• expired

Sign up & Fund Any Amount into Your Account and Maintain 30 Days, Get 15 Free Fractional Shares Each Worth $8-$300 @ Webull


You Need To Sign Up Using Any Referral Link, A Random One Can Be Selected From The Bottom Of This Post



As the referral code might be invalid/old. If it looks the same as above, then your in luck!

Another 2 weeks promo another promo. Ending 31 Oct 23 :Conditions have changed for the better!

For the referee:
Fund ANY amount and get 5 free fractional US shares, each valued between AUD* $8-192. Use a invite only referral and receive another 10 more free shares after holding initial deposit for 30days. A 1 cent deposit is all that’s needed.

Tesla A$8 US$5.2
Apple A$20 US$11.8
Amazon A$100 US$64
Google A$300 US$192
(the value of the free US Fractional shares is calculated based on the US/Australian exchange rate of 0.64 on 25 September 2023)

For the referrer:
Upon a successful referral, you get 15 fractional shares with the above values. Limited to ten referrals.

Terms & Conditions

The Reward Programme:
Reward 1 – 5 Free US Fractional Shares each valued between AUD$8 - $300.
• Participant has an existing or opens a new individual account via the inviter unique referral link within the Campaign period.
• Deposits an initial deposit of any amount (or the equivalent in USD) must successfully arrive in the Participant’s Webull Australia individual account within the Campaign period.

Reward 2 – 10 Free US Fractional Shares each valued between AUD$8-300.
• Participants must maintain the initially deposited funds in their Webull Australia individual account for a minimum period of 30 days.

Referral Links

Maintain deposit for trading vouchers reward: random (117)

Referee: Sign-up for 20 fee-free trades. Deposit & maintain minimum $2,000 for $50 in trading vouchers, deposit & maintain minimum $20,000 for $200 in trading vouchers.

Referrer: Limit of 10 referrals. Get 12-month commission free trading of AU/US stock markets.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1

    For the referee:
    Fund ANY amount and get 5 free fractional US shares, each valued between AUD* $8-192. Use a invite only referral and receive another 10 more free shares. A 1 cent deposit is all that’s needed.

    Should it be the other way around
    I mean join with referral first get 10 then deposit to get 5 more extra.

  • +1

    Join, deposit 0.01, get 5, maintain initial deposit for 30days, get 10 more if you use a invite referral code. See the screen shot i attached.

    • +2

      Yeah I saw that but imagine if some nobies is following the steps…
      Get 5
      Get 10 if using invite.. whattt oh no I didn't use because it says just join….

      • Just cancel your app, and restart :D

  • Check the screen shot i attached, if that is not the same from a referral code, don't use that one.

    The second lot of rewards (10) are credited if you don't sell and withdrawal the initial deposits and rewards.

    I found it simple to deposit, near instant, withdrawal takes 2-5 hours for me, if i request a withdrawal at 9am, i have the funds at 1230 ( 3.5 hours later ). Note it takes 2 US business days after selling stock for funds to be available.

  • +1

    Easy money. Worth doing before they run out of promo money. Can't see how Webull could be making their money back on these promos.

  • +1

    Yes it is, however i have never had my referral code used here by the random generator lol.

    Anyone who wants, needs free money, this is the go.

    Anyone who has a partner can sign up, and referr their partner.

    The 2 people would them get 45 shares at around 360$ for 30mins worth of work.

  • The application will include sending id photo etc and the review will take times, right? Maybe a day? And now is weekend…

    • Took about 3 minutes for my account to opened and 10 for the missos. As long as your ID verification completes successfully during signup should be pretty quick.

  • Can be approved very quickly, seen accounts approved within 30mins on a weekend.

  • +5

    Thanks for the reminder about my account. Joined earlier this year as a referee and currently my shares are worth $380 AUD!! Can’t believe it haha. Well worth that signup.

    • +1

      I still can't get my friends to signup

  • The real deal is for the referer, 15 free that is very generous

    • Isn't it 5 + 10 more after 30 days = total 15 for the new sign ups too?

  • Well sometime people do share lol

  • another great one !

  • +2

    Thanks OP signed up and waiting for application to be processed. Looking forward to getting 15 Google shares lol.

  • Can you transfer them to stake afterwards? Any restrictions?

    • +3

      Too costly on a small freebie portfolio. Better off selling them on Webull and using the proceeds to purchase your preferred stocks on Stake, IBKR etc.

  • +2

    Hope you were lucky enough to click through until you got my referral code, mineaways gives the google shares ha

  • +1

    Transfer Stocks from Webull (Outgoing): $75

    If you make an outgoing ACAT transfer (cash and/or securities) to another broker, Apex, our clearing agent, will assess a $75.00 fee.

  • Just sell them

  • Do I need to provide TFN?

  • Don't think so

  • I didn't

  • I joined last time and all I received was 10x $3 USD TSLA shares

    • +1

      Yep I just got 5x $5.20 TSLA :(

  • New deal, larger amount, refer your family and you woll get 15 shares at 8 this time

  • Thanks, my first 5 free were all TSLA. Now for the wait!

    • Next fifteen will be TSLA as well.

    • Yep, all TSLA here as well, about $25 USD worth all up. Did a $5 deposit. Now to withdraw and pay CGT.
      Free money is free money!

      • Only pay CGT on the any gain made after free shares arrived.
        The free shares themselves are tax free at original value. Gets discussed in every deal thread.

  • Has anyone actually sold their shares and got the cash?

    • +1


  • +1

    Yes, many times

    • +5

      Just an FYI OP, you can press 'reply' under a comment so the person you are replying to actually gets notified of your response.

      • +2

        I figure it's part of the "slient ninja" mystique.
        No true ninja would follow the regular process (and thus have people informed of their movements)!

  • 1 click and no sign up :(

    Sold many times, takes 2 us business days for shares to be available for withdrawl once sold

    Us business hours only like 1139-530 qld time

    • how do you see if your link been click

  • Where do I find my referral code? To invite others

  • Go to menu, my rewards, clikc on the promo, and top right you will have my invites and referral code

    • When I go to this section it states the promotion expired 5:59pm 13/10?

      • Click on current promotions and cli k the 15 free sharez, opens a new window and then click my invites

      • Just click rewards, current referral a friend 15 shares, opens link and copy my referall link

        • Yeah again when I click referral bonus, it states the promotion is expired. I click on rewards it's a blank screen stating 'you do not have any rewards at the moment. Please check our current promotions in our promotion centre's so I click on participate now. In the promotion centre it has referral bonus but when I click on that it has the promotion as expired 13/10/2023 5:59pm

          • @shaughan12: Ok not all people have access to this promotion it seems.

            Thats why i posted a screen shot, so anyone who signs up confirms the referral link they click on is current and correct, if they clicked on your referral link they might not have the offer

  • i did this a few months ago, have $100 worth of shares sitting in my account al from sign up bonus

  • When I go through your link. It prompts me to download and sign into app. Then I'm just in the app home. Will it just work automatically from that point?

    Sorry for my ignorance

  • +1

    Click referral, register using mobile

    Download app and login/start application with your number

  • I am seeing the promotion for the extra 10x shares has an end time of 5:59pm on 13/10/23?

    So setup of new account and funding would not actually receive the extra 10 shares.

  • 6pm 13th 10 to 659pm 31 10

  • New promo for 15 shares started today

    If your referral.link is incorrect please post a screen shot

  • After clicking through the referral link, I enter my mobile number to receive a verification code and keep getting the error message 'This request is illegal. Please check it' Am I doing something wrong?

  • +1

    Try 61 instead of 0? Or open up in a private browser? Incognito mode

    • Works now, thanks!

    • +6

      Why don't you use the reply button? Lol

  • Ah, Weebl’s arch nemesis.

  • Or try a new referral link

    • +1

      Or try the reply button 😵

  • Does the rewards linked to how much to deposit, or is totally random regardless?

  • Random

  • Mine were only worth $5 not $8

    • +1

      I think the $8 is the AUD converted price

  • Got 5x TSLA worth $5.20

    Expected Delivery Date: 28/10/2023

  • Thats USD, now wait 30 days and dont withdrawal, and youll get 10 more

  • +1

    another round, lets goooooo

  • 40x TSLA shares from WeBull, across mine and my families accounts. Don't get your hopes up. Had way more luck with moomoo.

    • Hopes up with what?

      • +1

        Getting something worth more than $8. It may be semi-deceptive with the $8-$300 stock proposition when realistically, it's 1/1000 (if that) of anything better than $8.

        • Thanks for clarifying. I agree, bit of a suck in but still get something for nothing.

  • I referred 3 people and have 45 TSLA. All 3 of them have received 5 x TSLA as well. Thanks OP for posting.

  • Aside from the freebies, which platform is the best in terms of low transaction costs? What is everyone using? I logged into Stake today after years lol They charge $3 per trade, bit high for my $2000 trial (just to see how I do).

    • tastytrade don't offer australian stock trading or promo however they do have $0 stock trading and cap $10 cap ($1 each) entry option = $0 to close option .
      hand down best support period, and free education and live stream is the best part

      • Thanks that sounds ideal, I’ll check it out.

    • Interactive Brokers for international markets. Stake/CMC Markets for ASX.

      • So you use different platform for different derivatives, didn’t cross my mind at all. Would that complicate your tax return? Or is it auto filed?

        • +1

          In my experience with US stocks, Stake has proven to be the most reliable broker in terms of tax management. Some key advantages of using Stake include:

          • Accurate Timezone for Spreadsheet Downloads: Stake provides spreadsheet downloads that are timestamped in Sydney time, ensuring precise record-keeping.

          • Dual Currency Display: Stake displays share prices in both USD and AUD, along with the exchange rate at the time of the trade. This makes it easy to track the Total USD and Total AUD values for your investments.

          • Clear Fee Structure: While broker fees are charged in USD, Stake's spreadsheets conveniently show the USD amounts converted to AUD, providing a comprehensive view of your financial transactions.

          I've found these features particularly helpful in simplifying tax-related tasks. It's worth noting that trading on US-based brokers can be cumbersome during the transition from June 30th to July 1st, especially when dealing with the time zone differences. Stake, however, offers a solution that eliminates any ambiguity regarding the date of a trade.

          In contrast, Interactive Brokers (IBKR), despite being an Australian-based platform, has certain limitations. Their downloads lack exchange rate information at the time of trade, which can be inconvenient when analyzing your investments. This discrepancy between the time of purchase and the actual creation of the download (in PDF or spreadsheet format) can complicate tax calculations.

          It's surprising that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) hasn't yet standardized the spreadsheet layouts for all brokers, as this would greatly simplify tax reporting for investors.

          • @Willy Bargin: Wasnt stake one of those that suspended gamestop trading?

          • @Willy Bargin: So you don’t get a report at the end of the financial year that tells you how much you made etc.

            I imagine for most scenarios you do not exchange the funds immediately after selling though? You’d just reinvest at least most of it to avoid the exchange fees? So the timestamped exchange rates are really for reporting purposes. I can see how it can get really niche to track the fx fluctuations.

            ATO probably doesn’t care about the discrepancies enough to do anything about it. It’s not a huge amount for individuals, they probably catch it at the broker level.

        • I've never had any issues, but agree that a more streamlined approach will yields efficiencies. As things currently stand I have freebies on Webull, Tiger and Moomoo, plus my ASX portfolio on Stake, and international stocks on IBKR.

          • @Charlie Dont Surf: Just like the many bank accounts we all have lol Guess it’s time to branch out on stocks.

  • Cheers to the random that used my code from the random code generator. Much appreciated :)

  • +1

    Signed up thanks

  • -1

    Joined using one of the previous deals (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/797160) and deposited 45 days ago and now my account shows I have 40 cents more than original deposited amount. They seem to be dodgy.

    • +2

      Did you claim your shares ? You have to claim the rewards in my rewards

    • Been using since early 2023, no issues. But i wojmdnt recommend deposiing 10 or 100k

  • Thanks for your replies. I use their web site not app. When I click on Reward -> Welcome Reward -> Get your welcome rewards now or Get started, I get taken to My account page and nothing happens in both cases. I can try the app as well and see if the behaviour is different.

    • +2

      App has extra features, and you can see referral and rewards there

    • You have like 30 days to claim rewards i believe, so if you didnt claim them originally you might be out of luck, you are the first person i have heard of not getting rewards

  • I just used the App and the 5 individual vouchers where in rewards section to claim. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • +1

      Wait 30 days and you get 10 more

  • +3

    It’s legit. I’ve got $1100 USD gaining interest sitting in my account from previous promotion referrals.

    • I unfortunately sold all my initial tesla shares at 160$ usd during the initial promos :( they went to 280 a month later, cost myself just as much ha

  • Would recommend people check their referral codes, mine had changed slightly since the last promo 👍

    • My promo code was slightly different however the old code still gave 15 shares.

  • Anyone ever gotten shares other than the Tesla ones? Just had a 15 referral shares and every one is Tesla! Still, "free" money I guess!

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