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[Prime] Fairman Toilet Paper Tongs, Toilet Aid for Self-Wiping, Bottom Wiper Aid 12" $12.79 Shipped @ HEDA & ZIME via Amazon AU

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For those that put on a few kg over Xmas and can't quite reach.

Could also be handy for anyone that might be a bit backed up.
Can be used in conjunction with another Black Friday special https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08FHBLQNP

May also be used as BBQ tongs (if cleaned properly). The possibilities are endless.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2023

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closed Comments

  • +28

    I feel attacked

  • +7

    Are they sturdy enough to snap it off if you haven't had enough hydration?

    • +34

      Just get a poop knife

      • +1

        Finding one for a deal is the real challenge there

      • +3

        But don't use one of those Victorinox serrated ones that pop up here every now and then… unless you want a second a-hole.

      • +3

        I've just Googled this and, unbelievably, it's a thing.

        OzB - lower prices and educational.

        • +4

          I've just Googled this and, unbelievably, it's a thing.

          Yeah nah, I'm not falling for that…

          *Opens incognito tab.

          Yeah OK, it's a thing.

      • +3

        Reddit was cursed the day that was written

    • Should be enough to pinch one off.

  • +4

    Wash B4 used in the kitchen.

    • +6

      Dishwasher safe. Just not my dishwasher :-)

    • +1

      Reminds me of an old story from my dentist…

      Old dude swallowed his crown, cos he wouldn't stop yapping during procedure. Has to sieve & hose his poo for next couple of days. Chucked sieve out, but it possibly looked new. 'dumpster diver' grabbed it out of his bin.

  • +4

    Any discount on the 24" version? I feel discriminated against.

    • +12

      You have to wait for Brown Friday

  • +22

    I did not know these were a thing. But a deal's a deal…

  • +2

    Put on a few kgs on which year of Christmas

  • +11

    Most suitable for American market.

  • +4

    Thanks op. I already have BBQ tongs, so will just use those.

    • +1

      Name checks out :)

    • Always alternating between types of use?

      • +1

        I make sure to wash it in the dishwasher

  • +3

    "Are you s******g me??"

    "Not yet!!"

    • "Yes but tool-assisted!"

  • +12

    had to watch the video on product page to understand whats going on here.

    • +6

      All my life I've put the used loo roll in the pan water, but having watched the video found out I should have been putting it in the toilet bin.
      My parents are to blame!

      • +2

        I had to watch video too and this is the one that got me too. Not even the fact that she wiped the small of her back instead or her butt.

        • +1

          Also widthways??

        • It can be used as a back scratcher in between uses but make sure you put in the dishwasher before every use.

      • Depends who is going to wash the bin.

        My parents are to blame!

      • +3

        Seriously though, In some places the sewerage system is non-existent or just to old to handle toilet paper and a bin has to be used. When I was in Beijing, some public toilets you had to put spoiled toilet paper in a bin. Felt pretty sorry for the cleaners.

        • +1

          If there's no proper sewage system in parts of Chinese cities and you can't even put toilet paper down the loo, where the hell is the poop going….into a skip or a pit under the building or something?

          • @alidli: Drop toilets and septic systems will come as a shock to you.

            • @mskeggs: Used many a (smelly) drop toilet and septic tanks, just don't expect them in a metropolitan city.

              Do they still use human faeces on farm land in China? May be they collect it all "clean", and don't want white loo paper stuck in it and us shoppers finding little white bits in the leaves of our iceberg lettuces. 🤮

              • @alidli:

                Do they still use human faeces on farm land in China? May be they collect it all "clean", and don't want bits of white paper stuck in it and us shoppers finding little white bits in our iceberg lettuces.

                don't know about china, but we certainly use it on farms here. Though it is processed first. It is the absolute worst shit (pun intended) to work with. Sold as Sewerage Ash.

                • @gromit:

                  we certainly use it on farms here

                  Didn't know that gromit…thought its use would have been phased out with the use of modern fertilisers, animal waste and the demise of the nightmen collections/ the introduction of sewage systems. Thanks for the information.

                • @gromit: Ass Sewerage Ash

              • +3

                @alidli: We need to stop flushing opportunity down the TOILET!!

                @mskeggs: "Do they still use human faeces on farm land in China?"

                FYI: Australia too in many farms use human waste as fertiliser. I personally know a mate who grows cabbage, lettuce, kale and so on, use human waste for years now. So we all have been eating others shit for sometime now. :-) :-)

                1. We need to stop flushing opportunity down the toilet
                2. Australian farmers are using human waste as fertilizer. That shit works
                3. How human waste is helping Aussie farmers get the best out of their land
                4. How south east Queensland’s poop became yield-boosting fertiliser
                5. Australia turning human poop into usable fertilizer
                6. How sewage from a million Sydneysiders helps grow the wheat we eat
            • @mskeggs: drop toilets and septic systems can take toilet paper (albeit you must be very careful with your selection). We still have septic tanks on my parents farm.

          • @alidli: @alidli - see my comment below

            • @idonotknowwhy: Pretty disgusting, and scary for the health of the unsuspecting diners.

        • +1

          In a lot of homes in China you still have to put used TP in the bin next to the loo. I've been in high-end hotels in smaller cities where you aren't even supposed to flush the TP in your room. I always thought the worst job in China would be the night soil man - the guy who comes around every day and collects all the TP. Yes, that's a job.

        • My first time using a toilet in China I saw the bin in the stall and thought, "Oh some dirty bastard threw his TP in there!"

    • The gentle piano music really sells it

  • +6

    I know that if i click on the link i won't be able to unsee it

    • Sorry, but you must click the link and watch the video. It's worth it.

      • You owe me my 35 seconds back

        • +3

          You owe me my 35 seconds back

          You sound like my ex.

  • "Self-wiping"? What other options are there?

    • +8

      Local car wash. Those whirling brushes do all the work for you.

    • +1

      Fire hose

    • Ask ya mum to wipe ya bum

  • +4

    I have so many questions to answers I don't want to know about

  • +20

    Ergonomic tong design allows for single-handed wiping

    As a double-hand wiper this is going to save me so much time

    • +1

      But you still need to hold the tongs in your mouth to achieve the single handed operation while you add the paper to them

  • +2

    Are the tongs dishwasher safe?

  • +4

    This is why we have bidets 🤦

  • +4

    Now I need to put an extra hook up in the toilet. Might have to shift the original hook so the poop knife and these tongs look symmetrical.

    • +2

      Poop knife, hard poop sweats towel and poop tongs all sitting neatly above the Gerni as St. Bono intended.

  • +1

    No, just no

  • +5

    Take me out if I ever need this.

  • Might as well just use a water spray

  • +11

    Thanks, been looking to upgrade my rag-on-a-stick.

  • +3

    Bidet to you, sir

  • Alternatively, use a bidet

  • +1

    wow.. perfect Christmas gift for my in-laws.

  • Surely clip on somewhere instead.

  • +5

    Going to be a bit tricky manipulating the seashells with that.

    • -1

      Even worse with corn husks.

  • TIL

  • Good picking up the dog sh1t in the backyard.

  • +1

    I had no idea these were even a thing.

  • I think if you're at this point, you should probably just hose yourself out in the shower like at the zoo.

  • lol wut - did not expect to see this on the front page of ozb

  • The sh!t just hit the ceiling with this one! No, wait..

  • Will JV be buying all of them

  • Elon's Poo-ra-link

  • Anybody actually use it like in the video and put the used toilet paper in the bin XD

    • +1

      Quite common in countries with old/crappy pipes/sewerage systems.

  • +3

    Jokes aside, I use these and find them helpful. In my experience, the 20 inch are easier to use than the 12 inch.

    It's a shame they don't make them in multiple colours. If you have multiple family members using tongs, the best solution I've found is just some black permanent marker on the handle to differentiate them.

    • Can you share a video? Still can't work out how to use them.

  • -1

    Use in china only. Seriously.

  • what the hell is this product

    • +1

      Useful at 7-11 when you want a hotdog

  • Cheapest colonoscopy ever

  • +1


  • While I can see how some might have this problem …not sure this is the solution.
    Oh, and what's with the bin???

  • +1

    Do you click the poo-tongs twice before use for good luck, like regular tongs?

  • +1

    I'm seriously confused what they are. Fortunately, there is a video instruction there…

  • I have these. Great for self-wiping, and also as tongs for the kitchen.

  • Only the Chinese can dream up of the intended use for this tool.

    • +1

      Yes, the Chinese invented many things including the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, printing and… pootongs.

  • If it was a bit longer, it could help with dumpster diving.

    • Already helps with dump-ster fishing

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