KIA EV option and I now cannot find it on the uber app

      • Thanks. Every time I've checked there's just been none available then.

  • +1

    I know no one is reading this now, but I want to thank the multiple drivers I had.

    • John
    • Carmelo
    • Seyhan (Twice)

    Hope the long days weren’t too much for you

    • Dont worry they would cleaned up $$ with the free ev uber car, rlectric and being booked out all day

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