As per the subject, extra 10% off at Bing Lee brings this TV down to $3,589.20 Delivered! Go go go!
Don't forget Cashrewards 8% cashback on top!
Edit: Cashrewards cash back tracked at $287.14 bringing this to $3,302.06 Delivered after cashback :)
As per the subject, extra 10% off at Bing Lee brings this TV down to $3,589.20 Delivered! Go go go!
Don't forget Cashrewards 8% cashback on top!
Edit: Cashrewards cash back tracked at $287.14 bringing this to $3,302.06 Delivered after cashback :)
You just missed's Black Friday sales.
lol have enough houses thanks :)
You can sit like 3.5 metres from a 98 inch perfectly fine without being too close. Still lots of peripheral vision left. The problem is people buying 65 inch OLEDs for lounge rooms where they sit 3-4+ metres away. Like what's the point. I have an 85 inch. I sit 3.2 metres from it and it's too small for gaming and movie watching. People are very uneducated on what's too big and too small because they've never experienced bigger TVs and usually too scared to buy one for fear it is too big for their lounge room when 90% of the time it really isn't.
Because I prefer quality over quantity.
@Justin9mm: What a retarded thing to say. OLED has blacks that blow LED out of the water. LED is rubbish.
@Super-Mario: You should learn basic English comprehension. I'm talking about the overall experience. At a certain distance, it all looks the same. Yes blacks are black on OLED, but blacks aren't the only factor in a good TV viewing experience. Your view is retarded, by your logic, an OLED phone blows an LED TV out of the water because you know, the blacks. LOL. It's all relative to how it's being used. Of course an OLED picture is better than LED but it's still dependant on what size and how far away you are. OLED details don't matter when you aren't sitting close enough to see the details.
"They never experienced bigger tv."
Tbf, the last time i sat in front of a TV was probably 3 years ago. I just game off my PC, so getting a big TV isn't even on my "to buy" list
That's because you obviously don't have things like a dedicated lounge/theatre room and decent surround system. If you had that, I'm sure you would like a big TV for movie watching and more immersive game experience. I guess going to the cinema for an immersive experience is just a gimmick for you as well?
@Justin9mm: Incorrect.
I have spend about $50k on my theatre room and fitted it with Krix speakers, woofers and a Denon 2 zones Receiver.
But feel free to make your BS assumptions
I don't have time to sink 4-5 hrs watching or playing a "immersed" movie/gaming experience.. I prefer to be out.
@PuppieWayne: You have all that and prefer to game off a monitor? You are defending gaming on a monitor over gaming in a full surround sound cinema room? That makes no sense but I guess you do you. I'm not going to pretend I know what you have and don't have but it sounds like you have a non gaming feature projector and can't be arsed buying a TV so you use the monitor. Generally no one prefers gaming on a monitor over a good large screen gaming feature TV. Something tells me there is more to the story but ok
@Justin9mm: All those were bought about 4 years ago and since then, I've gotten back into trainings.
Yes, i prefer gaming on a monitor.. there was a discussion here before that explain it better than me. Basically, you don't have to be position that far from a monitor but the further you are, the less you see of the resolution and i play mainly RPG genre, you ever tried to read those dialogue selections sitting 2-3 meters away?
But regardless.. most of my time now are spending training, gym and studying.. so no, i don't have 5 hours to immersed myself into a movie.
Reading through the JB post for same TV thinking, imagine if anyone had to go to the trouble to get all those JB gift cards and meters long receipt, when this deal saves all that hassle.
No delivery to Perth.
Nor SA
This was almost going to be me.. went to Coles and realised I could only buy 5 x $50 cards at a time. Would have to do this 15x assuming they still had cards left.
Gave up and went home.
Match at JB then use giftcards
this is an incredible deal
Damn…..that huge….. t…v
When we going to get 8K TVs? This pixels on this are approximately four times bigger than a 49 inch 4K TV…
What 8K movies/shows do you watch?
Nothing yet. But when 4K was new there was no 4K content either.
Catwoman, Fifty Shades of Grey, Glitter, Battlefield Earth.
Probably why it’s marketed as a gaming TV
8k is no longer new… Been available for quite a few years now… But no content
Only naughty ones as I need more pixel density
If you look further into it you'll discover how close you need to be to a screen this size for your eye to actually pick up all the detail of a 4k image, suffice to say in reality you don't need 8k.
8K TVs are already here, but they are a waste of money because even at 98” you need to be closer than 1.8m to make out a difference between 4k and 8k, which is beyond the 40 degree FOV which is recommended for an immersive comfortable cinema experience. Therefore I don’t think 8K TVs are ever going to make any sense.
The same thing has been said for Full HD and 4k when they were the new technologies. Yet here we are.
The numbers I quoted above were calculated based on visual acuity (distance a person with 20/20 vision must move away from a display to no longer distinguish individual pixels), therefore unless humans evolve their eyes to see more detail in the next few years, or develop a habit of sitting extremely close to their TVs, 8K TVs for general media consumption doesn’t make any sense. But 8K displays for productivity will, as people sit much closer to their monitors than they do to their TVs.
Yet here we are
amazing deal …
Thanks OP got 2 for dual screen setup
TCL, it'll be a qualitiy TV
TCL = Too cheap lol
Awesome deal!
Harvey norman offering free wall mount installation essentially matches this deal.
I'm very tempted.
But I guess they won't match the price after cashback ($3302.06) , do they?
dont, I have this TV, it's great but it's a mirror reflection wise
get the C845 with better reflection handling, or the Sony X90L
Bought TCL 75inch (living room) and 98inch TVs (media). Which wall mount do you guys recommend for these TVs?
How much installation could cost for these (if both done at same time)?
Got my 98" mount from Selby.… <- is that the one you got?
Professionally installed?
That's what I got and should hopefully arrive Friday with plan for me to install weekend.
@WesthamAreMassive: Thanks for confirming! Let us know how you go with the install.. not sure if I'm brave enough for a self-install!
@WesthamAreMassive: Not for tv 98". I have installed tvs for clients before but generally 65" is the max.
75" and above need a 2nd strong person (sony 75" x95k was over 40kgs).
I would get a professional team if I ever wanted a 98" on the wall though if I want bigger than 75" I will just get a good laser short throw projector (with a good screen)
plan for me to install
It weighs 60Kg - there's no way you'll be able do it on your own.
I need to get a mount as well for a gyprock wall.
Any suggestions?…
Will work. But I would mark where bracket is going, then cut the plasterboard to be able to screw timber nogging in the stud. Then put plasterboard back and screw bracket to wall.
Or screw ply straight on plasterboard with liquid nail behind it.
For 98" the weight is too much to not be completely attached to studs OR cutting out plasterboard to extend the area between the studs.
Do it right or that thing will fall break and leave holes in your wall. Dont cut corners with tv installs. 🙂👍
Are there projectors at a similar price point that can compete with this in terms of image quality?
I’m wondering whether there’s a point where the bulk of the TV outweighs (lol) the benefits of the increased screen size.
If you've a dark space you'll be good. Tvs are better in rooms with natural light, and probably always will be sadly.
Short throw projectors are getting really good IF you combine them with a ambient light reflecting screen.
When you compare prices of good short throw projectors on sale for around $2000 plus a $1000 for good screen it is still better than the cost of a good 98" LED tv. Plus easier install/transporting if you move houses.
I would freak out enough at moving a 75" let alone a 98", that is getting broken for sure in transit
Yeah I imagine mounting it would be tough too.
@alcadive: Harvey Norman page for this tv says 106kgs
Other 98" tvs I've seen are at 60 and 67 kilo mark which is definitely more reasonable. Ridiculously heavy to mount either way though.
So had it in the paypal checkout, processed the order after midnight and went through at discount price, missed out on 8% cashback though which really sux. I have put through a customer support ticket with Cashrewards.
This size in 8K at $5,000 we have a deal
So you sit 2 metres from the TV?
damn thats a big TV for a very reasonable price, if/when my 75" Sony dies I may have to think about a TCL it seems… Though I'd probably only go up to 85" as I don't really want to change my wall mount (this one
Short throw projector, then you can choose your size from 85" up to 120". Plus the quality of large screens past 75" struggle with contrast/blacks unless they are OLED or good miniLED so might as well get a good projector.
Projector tho…
They are becoming more and more affordable and a better option than LED tvs for sizes 85" and above. Even $2145 base and then screen taking it to $3k is a good price for large screen without complex install of large wall tv or ceiling mounted projectors.
Plus the quality of large screens past 75" struggle with contrast/blacks
I have a 4K projector in a light-controlled room and I love it.
But let's be very clear that even a crappy display has way way better blacks than any projector.
Because a projector's black is … white. It's the colour of your unlit screen.
Unless you have a room with zero light and zero reflected light - your projector's black is rubbish.
What screen do you have? Might need an upgrade to provide proper image quality then
How is TCL as a TV brand tho?
The same way Kia is a car brand. Made cheap crap but slowly got better. I'll only buy TCL and Hisense now because the picture quality is fine for me and I don't want to pay double the price for a Samsung/Sony etc.
Samsung/Sony/LG for their upper range tvs at least have proper full implementation of hdmi 2.1 protocols. TCL and Hisense advertise 2.1 ports and "game modes" but its a hot mess on their flagships.
You literally get what you pay for, do you want quality or not is the question
Whis one is better in comparion with the Hisense U7KAU 100?
Installed on wall and wow this thing is massive compared to my Hisense 75 inch.
The picture quality out of the box is fantastic and I see no need for a better tv. Yes you can get better but I don't think it is worth double the price.
The sound again out of the box was average but I have a Samsung soundbar that I like.
Overall money well spent at a bit over $3300
Going to need a bigger house