If you want to call this out for not being a bargain because it's still 50-freaking-dollars for a movie, that's fair!
But I've had it on my shopping list since release and it's the cheapest I've seen it on our side of the world. Also I already bought the steelbook at a ridiculous price because I'm a sucker for a little FOMO, and this is cheap in comparison lol.
You can get a little extra mileage from this deal if you use the buy two save 11% link.
I'd recommend In Bruges, Coraline, or Carrie.
In my opinion not even close. It’s a “good” movie when compared to some of the other Predator movies but those that are saying it’s just as good as the OG Arnie film are delusional.
You can still rewatch the Arnie one today and still enjoy it, I doubt there’s many people out there that will watch this movie more than once. Stream it on Disney+ before committing to a ridiculous blu ray price.