Looks a decent price, cheapest for a while. Title price was obtained from the final payment screen (didn't complete because I bought this a few days ago).
Be sure you've got the prices displayed in USD to get the price mentioned, and use an FX fee free card if you can. It will look cheaper prior to payment because GST is added on the final payment screen (which has never calculated at 10% for me, I think they calculate it on the AUD price).
URL = https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005061754557.html?source…
NOTE: I previously clicked via a specific link and somehow got charged & invoiced a different price, after completing the payment process at the OB deal price (was able to cancel it quickly enough and got a refund). So, I'd suggest check your order history and card for what price you got charged.
I bought one of these a few months ago just to get the ax210 card into a laptop.
Just a heads up: Wifi works wonders, but I've yet to get the Bluetooth to work, let alone install correctly. This issue seems to be common enough when Google searching; I've tried every remedy noted but have yet to get Bluetooth working.