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Free Calls to Israel, The Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan (Pre-Paid, Post-Paid Mobiles & Home Phones) @ Telstra


Free calls to Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan
We're making it easier to stay in touch with friends and family in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

If you’re a Telstra customer with family and friends in the Middle East or Afghanistan, we know that getting in touch is what’s most important right now, not the cost of the call. That’s why calls are now free from Australia to Israel, the Palestinian territories, or Afghanistan.

From 12:01am AEDT tonight (Wednesday, 11 October), we’ll be providing free calls to Israel, the Palestinian territories, and Afghanistan to help you get in touch with those you care about.

This applies for both pre-paid and post-paid mobiles as well as home phones and will be free until 24 October.

Please keep the comments respectful

I am posting for anyone that might find this useful.

Update: Extended for another month.

Update, 24 October: We have been closely monitoring the situation in the Middle East and Afghanistan and know how important staying connected with loved ones is right now. We have made the decision to extend free calls to until 11:59pm AEDT on 21 November 2023.

Update, 21 November 2023: We have been watching the heartbreaking situation in the Middle East, and know that continued connection with family, friends and loved ones is what’s critical for many of our customers right now. To help support you, we’re extending free calls to Israel and the Palestinian territories to 21 January 2024.

Update, 21 November 2023: At the time this offer was published, we also offered free calls to Afghanistan following a series of devastating earthquakes. As the region moves into recovery phase, we won’t be further extending free calls to Afghanistan.

Update, 19 January 2024: We know how important it is for many of our customers in Australia to continue to stay connected with this region right now. To help support you, we're again extending this offer of free calls to Israel and the Palestinian Territories until 31 March 2024.

Update, 26 March 2024: We know staying as connected as possible with friends and loved ones in these regions remains critical. That's why we're extending free calls to Israel and the Palestinian territories until 30 June 2024.

This applies for both pre-paid and post-paid mobiles as well as home phones and will be free until 30 June 2024.

Remember: due to the unfolding situation in the Middle East and Afghanistan, infrastructure damage may prevent some calls from getting through.

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                  • @Roe Jogan: The United States and its allies, including Australia, are not perfect, but they have at least dealt with bin Laden, Gaddafi, and ISIS. One can imagine how the situation in the Middle East would be if ISIS were still present.

                    After all you've said, it seems like empty rhetoric, living in a utopian dream. I fail to see any conflict between your promotion of multicultural Australia and what I've stated.

                    • +1

                      @Hi Hi Hi: bin laden? don't tell you believe that fairy tale.. Gaddafi? why did they attack Libya again? please update us with your version of the events from fox news.. libya was another failed attempt by arming rebels in a third world country to fight a leader who wanted to create a replacement for the US petro dollar backed by gold, we killed him and ruined his country by arming the rebels who fought him and his army, right now different factions are fighting for control to this day and thousand of civilian lives lost. here you are defending that stance. just shows your true colours. those same rebels USA funded and armed later formed ISIS. USA and its allies never learn from their mistakes, they did the same to the Taliban fighters and they did the same in Syria, its like a repeating cycle. and you really have not said much in terms of a rebuttle that would warrant any further attempt from my side, I've dissected and rebutted your vague attempt at a statement. i have a feeling you will believe what you want to believe regardless of any facts.

                      • @Roe Jogan: Why is your mind filled with conspiracy theories? Bin Laden orchestrated the 9/11 attacks targeting civilians, and you portray Taliban fighters as heroes. The idea of gold replacing the dollar? Even with a basic understanding of international finance, you should know that gold cannot replace the dollar because it's too scarce to serve as a major commodity settlement tool. Syria? Do you know about Assad? Google this authoritarian leader's history, including bin Laden, Gaddafi, and Saddam, and see what a massacre is. Women and children from several villages were brutally killed overnight.

                        While the United States, as a defender of world order, is not perfect, can you imagine how it would be if China's leaders ruled the world? Or Russia?

                        • +3

                          @Hi Hi Hi: you cant read can you? i said a currency backed by gold. not replaced by gold. like its suppose to be.. otherwise we would be printing money out of thin air like USA.
                          the Syrian war? that happened cause Assad went against the idea of a pipeline going through his country from Qatar to Europe. It was hoped the pipeline would provide cheaper access to Europe but Syrian President Bashar al Assad refused to give permission for the pipeline to go through his territory and that was the reason they moved against him too with fabricated lies. you really need to do more reading before you start talking about subjects that you have no information on. say what you want about china and Russia but at least have not started 4 unjust wars in the past 25 years with millions of civilian lives' blood on their hands like USA.

                          • -1

                            @Roe Jogan: Gold has long ceased to serve as an anchor for currency; otherwise, there would be no need to decouple the U.S. dollar from gold. Currently, gold is merely a precious metal and no longer possesses currency attributes, as it cannot meet the massive demands of international trade.

                            Your mind seems filled with rubbish information like the "currency war with the U.S. dollar," which has long been discredited in mainstream academia.

                            In international trade, if not settled in U.S. dollars, transactions are also conducted in euros. According to your theory, shouldn't settlement currencies include precious metals or even oil? The reason the U.S. dollar became an international currency is because it was recognized by most countries and anchored to major commodities.

                            Assad sanctioned for laying a pipeline? It seems you believe whatever Assad says. The reality is that the Arab Spring's democratic movement swept through Syria, and the Syrian government brutally suppressed students demanding democracy, leading to a decade-long civil war.

                            Russia and China – look at Putin's dictatorship and the wars he initiated against neighboring countries whenever his approval ratings dropped. First Chechnya, then Georgia, followed by Belarus, Crimea, and now attempting to annex Ukraine, directly threatening Baltic and former Soviet independent nations like the Czech Republic and Poland. Look at the improved lives of the people in Czech Republic and Poland after their independence.

                            China – look at the loyal North Korea, which has conducted multiple nuclear tests. Also, in 2020, China concealed the Wuhan virus outbreak, causing the world to come to a standstill.

                            If you admire Iran, Russia, Syria, North Korea, and China so much, perhaps you should live in those places rather than in democratic and free Australia.

                            You are just a group of sophisticated egoists, excusing terrorists and authoritarian regimes when faced with a democratic government. You sing praises for dictatorship while diverting your gaze from the atrocities of terrorists.

                            'The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crises, maintain their neutrality.' - Dante Alighieri

                            • +3

                              @Hi Hi Hi: you really need to do more research before spewing nonsense, your head is filled with nonsense info that you twist and turn to push your delusion about different subjects. I usually take my feelings out of it and i look at facts with a non bias view, based on all your replies you have proven to be bias..

                              gold no longer serves as the primary anchor for currency in today's financial system, its historical significance should not be dismissed. The decision to decouple the U.S. dollar from gold in the early 1970s was motivated by economic considerations and the need for flexibility rather than a complete devaluation of gold's role in the global financial landscape, Libya had a ton of gold and so did the arab states, so having a currency backed by gold is what gives more value to said currency since its not as abundant as other elements. that's how the petro dollar was born because usa did not have enough gold to back all the money they were printing. The U.S. dollar holds the position of the world's primary currency. The euro, however, has gained prominence as countries, facing U.S. sanctions, opt to trade using the euro rather than relying solely on the USD

                              you really need to stop watching fox news and get out more, your head is filled with garbage to think that the syria was part of the arab uprising states. they attacked Assad for refusing to allow the pipeline to pass through. Assad had formed an alliance with Russia, which is a significant oil supplier to Europe. Russia, for its part, had political interests in supporting Syria, as it aimed to avoid competition from Qatar in the European market. do you think russia helped assad bomb the rebels out of the kindness of their hearts. you are so gullible.

                              If you believe that Putin's actions in Ukraine are solely the result of being a ruthless dictator, I must say that's a simplified perspective. Ukraine's aspiration to join NATO is a critical factor. The historical rivalry between the U.S. and Russia is undeniable, and Russia's resistance to having a military alliance right on its border is a significant concern. It's essential to consider how actions are viewed through the lens of double standards in international politics. If Russia were to establish a military presence in Cuba, it would indeed provoke a strong reaction from the U.S. and the international community, highlighting the recurring theme of "it's acceptable when we do it, but not when others do."

                              Let's avoid discussing China and nuclear weapons for a moment. It's worth acknowledging that the United States is the only nation to have used nuclear weapons in warfare, and this history has a significant impact on global perceptions. Some view the U.S. as a formidable and assertive presence. The possession of nuclear arms can indeed serve as a deterrent against potential threats, as seen in the case of North Korea. It's understandable that countries, like Iran, may be inclined to seek nuclear capabilities as a means of enhancing their national security and bargaining power in a complex global landscape.

                              you are not on my level Zionist empathizer, The label "terrorist sympathizer" is thrown around far too loosely these days, often unjustly implying that any opposition to Israel's racist Zionist apartheid movement is equivalent to supporting terrorism and there is a glaring irony in that. This sweeping accusation lacks nuance and fails to reflect the complexities of political discourse., it's crucial to clarify that advocating for understanding or diplomacy doesn't equate to supporting terrorism or authoritarian regimes. The world is rarely black and white, and international relations are often nuanced. Recognizing the complexities of global politics doesn't imply endorsement of any particular system; it's about seeking fair solutions and promoting open dialogue which goes against the Zionist ideology.

                              Dante Alighieri's quote aptly highlights the responsibility we bear in times of moral crises. This means scrutinizing the actions of all sides involved, acknowledging both the strengths and flaws of different systems, and tirelessly pursuing the path to a more just and peaceful world.

                              "A state that is based on subjugation, discrimination, and conquest is a state that is fundamentally flawed in its essence, regardless of the passage of time." - Nelson Mandela

                                • +1

                                  @Hi Hi Hi: You're using personal attacks and branding me as a "failure in life" on this public forum. It's essential to avoid making such judgments about someone's life when you lack any knowledge of their personal circumstances as that just gives us an idea of the failure you are as a human being in this life by judging others without knowing anything about them. its funny how you say my quotes disgust everyone yet you are the one getting negged.

                                  You were the one who started introducing Russia, Ukraine, China, and Iran into the argument when it appeared that you were losing the Israel-Palestine debate. It seemed as though you were attempting to demonstrate a deeper knowledge of politics than you actually possess. By bringing up unrelated issues, you diverted attention from the original discussion about Israel and Palestine. when presented with facts about the syira ordeal you start mumbling on about nonsense that you watched on fox news about how that ordeal started. than you pull china out your @ss.. next thing you are gonna start talking about the Martians.

                                  designation of a country as supporting terrorism can be a matter of perspective. Iran has indeed faced accusations of supporting freedom fighting groups that USA and Israel conveniently like to label as terrorist organizations so they can can use unhuman methods to fight them, but i think you have short term memory loss as i already pointed this out:

                                  terrorism: "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

                                  so that would make the government of Israel, its tactics and their illegal land stealing by definition terrorist state, so it all a matter of perspective, you need to get your head out of your @ss and see that hypocrisy is coming from Israel and USA. you said i accuse you of supporting jewfish nationalism while you oppose terrorism, stop lying you are supporting state sponsored terrorism the same way you accuse Iran of being a state sponsoring terrorism. its all a matter of perspective.

                                  you said something funny, that "I advocate for understanding and political solutions after Hamas commits terrorism" that's exactly what USA does when it throws over the government of a country, it bombs them to shit killing hundreds of thousands of citizens and than of we are here to liberate you and give you democracy let us help you. also when Israel bombs and kills Palestinian civilians for decades and western media does not cover it, is that not terrorism? finally they bite back and they are the bad guys? you must be either blind or dumb to not see the hypocrisy in your arguments. Mandela's quote serves as a universal call for justice and equality. My intention was to highlight the relevance of this principle in the context of the discussion. you are not fooling anyone by saying my quote "disgusts everyone" and looks like you are the one getting the negs so you comments indeed disgust everyone, and speak for your self fool you are a single entity.

                              • -2

                                @Roe Jogan: What are you talking about? There's a lot of text, but it's all nonsense. Did I ever claim that Russia's assistance to Syria was out of kindness? I stated that Syria's internal conflict stems from its authoritarian rule.

                                Is Putin attacking Ukraine solely because of NATO's eastward expansion? Your words resemble those of a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson. NATO is a defensive organization, not an aggressor. Eastern European countries voluntarily joined NATO for protection, not forced expansion. If Russia occupies Ukraine, it would directly border NATO territory—a situation that needs to be avoided. Bringing up the Cuban Missile Crisis has no relevance to discussing Hamas or the current Ukraine war. Your responses seem devoid of meaningful counterarguments;

                                Countries like Iran, supporting terrorist groups and possessing nuclear capabilities, pose a threat to the world. It's evident. Are you defending them? Hamas's terror acts are even condemned by Islamic nations, violating Quranic principles.

                                • +3

                                  @Hi Hi Hi: 3 hours 55 min ago Comment unpublished. (Requested by Commenter) LOL make up your mind fool you though deleting your comment that had 3 negative votes you thought it would remove my response and the but it didn't, i addressed your negative votes and you felt hurt so you copy pasted the comment and edited some parts out and posted it as a new comment, you have unpublished 3 times now to your previous comments its hilarious lmao

                                  • +2

                                    @Roe Jogan: 🤣🤣🤣 they're back peddling

                                  • +1

                                    @Roe Jogan: After Hamas launched indiscriminate massacres against Israeli civilians, including women and children, without a formal declaration of war, you not only refrained from condemning Hamas but also came forward to urge the victim, Israel, to exercise restraint. People like you have no moral boundaries. Aren't these terrorist attacks when civilians, including women and children, are targeted? Shouldn't this be condemned? The majority of countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, apart from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, have condemned this attack. Hamas wasn't attacked because it was weak but because of its rogue behavior.

                                    If you profess Islam, the Quran clearly states that harm should not be inflicted on civilians. Hamas is not only a cancer on the entire world but also on Islamic nations.

                                    How can Hamas be considered a national government? Is your mind so confused? Palestine has been unable to establish its own state due to internal divisions, and can Hamas represent Fatah? Is the Israeli targeting of the Gaza Strip, occupied by the Hamas terrorist organization, not inclusive of the Fatah-controlled West Bank? Correct?

                                    Moreover, Israel had previously occupied the Gaza Strip and withdrew from it through a land-for-peace agreement. However, Hamas resurfaced and initiated more terrorist attacks.

                                    While the United States and Australia are not identical, governments, including those in Europe, Canada, and Japan, are democratically elected. Everyone shares a common understanding of democracy and constitutional governance. If you do not recognize democratic governance, you can leave for countries still under dictatorial rule instead of poisoning a free community with your toxic thoughts while enjoying life in Australia.

                                    If you believe that Hamas represents the entire Palestinian population, then see if Palestinians in the West Bank jump out to support Hamas's terrorist attacks. If, as you claim, Hamas is an elected government, chosen by the Palestinian people, then people must bear the consequences of the terrorist attacks carried out by the government they elected.

                                    I have removed the sentence "If your way of thinking is so confused, you would be a failure in life as well." If this brings you a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

                                    • -1

                                      @Hi Hi Hi: would you stop being a broken record and repeating the same thing, you keep repeating the same talking points that have been addressed, and I have already addressed your narrative about HAMAS, under international humanitarian law, individuals have the right to resist foreign occupation, which includes the use of armed force, as long as their actions conform to the principles of necessity which is case of land stealing and killing Palestinians children, it certainly does. This perspective suggests that Palestinians have a legal basis for resistance.

                                      if you profess jewdism, The Torah contains laws related to land ownership and property rights, and it emphasizes the idea that land should not be unjustly taken from others. The Torah includes commandments such as "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13) and "You shall not murder the innocent and righteous" (Exodus 23:7). These commandments emphasize the prohibition against taking innocent life. with a bit of research i can tell you that the Quran permits self-defense in situations where a person's life or property is threatened. This extends to the defence of one's homeland if it is under attack or occupation.

                                      it can be considered a government because it was elected by the people you fool. i mean do i really have to explain this? you mentioned your conservative beliefs earlier. If you hold true conservative values, you might question whether recent developments in the West, such as COVID lockdowns, compelled gender legislation, LGBTQ education in schools, and the consideration of gender transitions for children, align with what you perceive as a democratic society. so i think we are loosing that battle. again you are just angry that someone is disagreeing with your bias views and opposing a different view point, you are angry that I'm challenging your bias and racist point of view and in response you keep throwing around that i should go back to my country if i don't like the west, I am third generation Australian so you can stop trying its not working. i have the capacity to point out hypocrisy, do my own research and hear both sides vs what you do which is blindly follow fox news and what ever the Jewish owned media feeds me.

                                      • @Roe Jogan: 1 On the Legitimacy of Hamas:
                                        International humanitarian law does indeed recognize the right to lawful resistance against foreign occupation, but it does not imply indiscriminate violence against civilians. Hamas's methods have raised concerns from human rights organizations due to their use of means that lead to civilian casualties in this conflict.
                                        2 Religious Beliefs and Peace:
                                        Quoting religious scriptures is interesting, but the broader context and interpretation of religious texts need consideration. Religion should not serve as an excuse for supporting terrorism or using violent means. Presently, it is Hamas that is taking innocent lives. What objections can there be? The teachings of the Quran emphasize self-defense, and your so-called "homeland" needs international recognition. You cannot claim "the land has been yours since ancient times" without proving continuous jurisdiction.
                                        3 Whether Hamas Represents the Entire Palestinian Population:
                                        There are internal divisions in Palestine, and Hamas does not represent all Palestinians. Different Palestinian opinions exist regarding the actions of Hamas.
                                        4 Israel's Response and History:
                                        Mention has been made of Israel's past withdrawal from certain territories, but consideration must also be given to the terrorist attacks that occurred after Hamas took control. In such a scenario, Israel may feel compelled to take measures to protect its residents.
                                        5 Definition of a Nation:
                                        Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by most countries, not a legitimate government. Palestine's governance structure is complex, and Hamas is just a part of it.

                                        • +1

                                          @Hi Hi Hi:

                                          1. IDF methods has also raised concerns from human rights organisations? what's your point?
                                          2. ahhh did you read your chatgpt output before you pasted it here? the jews so called new 75 year old homeland was not recognised until very recently, its always been Palestine.. also with this quote "You cannot claim "the land has been yours since ancient times" without proving continuous jurisdiction." you just proved my point about the illegitimate state of Israel lol
                                          3. yeh i never said hamas represents all of Palestinians.. finally you are coming to your senses.
                                          4. israel has continuedly have had illegal settlers move in to the west bank, which was suppose to be Palestinian only land
                                          5. yeh like i said by most western countries which is convenient for them to label them that because it opens a whole new way of dealing with them including inhuman treatment and violating human rights once they are labelled that, many countries suffering by the hands of the west by war crimes against their nation would also label USA and Israel a terrorism organization. i have already addressed this, you either have short term memory loss or you just cant handle a defeat in a debate
                                          • @Roe Jogan:

                                            1. Concerns from human rights organizations? In the face of terrorist attacks and hostage-taking without legal and human rights recourse, how do you apply civilized means to solve the problem?

                                            2. The Palestinian region had no government exercising sovereignty after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Before that, around 1000 BC, Israel was established. It was subsequently conquered by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, ancient Greeks, and the Roman Empire. In 70 AD, the Romans expelled people from the region, leading to nearly 2000 years of the "Diaspora," a fact recognized by the Bible. During the Ottoman Empire, Israel had already acquired vast land through land purchases.

                                            3. However, you never distinguished between Palestinians and Hamas, and you never condemned Hamas. You consistently tie Hamas's terrorist attacks to Palestinians, engaging in concept manipulation. Currently, no international demonstrations support Hamas, and you are confusing right and wrong. It's not difficult to discern your character—just see if you condemn Hamas's terrorist acts and separate them from Palestinians.

                                            4. Israel occupied the West Bank during the Six-Day War, a famous conflict. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Arab nations initiated an unprovoked war against Israel, resulting in a decisive victory for Israel. Instead of annihilating Israelis, the aggressors lost control of the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula (controlled by Egypt), the West Bank and Jerusalem's Old City (controlled by Jordan), and the Golan Heights (controlled by Syria)—65,000 square kilometers in total.

                                            5. Terrorism: "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." If the U.S. and Israel behaved like organizations such as Hamas, you would face strict speech controls, indiscriminate killings without targeted operations, and loss of freedoms. Imagine if extremist organizations like Hamas and Iran possessed weapons of mass destruction—national assemblies wouldn't be able to prevent their unrestrained actions. Basic knowledge seems lacking; it's hard to imagine you're a third-generation Australian. Democracy isn't perfect, but it's the best system humanity has established over thousands of years, and sometimes, necessary evils are essential when confronting dictatorship and terrorist organizations.

                                            • -2

                                              @Hi Hi Hi:

                                              1. by the legal definition of the word again we have established the IDF is a terrorist organization, idk why you keep going back and forth on this subject, but two wrongs don't make it right. Hamas is acting in self defence to protect their land and sovereignty the same way any other nation or group would when being invaded and having their lands stolen.

                                              2.Wrong, see jews like to change history and claim the land as theirs but its not their land and no one challenges them on it, a simple google search will reveal the truth, the Canaanites were there 1000-2000 years before the jews established themselves.. they were among the indigenous peoples who lived in the region that is now Israel, Palestine, and parts of surrounding areas long before the arrival of the Israelites. The Canaanites were an ancient people who inhabited this land during the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

                                              1. Palestinians and Hamas are 2 separate entities that goes without saying, i didn't think i needed to point out something as obvious as that to you. same as the IDF and Israel citizens are two different entities. i condone all terrorist acts from both sides. however i can use the same logic on you, you never condoned IDF and their terrorist acts? that makes it easy to discern your character too. lets see if you condemn IDF terrors over the years on Palestinians.

                                              2. Israel gets billion of dollars of aid from America, vs Palestine receives nothing, so its not really a flex if Israel controls anything when they are being supported with everything from weaponry to tech and cash from the outside.

                                              3. are you delusional? America has started the most unjust war in Iraq killing millions of civilians and destroying a country, what other proof do you need? are you that much of a fool to try and say that is not a terrorist act in it self? America is the only country in the world that has made and used nuclear weapons in a war, its like letting a fox guard the chicken coop, yeh we dont wana hear it from you USA. you are the last person who should be talking about other countries and what weapons they can and cant posses, if they are serious about it, they should lead buy example and disarm all their nuclear weapons. its like "do as i say not as i do". i think if Iran has any brains they would quickly build nuclear weapons to deter any bully countries like the USA to stop messing with them and their internal affairs, like they did in the 1953 when they over threw the democratically elected prime minister of Iran and installed a puppet dictator.

                                                • @Hi Hi Hi: Your irrational and baseless accusations are nothing short of laughable. you are nothing but a hypocrite with double standards. It's quite clear that your idea of a constructive conversation is throwing petty insults around. If you believe that personal attacks and unfounded assumptions are a valid form of discourse, then perhaps you need a crash course in basic etiquette and intellectual integrity.

                                                  It's amusing to see you resort to ad hominem attacks when you're unable to engage in a reasoned discussion. If you ever decide to elevate your level of debate, I'll be here, ready to engage in a more thoughtful conversation. Until then, enjoy your baseless rhetoric in the echo chamber you prefer.

                                                  • -1

                                                    @Roe Jogan: Your outrageous remarks and thoughts are shocking. It's hard to fathom your bias, witnessing you questioning every comment that doesn't align with your frantic behavior under this Telstra promotion post.

                                                    I'm really not inclined to reason with you. You drag others down to your level and use your abundant "experience" to "defeat" others, continuously claiming victory.

                                                    Let's just leave our conversation here for people to contemplate.

                                                    • +1

                                                      @Hi Hi Hi: Your irrational and baseless accusations are nothing short of laughable. you are nothing but a hypocrite with double standards. It's quite clear that your idea of a constructive conversation is throwing petty insults around. If you believe that personal attacks and unfounded assumptions are a valid form of discourse, then perhaps you need a crash course in basic etiquette and intellectual integrity.

                                                      It's amusing to see you resort to ad hominem attacks when you're unable to engage in a reasoned discussion. If you ever decide to elevate your level of debate, I'll be here, ready to engage in a more thoughtful conversation. Until then, enjoy your baseless rhetoric in the echo chamber you prefer.

                                                      • +1

                                                        @Roe Jogan: It's up to you. Hamas's terrorist activities may temporarily hinder and delay the Middle East peace process, but eventually, more Arab countries and Israel will coexist in peace—countries like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and so on. Hamas will sooner or later face complete defeat, much like ISIS. If Iran continues supporting terrorism, it will also face turmoil due to domestic instability.

                                                      • @Roe Jogan: I support your perspective. I was just refuting the remarks of a lunatic. I suspect these people might not be from democratic countries; this could very well be an information war.

                                                        • @Hi Hi Hi: Your simplistic and one-dimensional view of complex geopolitical issues is truly astonishing. You seem to believe that the Middle East peace process can be reduced to a waiting game for groups like Hamas to "face complete defeat." Your eagerness to label anyone who disagrees with you as a "lunatic" only demonstrates your inability to engage in thoughtful discourse.

                                                          It's clear you have a limited understanding of the intricate dynamics at play in the Middle East. The region's challenges are deeply rooted and won't be solved by dismissing differing viewpoints. If you genuinely seek to contribute to a constructive conversation, I suggest you educate yourself on the complexities of the Middle East and engage with a more open mind. Until then, your simplistic narratives will continue to fall short in addressing these complex issues.

                                                      • @Roe Jogan: It's up to you. Hamas's terrorist activities may temporarily hinder and delay the Middle East peace process, but eventually, more Arab countries and Israel will coexist in peace—countries like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and so on. Hamas will sooner or later face complete defeat, much like ISIS. If Iran continues supporting terrorism, it will also face turmoil due to domestic instability.

                                                        I've seen many people with a sense of justice under this topic condemning those who express views like yours, and that's enough. You seem here like an employee receiving a salary or a task, obliged to fulfill your master's assignment, which is to post online in support of Hamas terrorist attacks.

                                                        This makes you appear illogical here because you cannot utter a word against Hamas terrorist attacks.

                                                        Because that's your job.

                                                        • +1

                                                          @Hi Hi Hi: you are literally copy pasting the same paragraph from your last comment over again, this is kinda pathetic.. you have 5 unpublished comments lol

                                                          too many people with a sense of justice you say eh? you mean Israel Zionist sympathisers? well birds of a feather flock together.

                                                          Your baseless accusations and wild conspiracy theories are truly astounding. It's clear that you prefer to resort to personal attacks and unfounded assumptions rather than engaging in a rational discussion. If this is the level of discourse you choose, it's no wonder you find yourself stuck in a world of your own delusions and panic by copy pasting the same meaningless repeated text from your last comment..

                                                          • @Roe Jogan: I've seen several users opposing your statements, and I've also spoken out in support. It feels good. Continue boasting about your victory; keep expressing your views, and more people will see through your true intentions.

                                                            • +1

                                                              @Hi Hi Hi: ohh the irony.. you like to live in la la land, the only neg votes are going to your comments, and the ones you unpublished which had over 3 negs, thanks for making my job easier which is to discredit you.

                                                              • @Roe Jogan: Are you blind? Content opposing yours has likes consistently at 7 or more. The repetition in my statements is a reflection of what is bound to happen. Hamas will inevitably meet the same fate as ISIS. Peace-loving Australians will increasingly see through individuals like you who support terrorists. The more of your foolish statements, the more people will become aware of the presence of individuals sympathetic to terrorists, and they will develop antibodies against your rhetoric.

                                                                Regardless, I believe surgical decapitation operations against terrorist organizations like Hamas are the least impactful on civilians. Moreover, I anticipate results to be swift.

                                                                • +1

                                                                  @Hi Hi Hi: my comments have received all the Up votes and yours all the down votes, you are just a troll at this point..

                                                                  you are either blind or delusional if you cant see the number of negs your comments have and the number of positive votes my comments have. i counted like 19 up votes on this post, and you don't even have quarter of that, minus the 5 comments that you unpublished that also had negative votes lol you sure like to back peddle to not sound like a dummy but you are not doing a good job at that, also there is no one else in this debate stop saying "others" you lunatic, that's why you started pulling stories out your behind about me being a paid hamas agent lol how pathetic are you..

                                                                  the only person supporting state terrorism here is you > funny how you promote heinous acts like "surgically decapitating" but and you want that to happen to an elected government who is in power, you are the lowest form of human and there is a special place for you in hell, i personally would never wish that on anybody Israeli or Palestinian. you just showed your true colours.

                                                                  • -2

                                                                    @Roe Jogan: Been munching on popcorn reading Roe Jogan’s comments all week - the guy seems to have many problems of logic and morality.

                                                                    Don’t engage the dude. He just is full of propaganda that he has swallowed without chewing on it first.

                                                                    • +1

                                                                      @Duggo3729: finally we have a new player i was getting bored talking to the other fool, It's amusing to see you throwing around judgments about logic and morality while resorting to personal attacks and sweeping generalizations. If you genuinely believe that engaging in thoughtful and constructive discussions is a form of propaganda, it might be worth reevaluating your own approach to dialogue. While you're busy munching on popcorn, perhaps take a moment to reflect on the value of open, respectful discourse rather than resorting to unfounded judgments.

                                                                  • @Roe Jogan: My true stance is against terrorists and terrorist attacks. By strategically targeting the leaders of terrorist organizations with minimal casualties, the aim is to deter them from further slaughtering civilians, kidnapping hostages, and engaging in war, ultimately reducing civilian casualties.

                                                                    • @Hi Hi Hi: yehh thanks general for your war plans, we will be sure to take them into consideration

                                      • -2

                                        @Roe Jogan: You don’t even know how to spell Judaism and yet you rant on and on. Unreal.

                                        • @Duggo3729: the rant was about Israel not Judaism, nice of you to think of a response 3 day later. and the response was to pick on a spelling mistake cause you have nothing else of substance to come up with

    • so how about the extreme jews that want to kill all idol worshipers and occupy their lands ?

      • The current events involve indiscriminate terrorist attacks by the extremist organization Hamas among the Palestinian people, targeting Israeli civilians. It's essential to emphasize that these attacks aren't directed at Israeli military facilities or personnel, nor against the Israeli government. Instead, it's a group of heavily armed Hamas terrorists launching terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

        You are now, after the terrorist attack, accusing Israelis of having "extremist" elements from the perspective of the terrorists. Firstly, extremist elements exist in every country, with some far-right individuals still present among the Japanese and German populations, albeit in small numbers. Would it be justifiable to launch terrorist attacks on German civilians based on the presence of a few remaining Nazi sympathizers in Germany? If you think that's reasonable, then by the same logic, So, if there are a few individuals in your child's school who sympathize with and support Hamas terrorists, does that justify indiscriminate terrorist attacks on your child's school? The reason being that some people in the school harbor hatred towards Israelis and want to eliminate them, so they decide to kill everyone in your child's school. Children understand this logic, yet you seem not to comprehend it. This is enough to make people question the motives behind your comments.

  • -1

    No slight in war-torns, but—

    Telstra. Worst company and worst service in AU.

    WTF are they doing in Palestine/Israel?

    How about just being a good company here in AU, where you're supposed to service??? And ALSO serve the war torns?

    I hate this BS Telstra posturing, trying to earn points when they're frigging horrible.

    • +2

      i think Telstra is the only company that compensates you for outages .. and is the only company that cares about their customers more than everyone else .. who else is there ? you mean the other companies were hacked / data leaked .. ?

      sometimes when you call, its the person you get .. if your not liking their response, hang up and call again i think

      • +1

        want to talk bad corporates, bring qantas into the mix,

        • yes but right now we're talking about telecom :)

    • Telstra might be one of the best in many parts of AU if not the best! It's my personal experience.

  • +4

    Palestinians should rather do peaceful protests, seek help/support & diplomacy rather than violent riots, intimidation & supporting terrorists & terrorism. All human lives are equal regardless. It is really surprising that they attacked and killed babies, old, helpless people, and still, people ( from & of that origin) are volently protesting throughout the world & it its allowed! As a human, we all have some basic rights & should be exercised in the manner of human beings. Expecting human-like treatment from others & behaving & acting like terrorists is not gonna happen. I would like to believe that history has influence over the present but you can not blame history for your awful actions in the present.

    • +4

      Genuine question - do we think that is how they would get real change? 50 have been killed in the West Bank too with at least one person shot dead at point blank range by a settler whilst soldiers watch on (https://shorturl.at/aryNW), if you don't like this source just Google and you can watch the video of it happening.

      I don't really have any faith in humanity at this point. I see a legitimate concern from Israel but frankly, after all the things they have done, I think anyone would not want to live side by side peacefully - I mean how many Palestinians would directly know someone who has been killed by them or had their land illegally taken away. On the other hand Israeli's live in a constant fear of being killed and so respond in this kind of way although it must be said in nowhere near the dire conditions that all Palestinians live in.

      The major failing is all of us - the international community. We need to force both parties to concede, create two States and then introduce peacekeepers or whatever it takes with sticks and carrots to uphold the new status quo long enough for the next few generations to lose the raw emotion of the historic injustices that have occurred.

      Israel itself as a nation is done a huge disservice by blanket support that appeases the right wing and religiously extreme parts of its society. How can the scale of devastation and killing lead to anything but more extremism and hatred?

      Note I have not focussed on Hamas and criticising them because there is no shortage of that in the Western world - but happy to put on record that they are vile and do extreme things that are completely unacceptable.

      • +2

        Ahmad Abd Al-Hadi: "…Hamas has made several steps forward in its enterprise to liberate Palestine and destroy Israel. Abd Al-Hadi stated that another goal of the operation was to land a blow to the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab countries."

      • +3

        This whole narrative of blaming the victim is just frankly ridiculous. While there is no doubt that Israel's policy throughout the years aren't perfect (what country has a perfect track record), it is enough to look at the history of Israel as a sovereign state in the region and see what actions it did to establish peace and economic relationships with its neighbouring countries and other muslim countries.

        Hamas, on the other hand, is openly calling for the destruction of Israel - this is not a hyperbole, it is literally written in the Hamas charter. You simply cannot compare the both. How do you solve the current situation? How do you win such evil without violence?

        It is pretty sad watching people justify violence to rationalise it to themselves. "There is no way that they did it without a really good reason" is the common though throughout this thread. Previous escalations of this conflict blamed it on Israel provoking the Hamas because of some sort of action Israel did, whether it's settlements or something about Al-Aqsa Mosque. Now there were no provocations at all and still people are just trying to justify this again.

        There is no moral when you fight against a genocidal terrorist group like ISIS, HAMAS, Hezbollah or the Taliban. The math of "proportional response" doesn't work.

        • +4

          Unfortunately the leftists and pro-p's don't listen to this logic. But glad to know some people aren't completely blind.

          • @stockpimp: Lol..this gets the most upvotes. Reflects so negatively on society..lets just make no argument of substance and label people who's view we don't like with some generic term that is supposed to be derogatory.

            I guess im obliged to say "those righties and pro zios just dont listen to logic. Glad most people arent blind".

            There - solved the Middle East in one post..great work!!

      • +2

        Thank you for your response. You said, “ Note I have not focussed on Hamas and criticising them because there is no shortage of that in the Western world” , what about Muslin world criticising HAMAS, I don’t believe they acknowledge what HAMAS has done or may be their definition of terrorist and terrorism is different than what English dictionary says. I was talking to one my colleague and was so surprised when he was defending HAMAS bombing even to-date. Until Muslim people in general change their view of living and definition of bad, evil & terrorism , I do not think it’s going to end anytime soon. It’s really sad to watch people dying on both sides.

        • Can even one person actually respond to what i said? Did the part calling Hamas vile not resonate?

          What about the settlers shooting dead people who have nothing to do with Hamas? Especially when illegally occupying land? What about letting the extreme right march through Jerusalem shouting 'Death to Arabs'?

          Can anyone dispute this is fake? If not, then why not call this out?

          If you can't give any palestinians any dignity then what is the future? Are Palestinians only allowed to exist as a sub human subserveant people to Israeli masters who decide which land they take whenever they want?

          Rather than sound bites, please respond to my points one by one from my initial post. One thing i promise, is that in the face of evidence or a strong argument that doesn't end with - "yes but they are evil..so what can Israel do?" I'll genuinely reconsider my postion.

          I'm looking for reasons to believe the world has not lost all humanity.

        • I did look this up by the way. You are correct that explicit condemnation from Muslim countries is missing but they do not espouse support for Hamas either and call for all parties to cease hostilities. I think they could have a stronger statement.

          One thing is clear though, Israel holds all the power and the muslim world cannot influence them, only the West can.

          Even if Hamas espoused peace, would you really argue that Israel would then really support two states?

          What is the argument for continued illegal settlements in the West Bank? Nobody seems willing to talk about this.

          Is there not a problem with an ultra right wing Israeli government. Doesnt the fact that it is democratically elected make that outcome even worse?

  • -2

    Alot of people haven't been to the Westbank, 8 years ago that place was so eye opening, literally underguard 24/7. Check points EVERYWHERE.
    Palestinians are treated like cattle - it's unbelievable. Watching IDF soldiers openingly wound and cripple civilians. Stuff you cannot unsee.

    It's such a contrast where the world ignores an actual genocide that is touted as Israel doing the right thing to manufactured outrage where there's little to zero evidence of the same occuring.

    • -1

      "Alot of people haven't been to the Westbank, 8 years ago that place was so eye opening, literally underguard 24/7. Check points EVERYWHERE.
      Palestinians are treated like cattle - it's unbelievable. Watching IDF soldiers openingly wound and cripple civilians. Stuff you cannot unsee.

      It's such a contrast where the world ignores an actual genocide that is touted as Israel doing the right thing to manufactured outrage where there's little to zero evidence of the same occuring."

      thats exactly how it is before this war started and even if you go back 75 years, why do you think it started in the first place? palestinians hate israel for treating them like animals, why else?

      • -2

        All i can speak to is my experience and what I saw happening.

  • -1

    Hundreds of comments and not one to actually phone a relative Israel, Gaza and Afghanstan

  • +2

    the deal ends soon, so you wont have to worry about calling palestine, israel has killed mostly all the women and children and everyone else is displaced elsewhere.

    • -1

      right now, gaza has no power because israel cut all power to gaza but israel tells you they left in 2005 but still control everything including blockade of land and sea .. controlling all imports and funding into gaza, israel at this point is a big joke and your all being played by the the western media to believe what israel is doing is right and that they are after "hamas" but in reality they're just going after the innocent, committing ethnic cleansing and genocide. to date, israel has dropped 25,000 tonnes of bombs on gaza within the last few months, thats more than the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, during the first few months of this genocide, israel was only allowing trucks with pallets of white shrouds to wrap and burry the dead bodies, mass graves were dug to bury the dead and israel came and dug it all up, stole all the dead bodies, some of them returned with organs missing and gave the bodies back to the families.

      someone was once telling me that how can it be ethnic cleansing and genocide if the population of gaza increased 10 fold, let me tell you that palestinians from all around israel are having their homes stolen and being relocated without consent to gaza (israel is stealing land day by day in broad day light and kicking palestinians out of their homes that the palestinians built & own with the help of israeli police, and this same home was passed down from generation to generation.) so in reality, they're doing the same thing that happened to the jews in germany, pushing them all into a prison and bombing them.

      the western media doesnt want you to see the truth and in addition to this, they're also not showing you the ICJ court proceedings against israel where they are being held trial to the genocide, ethnic clensing, etc

      how can you drop 25,000 bombs and still hamas is around? israel has zero intel about where hamas is, and they're just bombing everyone and anyone, to the extent that israel has bombed their own soldiers by mistake, and this has happened several times.

      • +1

        If Israel wanted to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide towards innocent people then they would wipe every single citizen in Gaza with a few clicks of a button.

        I'm under the impression you've never been to that part of the world and based your ignorance I assume you read this information on the internet.

        I know people currently serving in the IDF and family members who have served in the past and I can assure you that what you've said is so far off the truth it's quite disturbing.

        There is no doubt that high numbers of innocent people have died due to this conflict which is extremely unfortunate, but that's what happens in war especially in densely populated areas.

        Please get your facts straight before making assumptions like " ethnic cleansing "

        • -2

          yes, the idf can wipe out gaza with a few clicks of a button, but that would start an instant war and israel would be wiped out, its something they dont want to do, thats why israel always talks about the nuclear weapons of iran when no one talks about the nuclear weapons of israel, the idf are being told what to say because if they say otherwise they will be punished by the state of israel.. why would anyone in gaza make it up?

          • @johnfuller: Hamas makes shit up all the time. You’re way off man.

            Israel has today proposed a 2 month ceasefire for the return of the hostages - Hamas terrorists refuse.

            Hamas don’t care about the Palestinian people, only the total destruction of Israel.

            Pretty hard to deal with terrorists.

            • -2

              @Duggo3729: what have hamas made up? tell me

            • @Duggo3729: here are aid trucks entering gaza, but isrealis are blocking them from entering, great people them israelis; https://twitter.com/i/status/1750099496590037297

              • @johnfuller: lol random twitter vid - no thanks.


                • -1

                  @Duggo3729: here you can see genocide supporters deny the truth, just like the israeli government brainwashing their people and telling them they are bombing only hamas but in reality israel has dropped 25,000 tonnes of bombs on gaza within the last few months, thats more than the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, israel will never obtain peace and it only puts their people in constant danger ..

                  • -1

                    @johnfuller: Not interested in your sheep opinion bye

                    Israel COULD EASILY Hiroshima the shit out of Gaza, but they are not genocidal, they just want to finish the terrorists that are Hamas and now the UN ‘helpers’.

                    • -1

                      @Duggo3729: ofcourse, you care only about your own opinion. israel cannot hiroshima gaza, it will lead to their destruction, all countries will turn against them.

                      "finish the terrorists" .. you realise they're killing 99.99% innocent civilians.. when a child is being killed, the child has a father, who wants revenge for killing his child.. ultimately this person will get their revenge in any way possible.. just as you would do ..

              • +1

                @johnfuller: seen this on abc news today waving Israel flags and blocking aid truck at entrance. pretty official real and accurate. sick scene by these thugs, extreme gov't and people itself. any heartbeat will feel for tragic to Palestinian

  • Update, 19 January 2024: We know how important it is for many of our customers in Australia to continue to stay connected with this region right now. To help support you, we're again extending this offer of free calls to Israel and the Palestinian Territories until 31 March 2024.

    From the website

  • +1

    What a interesting thread. Seems much of society is either for or against Palestine or Israel, when clearly is not as simple as that. There's clearly a middle ground, but that's not good enough for most of this broken community.

    • +1

      If someone does not come to a rational position on what they believe you cannot have a rational discussion with them about it.

  • "we know that getting in touch is what’s most important right now, not the cost of the call." So no need for it to be free then.

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