Did math on Pizza hut’s Pizza to check how much is it covered with the toppings.
R= Radius of pizza
r= Radius of portion covered with topping
A=Total area of Pizza
a=Total area of Pizza covered with toppings
A= π R² = 530.93 cm²
a= π r² = 314.16 cm²
Area not Covered with Toppings = A-a = 216.77 cm²
Percentage of Area not Covered with Topping >
= (216.77/530.93) x 100 = 40.82
Roughly 41 % of pizza is not covered with topping.
There is no issue here. it is just to illustrate how drastically these numbers change and how what look like 80-90% covered is actually only 60% is covered with toppings.
Same can be seen in Dominos. They reduced there size. If they went from 13cm to 10cm. To us It will look like they just reduced 3 cm but in actual 41% pizza is gone.
@MathNerd - is this correct?
Also OP - you can cut and paste this into your post: