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MacBook Pro 14 M3 $2,427.70+, MacBook Pro 16 M3 Pro $3,790.60+, iMac M3 $2109+ Delivered @ Apple On Campus Stores (e.g. AEU)


Newest M3 MacBooks announced, reminder that the cheapest way to get them is from AOC, a bit cheaper than Apple Education Store, and no they don't check Student ID

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  • +28

    i'll just wait for m2 refurbs

    • +29

      Yeah me too, there was also a deal on black crayons a few days back which I loaded up on so I can make my ozbargins refurb M2 black edition.

      • Please post photos

      • +1

        And you can eat the leftovers crayons too, good thinking.

    • +6

      Agreed. This is a good time to buy M1 and M2 with more ram and more SSD

    • You're better off waiting for clearance deals on the high spec configs, like this:


      New machine and much better value.

      • +1

        I think that was a one off back of the truck job. They all came with flat batteries too.

        Amazing deal though. M1s are already hard to find and I don't know how much M2 stock got out there. I think there were big wait times for CTO m2 pros.

        • MWave cleared some out a few weeks prior, with a similar discount. I picked one up. Full Apple warranty, nothing wrong with the battery (they were just low because they were old stock). Definitely not a back of the truck thing.

  • AOC?

    • +88

      Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    • +6

      Apple on Campus - Apple Education Store.

      • +1

        So it's the same or not?

        the cheapest way to get them is from AOC, a bit cheaper than Apple Education Store

        What's the difference in practice?

        • +1

          I believe the Apple on Campus (AOC) is the Education Store for organisations.

          Prices will vary based on organisation you click through (ie. this deal post is through the Australian Education Union).

    • apple on cinnamon, Bill Gates favourite hangover relief

  • +65

    So glad they made the Ozbargins favourite laptop start with 8 gb of ram so we can continue to fight about how many chrome tabs we can open. The next few years would have really sucked if they bumped this up.

    • +16

      I use a different Mac for each chrome session.. I have a wall of Mac’s. God forbid it paid the extra $300 to up it to 16GB.

      • +14

        I think they did this for us. Pretty much means I know for the next two years I can click the inevitable 5 dollar off macbook deal and

        If I am first say "price match at office works".
        If i'm second say "too late already 1 dollar lower"
        If I'm third say "8 gb not enough for my recreational 16k video editing and machine learning multitasking workflow". Then fight with someone about it.

        • Hahaha yep.. YouTube reviewers talking about their video editing capabilities to the common folk who just want to check the news and send an email.

          • @EitherWayUp: So on point. Like everyone is making videos and are after more video capabilities

          • @EitherWayUp: M1 macbook air is for you

        • +6

          To be fair, this is a MacBook Pro, not Air. So it’s probably to be expected that the average buyer is doing more than just using it for email.

          I’ll just pay the extra $300 and pretend it’s the base price. Even at that price it’s a lot of laptop for the money.

          When I bought my Air, I justified that 8GB RAM was fine because Apple “manages RAM better”. It didn’t work out that way for my usage. But my wife can now have that laptop and I’ll get the new M3 Pro.

          • @axyh: yeah this is a new option with retina display.

          • @axyh:

            When I bought my Air, I justified that 8GB RAM was fine because Apple “manages RAM better”. It didn’t work out that way for my usage.

            If only that were true… cries in 8GiB MBA

        • +1

          And if you're fourth you have "Not a bargain…" to fall back on.

    • +22

      My 2013 Macbook pro came with 8Gb ram which I still use as a daily commute laptop. It's sad to see that 10yrs down the lane, Apple is still selling 8Gb ram as their default configuration. I was really hoping to replacing my Macbook pro this year, but with this attitude, I think they have lost a customer.

      • -8

        You're suggesting that 8GB is sufficient for daily use on your old laptop.
        Hence it'll also be sufficient on a new Mac laptop with better CPU+RAM integration, for many people.

        If so bothered by it, pretend that the 8GB base configuration doesn't exist, and just buy 16GB up-front.

        • +12

          for many people.

          Sure, “many people” checking Facebook and ordering groceries. But not Pros that this product is meant to cater for.

          • @PainToad: Many people buy Pro for non-pro stuff. I mean there is a choice, isn't there?

            • @Azro: But speaker and promotion display itself it is worth for just youtube or web browsing

        • +11

          This is a pro model. 8GB on air is one thing and pro is another. Yes you can consider 16GB up-front, but 8GB model already costs a bomb and should have included 16GB. We are in 2023 and not 2013 to give 8GB RAM for that price.

          • +1

            @John Doh: This is a marketing strategy, it's not about should have or shouldn't. If you don't like it don't buy it.

            • +7

              @MrMoo: I dont like it and I am not buying it for that price. But this is a place for discussions as to how companies are sheeping thier followers.

              • +3

                @John Doh: How are they sheeping their followers? This replaced the M2 13 inch macbook which had 8GB of ram to begin with. Like I said it's a marketing strategy to make you think they dropped the price of the 14 inch but in reality they are just cutting out a lower model. The ram is the same.

                • +1

                  @MrMoo: See, you are not feeling its wrong. They achieved thier goal!

                  • +2

                    @John Doh: Lol the fact you can't understand that there is no M3 13 inch now means they achieved their goal. You probably also think the Iphone 15 is the real Iphone and the Iphone 15 pro's are the premium version.

                    But nah i'm wrong you are right, totally. I'm a sheep. BAH BAH BAH

                    • +2

                      @MrMoo: Haha, chill. Also, you didnt have to tell me there is no 13". I knew that :)

                      The fact they call it a pro and demand 2.7K for it means they SHOULD include 16Gigs for that price. Pros are desgined for heavy usage - does not matter if it was 13" last year. I have seen that 8Gig pro will eat into SSD life by swapping very very fast for medium usage. So anyone buying this 8GB Pro thinking its sufficient for Pro usage will end up with a laptop with non-replaceable dead SSD soon enough. Also 8GB was yester years minimum. You want this to last another 4 to 5 years, Think of using an 8GB laptop 4 to 5 years down the line. Its like releasing a 4GB iPhone PRO for the full price and asking you to upgrade to 8GB. This company should be sued for releasing an 8GB product. 300$ phones have 8GB in them, forget 2700AUD laptops.

          • @John Doh: HDMI display and speaker are pro grade

            And M3 may similar to m2 pro

        • +2

          @John Doh:I never mentioned that 8Gb is sufficient for my daily use. I use my 2013 Macbook pro 8Gb laptop as a daily commute laptop. I have hundreds of ibooks which I read on this laptop. I basically use it as a ebook reader. As it is an old laptop, I am not worried if I get mugged on the train I can partway with it or even use it as selfdefense.

        • -5

          you apple cultists just don't get it

      • +2

        I couldn't be happier with my 14" M1 Pro. But yes definitely recommend 16GB RAM, seeing as it's aslo shared with the GPU.

        • +1

          I tried the 13" M1 Pro for developement with just 8Gigs of RAM, though the 8GB unified memory was so fast that I didnt feel slow at all, at the same time, it ate tons into the SSD life.

          • +2

            @John Doh: Yeah I reckon that’s Apple’s thinking, no one will complain that it’s slow. But time will tell if the SSDs hold up under the extra load.

        • +1

          I did own Mac book pro 13 M2 8Gb RAM for couple of months, but had to return it as it had issues., thought of replacing with Macbook pro 14 but I was told to hold on for few months by apple store as there was rumours of new Macbook 14 M3 on the horizon with 16GB RAM. I was disappointed today to see that I need to shell out extra to get 14GB of RAM.

      • would highly recommend people use one instead of poo-pooing it. 8gb doesn't sound like enough - and it isn't in a cheapo laptop - but whatever magic they have worked does the trick.

        i am a ridiculously unhygenic laptop user with far too many browser tabs and windows, and also play games and do docs and excel and qgis and run teams and remote desktop etc. i can't imagine doing the stuff i do on the base m1 air on previous windows laptops with better specs. they would melt.

        i don't know enough to make any concrete claims about this but believe me, i've used a lot of different systems and this thing just works with 8gb ram. like, if you're a real power user obviously you'll be needing more, but i think i'm already pushing the use case tbh and it's fine 99% of the time. i only run into problems when i have multiple browser windows with dozens of tabs each. then i just quit and reopen the browser and it's fine again lmao.

        • +3

          I could barely run llama2 on 8gb… and had to choose the crappy version… definitely not enough

    • +10

      Use edge.

      • Case closed

      • +1

        such an irritating and annoying browser to use

        • +1

          I thought so too. Serously though they came a long way. Feels snappier and integrates with all the ms services. They are adding some bloat though. I also use Vivaldi

          • @Raj09: sometimes find for whatever reason its just not compatible with some sites, that Chrome is. Also got stuttering issues streaming higher res video (4k), even with hardware acceleration on. Just doesn't play nice with my older AMD CPU/ int graphics.

            Plus the sidebar constantly doing stuff despite me turning it off, annoying outlook integration, and constantly pushing Bing AI

            just want milk that tastes like real milk etc

            • @Gdsamp: Yes I do have those every so often. Then I fire Vivaldi or brave

        • +1

          Microsoft have tried everything from dark patterns and feature bloat and they still cannot make inroads. Really poor management/direction from Microsoft over the last couple years.

          • @Melo: This was a pretty spot on analysis of MS's failures of late. Hopefully an effective integration of AI in productivity software may actually be killer (and not just an intrusive clippy-type endeavour)

    • Having a Mac and not using Safari is dumb.

      • +4

        I use firefox so it syncs with a windows desktop

      • +4

        Edge actually works really well on mac

      • +4

        Safari, unfortunately, is not that great for some professional work.

        So not always the user is dumb. Sometime, surprise, Safari is lacking extensions or just not being the industry standard.

        • -1

          Of course there are exceptions. For extentions there is Wipr, I only need adblocker. For standards, imagine Google, an Ad company, being the only one setting standards…

    • And iCloud free storage tier will still remain at 5GB.

    • +1

      Looks at docker taking up >12GB ram. Hmmm.

  • +3

    SMH says iProducts will result in RBA rate hikes…

  • +2

    What exactly is the bargain here? Seems to be the rrp.

    • +10

      ~10% off RRP in the EDU Store.

      • +4

        Yes, fair enough. But it's still the everyday price there. It's by all means not on a sale.

    • I can say the same thing about Switch and PS5 'deals' too..

    • RRP are bargains too.

  • Can’t believe the notch is still there on the new model

    • -7

      That’s good design. The Dynamic Island is great on the iPhone, but it would look terrible on a monitor

      • +12

        The way Lenovo does it is a lot better; rather than a notch into the screen, the webcam portion is slightly raised. Makes a lot more sense that having a random cut into your monitor.

        • +3

          That would never fit the apple design style, i dont know why people dont understand this by now, Apple will always choose their aesthetic over anything else

          • +3

            @thesainter: I don’t think you get it.
            It’s fine to say that it doesn’t match Apple’s design philosophy, but aesthetically it’s just ugly and I don’t think anyone can argue otherwise.

            • +4

              @ozbargain-pashim: The Lenovo option is also ugly, however.

              • @Smigit: At least it doesn’t eat up any screen real estate and is convenient when opening the laptop.

                There is also Dell’s implementation in the XPS line. In any case, it’s hard to find any justification for apple’s implementation.

                • +2

                  @ozbargain-pashim: Eat the space that is mostly not used or when used gives you extra real estate. What exactly are you on about? Just need a reason to sulk or what.

                  P.S. Tired of these stupid notch comments when it is a non issue. The fact is you cannot get a machine as well rounded as this for any price, let alone the price apple is charging for it.

                • @ozbargain-pashim: The Lenovo option doesn’t eat into the screen, true, but given Mac’s generally have a toolbar on top I don’t think anything of value is being lost for the majority of cases. Maybe if you run stacks of apps and have a massively loaded up toolbar, but even without a notch on my Mac I run Bartender to keep the toolbar under control.

                  Right now I’m using an older notchless 2019 MBP so admittedly can’t talk from experience, but I very much doubt the notch would cause me much grief and it seems less invasive than the one in the iPhone that I never particularly minded.

                  Lenovos approach makes sense for Windows where there isn’t the same toolbar permanently affixed in that space and where full screen apps, especially gaming, are more relevant.

                • @ozbargain-pashim: you actually get more space with Apple's design in that the notch eats up the additional space, below that is a 16:10 screen, meaning it gives you a 16:10 screen and additional parts not taking by the notch, where a toolbar is placed. Lenovo simply gives you a full 16:10

            • @ozbargain-pashim: the Lenovo is fugly yes, also the battery will last you 1hr after 18months

          • -2

            @thesainter: No, we understand. Apple products are vanity products for people who don't think.

            • @SvcKpc: Apple laptop will last 4-6 years, Windows lucky if you get 3

              • -2

                @thesainter: Lol, I've had windows laptops last longer than 3 years. Cheap bottom end consumer grade crap will obviously die faster.

                • -1

                  @ihfree: Previously had Lenovo Carbon Black and it was a hunk of shit, Apple Silicon is years ahead of the competition.

              • +1

                @thesainter: My last Macbook is 10 and going hard.

                Every Windows laptop I’ve gotten has been a paper weight by 4 tops.

                For context, I’ve never spent less than $4k on a laptop, so none of this has been cheap shit.

                TBH though, I don’t think this has anything to do with the makers of the hardware, I think it’s the software.

                MacOS has always just been a much more optimised OS, so tends to run machines into the ground less. And consequently means you can go longer without feeling your machine is slowing down on you.

                Anything running Windows has simply just had a hard life, and is generally so bloated, that it doesn’t take much time for the bloat to grow, and for it feel like the machine has gotten slower.

                • @te5s3rakt: Indeed, every brand of Windows laptop manufacturer comes with its own special bloatware package.
                  There is also no brand that comes close to Apple on build quality.

    • +3

      I use a MBP with a notch and, personally, I barely notice it.

  • +14

    and still a measly 8GB for base "Pros"

    • +15

      That’s literally just a price hook strategy at this point

      • I’m troubled by the G in 8GB. Give me a T lol

  • +3

    We are all students of the teachings of jv.

    • +7

      And yet you haven't learnt anything.

      • This is the way.

      • You learnt to bold things.

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