For anyone who would like to know more about the state of your engine for less than the cost of an oil change the process is as follows.
1) Order a FREE sampling kit online here. You pay nothing until the report is ready, NOT EVEN POSTAGE!
You will not require any additional tools or equipment to take a sample with our easy to use kit.
2) Take an oil sample through the dip stick.
Place oil sample into envelope provided.
Post sample - no postage to pay. The sample is delivered to ISO certified laboratories.
3) Roktex will send you the report along with recommendations when the analysis is complete. The report and recommendations cost only $34.50* ($38.50 normally)!
Please note that the discount offer is only valid for one kit per customer.
Something was really screwy with the formatting, some text wouldn't appear unless I hovered the mouse over it etc, stripped out whatever was wrong and it seems better now.