• expired

BWS: 22% Cashback (3-9pm AEDT, Exclusions Apply, $25 Cap), [Westpac] 10% Bonus Cashback (All Day, $20 Cap) @ ShopBack


*exclusions include Champagne, Penfolds & Non-Alcoholic purchases, purchases paid for with gift cards / Woolworths Dollars

To receive Westpac bonus Cashback, you must add an eligible Westpac debit or credit card to your ShopBack account, make an eligible purchase on the same Westpac debit or credit card and comply with the offer criteria.

Purchases made using digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay will be eligible for Westpac bonus Cashback as long as an eligible card is used as the linked payment method at the merchant’s checkout.

Purchases made using online payment methods such as PayPal, where ShopBack is not able to identify whether an eligible card was used at the merchant checkout, will not qualify for Westpac bonus Cashback (even where an eligible card is linked e.g. to the PayPal account).

Referral Links

Referral: random (3583)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • +10

    the drought of no store-wide booze cb has finally come to a close. hallelujah

    • +1

      32% to boot. Thats amongst the highest I've seen if not the highest.

      • +1

        ? It was like 40-45% a few months ago.

      • +3

        Been 40% several times.

      • +1

        Closer to 29%… as the cashbacks are pre-GST.

        • +4

          BWS counts GST so theyre are actually what the percentage is

          • @StarPlatinum:

            Excludes taxes, fees or additional extras
            Transactions paid using… etc. 🤷‍♂️,

            • +3

              @Snoop: It saids that but they’ve consistently paid out with GST

              • @StarPlatinum: Yep, tracked at 22.
                Liquorland doesn't… and maybe it's the other main CB mob that doesn't. 😉

      • It's 22%, not 32%

        • +4

          Imagine not having Westpac after all these deals.

          • @ATangk: I can't get it, it's very hard to get a credit card these days

            • @x x: Very hard to get it without WBC bank account.

            • @x x: You can open a debit card account?

              • @ATangk: How does it work? I already have a Westpac debit Mastercard linked to an offset account. Are you saying I can get higher cashback rewards if I use it for payment on some deals?

                Edit, I just saw this: To receive Westpac bonus Cashback, you must add an eligible Westpac debit or credit card to your ShopBack account, make an eligible purchase on the same Westpac debit or credit card and comply with the offer criteria.

                So how do I know if my card is an eligible Westpac debit card?

                • +2

                  @x x: Any Westpac card works. Once you add it as a payment method on shopback, go to the Westpac tab in the app and it’ll show the last 4 digits of your card.

                  • @ATangk: Thanks.. Ah i already had it in there but looks like I've been using a different card by default.. i've now deleted all the cards except for Westpac

                    • +2

                      @x x: Just be sure to know which sites need full payment and which you can get away with gift card partial payment.

                      In a nutshell, eBay and Amazon purchases which have at least $0.01 charged to your linked Westpac card will track the full amount as if you used Westpac to pay. (Use gift cards for the rest but not enough to cover the full amount to do this).

                      • @ATangk: Thanks again. Quick question, please confirm the Westpac card needs to be linked to ShopBack AND used for payment in order to get the bonus cashback?

                        So that means I also need to link my Westpac card to my BWS account as a payment method? I usually have the same credit card saved to all my accounts for ready payment (pizza hut, KFC, McDs, BWS, Kmart, Liquorland etc) but now I also have to link my Westpac card to all these accounts and use it for payment in order to get the bonus cashback? Hope that makes sense

                        • +1

                          @x x: Yes you need to pay with the SAME Westpac card as linked to Shopback for it to be tracked.

                          You won't need to change accounts for cards like Pizza hut, KFC, McD as you will either be using Paypal for Pizza hut, or no cashback from KFC/McD. Because using a payment provider such as Paypal does NOT let you track with Westpac.

                          For BWS/Liquorland, if you want to take advantage of Westpac bonus, just enter in your westpac card deets for that single transaction (the app has your digital card details, no need to bring the card around with you). If theres no Westpac bonus, just use your credit card for points/safety, etc.

                          • @ATangk: Thanks, I didn't think about how KFC/McD never have any cashback. I'll now add the Westpac card to my BWS & Liquorland accounts in case I forget to select them as a payment method instead of my Visa card (this is the default payment method on all my accounts)

    • +3

      bws/westpac/shopback has had some significant tracking issues of late - can anyone confirm that these have been addressed at a technical level?


      • +3

        Indeed. In the past I had better luck using the browser / website to order, the BWS app would often freeze resulting in order processes, credit card charged but cashback not tracking 😔

      • +6

        Hey mate, yeah fair call out, cheers for reaching out. I have been tracking this with the team that manage BWS, to offer a bit of insight here, this is due to some technical limitations with BWS, whereby occasionally the Cashback they can track "caps out", which is why earlier orders haven't been affected, but later order in the flash sale will track at $0. Our team + BWS are confident they've worked out a fix for this so this shouldn't be an issue moving forward, however as always, should we face an trouble, we will get this rectified in an automated way so users don't need to do anything to get the Cashback sorted.

        • +1

          ok thanks…but the real issue is if it doesnt track or gets stuck at 'calculating' many willl just write the deal off and cancel the order in frustration… hope this one goes smoothly cheers

        • +2

          Yeah I have had issues with BWS specific tracking recently. Got burned with 0 tracking and infinite loading and the CS nor GYB could get anything from BWS, have even had a goodwill cashback ruled out. I don't think I will be buying anything through cashback sites @ BWS

        • +1

          First order didn't track. My end screen on the laptop is constantly stuck loading but payment went through and it's ready to collect. My second order on the phone tracked perfectly.

          • +1

            @Three: many have had this issue before, where the BWS confirmation screen after purchase does not load, it just keeps spinning until you close the browser.

            the order/payment goes through, but the SB tracking definitively does not.

            @gotyourback - have you also addressed this specific issue with both IT teams?

            FYI, based on your reply above i gave the SB/BWS combo another shot and it tracked so i will be collecting the order over the weekend


            • @QuickToThePointless: I made a third and it tracked on the phone. Will avoid the laptop for BWS in the future and cancel the first order tomorrow.

              • +1

                @Three: the spinning checkout thing happens on phone too - just wanted to check the issue with @gotyourback for everyone's future prosperity…enjoy your drinks mate!

            • -1

              @QuickToThePointless: Hey mate, I have flagged that this is an issue users have faced on the BWS site, but will continue chasing as it appears that separate to the $0 tracking issue, there are still issues our team need to investigate with BWS. As always, should you have any tracking issues, do reach out to our team to get this seen to, and feel free to reach out to me to try and get this escalated if necessary.

          • @Three: Thanks for updating on that. It is the exact issue I had with BWS on my order last month with both SB and CR. Seems a BWS issue somehow. You helped me to confirm staying away from BWS orders.

        • +2

          "however as always, should we face an trouble, we will get this rectified in an automated way so users don't need to do anything to get the Cashback sorted."

          What a load of crap. Trust me you'll end up drinking more dealing with these clowns.

          Nice deal and all, I have to give you that. But if the cashback does not track get ready for some pain. There is nothing automated as the rep has falsely mentioned here. At the end of the day, you'll have to do all the manual work and place a missing cashback request. This will involve finding the receipt for each and then the Westpac transactions as well. As it becomes a disputed transaction, the Westpac one will only be approved once the Shopback cashback one has been approved (i.e. more waiting).

          I've had so many issues with Shopback recently. My last one was a similar deal with BWS where I made 9 seperate transactions for a wedding. Not a single one tracked. What followed was 1 month of me arguing with them to sort out my cashback, they did not make it easy and there certainly was no "automation". In fact the rep who has posted here still has not responded to my messages from months ago (hello btw) after they agreed to "personally look into my issue". Don't be fooled by their buttery messages "hey mate", "we'll help you". At the end they will just turn around and write you a generic message, i.e. place a missing cashback request and wait for your money.

          Good luck.

  • +1

    There is a god!

    • +1

      Hallelujah brother!

  • +23

    Stack with this to get paid for buying a 4 pack

    • Excellent

    • +1

      Wow, must have missed this, ty

      • Already claimed multiple times. Reserve online purchase for the real name.

  • Anyone know if non-alcoholic purchase exclusion is for mixers or does it include zero alcohol beer/wine/spirits?

    • +1

      The former.

      • Thank you kindly

    • I had my Heineken zero not tracked on a previous cashback.

    • @gotyourback can you confirm if non alcoholic beer is eligible for CB?

      • @gotyourback can you also Confirm if non alcoholic wine and spirits is included in cashback?

        • +1

          I ordered 2 bottles of zero alc wine and some cans of the zero Rose by Altina and it tracked fine. I also had a regular bottle of wine in the same order if that matters.

          • @Mr BoMBAStiG: Thx for this. I ordered zero alc wine to try and it tracked well so let's see 🙃

        • Hey mate, I'm actually not sure on this one, I'm afraid! BWS technically excludes "Non-Alcoholic purchases" in their terms, but I wonder if that refers to things like tobacco products and soft drinks, I believe non-alcoholic wines and spirits will still be categorised as wines and spirits on their back end, so should theoretically be fine. Let me know how you go with your order, happy to help out should you have trouble.

  • Best deal for a while :)

    • +3

      only if it tracks…and only pick it up click and collect after it tracks successfully

      also be sure to take screenshots of every single step in case you have to launch a dispute with Shopback in 3 months time if they reject the transaction

  • 3-9pm what date? The info is not clear in this post or the webpage it links to

    • BWS offer is under Today's Flash Sales heading in the app

    • BWS: 22% Cashback (3-9pm AEDT, Exclusions Apply, $25 Cap), [Westpac] 10% Bonus Cashback (All Day, $20 Cap) @ ShopBack

      26 Oct Today

  • Had to manually claim my last bws shopback order. Will find out in Jan if it was successfully tracked.
    I use Firefox with plugins and no adblock installed.

    • Talked to GYB and he listed all mine that tracked I did cancel some so I know not all will track hopefully should be all g for me

    • I've resorted to cancelling orders if it doesn't track. However based on GYB's comments above, will give it another shot this time.

    • Their cashback notes indicate that "extension tracking does not work for BWS. Please make sure to click through from ShopBack to ensure that your cashback is tracked."

      • Yes the extension forces you to do this for the sites that don't support it

  • +1

    I need a Westpac card just for alcohol purchases

  • Per transaction, or per member cap?

    • No mention of per member, so as usual it's per transaction.

      • +1

        Just a shame that there's absolutely nothing to buy

      • really? so the cap is per transaction? Or per Shopback account? Is this for the 22% and 10%?
        I literally just signed up for a westpac card last week because of my FOMO

        @gotyourback - would you please be able to confirm? Thanks :)

        • Definitely per transaction for this one mate, just make sure you exit BWS in between purchases and click through from ShopBack again to ensure each one tracks.

          • @gotyourback: Sweet, amazing.

          • @gotyourback: So if I make a purchase of $130. I will get $45 back.
            Then I close the tab, start again and make another purchase of $130, I will get another $45 back?

            • @Mr BoMBAStiG: Not correct, it's $25 max cash back per transaction which works out to be $113 spend (to reach just under $25 cash back).

              Do it in two transactions. As stated above, make sure you fully close everything and start again.

            • +1

              @Mr BoMBAStiG: Tried it and it worked. Two fully tracked transactions are pending. Nice.

          • @gotyourback: hi, I just sent a PM about the expiry date on my westpac card I used today. Thanks

      • Guessing that means per transaction with a max $25 off over all transactions?

        • according to the above, it's capped per transaction.

  • I have a westpac card registered with Shopback, made numerous purchases but never do I see anything in my portal but the standard shopback. Anyhow I'll try again today. When using the westpac mastercard on this deal how much can one spend before going over the limit? I note it's $25 but then there's mention of a lower $20 cap when paid with the Westpac mastercard. It's a bit confusing to this 70yo.

    • +2

      you have to manually add the card info to the Westpac Lounge in Shopback for it to be counted and tracked. Did you do that? If you haven't, that is why it isn't tracking the extra amount There is Westpac at the top of the Shopback site, click on that and it will show you the link to Westpac lounge and to add a card

    • They are two separate caps. If your Westpac card is correctly set up in your Shopback account, you could get up to $45 on the combined cap. And from other comments it appears to be per transaction. So if you're spending big, split your purchases across multiple transactions to stay under the caps.

  • I have been holding off getting a westpac card.. but today I think I will cave and apply.

  • I have a $10 BWS issued credit Coupon Code - If my purchase totals $30 would any of the transaction track?

    • +1

      I think you can get away with using codes with the first choice, but I'm pretty sure if you use a gift card with BWS it won't track

  • +2

    Damn was hoping this would be Liquorland because I've got a decent Suntory 196 offer I want to stack with CB but we'll take BWS :)

  • +1

    I wish there was a proper upsize for First Choice or Liquorland….instead of the targeted large upsizes for certain products. I thought we might have gotten one today

    • +1

      Same here. Have several BWS near me but they are absolutely terrible at keeping stock of most beers i like.

  • +4

    BWS is a no from me dog

  • Is sparkling wine considered "champagne" category?

    • technically no, but I had an issue with it not tracking a few months ago. gotyourback got onto it, but I am unsure if it is fixed now….it was an issue at BWS end that it was flagging it as if it was an excluded catagory and had never been an issue before

  • -1

    Waiting for 40-45%

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