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Alienware RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard AW410K (Cherry MX Brown Switch) $88 Delivered @ Dell

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Mechanical Keyboard with Cherry MX Brown switches. Features customizable per-key AlienFX RGB lighting with approximately 16.8M colors. USB Interface. 2 year warranty.
Clearance - while stocks last.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      What do you mean best color switches?

        • what about red?

        • +1

          browns are tactile (they have a "bump" in the travel), blues are clicky. browns are also fairly "scratchy" compared to other tactile switches.

        • +2

          Brown = tactile, not clicky

        • +2

          Nah MX brown is one of the worst tactile switch in the market

          • @Masticccc: Of all the stock Cherry MX switches, browns are… the least bad.

            But they still suck.

            (I'd only buy a board with Cherry MX if the switches could be easily removed.)

            • +1

              @rumblytangara: Switches are preference so yeah, even a bad switch to one can be a favorite to other. But strickly on the term "tactile", MX Brown is bad. It's tactility is nearly non-exist with the scratchy feeling, only good thing is the cherry housing itself.

              • +1

                @Masticccc: Have they finally replaced their 30 year old injection molds so that the stems are no longer scratchy?

                Last time I tried Browns were perhaps 5 years ago.

                10 years ago, the brand 'Cherry' was a selling point. These days it's more of a good reason to pass on a keyboard.

        • what you are looking for is tactile, lol

        • +1

          Brown = clicky, yet silent

          Brown, as other people have said, = tactile (barely). Not clicky.

          Silent is another thing altogether. In the MX design it means that there is cushioning in place for both the downstroke and the upstroke. Browns are by no means silenced. There is a huge slew of switches which fall under the "silenced" category- even Cherry has a couple of offerings.

      • +1

        black inks are the best

        best budget = yellow

        • +1

          You won't get black ink on these stock keyboards. And tbh there are so many choices in the market nowadays to pick a best one, mostly preference

          • @Masticccc: there are a lot of options, and used most of them, but i end up always going back and buying more black inks.

    • Cherry MX Brown feels like there is dirt in the keys.

  • oh perfect, was looking for one. good enough deal, even though I wanted a wireless one. This will do for now!

    • +1

      Beautiful keyboard.. just shame it's not wireless and TKL.

      Been using TKL keyboard and i don't think I'll ever go back to a full size.. unless you do a lot of data entry i guess.

      • can you recommend a decent TKL one?

        • +1

          Try Asus ROG Falchion.

        • +1

          The one I'm currently using is a Redragon.. which is a wired.

          I've just ordered a RK ROYAL KLUDGE M75 from Amazon, it looks promising.

          The reviews are mainly positive, USB-C and sub $150.

          I don't game so unsure about the response time.

          Edit: if you end up going for the Asus as recommended above by Richard, centre.com selling it for $99. A really nice price

        • i have a jelly, its fantastic

        • Pc Casegear also have the ROG Falchion with red switches.

          Keychron have the K2 on sale as well with gateron brown switches. https://keychron.com.au/products/keychron-k2-wireless-mechan…

      • If I could I'd rather keep the ten keys and remove WASD :P the diagonal alignment of WASD sucks balls for gaming. Actually that's why I use a g13, not sure what I'm going to do when it dies

        • Have you tried redragon k585?

          It lacks the lcd screen but at 10% the price..i can't imagine the screen to add 90% to the value?

          • @PuppieWayne: No, it has diagonal keys. Yuck.
            The LCD doesn't add value to me so I'm totally fine not having a screen

            • @justtoreply: Razer tartarus has the keys you're after.. although i wouldn't because razer qc sux

              • @jkim: Yeah razer.. oof. Such poor quality. Once burnt (mamba v1) forever shy

  • is the mouse worth it? $46.20


    • if you can get past the micro USB port..

  • Just picked up 2 🤩

    Edge's shopping coupon function gave me this code which saved me an additional 5%: AUAFFILIATES5%

    I think 6% cashback on cashrewards too, for Alienware? Will see what tracks.

    • +1

      It is under " Electronics & Accessories", so 0% Cashback. Wish you luck

      • haha, thanks 🙃 the code definitely worked, so I'll savour that at least.

  • Thanks OP, ordered one. Now have to wait and see if there is enough clearance stock to fulfill the order.

  • how does compare to a keychron???

    • +2

      Keychron every day of the week. Better build quality, features and overall value.

      • Their wireless connectivity is shite tho I have a K3 that i have to use wired otherwise it's unusable. Quick search shows a lot of people have connection problems.

        • Huh, just checked my kid's Keychron and it's a year old K3. We have tried that it works fine wireless (it's about 50cm from the PC) but it's never even occurred to us to run it wireless because it's not attached to a laptop. And I've always hardwired my mech boards into my laptops anyway.

          I wish it was available without the battery, TBH. Rather than have it just sit in the board and slowly degrade over time.

    • Never touched an Alienware, but I would 100% buy a Keychron over one sight unseen.

    • Keychron have some of their boards on sale with a small discount. https://keychron.com.au/collections/keychron-keyboard-collec…

      • which is on sale? C2 is or not. I don't think it is. Only the red labbelled one are discounted.

  • +1

    oos now.
    Sorry, Alienware RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - AW410K is out of stock or no longer offered. We removed it from your cart.

    • Try again, my order just went through.

  • gone. while in process of order.

  • Can someone tell me if wired one is better than wireless one? In what way? Thanks

    • Yeah the best wireless keyboards aren't as reliable as wired ones.

    • wired is always the best if you are gaming and when reliability matters.

      if you are just web surfing get a wireless.

      wired is great because it's impossible for them to fail signal interference. you also don't have to worry about the input lag wireless keyboards have. you also don't have to worry about your keyboard randomly dying because the battery just died.

    • Wireless pretty much always also allow wired as well, so practical difference is low (eg plug in if you are gaming). Wired is cheaper.

  • Which colour is good for office work without annoying colleagues with clicks

    • +1

      Avoid switches labelled as 'clicky' - blue switches, for example

      Linear switches (ie. red, black) can still be as loud as tactile switches (ie. brown) depending how hard you type and bottom out.

      • +1


      • Recommend lubing your keys and also adding damping washers if you find them too loud.

        • +1

          Case resonance is a huge factor too. Pack that bad boy with foam if it's hollow.

    • Brown is best bet.

      FWIW, I ordered HexGears GK705 for AUD 80 on BF from Ali.
      I have also ordered Kaihl Boxed Jade to experiment.

      One day I dream to own keychron q6 pro

    • Cherry Reds.

    • Any keyboard with factory silenced switches.

    • I had epomaker budgerigar tactile switches and they were way too loud. Replaced with gateron silent brown, they are perfect.

      I also have an old keyboard with cherry reds and rubber o-ring bands i put on each stem so they don't bang when you type - that's also an option.

      I'd say go with anything marketed as silent (and don't worry too much about tactile vs linear). Unless you are an enthusiast, there's honestly not heaps of difference between switches. There's a massive difference between using a normal membrane keyboard and a mechanical. Nerding out about switch brands is interesting, but tinkering around the edges.

  • It's about time gaming keyboards were wireless with the ability to swap between different PC's just by pressing a button. Same as MX keys etc. It's a function I can't live without. Any I wouldn't be surprised that anyone who does WFH on a work laptop is the same

    Whilst they're at it, allowing more than 3 PC's to one keyboard would be helpful. We have 6 machines we'd like connected to the same keyboard. Surely this could be done in software by holding the function key at the same time as pushing the hotswap key

    • I just use a small switch box for keyboard/mouse/webcam but yeah that would be good

    • +1

      I'm not sure what makes u think a keyboard "gaming" one, but the ability to swap multiple device is nothing new. If you want a renown stock brand, Keychron has those ones.

  • eww brown, these feel like sand are in your switches, lol.

    • are the brown switches very noticeable?

      • +1

        Not especially. It’s the compromise between tactile (blue) and soft/silent (red/black).

        It’s still a mechanical keyboard. It’s going to be heard in an office, or over a headset. If you need something quiet, test the Red/Silent Red, or equivalent quiet/silent in person.

        Mechanical keyboards are very difficult to describe because everyone uses keyboards differently, they prefer different strength or different tone, sound, pressure or sensation.

        Tactile won’t mean much if you don’t have the experience of a tactile/clicky switch.

        Brown is a soft tension rather than a click or trigger. Brown tends to be what most mechanical keyboards will have by default because it’s the most “typewriter like” and comfortable for typing.

        Blue/Green is a more “aggressive” click. Red is a smooth spring and release.

        Like picking shoes or clothing, you can get strong opinions. It’s best to try them out with actual typing, and games / jumping to test how “heavy” you prefer or feel. Some people also like removable keys so you can blend black/brown/clear , but they’re not the norm.

        It’s very hard to know ahead of time if you can get used to black/red long term. Same with Brown. Or Blue.

        Cherry MX tends to be “loud” regardless, compared to a membrane or alternative mechanicals. Some brands get a bit esoteric with memes and cheerleading, YMMV.

        People either love or hate linear because there’s no sense of making full contact with a keypress, it is like a scissor or spring. Red/Black is somewhat common as gaming or silent mechanicals.

        People love or hate the feedback click of the blue/green, brown/clear is a middle ground for an almost-click sensation.


      • i have used gateron brown and kailh box brown and cherry brown is my least favourite as it's a "scratchy brown".

        someone mentioned it on Youtube and I didn't believe until i bought this keyboard last year and sold it soon after on FB Marketplace.

        i now still actively use my gateron brown and kailh box brown keyboards…

  • +1

    Seems to be back in stock for $87 now, just ordered then.

  • +1

    $82.70 with code AUAFFILIATES5%

    • Thanks. Just ordered. Cherry Brown - just what I was looking for.

  • +1

    Keys fly off this one if you type too fast

    • +1

      How fast is too fast 😂

    • I had a Corsair keyboard (reds) with that problem.

  • Would get if it had a Windows key on the right of the space bar. sigh.

  • Thanks OP, used code AUAFFILIATES5% for an additional 5% off.

  • Have one and have for over 1 Year, good keyboard however the keys are prone to retaining oil/sweat so reguarly cleaning is good. I changed to Corsair keycaps and haven't had the issue since

  • Looks like it's all gone. link doesn't work anymore.

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