This was posted 1 year 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NT] Homelite 22cc Petrol Blower $40 @ Bunnings (Palmerston)


Blowers on clearance. Get one before they're gone.
Bunnings Palmerston.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    solid first post

  • +6

    I read this as "22c petrol blower" and thought finally we've got a real bargain here!

  • +2

    Big contribution to Noise pollution in suburbia.

    • +1

      And pollution pollution. Small engine tools are absolutely shocking for the environment

      • +7

        You guys forgot to add global warming and climate change.

        • +7

          The environmental impact of responding via an electronic device needs to be factored.

        • +14

          But this blower is just like a fan, surely it would help cool the planet?

        • -1

          Don't forget your windmills and solar panels , Australia would be in trouble without those 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

        • +1

          A small engine shot JFK. Small engine theory

        • -1

          Apparently we had a couple consecutive days back in November that breached the 2⁰ target set in the Paris Agreement :'(

      • +10

        I got rid of my petrol whipper snipper to save the environment from the fumes. So bought all battery powered stuff, and every year I upgrade to the latest and send the old broken stuff to land fill. Its expensive but you can't put a price on saving the planet.

        • -5

          Watch out everyone, we got a real badass edgelord over here. So impressive 🙄

          • +2

            @Ezekiel2320: TBH I had to look up edgelord… was dissapointed it wasn't a gardening term.

          • +2

            @Zaddo: I think the poster was being sarcastic.

            • +1

              @RSmith: Oops, Thanks. Thats embarrassing…

    • -7

      True, most annoying sound right at 8am. These should be banned.

      • -3

        So should you !

      • +9

        I usually start mine at 7:59 AM

        • +1

          I always wondered, what people could do such annoying thing to others. Now I see, these people are as annoying as those blowers :)

        • +3

          You rebel you

      • 7am where i am….!!

    • +7

      Yep, used by idiots. Ugh

    • +2

      These should definitely be banned!

    • You wont hear it from NT.🤣🤣🤣😝

  • +1

    Pat Cummins has joined OzB.

  • -1

    people still use petrol? most jobs require battery now a days to lower noise and to stop pollution in the air and spilled oil and petrol.

    • +1

      I love my petrol hondas. 4 stroke for the win.

      • Agree… i bought one with multitool attachment before all the electric stuff was available because i had lots of hedging and wanted something quiet for the neighbours and no smoke. The thing starts instantly no matter how long i leave it. Will last forever. Already 10 years old and works like day 1.

    • +5

      How dare you!

      • You stolen my childhood

  • Not the best quality, Homelite. Voted only because it's in the top end. :)

  • Anybody got the SKU?

    • 0045817

  • this deal blows

  • +5

    Former mech engineer but I moved to electric. Never getting a two stroke machine again. Their time is over.

    • +1

      KTM would like to have a word with you lol

  • I thought most blowers are using lithium rechargeable batteries? Guess that's why these are clearance, with older models

  • +1

    Last Christmas day a neighbour cranked his [ petrol] blower at around 8:30am

    Luckily there is a creek separating their place from mine…so only mildly annoying- was more it was 25th :)

    • If you have some loud speakers, face them towards thier house and play the same sound for over 3 hours straight. They will realise what the pain is.

      • +1

        They're probably already deaf from using their 2 stroke blower though…

  • How many ozBargainers are there in Darwin?

  • Can you not buy this thanks

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