A Sharp Edge on a Woolies Shelf Tore a Hole in My Shirt, Should Woolies Buy Me a New Shirt?

I was buying candy from Woolies last week and while walking past the end if an aisle my shirt snagged on a sharp corner of a shelf that hadn't had those plastic cap things put on the edge, tearing a small hole into my shirt.

Should Woolies buy me a new shirt?

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    You should buy Woolies a new shelf

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  • +46

    lol, need MS Paint diagram.

    • +8

      Go Pro footage?

      • -1

        Should buy shirts for grave diggers here.

    • +8

      Bring in the original website designer for MSY lol

    • -2

      For what?
      the snagged shirt, the guilty shelf or a map of the exact path OP took to get snagged.
      Not sure what difference any will make.

      One could argue that OP should take more care and stop blaming others for their mistakes.

      • +2

        You seem new here… Hacked someone's account?!

      • +1

        Pretty sure Sye's comment was made with their tongue in their cheek

    • What ! So OP forgot to wear their Headcam ?

  • +4

    Depends. Are you below average size? Would an average person not have got caught? But a larger sized person get snagged?

    • +8

      average ozbager is larger person so must we pay more new clothiers

  • +8

    Contributory negligence. They would owe you $0

  • +23

    u need a lawyer, i have friend, Lionel Hutz
    tell him i sent ya, mates rates

    • +15

      No, money down!

    • +9

      This verdict is written on a cocktail napkin, and it still says guilty. And "guilty" is spelled wrong!

    • +1

      Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to prove to you not only that my client is guilty but that he is also innocent of not being guilty.

  • +9

    don't buy candy, buy fruit and veg.
    Also, where's the bikies option?

    • +11

      What is candy?

      • +19

        must be an Austrian thing.

      • +6

        It's an English word (that came from French, and so on back to the Persians). It's been an English word since at least the 1500s (see, for example, the definitely not North American Elizabethan rhetorician Angel Day from 1587: "A sweeter humor than that which the hony Bee by nature congealeth, or the Candy sugar in taste deliuereth."

        Nonetheless, some people who wear American clothes, listen to American music, eat American food and watch American TV and cinema like to whine about it because they're insecure about their national identity and think the best way to look secure is to have flailing windmill tantrums about your chosen word for crystallised sugar.

        • +7

          Wow! That really touched a nerve?!
          Yes, it is common to see hamburgers and blue jeans. But hearing an Australian using the word "candy" is still unusual enough for me to raise an eyebrow. Read my 3-word post, vs GrueHunter's. Which is a "tantrum"?

          • +2

            @bargaino: At christmas time, Australians must be calling candy cane "sugar cane" which makes perfect sense.

          • -1

            @bargaino: You asked a question. I answered it.

            You know why you asked it, and I know who's the tantrum thrower.

            (Hint: it's the person who asked the disingenuous question in the first place, who "raises eyebrows" at words that have been around for the better part of 500 years, and who read my description of "some people" and assumed I meant them personally. I hope you've recovered over Christmas.)

      • +1

        Was the first thing when reading OPs tread that struck me....maybe hes straight off the boat from the US where they sue for everything

  • +9

    Specsavers Gift Card

  • +1

    bahaha wut.

    Imagine the precedence this would set. I could get a whole new wardrobe!

  • +3

    Should Woolies Buy Me a New Shirt?


  • +12


  • +48

    "You're mama's so fat she walks down the Woolies aisle and rips her shirt on BOTH sides!"

  • +10

    If you ask them, they might give you a gift card - but they might also decide you're too big a risk to wander the store unsupervised as well, so be ready for either a future refusal of entry or a worker to wander around the store with you "to make sure our tricky shelves don't give you any more trouble".

    Incidentally, congratulations on making the 2nd most comments on this website last month, behind only JV in sheer volume of output.

    How do you maintain such a high volume of messages without sacrificing quality?

    • +33

      How do you maintain such a high volume of messages without sacrificing quality?

      You set the bar low and you keep it there.

    • +1

      How thoughtful 🙏
      Asked & answered

  • +3

    I was buying candy from Woolies last week

    Woolies sells "candy"? And what took you so long to post about it!?

    • +2

      And what took you so long to post about it!?

      He was grieving over the ripped shirt, okaaaaay?

  • +1

    Only if it's a Mambo shirt.

  • +4


  • Did you let it go? Life is crazy.

  • +3

    what did the manager say when you spoke to them?

    • +6

      "why you always buy so many lollies?"

      • "Sorrie ociffer eye ownly by candyis".

    • +3

      “You need to cut down on sugar intake anyway”

      “At least your pants are safe”

  • +4

    Why do some people always look to blame someone else for their own carelessness?

    • +3

      Blame culture

  • +11

    A whole new way of being ripped off in the Supermarket !

  • +4

    buying candy

    Oh so this happened in America? As we don't sell candy in Australia!

    • -6

      Oh so you're blind? Because we do, and we have done for decades.

      Here, I'l help: go to the Woolies home page and search for 'candy'.

      See the Werther's Original Cream Candies? Swedish Fish Mini Tropical Candy? The Pez candy refills? The Topps Push Pop candy? The various candy canes? Do you think you can find the rest by yourself?

      • +3

        R U OK?

      • +4

        Oh so you're blind? Because we do, and we have done for decades.

        The Australian vocabulary does lollies…..

        See the Werther's Original Cream Candies? Swedish Fish Mini Tropical Candy? The Pez candy refills? The Topps Push Pop candy? The various candy canes? Do you think you can find the rest by yourself?

        Looks like you just listed a bunch of USA crud that is sold here that 'candy' makes up part of the product names……

      • +1

        what a "garbage" post, put it out on the "sidewalk"

  • You should definately ask for a new shirt. Not only that, wollies should fix you with daily groceries untill you receive the shirt. Thats only fair. All stores have you break, you buy policy ;)

  • Did you buy Red Bull ?

    • Next stop, china shop.

      • Shelf was possible worked on in China?
        I see the impact on his lawsuit, WOW shares have tanked !

  • +2

    Woolies should give you a shopping bag that you can use as a shirt.

    • It must be the Bag for Good, the bag for life.

    1. Report and document hazard
    2. Return and repeat injury
    3. Profit
  • +2

    I identify as a shelf with sharp corners. Sue me!!!

  • +1

    If it was missing the safety thing on the end then you should contact them. They're there for a reason and obviously a hazard they're attempting to reduce.

  • +2

    This bites. I lost a new shirt to a tear at airport security. I don't think you'll get a replacement shirt, but respect for taking on life's challenges one day at a time.

  • +5

    I smell a troll post but if you live your life feeling the world owes you something then you'll always be unhappy.

  • Better call Saul

  • +2

    Are you American? Candy…

  • +2

    When I saw the title of this thread, I immediately suspected that the O.P. was going to be Pam. Sorry Pam.

    • +1

      Not just me then! What has Pam been up to?

    • +1

      How do we know this isn't Pam? she has a few alts doesn't she

  • Time to call Gerard Malouf & Partners

  • Was this an American Woolworths store? We don't have candy in Australia.

  • You can mend the small hole easily

  • As in, it should have had the cap but it didn't?

    That represents a safety risk to consumers and staff, albeit minor, still a violation (imagine if someone fell and hit it and it took their eye out).

    Did you raise it with the store? All they are really obligated to do is fix the issue, I think asking them to buy you a new shirt is a bit rich unless it was some super fancy expensive thing.

    And for everyone laughing at this, remember the payout the lady got who slipped in Woolies years ago? They have a responsibility to ensure the area is safe to navigate.

    My advice, raise it with them as a courtesy and just move on. Be more aware of your surroundings.

  • Tales from OzWalmart.

    Were you riding your Gopher scooter and drinking from your beer can basecall cap while it happened?

    • wearing tracky dax & uggs

  • +1

    How to trigger an Aussie in one word

  • This is what you get for cutting corners

    • a sharp cutting comment - but fair

  • sure if you've got more time than money to spend, take pix as evidence, then bring both to the service counter, preferably with a receipt for a new shirt matching the old - and simply ask the manager for reimbursement.

    If the sharp edge is still there, they should thank you for not taking it further.

    If they already fixed it, and you have no photographic evidence, good luck trying that.

    • I think a video of a full re-enactment is in order. So we, 'the people' can replay it in slow motion, to ascertain who is really at fault and if there was more than one shooter shelf involved.

  • +1

    Last time I spent money on Candy it was at 3am on King Street, not at Woolies.

  • +1

    Assuming this is not a troll post, you need to relax mate. This can't be good for your mental health. Just buy a new shirt and move on.

  • Once was caught by a small fountain of red hot molten copper at work which made holes in my shirt.

    I asked if i would get my shirt replaced by the company i worked for, the reply was not unless you were cut during the accident and blood was sighted on the shirt.

    Singed holey shirt did not qualify… meh

  • +1

    Probs not, but maybe could get a gift card if you made a complaint… it’s a safety risk irrespective… could get messy if an older adult with paper thin skin, + blood thinners gets a skin tear on said sharp edge.

    • +1

      Yep, the way it should work is OP reports, store manager is concerned and checks all shelves for issues. The reality is it's Woolworths staff are overwhelmingly disengaged and apathetic. I've been told by a staff member they currently expect staff to attend work with co-vid. So with that level of customer care no chance. I was injured at one of their service stations when the gas bottles all toppled out of a faulty cage onto me. Filled in the incident report, didn't even get a phone call to see if I was ok.

  • Woolies should replace the shirt, offer a refund for the full cost of your shop that day and hang the shelf that caused this mess

  • Looks like OP is buying Woolies a new shelf.

  • Careful Woolies don't rip you a new one.

  • Unbelievable

  • You know what, just sue for a new shirt.

  • +1

    Buying 'candy' and wanting compensation for walking into a stationary object? I think I see the issue here..

  • +1

    AU soon to become a sueing state like US where one looking ways to sue and get paid ..

    • …and ultimately it's the rest of us that pay the bill (cost of goods and services).

      An accident happened and you'd like somebody else to be the cause of your loss; we've all been there. Personal injury law serves a purpose but this aint it. Learn and move on.

  • You described it as a snag. Was the corner sharp enough to 'cut' your shirt, or was it more because it was caught and your momentum? One would be a safety issue and the other not so much.

  • This sounds ridiculous, but I have vague memories of a workmate in the UK getting a new suit out of a shop for something similar.

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