Aldi has the Exit series of board games on sale from today at $12.99 each. They usually sell for $20-25 on Amazon, Ebay, Gamesman.
They are escape-room card games you can play at home. I haven't played them before, but they have good reviews.
Not sure what availability is like or which titles they are selling. Heading down today and will report back here.
Note: these are one-time only use games and you rip/tear/write on the clues as you go along. If that puts you off, you could consider the Unlock! series of escape room card games. They are currently ~$50-60 for a 3-pack on Amazon, but they can be used again, given to friends, resold etc.
From what I can tell, the recommended age rating are mostly 10+ or 12+.
I played one, and there were a few cards that you were supposed to cut, but didn't really have to.
Was easy to pass the game on to somebody else.
Good game for a bit of family bonding, if they can work together.