Moved to Forum: Original Link
Important: Empty your Amazon cart prior to clicking from Cashrewards.
To be eligible for cashback via the Amazon app, you must have the Amazon app installed prior to tapping 'Shop Now' from the Cashrewards app.
Amazon reports transactions based on item instead of combined cart value. If you purchase multiple items in one order, they will report as multiple transactions in your Cashrewards account
During the 24 hour 20% cashback promo, cashback for Amazon Australia is capped at $30 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 12am to 11:59pm AEDT 24/11/2023.
Mod: The offer has been removed. We have been informed by the store rep that: "The offer requires activation and does not start until 8am with a specific landing page. Someone put the wrong title on the offer in error." Moved to forums as unobtainable, if you have made a purchase before the offer got pulled, please contact the rep to ask what happens next. - new/actual deal
RBA sits back, rubbing hands gleefully