• expired

Sign up & Fund Any Amount into Your Account and Maintain 30 Days, Get 10 Free Fractional Shares Each Worth US$3-US$100 @ Webull


You Need To Sign Up Using Any Referral Link, A Random One Can Be Selected From The Bottom Of This Post

Another month another promo. Conditions have changed.

For the referee:
Fund ANY amount and get 5 free fractional US shares, each valued between USD $3-100. Maintain funds for 30 days for 5 more free shares.

  • Tesla USD $3
  • Apple USD $10
  • Amazon USD $50
  • Google USD $100

For the referrer:
Upon a successful referral, you get 8 fractional shares with the above values. Limited to ten referrals.

One-time bonus for 3 successful referrals: 1 share worth USD $60-2,000 (maybe targeted)

  • Tesla USD $60
  • Apple USD $500
  • Amazon USD $1,000
  • Google USD $2,000

Personally I think this is better, especially as you don’t need to find $300+ anymore but can fulfil the requirements with a single cent. Also no more annoying stock vouchers. Simply fund, wait 30 days, sell and withdraw.

Mod: Please note that users in the penalty box (due to ghost accounts or some other reason), or inactive users, are not included in the referral pool (the system will exclude them when random is clicked), for Webull or ANY referral system.

Mod 2: Description & formatting copied over from Onlineuserr's Duplicate Post with their permission.

Referral Links

Maintain deposit for trading vouchers reward: random (117)

Referee: Sign-up for 20 fee-free trades. Deposit & maintain minimum $2,000 for $50 in trading vouchers, deposit & maintain minimum $20,000 for $200 in trading vouchers.

Referrer: Limit of 10 referrals. Get 12-month commission free trading of AU/US stock markets.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Too much to read for too little gain.

    • +11

      Click referal link, sign up, deposit any amount of cash, wait for free shares, sell, take out free money.

      • +1

        Unpublished, what did it say?

        • +1

          Was my write up. Was entered into this deal, it’s the description you see above

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Excellent write-up, short and sweet

            • +1

              @cook99: Thanks. And yet it was my deal that got nuked :( oh well… as long as it’s still helping people

              • @[Deactivated]: You got beat by 4 mins, I'd say this is a good compromise 🙏

  • +3

    Love the WeBull referrals, let's keep em rolling people 👍

  • let's goooooo

  • +2

    hope to get some refs

  • good good

  • +2

    99.9% chance you will get Tesla $3 shares. I've gotten nothing but. Makes it not worth any effort.

    • +2

      Yep. Read the T's & Cs. always a catch. have claimed a few promos like this before, but from memory WeBull was a waste of time. And tedious.

  • Can you guys advise a good platform for stock trading?

    • +1

      IBKR has the best fees for US exchange rates & trading.

      For Aus stocks consider Stake

      • Why stake over CMC?

        • Stake you can get free brokerage for a year if you roll over something like 2k+ worth of stocks.

          CMC is best if purchasing under 1k at a time (free), but has $11 sell fees.

          Stake is $3 buy and sell, but then changes to a % fee over 30k.

      • Yummmm….. Stake….

    • +2


    • Cmc

  • Need more. Hope I get clicked on!

  • Lets Go!!!!

  • Anyone work out average earnings?

    • +1

      No probabilities in T&C. So best expect Tesla only

  • +1

    What's the selling fee?

  • My last 6 referal bonuses have been $3 Tesla shares :')

    • +1

      My last 4 were $20USD trading credits, unlucky

  • +1

    Bring on those telsa shares haha! Has anyone ever received anything else out of interest?

    • +2

      Back during the May(?) deal I got several AAPL and AMZN shares. With referrals I've made $1235 to date.

    • Haven't gotten any from this promo, but got a couple of $20 vouchers to buy any stock from the last promo (as well as fractional tesla as per normal). My initial signup was all fractional tesla.

  • i randomly had 5 rewards, last promo got around $1200

    • yea previous promos ive had a bunch of small ones then hit a few 100/ 50s, the value in in that 3rd referal

      • Yeah the real value in this is the referrals.

  • Thanks. Last referral was $200 vouchers.

  • +1

    $150 earned last time but no referrals, hopefully I will get some shares this time.

  • Need to upload a selfie?

    • Yep.

      • +3

        Time to see my hairdresser then

  • +1

    how much do I need to deposit? 1 cent?

    • +1

      Fund ANY amount

      • -1

        and you wait 30 days to receive the free shares?

        • 5 free shares for depositing any amount, an additional 5 free shares for maintaining the initial amount for 30 days.

  • +1

    Do you have to deposit enough to cover the fees when you sell your free stocks?

    • Never been charged any fees under these promos.

  • Nice last time around I signed up and after a couple referrals ended up with AU$360 of stock.

    Just got another some more referrals and they are “trading vouchers”. Is that free money to trade, or just vouchers to cover transaction fees if I make a trade with the balance in the account?

  • +1

    Must say I love the interface. Sleek and fast

    • Yeah this is probably my favourite of all the share trading apps out there, I have no interest in switching to it to trade however.

      • The company icons are pretty! Man, it makes the IBKR app interface feel like 1996 internet.

  • I don't mind jumping through a few hoops to get this, but I really don't like the privacy issues related to uploading BOTH sides of my Drivers Licence (with photo) AND a selfie.
    You really need to trust how they will store this too (and who would have access).

    • This is standard KYC ID verification for provision of financial services these days, only reason there is a record is because you are doing it online. Used to have to do it all in-branch so I guess you just have balance off the convenience vs the perceived safety of your data.

      • I guess one difference is that this company is owned by a Chinese holding company.

        • Government*

  • I deposited $1 and haven't received any free shares? Where do you claim to get them.

    • Have a look in the Menu icon, and then My Rewards.

    • +1

      I think you have to use the mobile app. I initially signed up on my PC web browser and installed the Windows app. I only got the rewards after installing the Android app and signing in.

      • +1

        Yep that was it downloaded the app and it was there, all $3 shares though.

  • Any idea how long it takes to receive the first 5 shares after depositing?

    • Almost immediately

  • +1

    I signed dup but gawd this apps is like a dogs breakfast…

    • sweet I own some Tesla!

  • +1

    For the curious or any doubters, I signed up in April 2023 with someone's referral from here, I funded $99 cash myself, and I haven't put anything else in since, and the portfolio of shares is today worth $808.
    that is 1 Tesla, 0.3 Apple and 0.95 Amazon shares.
    There was a reasonable amount of sign up activity required, so it's NOT going to take you 2 minutes, but we're not talking about a free burger here, the free/incentive shares made it worthwhile for me.
    For me it was worthwhile but especially for someone a student or under/unemployed person it seems like a very good opportunity, if you have the minimum cash available at the start.

    • wow, how did a 99$ portfolio turn into 808

  • 5 fractional Telsa shares. No surprises there

    • 20 Tesla for referring wife here… oh well still free cash

  • I just got a notification:
    fund account between 22/9/23 - 13/10/23
    maintain amount until 31/12/23
    get paid depending on deposit amount:
    $5,000-$49,999 = $200 + up to $246.6 interest
    $50,000-$99,999 = $2,000 + up to $493.20
    $100,000+ = $4,500 + up to $493.20

    Sounds too good to be true + risky.

    • Certainly tempting to drop $100k but feels risky for sure

      • Yeah sounds great on paper but I don't think I'd be able to sleep!

  • it has been 30 days since the deposit, where do I find the 5 more free shares? it is not under the reward tab.

    • You have to download the app and claim the rewards. The rewards will expire at the end of this month I think.

  • I notice the referral link code changes either you click on invite or a new promo invite. Does all of the links being generated will get the rewards or promo?

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