This was posted 1 year 4 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Games for Gaza - 256 Games for US$10 @


A bundle hosted by Oak Grove Games by Esther Wallace with content from 140 creators.

In response to the ongoing crisis in Gaza and occupied Palestine, we're creating this bundle to raise funds for the organization Medical Aid For Palestinians. All funds raised will go to the organization.

From the organization's website: "MAP's vision is a future where all Palestinians can access an effective, sustainable and locally-led system of healthcare, and the full realisation of their rights to health and dignity.

Through our programmes in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Lebanon, we work with trusted and experienced local partners to achieve this vision. Our programmes, designed and delivered by Palestinians, provide access to essential health services and build local knowledge and skills to address Palestinian health problems. In times of humanitarian emergency, we are ready to respond rapidly with aid and assistance.

MAP is also committed to bearing witness to the injustices caused by occupation, displacement and conflict. We speak out in the UK and internationally, and ensure Palestinian voices are heard at the highest levels, to press for the political and social barriers to Palestinian health and dignity to be addressed." This bundle will run for two weeks, from October 26th-November 9th, 2023.

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closed Comments

    • I didn't know Lebanon UAE Jordan have common borders with Gaza, in case you forgot Gaza is under siege for the last 20 years

  • +8

    A game that supports terrorism, congratulations on your achievements.

    • +9

      So true those unborn babies are killers! Go Israel protect us from these palestinan children they are animals. Smh

    • please leave isreal out of it

      • Out of the world map? Many would applaud your suggestion.

    • +1

      That catch phrase might have worked in the early 2000s but it's like 2023 now and we've all seen this movie before. Justifying genocide and ethnic cleansing in the name of the fight against terrorism is an old tactic and the world has moved on.

      I'll just leave this instagram page here for a photographer documenting indiscriminate Israeli atrocities on the ground. The raw photos of the lived reality of 2.3m humans trapped in an open air prison speaks for itself.

  • +3

    It's like a war zone here with all the comments

  • +3

    All shit games and pretty much just chucking 10 bucks down the drain

  • One of the heaviest reading in OZB.

  • Parents usually are always the blame for children with bad behaviour. Hamous are terrorists and Israeli is their mummy.

    • Hamous is actually a chickpea-based dip…

  • +17

    This should be removed I don't come here to see this kind of rubbish

  • +3

    Love a good debate (nevermind war) predicated on who is the least inhumane in a fundamental battle over who's got the best imaginary friend…

    Seriously - religion? What is it good for?

    • +3

      These discussions are actually good. It’s an eye opener to see who actually has balls to say the killing of children is just plain fd up and what cowards stand back and watch and can’t even empathise with probably the worst kind of crimes. Imagine children actually being murdered by the thousands?

      • +5

        These discussions are rubbish, and invite posturing from people incapable of seeing the protagonists in conflict as anything other than black and white depending on their own narrow field of vision.

        The reality is that the world is full of grey, and that anyone who attempts to preach that thousands of years of barbarism are justified by the actions of the other, are the kind who are stupid enough to believe in the origins of this - and so many other wars. Religion is the invention of savages, created only to instill fear into the hearts of those who would otherwise fear no repurcussions for worldly misdeeds, and to fill the pockets of those selling the covetous dream of having the most virtuous imaginary friend in the sky.

        Religion has long sinced outlived it's usefullness…

      • +1

        It's an eye opener to see who is capable of rational thought, and who is/has been a prime subject for propaganda.
        Nothing about "balls" or "cowards"…. but a lot about lowest common denominator group thought.

    • +2

      If you genuinely want to know, religion is the basis of the values, morals & rules of law that are intrinsic to society. The issue is not so much with religion, but that of individual wielding power and control for themselves and to their own benefit. The values and tenets of most religions, rather than the behaviours of some leaders/representatives, are to be a decent person and a force of love in the world.

      At the end of the day, most people are looking for a sense of belonging, purpose, or meaning; remove organised religion as the driver of that and it regularly gets replaced with some other cause.

      Personally, I am an atheist, however I consider myself to operate on a set of values and morals which mimic most religious teachings, ie do unto others, trying to leave people in a better state than I found them, and to have more of a positive impact than negative. From personal experience, I don't see the world getting better as it eschews the wisdom of religious teachings, just becoming more aggravated, divided and angry. Religion, and the community it provided wasn't all bad, although a lot of evil has been, and indeed continues to be, done in its name

    • +1

      religion? What is it good for?

      Religion did not start this, though it has made it worse.

      Both Zionism and many Arab terrorist groups were secular in the past. It was an ethnic/tribal conflict. With Islam featuring so strongly now, it may be surprising to younger people how little it was mentioned a few decades back. The Arab world used to include Christians, Jews and Muslims and they all looked the same, unless going to mosque/temple. Same hijab on Christian, Jewish or Muslim Arab women in nearby villages.

      • that was the reason why isreal created hamas and marginalised the PLO and that is to islamisize the Palestinian cause. unfortunately they succeeded, by islamisizing the Palestinian cause it will no longer appeal to non Moslems and secular Arabs

    • What is religion good for? Creating more harm than good.
      Wouldn't it be terrific if all these gods could get together somewhere and wipe each other out.
      If that occurred, the world would be a far better and safer place.

  • +3

    All the negs should be banned unless they can justify, without using their political/religious garbage, why this is not a deal from the point of view of bargains and Ozb rules.

    • +7

      Because those are not even games but a pile of rubbish that is not worth US$10. It's not a bargain by definition.

  • The Hagiography of St. Doggo

  • +2

    Why should we pay for the mistakes of Palestinians?
    They shouldn't have let them in the first place. Palestine opened their doors and this is what you get. Australia we are next, hopefully, it won't be as bad as what happened to Aboriginals. But we pay for our past mistakes. Peace out

    • +1

      Ur right! If ur child gets bullied and beat up then let’s blame ur child for giving that bully the opportunity in the first place. Great logic.

      • +9

        A correction: That bullied child goes to the bully's family and butchers them all. The the bullied child's family celebrates the act and call's it defiance. No its not.

        • +4

          And the bully becomes with victim, great analogy. Now explain the the comparison when the bully comes back for revenge and destroys 3000 babies

    • +1

      This is the first post on this topic that has made me honestly and unrestrainedly laugh. Thank you for that.
      Wipes the tears from my eyes….
      about the content of your post… "palestinians shouldn't have let them in in the first place" and "palestine opened their doors"
      Without wishing to sound demeaning, those two phrases are strident examples of why I believe voting should not be compulsory in any country.

      People willing to state opinions with such an absence of real knowledge should not be able to influence the selection of who leads countries. Such people are so vulnerable to propaganda, that truth becomes irrelevant.

      It clearly isn't simply a matter of poverty and lack of edumacation, as your profile has posts such as "bought your daughter a macbook" and "kids these days".
      Fake news indeed!!

  • +7

    Low quality games. Not a deal.

  • +13

    All those people who celebrated the terrorist attacks on Israel… now they are protesting at Israel's response….

  • +15

    What were Palestinian's thinking would happen after the events of Oct 7th? On the day they were celebrating right?

    • what happened on 7th of October was an inside job blame Netanyahu

  • +12

    Are you sure money won't go to terrorists?

            • +7

              @Emilimu: My religion? Assuming are we?

              Joe Biden says he was shown photos of beheaded babies. Guess what, it was lies. The US lied about WMD's in Iraq. Guess what, it was lies.

              Are you following the story? Do you get the double standards? This isn't about the West attacking a certain relegion. It's about the West killing those who they think are beneath them and supporting the terrorist Israeli state.

              Do you not know that when the British came here, they killed men, r*ped women and stole children. Where is your rage about that?

              Do you know that one woman on average dies a week from domestic violence in Australia? Where is your rage about that? Of course you're not going to rage about it. But if there are a small percent of Muslims who do these things against their religions, they're all terrorists right?

              Can you say IGNORANT??

                • +5

                  @Emilimu: So blowing yourself up is worse than remotely bombing thousands with bombs including phosphorus?

                  You see, I believe the killing of all innocents is horrible, no matter the method.

                  But it's ok, you sit there and rage in ignorance.

                  Edit: If I do something bad and say in the name of "Nintendo", is Nintendo the issue or am I??

                  • +3

                    @Dreamcast: That's one strange rodent you've been communicating with! (the one with the unpublished comments)

                    I'm sad to say that while I've had the belief that biden was a great counterbalance to trump…. biden's bit about the babies, and other comments/ actions about this conflict have seen his worth plummet in my eyes.

  • Both sides hate eachother and need a reason to kill. Palestine is underdog here.
    We should not take sides and only pray that innocent civilians are not killed in this stupid conflict.

    • it's not a conflict, you got the invader and the invaded, the coloniser and the colonised, the occupier and the occupied.

  • +8

    I dont know why mods are allowing such post!

  • +9

    What I don't understand is why the richer countries in the Middle East don't support their neighbours by taking in refugees. Look at what happened in Syria. They make a big noise, but that is all it seems to be. Cash is king!

    Also how can you support a bundle where you don't really know where the money will end up. You want to support those in need, not the political parties that caused suffering on both sides.

    • Lebanon has two million syrian refugees and another half a million Palestinian refugees for a country of 5 million, Jordans population is 60% originally Palestinian but I guess isreal ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and then you ask why don't Arab take refugees, repugnant if you ask me

      • I guess you forgot to take note of my point of "Why don't the richer countries in the Middle East take refugees!". We know what the current dire economic situation is in Lebanon. Jordon is still an emerging economy.

        • They have a lot, Saudi Arabia has close to 800 thousands, Kuwait had close to 350 thousands but the PLO supported Iraq in the first Gulf war and it pissed the Royal family, Oman, Qatar also have a sizeable Palestinian diaspora.

  • +11

    dealbot has always been good here in OzB, however this deal is really more of political agenda, not sure how much is for humanitarian purpose, so I have to neg this deal.

    • +4

      this bundle to raise funds for the organization Medical Aid For Palestinians. All funds raised will go to the organization.

      • +4

        "In March 2019, the Charity Commission for England and Wales warned MAP that it must “take care” in heeding regulatory guidelines, following a complaint that portions of the money raised by the Palestinian organization are being used “towards political propaganda rather than for its stated purpose of providing medical aid.”…

        • +5

          Your link is for a pro Israeli anti Palestinian organisation.

          Hardly an independent source.

          Do people no longer question their sources or are they blindly promoting an agenda?

          NGO Monitor (Non-governmental Organization Monitor) is a right-wing non-governmental organization based in Jerusalem that reports on international NGO activity from a pro-Israel perspective.

          NGO Monitor has been criticized by academic figures, diplomats, and journalists for allowing its research and conclusions to be driven by politics,[8][9][10] for not examining right-wing NGOs,[10] and for putting out misleading information.

          • +2

            @gamemaster: Exactly just like the claim for this deal. How much can you trust the organisation handling the money earn from this deal being directed to medical aid? And if they want to purely use these money for medical aid, why not helping the victims in both Palestine and Israel, not just in Palestine?

            • +1

              @edfoo: Nowhere in that criticism of the MAP does it say that the Hamas military wing gets funding. And that’s the most bias, anti Palestinian criticism you will find. The onus is on you to prove your claim.

              • @gamemaster: If they are so helpful, then help victims from both sides, not just one side.

          • +2

            @gamemaster: Do Independent sources really exist in this day and age. Plenty of organisations claiming to be so in this conflict are either pro Hamas/Hezbollah or aligned with Israel.

            Look what happened to Amnesty International, supposed independent organisation, and it's unjustified criticism of Ukraine.

  • +6

    Please don't financially support terrorism.

    • +5

      So don't participate in tourism of israel?

    • +3

      Good idea. Boycott Israeli products.

  • +8

    No, unless hostages are released unharmed!

  • +7

    It’s very sad seeing the thousands on innocent victims in this conflict. Especially the thousands of Palestinian children that have been killed, approximately 1000 per week, the homes demolished and families torn apart. I don’t think anyone with morals can say ~1000 children killed per week is excusable or justified. This is not self defence.

    The denial of food, water, power, and other essential resources to the Palestinian people is cruel.

    In this age, atrocities like this should not happen let alone governments and media being complicit in the atrocities. Have we not learnt from the events of the past to allow this to occur again?

    Much of the world is calling for a ceasefire, this includes both the general consensus of the UNGA and also the public who want to see an end to the violence. There are rallies all around the world which even includes Jewish people speaking out against the violence towards the Palestinian people.

    Many billions will be needed to firstly provide aid to the millions of Palestinians who’s have no access to food and water, and for the rebuilding of homes that have been destroyed by Israeli bombing.

    • And to think that all they had to do was hand over all the hostages to prevent this from happening.

  • +9

    I hate to say this but maybe NGOs can work better if Gaza is completely under Israeli control.

  • +10

    This is almost as bad as donating money to Russia directly, almost.

    • +5

      How is supporting Palestinian civilian victims of war with medical supplies anywhere close to giving money to Russia directly?

      Should the Palestinian people who are casualties of the conflict not get medical supplies?

      • +11

        Because it isn't the civilians who get the aid.
        Blame Hamas who are the elected government and meat shield enthusiasts.

      • supporting Palestinian civilian victims of war

        If only that were possible! I support aid to the West Bank, but not Gaza.

    • Such wonderful simplicity of thought and word.

  • +4

    Some nice titles there:

    Name of the Beast
    Dangerous Times
    The Hagiography of St. Doggo

    Like out of HAMAS playbook, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  • +2

    These are definitely quantity over quality! lol

  • +4

    Most of what I'd say has already been said by a few others, instead of adding anything meaningful, I leave this comment so I can add my downvote to the original deal post.
    Still, what are these games 0.O

  • +7

    I and I assume many others do not come to OzBargain for political commentary. This is a pathetic post and really should be removed. This is definitely not a bargain

    • Be honest. When you clicked this deal … I'm going to assume you are not a fool.

  • +2

    Nice my downvote got removed, now the mods are controlling the votes on this one.

    • +5

      Sort of what an occupation feels like, not a nice feeling is it. :)

  • Any games actually worth playing? I'm not worried about the politics but my growing game backlog of shame.

  • +6

    A bunch of trash games, certainly not worth the price. So all thats then left is that this is solicitation for a donation & thats not a bargain.

  • +6

    Supporting innocent war victims- count me in..

    But afaik, coward hamas terrorists are disguised within and you won't know for sure if you're supporting terrorists.
    And Gazans could be the ones who silently supported hamas on 07 Oct. Not a single word of protest was ever heard from Gazans on the hamas attacks on Israel.

    Let's also at the least 'acknowledge' the innocents died in the coward terrorist attack by hamas, let alone raising funds to support their families.

    • +3

      How would you have known if they protested anyways?
      Pro-Israeli media were too busy flooding the airwaves with propaganda to incite the West so that nobody would question the disproportionate response - and it worked.

      They're hardly going to pause and cut to a live feed of a Palestinian protest, nor are they going to interview any Palestinians and see what their thoughts are, in case, God forbid, they condemned the attacks and didn't support Hamas.

      • +2

        So you mean, there are no pro-Palestinian news broadcasters present in Gaza and it's full of pro-Israeli news reporters? Al Jazeera is one of the medias who I suppose is pro-Palestine. No such news from them either.

        I and many people like me support the innocent Gazans but the Hamas' very existence in Gaza says a lot about Gazans intention. Who voted for Hamas to be created and existed in Gaza? What is Hamas' vision? Where is this heading? 'Innocent' Gazans had no idea about Hamas' intentions?

        So, you can cowardly attack a country, kill hundreds and expect that country to make a movie about it and forget? What were Gazans/Hamas expecting to happen after this impotent attack of 7 Oct?

  • +4

    To paraphrase Yoda, around Hamas f'ed, find out they did. I would have no confidence that this money would not be diverted to assist a recognised terrorist organisation. It's a down vote from me.

    • +1

      I don't think it has a chance of money going to isreal but who knows

  • +4

    all the games are lame lol.
    I'd rather spend the $10 on public transport going to a protest and watching.people lose their minds. That's way more entertaining.

  • +10

    "trusted and experienced local partners" you misspelled Hamas terrorists.

  • +5

    Israel and its alliances have the blood of 3000 children on their hands. Justify how you might, but the world sees the truth and the horror that lives in our world and in our communities that support such atrocities

    • +11

      The blood is on the Hamas's hands.

      • +6

        That's what caused all this to begin with. Hamas don't know how to be diplomatic only to fight wars with blood spilling.
        Everytime Hamas has started a war, people always lost.
        The 1982/83 Lebanon war started with Hamas as a "Palestinian liberation front", involved hezbollah in Lebanon and went against israel. Meanwhile all the Christians were persecuted in Lebanon for not working with them and Israel actually protected them from Hezbollah terrorism.
        As much as people are dismissing Israel, Hamas has and always will be the warmongerers. And the associates of them including Iran Shiite militants and hezbollah are the ones destroying the peace and Innocents in the middleeast.

        • +2

          So much better if your benevolent backers in the west can both bankroll your acquisition of military equipment to kill, and to orchestrate propaganda which allows the west to paint such a benevolent picture of what is an ongoing illegal invasion and occupation.

          You're right… opposition to israel doesn't have such sophistication.

          It would be a mystery why israel receives so much international military and financial assistance…. until one considers the political lobbying systems of the west, where political parties are prepared to commit vast financial and other resources to israel, in order that those western political parties receive campaign funds. What a magnificent $ value multiplier that any ozbargainer would give an eye tooth to use.

          • @rooster7777: So what are you really trying to say here. That because Hezbollah and Palestines Hamas don't receive funds that it's ok to take the lethal and breaking out war approach?

            Dude there is no propaganda. Members of my family have died at the hands of Hezbollah and Hamas. And I have family that manages to escape to Australia and are able to live to tell the tale. Don't tell me it's propaganda when this is an ongoing issue with Hamas and the likes for over 40 years

            • +1

              @maverickjohn: Did members of your family invade palestine in the 20th century? Did members of your family kill palestinians? If so, they don't have my best wishes.

              Are you talking about members of your family that escaped to australia…..coming from WW2 europe? If so, they have my best wishes.

              There's an ongoing issue with jewish conflict in the middle east throughout the 20th century…. I'm not at all suggesting such is propaganda. What I am saying is that propaganda in the west has continuously portrayed the jews in palestine to be a courageous benevolent victims, rather than often brutal invaders. Propaganda results in the ongoing massive political, military, and financial support given to israel as a result of the disproportionate political lobbying to political figures and parties, particularly in the US.

              If you dislike people forming and joining organisations that oppose you, then have due consideration to what motivates them…. like the theft of their homeland.

              I'm not banging on about the jewish terrorist organisations that preceded the formation of the state of israel, but if you really are unaware of them then research subjects such as:

              If you are interested, then a search of Jewish extremist terrorism will fill in a bit about more contemporary israeli/ jewish terrorist entities.

              You've got "skin in the game" so to speak, so it's a bit more understandable that you get passionate, but if you truly seek a solution to the middle east you should try to learn and understand the issue more, rather than be driven by personal emotions of what has happened to your family members, ignoring that the same happens on the other side of the conflict.

              • @rooster7777: I have read heaps on the Zionist approach to taking over the Palestinian land.
                The origins of UN housing the persecuted Jewish landed on palestinian soil. I know how your thoughts regarding invasion of Palestinian lands are but I assure you within Lebanon, Hezbollah aren't seen as heroes of Lebanon. All they have brought are grief to that country.
                The tactics of Hamas and hezbollah etc have always been to abduct and hold hostage or kill. My grandfather who unfortunately I never had the honor of meeting was taken like this in the 1975-1983 war and he wasn't the only one. The militants who were working also with Syria at the time invaded the Christian areas and tried to recruit people to join the PLO or would kill them.
                Some history I know it's wikipedia but easiest resource I could find for you.

                • +1

                  @maverickjohn: You don't understand me… I'm not suggesting that there aren't brutal organisations like hamas or hezbollah
                  What I am saying is that the jewish invasion and subsequent state of israel have created an oppressed desperation in palestinians that manifests itself in brutal desperation. Simple cause and effect, often repeated in history.

                  For as long as israel has no significant genuine political motivation to resolve the conflict through peaceful means, slaughter will continue…. probably in a similar ratio of palestinians to israelis as historic.

                  If your grandfather was a civilian in israel during the south lebanon conflict, you have my sympathies. Not so much if he was an israeli militant, or was in south lebanon as a civilian.

                  As far as recruiting people to fight their wars…. history in general isn't very pretty. I note that conscription is compulsory in israel for males and females, as well as more strangely the non-jewish circassian and druze males.
                  (Again strangely, apart from "hard core ultra orthodox" haredi jews who are exempt from conscription…. despite their social tightness and lack of interaction with technology and others (think amish) probably causing them to be more hostile to the conflict resolution than mainstream jews)

                  Israel's reaction to "eligibles" refusing to serve is prison… much less harsh than what you allege above, but there is a parallel.

                  In an earlier post to a comment:
                  "The blood is on Hamas's hands

                  You responded:
                  That's what caused all this to begin with. Hamas don't know how to be diplomatic only to fight wars with blood spilling.

                  From your last post I gathered you do have some degree of understanding of "the zionist approach to taking over the palestinian land"…. which suggests you accept that there is at least some controversy regarding jews/ zionists/ israel's history of some "grief" to palestinians…. which in my eyes is far away from saying
                  "100%, that's what caused all this to begin with (Hamas' actions)
                  so it seems we have at least some tenuous agreement.

                  I'd say… the circumstances of the initial and ongoing loss of palestinian land and palestinian self control by zionists is 100% the cause of the current conflict.

                  • @rooster7777: Grandfather was a Lebanese civilian.
                    I wasn't referring to Israeli conscription, I was referring to the methods used by Hezbollah to get civilians to join war in Lebanon when they partnered with Hamas.

                    • @maverickjohn: Gotcha…. well as your grandfather was a jewish civilian in southern lebanon during hostilities, not so much sympathy from me.

                      I recognise that you weren't referring to israeli conscription, but I very deliberately was. Isn't that how israel gets civilians to join a war, in this case in lebanon?

                      • @rooster7777: He wasn't Jewish he was Christian.

                        • @maverickjohn: Ahh…my mistake… apologies.
                          In my eyes that truly makes him a victim. I can understand your hate.
                          Do you also have hate for the state of israel, for being a major cause of the conflict in that area of the world, creating such brutal opponents?
                          If you do, then I understand your outlook.
                          If you don't, then in my mind you're solely blaming the dog that bit you, and not considering why the dog became like that.. or why the dog with such viciousness was allowed to survive by those around it.
                          Again, apologies regarding your grandfather.
                          I've reread your posts on this topic, and apart from the reference to your grandfather, I stand by everything else I said, particularly:

                          In an earlier post to a comment:
                          "The blood is on Hamas's hands

                          You responded:
                          That's what caused all this to begin with. Hamas don't know how to be diplomatic only to fight wars with blood spilling.

                          • @rooster7777: I am not denying the affairs of 80 years ago are influencing the ongoing struggle of land today. My point was that this current war was triggered by Hamas by kidnapping the 400 on the 7th was the catalyst this time.
                            Hence why I said that I believed Hamas hands have blood on them

                    • @maverickjohn: huh whatever you're on I eant some

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