This was posted 1 year 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Boost Mobile: $15.50 Cashback on $12 50GB 28-Day SIM ($3.50 Profit) @ Cashrewards


Boost is currently selling the 50GB $35 SIM for $12, so stack with this offer from Cashrewards for a $3.50 profit!

Looks like the last chance to make a profit, as the $12 SIM discount ends tonight!

Special Terms

  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

  • Cashback is ineligible on prepaid phones, recharges, and any plans or products not specifically listed in the cashback table of rates.

  • You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

FAQ thanks to BG

Question Answer
1. Is Boost operated by Telstra network? Yes, on the full Telstra network
2. Does Boost support 5G? From 4 April 2023, 5G network access will be included as standard on your service and we’ll be introducing capped download speed caps on our 4G and 5G networks
3. Does Boost support e-SIM? Sadly not at this stage. However there are plans to do so
4. Do you have to activate the SIM within 30 days? Every Cashrewards Boost cashback up to and including July 31 has been approved (confirmed by TA) - provided you activated within 30 days of order
5. How long is the SIM expiry? Usually 1 year, but to qualify for cashback the SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering
6. It is showing “new customer” on Boost website. What does this mean? New customer term is only for the additional Boost data, and nothing to do with the cashback offer
7. Can I receive international text message (aka int. roaming) with this SIM by default? Yes, you can receive SMS while overseas, but can’t send outgoing to Australia
8. How long does it take to receive the SIM? According to the Boost Rep: Once dispatched, you should receive your order within the following business days: Metro Areas – 2-5 business days for capital cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart & Brisbane (order before 4pm). Non Metro or Regional / remote areas – 3-7 business days
9. Is porting in a Telstra number to Boost considered a "new customer"? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Porting a number from Telstra to Boost is definitely considered a new customer
10. Are you able to purchase multiple plans using different names / ID (or can I purchase 4 x plans for the family using my own details)? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Received clarification from the team and this is a tricky one since for compliance the terms is showing the customer is only allowed 1 sim per transaction but he can buy multiple SIMs and then activate them all under his name and he will then be able to manage all the numbers when he logs into the App with his Boost ID.
11. Information on what to do when the "please try again later" " or "SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG" message comes up List of indicators that can affect how your order is flagged in different financial systems, which can hopefully help you understand what is going wrong. Possible fraud scenario: API returns during purchase - credit to @himalpatel. Live chat advised that if you faced the above fraud scenario message, you need to use your friends details (aka a completely different details) to order
12. Can this be used to recharge? No, this is a starter pack. Using as a "recharge" is being dis-allowed and activating first and moving the number may be allowed but is frowned upon and may not be allowed in future depending on how you ask for it.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • Wow, I wonder how boost turns a profit with deals like these constantly running

    • They just collect lazy taxes from people who just stay with the same provider instead of churning

      • that was me
        I did that last year
        sad/clown face

    • There must be a large number of transactions where cashback is denied so they still make a profit on the sale of the sim packs.

  • -6

    Do you really have to activate each in 30 Days to get the cashback?

      • -3

        So the implication is that they know the SIM card number of the random pack that is sent to you AND they then track the activation period?
        I'm not an expert but highly unlikely

        • So the implication is that they know the SIM card number of the random pack that is sent to you AND they then track the activation period?

          Yes. They do.

          • -5

            @HamBoi69: I'm going to try and find out if this is BS or not :)
            and NO, I won't share :)

            • +7


              So the implication is that they know the SIM card number of the random pack that is sent to you AND they then track the activation period? I'm not an expert but highly unlikely.

              Hi. What would make you believe otherwise? Boost (Telstra) knows the exact details of any SIM purchase you make and can/will monitor activations. As an example, amaysim does exactly the same and they've declined plenty of cashbacks to members for not activating within their 20-day (not 30) requirement. Please remember it's Boost that approves and declines commission/cashback based on their holdings, not Cashrewards. Some may have been lucky in the past and escaped their checks, but as I've stated previously please abide by the terms to avoid disappointment. Hope this helps.

              • -4

                @tightarse: Thanks TA, let's see.
                I won't post any comment / result to contradict you.

                • @Transparent:

                  1. Then don't post about it here. Go talk to a mirror.
                  2. You're going to lose your cashback. The SIM doesn't get activated, Boost doesn't pass the info on to CR, so CR doesn't approve it.
                  3. If by some miracle it did work, doesn't mean it will ever again. So you either lose today or you lose tomorrow by assuming it will work again.
                  4. Who'd bother!? The only reason I can see is because you want a SIM after 30 days. So activate them all within the 30 days then on day 40, 50, 90, whatever - BUY ANOTHER.
            • +2

              @Transparent: there's a barcode on the back of the sim card, and they do need to print a shipping label for you (which have auspost tracking), which to me it looks like register a sim card to a particular order in a system is not a impossible thing to have….

              though I have had 1 SIM shipped to my neighbor's letter box instead of my own, by the time my neighbor find out and give it back to me I can't activate it in time, yet I still have gotten cashback, but that was around April this year.

              • @OMGJL: There's a unique barcode on a blue sticker on the envelope that they stick your address label over, so it is entirely feasible for them to track which physical sim card is being sent to what customer address.

                • -3

                  @wavesgreen: …so at NO POINT you believe that that is what they want you to think?
                  I didn't say it wasn't feasible, I just question the logistics for the application :)

                  • @Transparent: I'm talking about the literal logistics. The logistics are feasible and entirely automated. There's no human packing these orders or applying the labels. It's just whether Boost can be bothered to check before approving cashback.

            • +1

              @Transparent: Doesn’t quite fit your username tho? :P

        • It's not a random pack.
          It's a heavily regulated and tracked SIM # that is linked to an order number.
          When your cashback tracks it's then linked to your order # and SIM pack #.

          • -4

            @ozilicious: OK… you must be right then given your inside knowledge of the workings of BOOST.
            my bad

          • -4

            @ozilicious: try call BOOST with your Order Number to activate your SIM and see how far you get :-)

            • -1

              @Transparent: exactly this lol

            • @Transparent: I have called them to check actually.

              FYI, they'll only give out the SIM pack's last four digits for security reasons, but I can confirm they knew exactly what SIM # was sent with what order#.

  • +1

    Ugh 50c more than yesterday, you're joking lol

  • +1

    Why is it so hard to troubleshoot being unable to buy one? Why is no one on this?

    Are they purposefully trying to stop people who have bought many before?

    Just tried again now…

    Different computer. Different IP address. Different person's name, dob, phone number (real person). Different delivery address. Different credit card details…

    None of the details have been used to buy a Boost sim before. "Something went wrong, etc etc etc"

  • -3

    Hi,I bought one of these in September(expected cashback in jan 2024).If I don't recharge after the 28 days will I still get the cashback.

    • +1

      Read the FAQs, it's there for a reason.

  • This helicopter money has been non-stop lately. And we once thought this was all gone for good. How wrong we are!!

  • +1

    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.“

    Looks like I’m permabanned. Sadt.

    • LOL same boat

    • LMFAO that message is so relatable.

  • I demand a $5 profit !!!!
    I would buy 30 if it were $5, but because it's just a $3.5 profit, I only bought 28 sims.
    Hope CR listens to my protest.

    • We just had one the other day, you unfortunately missed out.. :(

  • How many active Sims are allowed to be activated under each id ?

  • Hopefully I don’t get negged for this.

    Still can’t buy any, still getting the something is wrong error message. it’s been almost a month. I don’t expect it to change. I’m hoping it’s an error and it gets fixed, but I believe it is fraud detection.

    I use these for useful purposes, I port my main number to Boost as many times as I can, I Wi-Fi quite a few devices around the house to the Sims in my spare phones it greatly reduces the strain on my home Internet specially when everyone’s using the net at the same time and of course all the new number deals and offers. I’ve been doing this for quite awhile and these benefits far outweigh any profit you make from these offers.

    I don’t blame people for hammering these deals to death for the profit. I cringe when people post on here they’ve purchased 15 20, 25,30 and more at a time They are part of the blame. Cash rewards is also to blame for not putting a limit on the amount you can buy in a period and also Boost for allowing I think 30 number slots on your BoostID.

    Unless someone else knows, this is the only way to get free phone numbers and free Sims.

    Good times seem to be ending.

    • Have you tried using a different credit card to purchase?

      • Everything different, including fingerprints eye and dna lol

    • -2

      I believe it is fraud detection.

      [Sigh!] It's not (actual) fraud detection: It is some random glitch SETTING OFF a line of their fraud detection code: We know it's random because of multiple instances like that first link. (People who get blocked on first purchase.)

      So the only way to solve is if every person who gets blocked on their first purchase complains. Not the people buying multiples because while Boost is fixing the glitch, they'll probably order more code to block multiple purchases making these deals go away. (Which they will anyway at some point.)

  • don't make me pay full price for the 12 month prepaid recharge :-(
    like I did last year

    • +1

      So stop clinging to a permanent number. Be strong, I know you can do it. ;-D


      1. Activate and accept the NEW number. You now have free calls and texts. If you put family into one folder on your phone, friends in a second, business in a third… you can now send a group text to an entire group each month giving them your new number. If they get fed up with you doing this every month after explaining it's to save money for a house deposit (or whatever) then the relationship obviously doesn't mean much to them, so maybe it shouldn't to you either.

      2. If you MUST keep the same number for business for example, or too scared to offend Aunty Mavis lest she cut you from her will… Then either buy a second phone, or dual SIM phone. Port your permanent number to a 365 day $5 Aldi SIM, or the cheapest Amaysim deal, then login and switch to their $10 per year Amaysim "As You Go" plan. Put this second SIM into the second phone or slot on your dual SIM phone. Never use this number to call out - it's for INCOMING calls ONLY. So nothing changes for anyone else. They always have your permanent number. But you now use these Boost SIMs for OUTGOING calls, texts, and data. (See point 1 for what to do about friends each month, but this time tell them they can still call you on the permanent number they already have, but YOU will be calling THEM on different numbers every month. They either add it as your second number into their address book, or if they can't take 20 seconds each month to do that and won't answer "unknown number" calls, send them a text: "It's Blah using another phone. Pickup!"

      With Boost cashbacks you're now paying $0/m or making a profit. You also have two telco networks now. If one goes down you can still make calls.

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