Torpedo 7 Staff Price
All snow items cost price + 10%* (+shipping
*Excludes GoPro, Contour, ACR Liquid Image, 48 Hour Deals and Clearance items.
Sale ends 10am Monday 15th October
Torpedo 7 Staff Price
All snow items cost price + 10%* (+shipping
*Excludes GoPro, Contour, ACR Liquid Image, 48 Hour Deals and Clearance items.
Sale ends 10am Monday 15th October
yep think im going to pull the trigger on an item or 2 that was just a bit too high priced for my liking
USE: FIRSTPURCH2012 on checkout for $10 off on first purchase.
And Damn I hate OzBargain!! Always spending cash! But $226 Delivered for 2012 Malavita EST Bindings is just ridiculous. Local stores here have them on super special for $300+ (RRP $420)
EDIT: I got the last one, I dare say this was a popular item!
Now to find a Burton Barra or Fish for Feb Pow Pow trip to Japan. Anyone know where the best price for these suckers is at???
@greydaniel : tried the coupon seems like there is a minimum purchase. any idea what's the min purchase?
thanks, im buying the deuter hydration bag and its 49.99…
Yep $50 I believe… Always worth a google 'torpedo 7 codes'
You might find something better,
Good Hunting!
It also doesnt work if you have previously used it, maybe obvious to some :)
Unless you're going backcountry, the Fish will probably be a little too extreme for Japan. I took my Malolo there this year and only used it once on the first day after the fresh snow, and it's not as 'fishy' as the fish :)
Ahh yes the Fish is probably not exactly what I want, the Barracouta is less extreme and reviews very well in the pow.. Im almost decided on the Barra.
Here is the one I am looking at, but Its quite similar to the 2012, and I think I can try get a 2012 for sub 500…
Thanks for the advice, I think I will just rule out the fish, maybe if I lived in BC it would be more practical :)
Looks like the Barracuda replaced the Malolo after 2011.
If you hunt around hard enough, you might find a US retailer selling last year's cheap.
I've found that even though they pretty much all say 'Burton goods can not be sent to Australia", if you call them on the phone, they're more willing to bend that rule.
Thanks for the tip, I will hunt around more than happy with 2012 board If I can save a few hundred off retail! Fingers crossed for every day I'm there to be a powder day :) We do the SnowCat back country tour a couple of times, and frequent a few hidden gems that we have found over the years, I reakon this is the board for me ;)
Bought the Barra at Ausski today, chick there was most helpful.
Got a 161cm for $471.42 and I am grinning!
They also had the fish there for $399 in a couple of sizes, great price if you wanted a specialty pow board.
Awesome prices.
I picked up the last pair of Burton Cobrashark bindings for an insane $84!:…
And thanks for the "FIRSTPURCH2012" coupon above… basically gave me free postage!
Nice work guys.
Okay this is a good sale prices are very nice.