$10 Public Transport Anywhere in Victoria

What do people think of the fact that you can go anywhere in Victoria on public transport for no more than $10 per day? That's even for a return ticket if you return on the same day. It's only $5 for a concession ticket.

Personally I think it's one of the best things done in Australia recently. Helps get traffic off the road and people are more likely to travel and spend money on other things.

Why is Victoria the only state doing this? I remember public transport prices in Queensland being outrageous.

Now let's hope they keep upgrading train lines and introduce more express services.



  • +13

    I remember public transport prices in Queensland being outrageous.

    qld-er here - its still outrageous and an actual joke :)

    • +3

      I pay $53.04 per week for public transportation for travelling 3 zones. It doesn't feel very good but there's no alternative.

      • +1

        Fall off train that’s to high for the station platform, get disabled pass half price.
        Option 2 work from home ? Day drinking . Fall down , no problem .

      • +3

        Still way cheaper than running a car

        • -1

          How? I spend about 25$ a week to charge my car and I drive 50 minutes each way to work and back every day.

          • +2

            @MrMcHairyHead: How much did you spend to buy the car plus rego, tyres, insurance, servicing, etc, etc?

      • Costs me the same to travel thru 1 zone.

      • +1

        Isn't that $10 something a day?

        • It's about $6.60 per journey ($13 per day) and Translink is so generous that after your 8th journey you travel half price.

          So after my Monday-Thursday travel, it drops to $3.30 per for subsequent travel on Friday and if I take the train to the city on the weekend.

          Over the course of 40 work weeks that's an extra $72 over Vic.

          • @AusRetro: Anyone still remember how much is the monthly ticket before they got rid of it when they switch to go cards?
            I think it's much cheaper than $10 a day.
            And they also axed the free travel after 9th journey and changed it to half price instead.
            Definitely going backwards..

          • @AusRetro: $53.04 /5 is $10.30 a day was my calculation

            • @Tleyx: It's roughly the same, just wanted to give accurate numbers as there is a discount in there but it's a ridiculous one.

          • @AusRetro: Damn that's cheap :(
            Gc to Bris return 3 days per week, $11.46 each way.

            It's better for me to not tap off and be charged the default rate of $10 than to tap off

      • Maybe you should be asking your boss why are they wasting your time to travel to the office ?

    • +4

      and then they complain that no one uses it!!!

    • +4

      I used to live 200m from one train station in Brisbane, and worked 100m from another. I still drove 35min to work every day. Trains were so far apart and so expensive it just wasn't worth it. Plus if I left work 15 min late I'd have to take a taxi…

      • +3

        Lived about 600m from a bus stop but it was literally freaking once an hour. Sometimes it would be up to 20min early or up to 20 min late. Really had to be there for up to 40 before posted time just to make sure you didn’t get rekt

  • +11

    The downside is you're going to Victoria and returning to Victoria.

    • +41

      It's great for more than 6.5 million people living in Victoria.

        • +2

          That is true for me. I would never take public transport anywhere out of metro area if driving was an option.

      • +1

        Bit hard to get excited as travel from Federation Square to NGV or perhaps more practically from Parliament Station to Smith St also costs $10 (if your event lasts longer than 2 hours).

        A $2 public transport cap would have been life-changing. If you're going to a $15 event, $10 is two-thirds of the price. So I'm not impressed with the $10 cap.

        Ms Koster in this article complains about the same thing. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-10/melbourne-vs-sydney-w…

        • +7

          It is exciting if you want to go to places like Mildura or Lakes Entrance that are a long way away. People living or visiting relatives in regional areas are the ones who really benefit. I worked out driving to Melbourne from Mildura and back again would have cost well over $200 in fuel alone. Plus it's comfortable on the train. The train connects at Swan Hill to Southern Cross from Mildura.

    • +10

      HoW cOuLd DaN dO ThIs?

    • +4

      Downside is you gotta put up with the horrible weather in Melbourne along the way

    • Live in Vic, still hilarious

  • +6

    Why is Victoria the only state doing this? I remember public transport prices in Queensland being outrageous.

    Why does Victoria have the biggest debt out of all the states and least sustainable expenditure?
    Now, look in general i'm a centrist, but the rate that the state government is burning money is out of control. $125 Billion for a rail loop? which has already had $2.2 Billion injected into it from the federal government? Maybe focus on paying down debts first before causing further inflation and crying that your share of the GST is unfair.

    • -7

      $125 Billion for a rail loop?

      It's expected to blow to over $200 Billion, but based on experience, Jacinta Allan will keep that a secret from Victorians until it's too late. Just like the Commonwealth games.

      • I would love to see the business case on that.
        Something like $2 billion + in profit for 100 years?
        They'll get a tiny fraction off that and write it off as unexpected costs, much like the NBN.

        • -2

          see the business case on that.

          will never happen…

          'under the table' deals………..

        • -3

          much like the NBN.

          at least NBN is useful to most people, unlike the useless rail loop…

          • -1

            @jv: IMHO NBN is a hrybrised white elephant that's rapidly losing market share to 5G.
            A government entity that pays bonuses to their executive for hitting fictional targets and operating to effectively an infinite budget?

            Yeah NBN was a joke.

            • +1


              IMHO NBN is a hrybrised white elephant that's rapidly losing market share to 5G.

              Won't be using 5G for home internet. Not enough capacity in the towers…

              • @jv:

                Won't be using 5G for home internet. Not enough capacity in the towers…

                Are we sure?

                • -1

                  @Drakesy: Did you read the article? It effectively says that no, there is not enough capacity in the towers…

                • @Drakesy: I roll out a lot of 4G/5G backup connections for my clients in many places, such as shopping centers, suburbs main shopping streets, middle of the city, etc etc. The upload speed is pathetic compared to wired NBN. It fluctuates a plenty and speedtest lies big time. Worse of all, lag and latency.

            • @Drakesy: Yeah, Vic govt employees are very well paid with annual increments, especially management and Melb mayor. However police have to go on strike!

          • @jv: The previous one was ripped out 30 years ago due to lack of demand……

      • +4

        Let’s just keep building more roads , seeing as that’s working out so great .
        To Just keep doing the same thing and not learning anything is the definition of stupidity .

        • -2

          To Just keep doing the same thing and not learning anything is the definition of stupidity

          Same thing might just be the right thing

        • Roads are shot in NSW, QLD and VIC in most regional areas from floods and lack of repairs. Be prepared to pay big money for car repairs when you hit a huge pot hole. Not an issue if you take the train.

    • +24

      I don't know about the SRL but removing the level crossings has to be one of the best infrastructure projects in recent memory. Improves both road and train travel.

      • Oh yeah, that's warranted from a safety standpoint, most states are doing that.

        • +1

          most states are doing that

          So coping Dans homework again?

      • +5

        Agreed….. Removal of the rail crossings should have been done decades ago!

      • +1

        Doesn't make any difference to train travel? The trips still take the same amount of time.

        • Bus replacement for 3-6 months as well, overall a disbenefit for trains

        • +2

          Means they can run trains way more frequently, otherwise those level crossings would be permanently down

    • +11

      lol. With our population getting larger, the money needs to be spent.

      The debt in overseas jurisdictions is even larger but the public doesn’t get all political about it with the labour v liberal crap. If there’s a government willing to get on and build infrastructure, it’s a good thing.

      Victoria’s problem is they are building too much at once which is leading to a skill shortage and costs blowing out. They should slow it down and extend the timelines out another decade

      • +5

        Then people will bitch and moan its not being done fast enough. Can't win either way

      • +3

        Well said. I used to catch the train a lot around the mid 2010s and it would've been nice to have the Metro Tunnel built around that time because the trains already felt jam packed. We're playing catch up when it comes to infrastructure IMO.

        I do agree that there is a LOT going on though and probably too much, especially since interest rates are going up (but that's with the benefit of hindsight anyway).

    • +3

      Why does Victoria have the biggest debt out of all the states and least sustainable expenditure?

      Now do NSW….

      • NSW (well mainly Sydney) has some pretty good stuff to show for their expenditure. Namely the Metro (actually mindblowing), light rail and parts of WestConnex (i.e. definitely not the Rozelle Interchange, whoever designed that must've been smoking crack).

        Pretty easy to see that if states want to accommodate growing populations that money needs to be spent to do so.

        • +8

          NSW (well mainly Sydney) has some pretty good stuff to show for their expenditure

          and so does VIC. There was a reason VIC people kept voting Dan in, they liked what he was spending the dollars on.

          Pretty easy to see that if states want to accommodate growing populations that money needs to be spent to do so.

          Agreed, Melbourne is on track to overtake Sydney shortly. But yet VIC is bad, NSW is good!

          Hence the big spend up

          • +1


            and so does VIC. There was a reason VIC people kept voting Dan in, they liked what he was spending the dollars on.


            Agreed, Melbourne is on track to overtake Sydney shortly. But yet VIC is bad, NSW is good!

            Yeah Victoria always gets bashed by people from interstate, it's weird. Also we already overtook Sydney in terms of population mid this year I think, not a good thing in my books, but we are able to sprawl out easier compared to Sydney.

            • +1

              @Ghost47: Problem is that sprawl is onto some very fertile farming land.

              • @2esc: Yeah fair call. Immigration is way too high and we aren’t ready for it.

          • -4

            @JimmyF: with a vote of only 30% there was 70% of victorians who did not appreciate his many mistakes

            • +6


              with a vote of only 30% there was 70% of victorians who did not appreciate his many mistakes

              LOL I think you mixed up your results there or been listing to 3AW too much…. Libs got 29.60% of the vote, not Labour. Labour got 37.03%

              So on first preference votes, it was 37.03% to Labour, 29.60% to libs, and 33.37% to everyone else.

              Yep, looks like most Victorians did appreciate his work as even when you break it down into 3 camps, they still got the major vote.


              • +3

                @JimmyF: Yeah, some people really don’t understand how preferential voting works. It is usually the people on the losing side.

          • -6

            @JimmyF: This is categorically incorrect. He got voted in via running fraudulent FBs suggesting people vote for minor parties like 'I hate dA. To this day, I still don't know a single person who voted for him.

            he is having a hard time in retirement now and it's good to hear, you can't just ruin everyone's life and business and then just relax back to the gold course.

            These people have to become the hunted, Australia is being wiped by bad politicians, 0 growth, insane houses, unstable immigration. If you don't stand up it gets worse


            • +2


              you can't just ruin everyone's life and business and then just relax back to the gold course.

              Howard destroyed a whole country without any repercussions.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              This is categorically incorrect. He got voted in via running fraudulent FBs suggesting people vote for minor parties like 'I hate dA. To this day, I still don't know a single person who voted for him.

              Ok lets see they did do what you claimed, which they didn't, how is this any worst than the libs ads or what MSM puts out 24/7 bashing labour?

              you can't just ruin everyone's life and business and then just relax back to the gold course.

              Oddly the VIC economy is doing really well, so not sure what was ruined.

              These people have to become the hunted, Australia is being wiped by bad politicians

              I would agree that 95% of all people in gov should be tossed out. Total waste of space doing back hander dealers on the golf course. Jobs for mates.

              insane houses, unstable immigration.

              These two are linked. More people flowing into the country than new houses being built.

              If you don't stand up it gets worse

              Stand up how? Vote libs!? LOL

            • @[Deactivated]: Well, I'm here to ruin this for you, because I voted for him

        • Metro has been around the world for more than 20 years. Alot of Asian countries has there's established in the last decade.
          We're still building it and probably at less than 50% done. Probably won't be completed till 2050 the entire network. Connecting to al the main suburbs in Sydney.

    • -6

      The people of Victoria love themselves a nice bit of socialism - and their inner city left-wing elite digba bit of champagne socialism - aka socialism for everyone else but themselves.

      Victoria had plenty of gas that they could exploit and make some real money off, but they refuse to do so, requiring more productive states to carry them

      Victoria - the wank state.

      • The people of Victoria love themselves a nice bit of socialism

        The people of Victoria do love their socialism but we're about 30 years ahead of WA.

        WA might get there quicker when the mining dollars run out, and WA comes running to the east states for a hand out like during the last mining slump. Seem pretty keen on socialism during slumps with their hand out.

        • What hand outs?
          Last time i checked WA has been subsidising the rest of the country for the better part of 2 decades.

          • @Drakesy:

            What hand outs?

            During many of the mining slumps, WA always cries they don't get enough money from the East states or feds

            During the booms they cry they are subsidising the rest of the country and want to keep it all to themselves.

            Can't have it both ways.

            • +1

              @JimmyF: Which mining slump was WA subsidised through?
              Oh and gst has always resulted in WA sibsidising the rest of the country so much for running a sustainable budget

              • -1


                Oh and gst has always resulted in WA sibsidising the rest of the country

                So it should…. They are ripping everything out of the ground and making mega profits. ALL Australians should benefit from that but they are not.. The fact that WA still gtes 70c on the dollar, is still disgusting. Considering it is everyones resources they are selling. Why isn't it spread around.

                Once its over, WA will be back to crying again being a broke state. It doesn't have much going for it other than ripping resources out of the ground and shipping them to China. Once thats over, watch the tumble weeds roll in.

                • +1

                  @JimmyF: So now you have an issue that WA is too successful and is subsidising the nation but its not enough of a subsidy???
                  Im struggling with what point you're trying to make?

                  • -1


                    So now you have an issue that WA is too successful

                    WA didn't do anything to create this wealth they are claiming they are owed other than rip it out of the ground. Australia is 'owned' by all that live here, so the 'success' should be shared around like other countries have done.

                    Why should WA get 70% of the GST for resources ripped out of the ground? Its everyones resource they ripping out and selling.

                    but its not enough of a subsidy

                    When mining dips, WA crys about a drop in the GST etc and wants more.

                    So yeah when the mining boom is over and it will come one day, WA better not have wasted its money.

                    • @JimmyF: So the current subsidising of the entire country that WA is doing, they're not allowed a return on that? As in the over east deserves the money but shouldn't have to support anyone else?

        • Nope.

          Never happened.

          Wny doesn't Victoria exploit their wealth generating natural resources?

    • +3

      Australia's public transport infrastructure is woefully behind what it should be.

      If anything, Australia spends far too little on it, and way too much supporting a dead end technology like cars.

      Like why don't we have trains connecting the major cities at least on East side of the country. It boggles the mind how far behind we are a place like Japan.

      • Population density. Canada which is the most similar country in the world to Australia in terms of size, population, wealth etc has no HSR.

    • +1

      SRL is such a stupid idea, I fail to see the benefit of a tunnel between Cheltenham and Box Hill and then Broadmeadows. People say we need multiple CBDs etc (but simultaneously don't want to go to CBDs for work…) But Box Hill is already one of the best connected suburbs in Melbourne and businesses are hardly rushing to it to setup shop.

      I agree our nfrastructure needs work but is this the best use of $200bn? Surely more could be done with that then a single train line.

    • Why does Victoria have the biggest debt out of all the states and least sustainable expenditure?

      I'll lock in the Premier arbitrarily chose to shut the State for 260+ days because of his ego for $1,000.

    • The problem is that state govs, subsidize businesses, its nothing more than corporate welfare.

      The cost of that $125B is crayz how much is that costing per traveller ?

      THat must be close to a $1M per traveller, the question then becomes why even bother ?

      It would be cheaper to say let the companies pay for the travellers be they customers or workers, or let them think of alternatives.

      Simple answer is gov shoudl make it mandatory for companies to pay employees for travelling to work. You can be sure then companies would instantly figure out smarter less costly ways so everyone can work.

      Its a far smarter option than spending $100B+ so 10K people can travel to work in half the time. Dont flame, how actual maths how this is a smart business decision. Facts are no corporation is a part of this investment, because its down right stupid. WHen companues dont invest in stuff you know its a big white elephant, and this is yet another example.

  • -8

    no more than $10 per day?

    You pay for it with more taxes, so I just drive everywhere…

    • +9

      So you'll pay for fuel and the taxes as well?

      • Paying more taxes… So cost is not really $10…

        • +4

          The extra taxes are just your share for the benefit of fewer road users if public transport is cheaper.
          I reckon you'd happily pay $1 a day to have nobody ahead of you at the traffic lights - think of this as a step towards that.

          • @mskeggs:

            The extra taxes are just your share

            Extra share should be paid for by the users of the public transport.

            Same for the rail loop… 99% of Victorians are not going to use it…

            • +4

              @jv: Why would a train user want your traffic to be lower? Quite the opposite, they would prefer more cars on the road so the trains are not crowded.
              You are lucky to have the opportunity to fund transport alternatives so your road isn't swamped.

            • @jv:

              99% of Victorians are not going to use it…

              Did you commission a survey?

              • -4

                @RSmith: No, its common knowledge

                • +2

                  @jv: No, it's not.

    • +6

      I've always wondered why people are happy forking out tens of thousands on a car; where you have a much higher likelihood of being in an accident; but don't like paying for trains. Also driving in traffic is stressful.

        • +11

          If that is “always” maybe it is you.

        • Also, trains are always filthy and smell of urine

          Homeless folks need a place to urinate.
          They also know which carriage you will be travelling in.
          So, they do their business just before you board the train.

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