• long running

Bendigo Bank - Ready Credit Card - $0 Annual Fee, 0% International Fee, Travel Insurance


Bendigo Bank Ready Credit Card

This is a repost from the original deal here:

Remember OzBargain has their Wiki here for all cards similar to Bendigo Bank's Ready Credit Card.

This card could be good for people looking to go on overseas holidays over the xmas/ new year period and beyond.
It has some advantages other cards don't have like a lower minimum credit limit, joint accounts and travel insurance.

Joint Accounts Available

Bendigo Bank support joint credit card holders.
Joint account means the credit facility is opened under two peoples names. Not many banks offer this on credit cards.

BSB/Account Number linked to the card

Which enables you to send fast payments directly onto the card. No need to send money in via BPAY.
Not all banks support sending fast payments via BSB/Account No, so you will need to check with your respective bank.

Other features

  • Uses the Mastercard Exchange Rate (https://www.mastercard.us/en-us/personal/get-support/convert…)
  • 0% International Fee
  • $0 Yearly Fee
  • Joint accounts available (you apparently need to go into a branch to set this up)
  • $0 Additional Card Holder Fee
  • 90 Days Travel Insurance (inc cancellation cover)
  • Extended Warranty on purchases
  • Purchase Protection on purchases
  • $3000 minimum credit limit

Bendigo Bank is also considered an 'ethical bank' with no investments in fossil fuel's according to Market Force:


Related Stores

Bendigo Bank
Bendigo Bank
MasterCard AU
MasterCard AU


    • I did. A bit of pain in the ass, only through a paper-base form via branch, but once you've got it approved, then it's relatively smooth sailing from there (considering it's old-fashioned Bendigo). PM if you need more details.

  • Does the insurance cover additional cardholders (aside from the primary)? The T&Cs aren't clear

    • +1

      Spouse only, you also need to spend $500 prepaid of their travel expenses to activate.

  • +1

    a pain you have to go to a physical store to open and account for the first time….closest is around 40 minutes away

    • +1

      I didn't have to do it to apply for this card. I just applied online.

      • ok, the savings accounts you have to go in store if you aren't already a customer

  • Do they do Interest free transfers?

  • Surprised no one has mentioned the coles CC. 99 bucks annual fee but no FX fees. Also earns flybuys points….

    • +4

      3% FX fee coming 1st July 2024
      And does it have free travel insurance?

      • Just saw that. Nightmare. Im overseas till August and have been smashing the card. Its in my wifes name so i wouldnt have seen the email. I love ozbargain!!!

        • +2

          Only reason I’m looking is Bankwest are stopping their free insurance on their zero platinum card, giving us a lot less options now.

          This Bendigo bank card does seem like the best card now, shame as I was a big advocate for the BW card and it’s been my primary card in between churning.

          • @Brick50: Wow didn't know that, such a shame has been good for a lot of OS trips

  • I wish it had rewards points :D

    • Then you are likely have to pay for an annual fee.

  • I wish they bring back the 15 month interest free on purchases deal.

  • Sounds good but there is no rewards program?

  • this vs 28 degrees?

    • +1

      28 degrees is bad. Had it in the past and canned it. Bpay to pay your card bill had a surcharge. Secondary cardholder was a nightmare.

      Bankwest was so good. Alas they ended their free travel insurance.

  • Is there any credit card which gives free travel insurance, without having to spend $500 on prepaid travel expenses?

    • +3

      Bankwest zero platinum
      Ignore this - looks like this is getting canned

    • ANZ is only $250.

    • CBA does not have spend requirement. Just need to fill in an online form and you will be covered.

      • CBA does have a spend requirement now. They've changed T&Cs.

  • +8

    Bankwest credit card changes. From 3 September 2024, complimentary insurance offered through Cover-More will no longer be available on your Bankwest Zero Platinum credit card. This includes overseas travel insurance and other insurances.

  • +2

    Thanks, will move from Bankwest to Bendigo Bank card for travel / overseas online purchases

  • don'tya just love how they did not talk about the interest rates A.P.R in the post? what is it? 24% or 29%?

    • +4

      It's irrelevant, I have NEVER looked at the interest rate on a credit card before. Couldn't tell you what any of my current cards are

      • Funny how irrelevant things like this is what the law says must be clearly shown and even explained.

    • +3

      With no annual fee/usage fees, APR is the rate advertised - 19.99%

      If you have to ask though, you're not a credit card person and should avoid.

      • Thats like taking a mortgage and say oh if you're asking interest rates you really shouldn't be borrowing money which is essentially what a home ownership is.

        • But the difference is with a mortgage you’re going to be paying interest, you don’t pay interest if you use a credit card correctly.

          I have churned 10+ cards in last couple of years and haven’t paid interest once.

          I’m not sure you actually understand how credit cards work.

          • @Brick50: If that was the case for majority of Australians firstly : the banks would just collapse and the government would not require lemders to display all the credit card interests visibly there would be no use for bankruptcy courts, collection agencies, credit reporting agencies all would be out of work > all of which indicates the way you use cards is not what the entire Australia would be using it for

            • +1

              @paloverde88: More people pay off their cards in full each month than don't, and do you think the people stuck in a hole paying credit card interest would be on Ozbargain deciding what's the best bank to pay interest too?

              I would suggest those paying interest on credit cards aren't very financially savvy and likely aren't on here choosing cards, if you are going to pay CC interest you're better off not getting one at all.

              • @Brick50: Like i said if everyone was savvy and have enough dosh to pass around then banks would collapse let alone the big4 more like the tiniest 5

                • +1

                  @paloverde88: I think the banks would be fine considering the average home loan is 615k in Aus, regardless why are you on here arguing about interest rates?

                  If you're even asking about interest rates this card is certainly not for you, it is irrelevant to pretty well everyone here considering this card or else everyone else would be complaining it is not displayed.

                  • @Brick50: This 'place' is hardly representative of your average Australian worker or is it?

  • how does it compares with 28degreescard? i hv been use 28degreescard for oversea travels for ages

    • +1

      love 28deg card for international spend. I have got exchange rates as per google or even better sometimes. Will hold on to the card as there is no annual fee.

  • how does this compare to 28 degrees

    • -1

      Somebody please compare with 28 degrees for desperate card users

  • +3

    Thanks. Signing up for this and ditching my 28 degrees as their direct debit is so damn slow, if you are near your limit for the month it takes like a week for the direct debit to land and they bill you like $2 for the privilege of making a BPay which is faster.

  • +4

    Bendigo Bank give you a BSB and Account No on the credit card - and Bendigo Bank support OSKO. So transfer in via this method are instant.

    • I'm comparing this to my experience with Bankwest. With Bankwest, I could PayID into a free savings account and transfer funds to the card to top up the available balance without any delay if I was reaching my credit limit. Are you saying the Bendigo card will reflect any payments into it directly without needing to process and clear the inbound payment?

      I'm concerned about potential issues while overseas. If I need to approve payments while abroad, will there be any delays or complications or does it request authorisation via the app?

      It mentions 'digital wallet payments'. Do you know which digital wallets are supported?"

      Any disappointments at all with this card?

      Thanks very much :)

      • +1

        Bankwest has gone completely down the girlgler unfortunately.

        After having a Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard for over 20 years (This was easily best travel credit card) along with an everyday account and Hero savings account, I am now dumping BankWest all together and moving to the Bendigo Bank and their Ready Credit card which has all the original Bankwest Platinum card benefits

        1. Closure of Bankwest branches in the eastern states including the one I used only 3 min walk away
        2. Conversion to a digital bank (how dumb - they will never compete)
        3. Lousy savings account interest rates
        4. Unlike Westpac and St George, I am unable to deposit/transact at local Commonwealth bank (who owns Bankwest)
        5. Removal of all insurances from my BankWest Zero Platinum Mastercard rendering it rather useless compared with my Macquarie Platinum Debit Mastercard- which also has lower terminal costs
        6. Bendigo bank has a local branch and staff are super friendly and helpful

        So for me all the disappointments are with BankWest - enough to given them the flick after 20 years!

    • Huge benefit really.
      It means you dont need to have a bank account with Bendigo to make voluntary payments to the card

  • Any other no FX cards with reward points now coles is introducing 3% charge? Not interested in travel insurance….

  • Spending $500 on prepaid travel for this card to activate travel insurance is a deal breaker. Indirectly you need to book either the tickets or hotels using this card, which will not earn any points.

    • +2

      What credit card do you know of that you don't need to spend anything to get complimentary insurance besides from Bankwest zero which is discontinuing the travel insurance in Sep?

    • What points???

    • If you want Zero Annual fee Credit card with Travel Insurance included (min $500 spend) plus rewards points, then look at the HSBC Premier World master card

  • why this over 28degree card?

    • 28degree no complimentary travel insurance

  • Do you have to spend a certain amount before travelling for the trip-related booking to be eligible for travel insurance?

    • $500 prior to departure

      • What constitutes 'travel expenses'?
        I would assume tickets and accomodation are the obvious ones, as per their examples in the T&Cs.
        Would new luggage (for the trip), or car hire (to get around) be included under 'other prepaid overseas itinerary items'?

      • Thanks, that’s the same as almost all other credit cards.

  • So… I spend $5000 for the tickets in and of March and I will be travelling in Juli do I need to call Bendigo bank to activate my travel insurance or will be automatically activated?!

    • +3

      If you spent at least $500 using the Bendigo card, it is automatically activated when you depart Australia.

      You do not have to tell us or Bendigo that you will be travelling. Provided you meet the eligibility criteria (see Part A - Eligibility for Cover) and comply with the terms and conditions of this insurance, you will be entitled to the benefits of the cover available.

      Full T&C

  • +2

    might just cancel my comm bank gold card that I got only for travel insurance and get this one. Zero fees is awesome.

    • +1

      Travel insurances have different inclusions and exclusions. As well as excesses. Make sure it works for you. :)

      • Yeah. When getting hit by a vehicle, it's so hard to check first that the driver is not under the influence of alcohol, which excludes cover.
        Nonsense exclusion, and a bit of a deal breaker.

      • Bendigo Ready Credit card has "the works"
        Typical excess per claim is $250

  • +2

    Moving from BankWest after their changes as I want free travel insurance. Looking at this one but Commbank Smart Awards looks better. I’ll spend 2k a month so means the commbank card will be free too. Anyone got any more insights on this?

    • +2

      Commbank Smart Awards and Ultimate Awards is competitive against the Bendigo Bank Ready card if you want to earn points on your spend.
      The only negatives with the Commbank cards are:

      1. 44 Days interest free period vs 55 days with Bendigo Bank
      2. No option for joint credit card application. Bendigo Bank is one of the few banks that allows this
      3. If you don't meet the minimum spend for whatever reason - you will be hit with a $19 or $35 monthly fee. No chance this will happen on the Bendigo Bank card.
        Points can be a false economy, make sure you convert them into a dollar value to see how much you are actually earning. Getting hit with the monthly fee a couple of times a year might wipe out alot of the points value you would have received.
      4. Unsure if Bendigo Bank or Commbank have the better travel insurance offering bundled with their cards though. You need to read the PDS to confirm.
      • Thanks good summary

      • +4

        Followed up with some research for everyone’s benefit:

        • If you spent say $3000 per month on the CommBank card, you’ll earn around $21 of gift card rewards.

        • Travel insurance limits on CommBank generally higher than on Bendigo Bank, however CommBank excess is $500 and Bendigo Bank is $250.

        • CommBank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder on travel costs to activate the insurance. Bendigo Bank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder AND $500 spent for any spouse or dependents travelling.
        • CommBank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder on travel costs to activate the insurance. Bendigo Bank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder AND $500 spent for any spouse or dependents travelling

          Not sure if you have any further info on the third point? If not I might follow up with CBA themselves (though Bendigo were next to useless when I spoke with them).
          Since CommBank is not a joint credit card (like Bendigo), would this mean the travel insurance only covers the cardholder?
          Or does it also cover family members travelling with the cardholder as well (like Bankwest)?
          Or would any other travellers need their own supplementary card to be covered?

          • @toastfacegrillah: CommBank will cover the cardholder, their spouse, and dependents. You only need to spend $500 in travel costs total on the card.

            • +1

              @Blakus: Thanks for confirming, that's good to know. Just need to ensure minimum spend is met to avoid monthly costs, if going with CommBank.

      • Have a look at HSBC Premier World Mastercard

        Ticks almost every box……..if you qualify.

        The only thing missing is the fee-free foreign purchases/exhange.
        But most debt cards from the non-major banks have fee-free foreign purchases/exchange.

  • How is this compared to Latitude 28 deg card?

    • +2

      It’s better.

    • -1

      28 Sucks now.

      • -1

        I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

  • Get this just for the free travel insurance and zero annual fee. Booked a flight to UK recently for my 78yo mum. Travel insurance quotes were all around $1000! Got the insurance free with her Commbank credit card.

    • +1

      Most credit card insurances have age limits

      • +1

        You have to complete a form which included DOB to get the free travel insurance which was approved in her case.

  • I am currently using Bankwest Platinum Mastercard for my overseas travels, it’s pretty much the same. $0 international transaction fee, travel insurance with $500 spent on the trip before travel.

    • Aren't they going to remove the travel insurance in Sept ?

    • Just be aware that the complimentary travel insurance with BW is only very basic, and that you need to pay for the full coverage.
      I found this out after contacting them after a last second cancelled flight (last second as in after going through customs) and being told that I hadn't purchased the 'full' policy, and there was nothing they could do.

      In saying that, I don't believe there was any necessary spend requried (or so I was told), as long as the cardholder was travelling on the same flights/itinerary as their spouse/dependants.

    • -1

      You obviously didnt get the "memo" from the boss with the bad news.
      Time to ditch the old Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard and move onto the Bendigo bank Ready Platinum Credit card

      • -1

        I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

  • Submitted an application for Bendigo. Lets see the outcome.

    • And?

      • Card approved and dispatched.

  • For anyone who has this card, can you please advise regarding the web and mobile application experience?
    1. Does the app/website categorise your spending?
    2. When completing an online purchase, is it a 6 digit SMS OTP or is the 2FA via the mobile app like Macquarie?
    3. Can I add the card via Apple Pay/Google Pay right after approval?
    4. Is there any chat support in the app? Or is it voice phone call only?


    • +2

      You're dreaming about all of it! It's Bendigo, community bank, not some technology masterpiece like Macquarie. Having said that, I have this card because of joint account, no fee, low credit limit, and travel insurance. Good "forever" card for a couple/family.

      • -1

        Well summarized!
        1. ???
        2. ???
        3. Yes
        4. Call your local branch

        • -1

          I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

    • +1
      1. No - but they recently introduced a 'recurring bill' section within the app/website.
      2. It pops up depending on how much is spent. No idea what that limit is. But I have had to get approval done for some high value transactions.
      3. Bendigo Bank does have instant card provisioning.
      4. They have a 'messaging' section under the support section of the app. It is not live chat however. But they do generally reply within 24 hours or less. Otherwise you can call. I've never had long wait times when I've called them.

      Bendigo Bank does support Open Banking. So if you want really in depth bill tracking/budgeting, then sign up for Pocket Smith and integrate Bendigo Bank (and all your banks/credit cards) into it. I think it's only $10 a month and it's a brilliant service. Very powerful.

    • Appreciate the replies! Thank you!

  • +2

    Sadly, an application system so restrictive and brain-dead, that those with 2 middle names cannot apply online, as their online ID check will fail (since the application doesn't allow spaces in the middle name, and IDs have two middle names with a space between!).
    Worse, rather than holding the application, and simply doing the ID part manually, these cretins reject the application and force you to go into a branch AND REAPPLY (not just complete the existing app). OMG.
    Not the first time Bendigo has been idiotic in my experience.

    Great product, let down by hopeless IT systems and processes.

    • those with 2 middle names cannot apply online

      ??? what about no middle name?

      • That should be fine. It's the programming error not to allow spaces that seems to be the problem.

    • Same boat. Need to get the document to the branch and the branch say they dont know what to do with my document. All going around 2-3 times until I contact them again

  • +2

    Heads up with Bendigo Bank

    They have an extraordinarily painful application process.
    Much more detailed and complicated than other banks.
    They want to know absolutely everything about you and want copies of all your documents.
    Seriously its overkill to the max.

    They treat a simple credit card application with $3,000 credit limit same as a $1M loan.

    Just saying - might put some people off.

    • Also my experience.

      • +1

        So far its taken me 3 weeks to get the required docs to Bendigo Bankl via back and forth communications
        Their secure upload link kept failing so had to print out and drive to local Bendigo bank.
        Then they tell me it will take another 15 working days to process!

        And then they might require even more docs

        If thats the case Im just going to tell Bendigo Bank to forget about it and apply for the HSBC (FREE) Premier World Mastercard

        Already a HSBC Premier customer so should be a breeze

        • Definitely do that - I'd go HSBC Premier if I could qualify - enjoy! (I'd also go Bendigo anyway, but looks like I don't qualify! In fact, according to their ridiculous parameters, I shouldn't have ANY of my existing credit cards, or my mortgage! I simply don't have enough income to even survive apparently - maybe that's why I'm so often overseas! Their approval algorithms are seriously crazy.)

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