All three deals stack
Uber One promo $10 off minimum $30 spend. Unlimited uses till 26 Nov. Seems to be store specific.
All other deals do not require Uber One.
UPDATE: BOGOF offer is expired.
All three deals stack
Uber One promo $10 off minimum $30 spend. Unlimited uses till 26 Nov. Seems to be store specific.
All other deals do not require Uber One.
UPDATE: BOGOF offer is expired.
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
Howd you get it down to $8?
I only get down to 13
You need to order the cheap pizzas, margarita, cheese, pepperoni etc.
Nice, looks like all 3 deals stack
$8.73 for two pepperoni pizzas and spud bites delivered
@MA87033 you should add all 3 deals to title.
Thanks. I think that should work.
Is this targeted? i only have the 30% off max $10 off
I believe it is store specific. One of my stores have 30% off with free potato spuds, and the other has no discount but free chocolate mousse
I’m curious too. Where is the “ Uber One promo $10 off minimum $30” don’t see it in the app or Pizza Hut store on app
It's only certain Pizza Huts, search "Pizza Hut" on Uber Eats and you'll be looking for one that has a gold "Offers Available" rather than green.
Can't seem to find any offering it around Melbourne CBD
I don't see the $10 of $30 for Uber One, just got 30% off instead it seems
Me neither
Same. No $10 promo
Appeared at checkout for me
Nope, not for me unfortunately
Not work at checkout either.
Same deal on dominos.
Except it's half price Tuesday effectively buy one get one free and u can get a free garlic bread after $30 spend. Also stacks
I get the $10 off $30 spend on Dominoes but not Pizza Hut
I got the 30% off (min $1 spend) for both
Also my local has free pepperoni for $35 spend instead of the garlic bread for $30
Don't you have to pay delivery + service fee with Domino's though? Mine was charging me almost $8 in fees lol that's as much as I paid for my entire pizza hut order.
Nah no delivery fee or service fee (it’s delivered by dominoes restaurant itself but ordered through Uber) the order is delivered by them on electric bike. Strange how it’s different per store location
Definitely strange, tried another store (without the promo) and they only charged $2.99 with no service fee. Other store was charging $5.49 + 10% service fee.
Might look around for if the Domino's near work charges..
Edit: everything around is seeming to show at least $2.99 and $22 minimum order :/
On Uber, have to order 2x identical pizzas to get BOGOF, service + delivery charge negates the $10 disc :(
The delivery should be free with Uber one, and service charge is only $1.50 or thereabouts
Cheap dinner! Cheers was able to get 2 Pepperoni and a spud bites for $13.23 delivered. Score.
Cannot find free item over 30$
Getting $15 delivery with Uber one?
jesus christ the pizzas from here are so small even for a 'large' size.
Looks like they removed buy one, get one free - they had buy one, get one free for ages, I think they realised the offer stacking
Isn’t Tuesday always BOGOF ???
To my knowledge, I took advantage of the UberEat's BOGOF twice (recall always seeing it until now) and I don't think both were on Tuesdays - don't quote me though. I am aware that the BOGOF on Pizza Hut's website is only on Tuesdays as you mentioned
Damn, This was wrong, I think it was only for Tuesday because of the BOGOF, So it was only for yesterday. I looked at the 26th November expiry and thought i would get it today instead but its gone now while yesterday when i checked it was there.
Will probably be there next Tuesday then
The problem is the deal was for 3 things stacked together, not just BOGOF. Most likely by next week, the other stackable items arent there anymore and hence no deal.
Also got free spud bites on the app with $30 spend meaning 2 pizzas and spud bites for $8.39 delivered.
Thanks OP