Similar price to back in September, looks like this is eBay Plus only at this price.
6 Cores, 12 Threads.
PCIe 4.0.
65W TDP.
Wraith Stealth Cooler.
External GPU required.
Similar price to back in September, looks like this is eBay Plus only at this price.
6 Cores, 12 Threads.
PCIe 4.0.
65W TDP.
Wraith Stealth Cooler.
External GPU required.
Pretty sure most items are price jacked and then discounted during these sales lol.
Fine, you can pay the lower price of $209 directly from the store if you insist.
Sorry everybody does price jack for their eBay listing - but that doesnt justify your neg, buying through this deal is still cheaper
That hasn't been my experience, it's mainly tech retailers who increase their prices.
I get your point and I agree its not a good practice
But still it doesnt justify your neg vote (IMHO)
@magic8ballgag: So let me get things right, you are negging this deal just for CA not matching their website price with eBay?
I have no affiliation with CA, but as far as I know they have some overhead cost when they sell their products on a market place like eBay or Amazon.
I cannot comment on how much is the overhead cost and how much they should list their price when eBay runs these promotions…
But if you have to buy the Ryzen 5600 CPU today, would you pay $191.20 (less you have eBay Plus and discounted Gift cards) or you pay $209?
So my point stands that @Yellow Alpaca's deal doesnt have to have your neg vote.
@Bappy: Exactly, If the price was more than their retail store or any other competitor then I'd understand where @magic8ballgag is coming from but, this deal literally is the cheapest out there on any marketplace brand new.
No idea what the neg is for, when its the cheapest on the market.
If you want to call the po po about some price jacking because you aren't happy, go give it to them, see how interested they will be about hearing a store has put their price up.
yeah this is how it works? retail store costs more than a discount code online..
It's not though, CA will align their prices between eBay and their website after the sale has finished.
I'm here trying to find the best price for this CPU to provide to Ozbargainers.
You are here debating that $209 is better than $186.42
Y the salty neg against CA.
You are here debating that $209 is better than $186.42
No I'm not.
I don't just support retailers for the reasons specified in my other comments.
Everyone is free to make their own decision.
@magic8ballgag: So when you imply they do dodgy stuff, it means they are dodgy by provide the lowest price on their parts?
But because they jack their price up and then…. provide the lowest price on their parts, they are dodgy?
Ebay is running the offers, Retailers choose to include themselves.
Retailers still have a profit margin to make after the Ebay offer runs.
Price jack to a price which you can still sell at a discount and make a profit.
This is what marketing/advertising is lol.
If you think only CA does this, then I'm not sure what you are smoking.
If you think only CA does this, then I'm not sure what you are smoking.
I never said that, so you can stop putting words in my mouth.
This is my stance on retailers that choose to purposely increase their prices during an eBay sale, you don't have to agree with it, but I'm allowed to share my opinion as much as you are free to share yours.
This is likely a 50 / 50 funding split type of discount deal. FeeBay funding 50% of the discount and CA funding the other 50%. However, CA in this case, is unwilling to fund that portion. Furthermore, the price jack is slightly more than just covering their discount portion.
Anyway, it is still cheaper. It does feel like the retailer is taking advantage of the situation, but it is quite common. These sellers are not willing to fund their share on the discount for majority of the products.
I thought there might be some discussion on the product…
Eh. The all time low was around $175 this time last year IIRC, so we should be looking at $155-165 now.
DDR5 has come down to a competitive level, and B650 boards are almost competitive now, unless you were upgrading from a 1600/2600 I don't see why you would pick this.
I have a 3600 with a RX6800, would this be worth upgrading for games do you think? Mostly just play AAA single player in the highest graphics setting I can manage.
Yes 5600 would be an upgrade if you are playing at 1080p.
For 1440p I am not sure to be honest…
I would personally recommend 5700x if your budget allows you, I'd say it's the best bang for buck CPU for AM4 platform right now
I am kinda in a same boat, still holding onto my 3900XT, changing to 5700x won't see any significant differences in Gaming I think, plus I will be losing 4 extra cores for productivity
Price jacked, $209 on their website.