You Need To Sign Up Using Any Referral Link, A Random One Can Be Selected From The Bottom Of This Post
Another month another promo. Conditions have changed for the better! Whereas the last deal has a minimum payout of about $46, new signups now get at least $80. Potentially more with a bit of luck.
For the referee:
Fund ANY amount and get 5 free fractional US shares, each valued between USD $5.2-192. Maintain funds for 30 days for 5 more free shares. A 1 cent deposit is all that’s needed.
- Tesla A$8 US$5.2
- Apple A$20 US$11.8
- Amazon A$100 US$64
- Google A$300 US$192
(the value of the free US Fractional shares is calculated based on the US/Australian exchange rate of 0.64 on 25 September 2023)
For the referrer:
Upon a successful referral, you get 10 fractional shares with the above values. Limited to ten referrals.
On top of that, there is a bonus reward for 3 successful referrals in the form of one free share (one time only):
- Tesla A$100 US$64
- Apple A$300 US$192
- Amazon A$1000 US$640
- Google A$2000 US$1280
Mod: Please note that users in the penalty box (due to ghost accounts or some other reason), or inactive users, are not included in the referral pool (the system will exclude them when random is clicked), for Webull or ANY referral system.
I can thoroughly recommend clicking until you get my referal link. Thanks.