This was posted 1 year 5 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA League Pass Premium (Now up to 3 Devices) Turkish Lire ₺599.99 (~A$34.82) (VPN Required Only at Sign up)


Signed up mine via Turkey last year and just let it auto-renewed for the same price but they've upped the premium plan to 3 devices now.

Simply connect to a Turkey VPN of your choice (I used NordVPN) then use Incognito/Private browsing to load the site and subscribe. Do make sure on the final page that the price is still showing ₺599.99 (in case of any VPN or cookie stuff-up).

Single stream sub is ₺479.99 (~A27.86) if you really want to save a few bucks or don't have anyone to share the sub with.

Had my 28 Degrees and Amex (a different premium sub for a friend) saved on file from last year and both were auto-renewed successfully last week. From what I gathered based on previous deals in the past, Paypal would be problematic so perhaps avoid that as the payment method.

inb4 anyone asks again: You don't need to connect to a VPN to watch. That is only required if you signed up for India LP - which IMO not worth the trouble now especially when you can share a premium sub with 2 other friends and split the cost (~A$11.60pp is crazy cheap).

"Watch all games commercial free on 3 devices at a time, and get access to in-arena streams." This BOLD part is missing when you load the page via Turkey compared to an Aussie sub though it's hardly worth the premium at AUD$210 (or AUD$155 for single stream).

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closed Comments

  • I am looking to join someone else's account if they have 1 spot available?

    • Same I posted in classified

    • Same. If someone manages to get their payment working, happy to pay for spot.

      • +1

        All good. Got it working.

    • Same here

  • Using PIA on android to Turkey.

    Access Denied
    You don't have permission to access "" on this server.


    • I used PIA on android to Turkey but on the league pass website it seems to give me Romanian currency (lei) which works to about $120 AU

      Will have to try on desktop to see if it makes a difference

  • +2

    Good luck to those who can get it working. I couldn’t get the Turkish prices to come up and so resubbed in Argentina.

    • Argentina stopped working for us last year, it took our money, but NBA had upgraded the apps on google tv and iPhone and it was horrendously bad and getting it to work if ever so we were forced to go halves on the Aussie one …

      • The Aussie one was just as bad lmao

      • It’s an identical app and service?

    • Agreed.

      with the same express vpn - netflix -get turkey price

      nba - website keeps giving US price, couldn't get the turkish pricing at all

    • I live in South Africa. $69.86. Got a $2.10 rebate from ING for international fees

  • +4


    There are more flies there now so they changed their name to suit

  • +2

    You won’t be able to get the payment to go through

  • +6

    I tried doing this through NordVPN since late last year, has never worked for me trying to get my payment through. I tried multiple cards and always shows "We are sorry, your payment could not be processed. Please re-enter your payment details, use a different payment method, or contact your financial institution."

    Great deal if you can get it working… if someone figures it out, please share. I need my NBA fix.

  • +1

    Thanks OP worked with Revolut.

    I wish there was some thing similar for NFL

    • Was this a renewal or a new payment?

      Will give Revolut a try if you got it working

    • which VPN did you use? I cant seem to get revolt to work, I have tried multiple cards now :(

    • Good to hear a confirmed case here

    • is your card set up as a Turkish account/card in anyway? I don't have revolut yet, but don't want to set up an account only to find out that I did it wrong from the start.

    • Negative on revolut for me…

  • Thanks, OP.
    is this have the same content as Kayao ESPN ? or better?

    any idea Turkey has NHL as well ?

    • +1

      Better. League Pass has all games, Kayo only has the ‘nationally televised’ games.

      • +2

        100%. Kayo/Foxtel is shit compared to this.

        • -2

          But espn on fox/kayo does have excellent playoffs and finals coverage.

    • if you find out if there is similar for NHL I'd be interested in sharing

      • I used to get NHL through Asia cheaply but every country I check now it’s the same price so I think they have global fixed pricing now?

        • How many users can watch from single NHL account ?

    • Could do FetchTV with the ESPN pack for $6 a month

  • +2

    Anyone manage to get the payment through? Have tried multiple ways but none of them seem to work

  • Man the games are pixelated. They need to fix it

    • Do you mean league pass in general or via Turkey?

      • In general. Happy to be proven wrong.

        • +1

          I don't usually have this problem, I assume you've changed the streaming quality and have suitable internet? The app is quite poor though I have has many other issues but generally it's been pretty decent.

          • @Borgasm: Nah I have high speed internet. Are you currently subscribed? If u can try and let me know?

            • @sauce2k: Nah I'm not I usually wait for the 50% off Black Friday sale and cancel when the season ends

            • @sauce2k:

              high speed internet

              “High speed” is very subjective. What speed do you actually get.

              100/40 FTTP here and it’s perfect.

            • @sauce2k: Actually my subscription is still active, I just tested NBA Live TV (Timberwolves VS Nuggets replay) and the quality is good, not at all pixelated. Maybe contact their support, actually pretty helpful in my experience!

              • +1

                @Borgasm: Wow ok I thought it’s in general. Are you playing. 1080p? Mine looks like bloody 240p

                Edit: weird now back to UHD-.-

              • +1

                @Borgasm: @Borgasm @sauce2k I too am getting pixelated games on my FireTV NBA app (sometimes). Games can go good for a bit, then bad on the FireTV.

                If I play it in a browser, it is also pixelated when the quality is set to 'Auto (Recommended)'. When I change it to 720p or 1080p, it's fine.

                The app on the Fire TV does not allow the changing of quality at the moment.

                Doesn't matter whether Australian league pass or other, I have access to both.

                • @bohn: Sure, but that is your connection?

                  • +1

                    @PainToad: 100/40
                    never had an issue with anything else, browser works fine when set to be 1080p

                    did you have league pass last season? It hasn't really been a polished product since Microsoft got involved. Plenty of glitching going on last season, missing streams, missing games, bad quality games, etc. I just hope it's all good before season start.

                    • +1

                      @bohn: Mine has been fine until recently.

                • @bohn: Having same issues. Never had it before through years of use. Just hit league pass support up on twitter. Do the same, they want email and clip of issue. At least they will see that issues are popping up. Tbf they were quick to respond.

    • +1

      I always have games playing all the time in the background with Chromecast or PC (plus on mobile when I'm out) and apart from the rare hiccups (like it thinks my connection is too slow and defaults me to 240p stream) it's been good with the 1080p. Wish they have 4k though.

    • +1

      If I recall correctly from last year, for some reason they automatically had video quality settings at the lowest quality. Upping those to the top quality fixed my pixelation issues.

      • +1

        I set it to 1080p manually and it’s still looking like minecraft.

    • You on dialup?

      • Yeh aren’t we all on it?

        In all seriousness NBA support confirmed there is a known issue with the quality of the game. Tier 2 support is on it (whatever that is)

  • +4

    In case it helps anyone there's usually a sale on Black Friday for 50% off League Pass if you don't mind missing the start of the season. Only for individual membership I believe

    • +2

      Yup, wasn’t that bad on the Black Friday sale. Think it was $75 Aussie, which I think is reasonable. Don’t know if I can survive a year of Portland tanking though.

  • +1

    yeah, wouldn't accept payment, using 28 degrees card

    • failed for me too. Given my past failed attempt to pay them legitimately even, I gave up pretty quickly though

  • +1

    Couple of tricks (if you can call it that) I remember having done in the past (been doing this dance with LP since 2014):

    • try log in without VPN then add your card from "My Account" then log off>VPN on>log in and subscribe

    • if that doesn't work, remove any card on file first then with VPN ON, subscribe as usual and when prompted to enter card detail, put in all parts of your real billing address but with the VPD'd country selected instead (in this case, Türkiye).

    Have always been using 28 Degrees to get the best price so I can't speak for others (except Amex which I used for a new account last year and it also worked).

    • +1

      They've removed the option to add your card via. My Account, the only option for payment is via. Credit or Debit card.

      I tried the second option towards end of last year as well and made the country Turkey as well with no luck.

      I think they implemented something late last year to block VPN payments/a number of cards.

  • +1

    Go Spurs, Go.

  • Giddey up baby!

  • +1

    I give up it doesn't seem to work, these types of deal never seem to work with me. :(

  • +1

    Hmm even with Oldubil Turkish Debit Card I'm getting "We are sorry, your payment could not be processed. Please re-enter your payment details, use a different payment method, or contact your financial institution."

    Haven't got enough funds on there for the sub, but it's not meant to charge the amount till after the 7 day trial so I thought surely all it would do is auth the card is legit and start the trial. Then gives me a week to transfer more funds over to oldubil via revolut.

    Perhaps it pre-auths the full amount? Or maybe its just too smart/dodgy vpn.

  • +1

    Renewal worked for me. I had to update my credit card as the one on file expired. It wouldn't let me update the CC details when I logged into my NBA ID , so I then tried to connect via VPN (Turkey). The Country for the credit card defaulted to Turkey so I then turned off VPN and set it to Australia and the file updated , 2 days later the payment was taken.
    I think for those struggling to get it to work for initial signup you might need to first log in Via Turkey VPN (in order to access the 599 Turkish Lira price) and then at the payment screen turn off VPN and ensure the Country for payment is set to Australia to allow the payment to work.

    • How'd you get it to switch to Australia for payment after turning off VPN? Field is blocked out for me.

      I know yours is a renewal but worth a shot - I tried this without that last step.

      • Yeh you're right I just tried to do a new sign up, might be different for renewal. I wonder if you just turn off VPN just before you make the payment if that makes a difference

        • +1

          No luck. I with two accounts, one with country set as Australia in My Account and one with country set as Turkey.

          Both didn't work with VPN on or off… got a 3 month league pass trial from Fantasy and the flexibility compared to ESPN is just too good…

    • Ah I went to update my card as mine had expired too.

      When I updated my credit card details it changed the country from Turkey to Australia automatically, thought this might charge me the Australian amount. So when you renewed it was the Turkish lira price?

      • Yeh it was Lira. I also got an email saying it would be renewing at the 599 Lira before I updated my card card on My Account

  • Can anyone confirm if I need to be on the Turkey VPN all the time to watch it once I've paid for it?

  • +9

    POTENTIAL WORKAROUND FOR NEW SIGN UPS: I have signed up to a free trial without VPN on - aus payment method added to account no worries. Then cancelled subscription (expires in 7 days). Now in a new incognito window while signed in opening the OP link with VPN on successfully displays Turkish prices. Clicking start free trial shows "you already have a subscription", but in 7 days when that sub expires this may work since we have already successfully added the payment method to the account, as seen from other users having no issues with renewing with existing credit cards saved to the account.

    See you guys back in 7 days

    • +1

      Gonna give this a try, see you in 7 days

    • will try this too, thanks

    • Great minds think alike ;) I did exactly that too with a completely new account after hearing from others' unsuccessful payment and thought I'd report back on 8/10/23.

      Let's hope it works!

    • +2

      I tried signing up for an AU account, adding a payment method then cancelling. Turning on the VPN, I'm still able to access the prices but it doesn't look like it loads your card on file.

    • am trying this too - thanks

    • I don’t think it’ll work for you. I just tried it with my old account that had my payment info saved (I just cancelled an Argentinin sub). When you use OP’s link it, then click on Try For Free, it takes you to the next page and still shows Turkish prices but asks for payment info (it did use my saved payment info) then rejects the payment.

      Maybe it’ll work for new sign ups? Just don’t get your hopea up too high. I’m anticipating having to pay local sub prices next season.

      • -2

        lol which clown negged me for sharing my objective experience

    • +1

      Can confirm as others shared, it didn't load my saved card details. Will have to try the Apple ID route with a spare old iphone I have.

      • -1

        Same as my experience above where I got negged. Where are the people that negged me now?

  • This is good! Mine just renewed in South African Rand for equiv $69 AUD - spewingg..

    • NICE

    • Ouch! I'm still with the Indian version, just auto renewed at $28 something.

    • Hey - just check this as mine did as well and for some reason I don't have Premium, so it has ads. Not impressed.

  • Dammit! This prompted me to check the half-price league pass I purchased last year for my son, and it auto-renewed at the full AU price!
    Now I’ve got to try to get a refund on that one, and then jump again in via Turkiye before my son notices. Does anyone have experience getting an annual payment reversed?

    • +1

      I did that a couple of times in the past via chat and they had no problem refunding it. Just say you don't mean to renew it.

  • +2

    Can’t seem to get the currency to show up as Lira, always shows up as Lei

    • Same issue here - any luck figuring it out? Using PIA.

    • Same here using PIA on android

  • Have they improved the service at all?

    Last time I had it, you couldn't even resume where you left off. Also, when I began watching a game it would sometimes randomly choose the Spanish commentary for me.

    • +1

      Yeah, was pretty good last year. Would sometimes forget where you tried to resume from.

  • +9

    Just signed up with a new account, turkish vpn at ₺599.99, paid with 28 degrees card. 7 day trial, then starts on the 8th.

    Couldn't change my existing Indian account.

    Basically used this principle via google pay for those that get spotify turkey etc etc.

    • +1

      Have followed this method and has seemed to work for me as well!

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