Hi all,
First time poster. Appears Travel Insurance Direct are having a 15% off sale until midnight 2/1/2024.
Happy & safe travelling :)
Hi all,
First time poster. Appears Travel Insurance Direct are having a 15% off sale until midnight 2/1/2024.
Happy & safe travelling :)
Thanks for this, they are significantly cheaper than anywhere else I've looked
I know it's not what anyone wants to hear, but you really need to read the PDS and understand the different coverages provided by different insurers and what suits your needs. Travel insurance isn't as standardised as other insurances so it can vary a fair bit. Some key areas to look at are things like how they define pre-existing conditions (it can be as broad as anything you've seen a doctor about or taken medicine for in the last X years, so you might not think it's a pre-existing condition and get stung if something sinilar/related happens), and what they cover when it comes to airline fault cancellations delays (some cover little to nothing that could be deemed an airline responsibility, others may include mechanical issues, there's only one insurer that I know of that's really broad on it). But there are lots of little variances, eg if losing your job would mean you can't travel then you'd probably want a insurance that covers redundancy (some do, some don't).
It's a pain in the ass but if you've invested a lot in your trip it's worthing doing proper research to make sure you're covered for various things that could result in having to cancel your trip or additional costs for flights/hotels/etc. On the other hand, if all you care about is medical costs then it's a bit simpler as there doesn't seem to be as much variance between insurers (but see my point above about how pre-existing conditions are defined and covered).
Get a few quotes before deciding. The very first quote I compared against TID, came out considerably cheaper. (NRMA)
for some reason wont accept a quote for family of 5 (with 3 adults and 2 < 20)
Have used TID a few times pre covid due to its good pricing but never claimed.
Heading OS again later in year and went with Freely this time due to pricing. Coverage seems on par.
These guys didnt pay out when I lodged a claim 6 years ago. Just no follow up, no ability to add more details to my claim and then it was eventually auto rejected. I didn't end up appealing after that but was not impressed with them at all.
I vowed to neg every TID deal due to a terrible experience actually getting a claim through. Policy is worth less than the paper it's written on. Go with a more reputable insurer like CoverMore.
I just checked the fine print for Rental vehicle insurance excess, and it is useless!
Other insurers about the same cost cover the exclusions like tyre, windscreen, underbody, etc.
If we're downvoting travel insurers on not having adequate coverage on one specific thing, then you could literally downvote every travel insurer for something as they all have varying coverages.
It seemed like a good indicator of their exclusions, combined with reviews.
It is also the sneakiness. Many people will not understand the fine-print, and try to claim.
Does not cover admin fees or loss of use charges either.
i like TID especially there pre med conditions
every other travel insurance company wont cover me unless i pay a hefty additional fee coz im on more than 1 anti epileptic med, even though I've been seizure free since forever, but TID says as long as there is no change to your medication regime in the last 12 months they don't care how many meds you are on. TID is my number 1
Speaking from experience (claimed in 2020 due to COVID times) - I eventually got my money out of them (~4.5k) but it was a hard struggle. We're talking about me requesting recordings of my multiple previous conversations with them, and escalating the case after it was initially knocked back, etc. Took a number of months & I was very suprised one day when they caved, and paid me out. I'd followed their (and gov) guidance to the letter and they'd just straight out refused the claim.
Hi All,
I've vowed to neg every TID post/deal that comes through, this is so people are aware of my bad experience:
Copy and paste from my previous comments:
I had a bad experience with TID.
There was an earthquake in Japan last year and I couldn't travel from Tokyo to Osaka due to damage on the train system.
This resulted in me also not being able to arrive to my Osaka hotel.
TID advised me the train company and hotel should compensate me if it was impacted by the earthquake, not them.
TID also requested I get written evidence from the train and hotel companies advising they won't cover me before they would even look into my claim.
What's the point of having travel insurance when they're not covering these scenarios.
My work colleague used their credit card travel insurance with the same scenario and no problems claiming.
I advise you to contact any travel insurance with a few scenarios and how they go about compensation eg., like my scenario.
Again, I strongly advise everyone against taking out a cover with them. It may be worth the extra money for looking elsewhere.
A lot of people seem to go covermore. I’m heading to SEA any experiences, especially interested in those that have claimed?
Cannot believe that no-one has mentioned an important inclusion in any Travel Insurance…and that's Emergency Medical Evacuation
I've used and claimed with TID before without issues,but have used TICK for the last two policies to a remote destination.As others have mentioned,read the PDS or call the company for any clarifications.
Note maximum age for TID is 74….
Heading OS soon. Anyone have any experience with TID? Other company recommendations?