This was posted 1 year 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Hario Glass Beverage Server, 1400ml, Off-White $11.36 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon JP via AU

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Slightly cheaper than the clear one that is now out of stock.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Japan Store
Amazon Japan Store

closed Comments

  • Has the navy blue one already been on special?

  • Oos

  • +1

    Damn was looking at it while pooping deciding if i should get it. By the time I flushed and decided I wanted this in my life, the price went back up 😰

    • +1

      this is not an ozbargain spirit. the correct steps are order first (with fomo mentality) then research later. after researched, then decide to keep the order or cancel the order. hope this helps for future.

      • +1

        This is the way.

    • A lot more info than what the forum needs :-) !

    • Did you poop and flush with no wiping in between?

    • +3

      Yeah I mean I love Japan made products and Hario but come on man it's a f***ing water jug and honestly it kinda looks a bit naff, leans a bit too heavily into the 90s beige appliance aesthetic that's still so pervasive over there. IMO the Kmart one looks better.

    • I have 2 of these and they're excellent quality. They glass on them is quite thin and seems like it would break but I accidentally dropped one onto my granite counter-top and it didn't even get a scratch.

    • I've been using this daily for over 4 years and thought I would have to replace it much sooner due to it breaking.

  • +1

    I suppose calling it a jug would be a bit too pedestrian.

    Next time I'm out at dinner, I'm going to ask if someone could please pass me the beverage sever of water.

    • An awful stool sample display

      Combining above comments^

  • It’s JAPANESE it’s gotta be awesomeeee!
    Probably no different to the Aldi Kmart stuff

    • +1

      Nah at this price point it's actually cheaper than Kmart's for $12. I agree the $40 full price tag is crap though.

      • -3

        true ridiculously cheap for delivered price

        I just get annoyed when people see Japanese and automatically assume must be amazing quality
        Its a glass jar ffs

    • Very likely made in China with a Japanese name on it.

      • -1

        Never tell a fool that he is a fool. All you'll have is an angry fool. —Talmud

      • Product description says Made in Japan.

  • Dupe..

    • Different colours….

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